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Take em to Church

Hikari Namikaze
Royalty <3
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Sun Jun 18, 2017 6:44 pm
Their journey had finally come to an end. Standing outside Hoshi village gates. It was a bit of a long Journey, but the boy has been on longer ones. As he looked around the perimeter, he didn't know what to expect. But he just stood there casually in his suit (Basically my sig). His chakra would be suppressed before he even arrived at the gates. Wouldn't be a good idea walking up to the gates with everyone in the village sensing him. Probably wouldn't be the best hello. With his 15 soldiers standing behind him, they stood in a 5 x 3 formation. Uniforms nice and clean. As for the other 3; Kira, Nobu, and Royalty. They should be right with Kyson as they approached the gates.

The boy sighed as he was a bit annoyed with everything that had went on in the past few days. Things went from normal to.. what the fuck in less than a week. But there was no use of complaining  now. Here goes nothing I guess. Kyson thought to himself. 

"Yo.. anyone there?" Kyson would say, hoping someone were to here him or at least notice him. He assumes Maku is there, or at least hope is there. He was the whole reason why they are here no. So it would be pretty awkward for him not to be there. But any who, Kyson would just wait patiently to see if there was anyone who he could speak to. With his hands in his pockets and scoping the place to see if anyone approaches.
Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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Take em to Church  Empty Re: Take em to Church

Thu Jun 22, 2017 9:44 am
Already at the gates while the others were arriving, Royalty had been leaning against the walls with a foot up against it. His traveling bag had been on the floor and his arms were crossed. It wasn't a secret that he was annoyed with the whole situation. Today was a weird day. Now that they were under an empire essentially, their own free will was limited. That was a huge part of the problem. Royalty stood by as Kyson would shout for someone to notice them. He wouldn't budge until something happened. Unlike Kyson, Royalty didn't suppress his chakra. Someone was going to know they were here.
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Take em to Church  Empty Re: Take em to Church

Thu Jun 22, 2017 8:27 pm
Kyson would sit there patiently, he could just walk right in. But that would just cause confusion and all sorts of stuff. he notice Royalty was a little annoyed with the entire situation, he hadn't said anything during the entire trip. But who could blame him, he didn't really get in depth about what was really going on. He kind of woke up one day and said "Hey we're leaving."

"Sorry I had to drag you through all this.. Guess I'll fill you in on everything when we get in." Kyson would say to Royalty. He felt like all of this was his fault. He tried his best to handle everything to his fullest potential. Kyson would then look back at his small group of troops. He would look back towards the gates and keep waiting and with his chakra still suppressed. Brushing off any dust from his suit, he would begin to sigh as he waited. "Is anyone even there, I hope we are at the right place. Because I don't feel like walking anywhere else." Kyson would say waiting outside Hoshi gates.

Last edited by Kyson <3 on Fri Jun 23, 2017 10:34 am; edited 1 time in total
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Take em to Church  Empty Re: Take em to Church

Fri Jun 23, 2017 2:53 am
(So, sorry for the wait, we were under the impresion we were supposed to wait for all of you to post, however, since that is not the case I will not make you guys wait any longer.)

T'was late at night as the young teen made her way back from the grocery store toward her apartment, carrying a bunch of groceries in hand as she went. A yawn passed through the girls lips as she approached the village gates along her route back to her place. Was this the quickest route to her home? No, however…. It was probably the safest route, seeing that the quickest route led her straight by a church where a lot or Religious Zelots spent their nights at. While Hikari had never heard of stories of Religious members jumping shinobi when they had the opportunity, she did not put pass the devoted members of the church to try to rid the world of one or two “’Demon worshipers’ if the opportunity presented itself.

That being said… the girl would take the route that led her towards the edge of the village, and away from the center of it, so she didn’t have to worry about being jumped. However… this led the girl right by the village gates. As she approached it however… she noticed something strange… usually, there would be one or two chakra signatures by the entrance of the village. However… this time… there were a lot more… at least a dozen or more chakra signatures, standing at the front of the gates.

With that, Hikari would slowly make her way around to the gate wall, trying to figure out what was going on, and to her surprise….. the girl saw something she didn’t expect.

Usually, the would be about a dozen queen’s men standing outside the gates…. Making sure no one could enter… however, instead of that, the girl noticed that instead, there were no less than 19 (15 + 4, correct me if my math is wrong) shinobi waiting outside the village gates, all with impressive chakra signatures, and all of them wearing…. Surprisingly dashing suits. If Hikari wasn’t so scared out of her mind, she would probably take some time to day dream about one of the handsomely clothed gentleman (And one girl, but Hikari doesn’t swing that way… so… no to that.)

That being said, the thought that the men were there to perhaps attack the village startled her. The only thing that made sense of the situation was that the men had slaughtered the queen’s men, and were preparing to attack the village.

Hikari would start make her way down and grab the only kunai she had on her person currently, a lone kunai she kept underneath her skirt that she could use to surprise enemies. Her plan was simple, jump out of her hiding spot behind the gate (To make it clear, Hikari was at this point peaking her head out behind the gate so that she could see the group of oncoming shinobi) and try to take as many of them down with her 1000 kunai throwing technique. Even with this many people, the girl was sure she could at least most of the enemies numbers down before they even had a chance to react.
However,… something stopped the girl as her soft hand touched the Kunai knife beneath her skirt. Something else seemed off. On top of the fact that there were no guards here… there was also no Blood…. No bodies… no anything. If the group had killed the group of guards why would they bother to hide the bodies? And if they did bother, why would they wait at the gates like they were right now? If they were here with malicious intent… then why were they not entering the village and slaughtering the civilians and shinobi in it?

With that, it led Hikari to deduce that the shinobi waiting outside the village were not here to kill, but here with peaceful negotiations in mind.

Hikari would send Daemon a telepathic link over her telepathy seal, informing the boy that a group of shinobi were outside the village, and if she didn’t respond back within the next 3 minutes, to raise the alarm and presume that a full-on invasion was happening. With that said, Hikari would take a deep breath and approach the group of shinobi.

“Hey.” The girl would say as she came from around the village gates, trying to make her presence known so that she didn’t startle the group of oncoming shinobi. “Sorry, about the wait… I can’t lie, I have no idea where the group guarding the gates are supposed to be….. I am just traveling by and saw your…. Rather larger force…. Standing outside the village… You can see why this would startle most people. However, the fact that you haven’t moved in even when you had the opportunity to shows you are here with good intentions. That being said though, may I inquire what those intentions are?”

(OOC: Since you guys waited for so long, and didn’t freely enter the village even though you were able to, I decided to give you guys a little something in order to help your case about getting into the village.)
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Take em to Church  Empty Re: Take em to Church

Fri Jun 23, 2017 7:51 pm
The trip had been long, but maybe that was because Kira hadn’t spent too much time travelling over the last few years since she’s lived in Suna besides the occasional mission that took her to a bordering village. Though, at the end of the day, they were all seasoned ninja, so it isn’t like any of them were out of breath and in desperate need for a break. The Uzumaki stood to Kyson’s left, her eyes wandering around the large walls that protected the village. Upon arriving at the gates, she quickly remembered that she had travelled here once before, right before she had arrived to Suna. Her stay at Hoshi hadn’t been long, but she did remember she met a rather notable figure during her stay. She couldn’t recall if introductions were had but if she truly was an important person within those walls, then she figured she’d meet her again soon.

“Have some patience Ky, this is definitely the right place. I’ve been here once before.” The girl said towards the inpatient leader, nudging him with her shoulder in the process. As if on cue, a girl appeared from the inside of the gates. She was cute per say, her dashing light brown hair falling towards her hips. Her complexion was nice, but nothing the Uzumaki had to be jealous about. After all, she was the self proclaimed princess of Suna. The name spoke beauty. Nonetheless, she had hopes that a unique male specimen from these lands would have come to greet them. To this, she was disappointed. “See Ky, someone came.” She said, and if not interrupted, she would continue to speak towards the other woman that was in an area filled with testosterone. She’d leave the floor to Kyson, to speak of their purpose here.
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Take em to Church  Empty Re: Take em to Church

Sat Jun 24, 2017 1:02 pm
Upon arriving to the gate Nobunaga found it quite odd that there was no one there to greet them. The thought that Maku had set up a trap for them was still in the back of his mind. He knew very little of the man but knew that he was a trickster therefore he would not be surprised if that were the case. The brute of a man would walk up a couple of feet behind Kyson, removing his hands from the pockets of the massive black trench coat he sported. All of his senses were on alert even after someone finally greeted them at the gates, just in case. Nobunaga was a cautious man and he would not allow something to happen to his leader, again. Therefore as he always was, the Hiyu would remain silent while Kyson dealt with the situation.
Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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Take em to Church  Empty Re: Take em to Church

Sat Jun 24, 2017 10:22 pm
As Kyson would try to talk to Royalty, he made sure he would let Kyson know that he heard him. He would still be leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. "Mhm.." His response was somber. Enough to let him know how he felt about everything, but it didn't matter. Kira seemed to be the most cheerful of them all. He couldn't see how she could be so uplifting. They were all forced out of their home. But Roy didn't wanna dwell on it too long. 

'Hello' Royalty heard from inside the gates. Their wait for an approach was over. She didn't seem to understand what was going on. Odd considering the drastic circumstances. The Yuka didn't budge at all. With his head still facing downwards, he just let Kyson handle everything. He was their leader after all.
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Take em to Church  Empty Re: Take em to Church

Sun Jun 25, 2017 12:09 am
It was true, but he was getting a bit impatient. He sensed someone approaching the gates, so he immediately put his attention towards the gates. As he waited, she seemed to be a bit startled. Kyson would straighten up a bit since by the look of his team. They saw him as the leader and expected him to speak first. He honestly didn't really like it. His experience from being a Kage for a little was the blame for that. So he stepped forward a bit as he was getting ready to speak.

"No problem, I didn't mean to scare anyone. Trust me, we aren't here to cause any problems. Besides, I wouldn't really want to get these clothes dirty anyway." Kyson would say with a smirk. He thought suppressing his chakra would cause less attention. But when there is 15 others next to you who didn't, guess his suppressing didn't mean much. "Have you seen a guy with blonde hair, wears a black on black suit, and carries around an orange looking rabbit with him? Yeah, pretty weird description.. but that's who we're looking for... He's actually in your village right now and probably should have spoken to the higher ups about out arrival." Kyson would explain to her. If everything went according to plan, Maku should be here and have spoken to their leader by now. 

"But yeah, we're not here to cause any problems miss. If you feel uncomfortable with us, you may have someone monitor us if you want. And again, sorry if we startled you." He would say with smile. Hopefully, this would allow her to relax a bit. He was in a territory he had never been before. So he wanted to make it clear that war wasn't part of their plan. Kyson would look back towards Kira and ask a serious question. "Kira... you said you been here before right. Do all the girls look this good.. nevermind.. we'll talk about it later." 
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Take em to Church  Empty Re: Take em to Church

Sun Jun 25, 2017 2:21 am
As Hikari approached the group, the girl steped up and talked first, from the sounds how she told one of the men..... did she say his name was Ky?

Well either way, it seemed like the group had been waiting for sometime in front of the gate, this gave the chestnut haired girl a slight feel of relief, if they had wanted to force there way into the village, they would of done so by now.

At that point, the dark haired leader of the group would began to talk, first pointing out how he wouldn't want to dirty his clothes, which Hikari had to try hard not to crack a smile at. If she was wearing something that nice... there was no way she would want to get it dirty either.

The man would then continue to describe someone else that they were supposed to come with.
"Blonde hair..... a black suit... and an... orange looking rabbit? I'm sorry, I can't really say I have seen anyone like that recently. As for a warning about your arrival... I am not scheduled to be on guard duty right now... however I was on it yesterday, and I wasn't given any warning about a group of shinobi coming in...."

The man... Ky... wold then continue on and explain how none of them were here to cause any problems, and while Hikari believed them form the evidence stated earlier, she still couldn't just justify allowing an entire army of shinobi into the village hidden in the stars on the grounds of, 'she felt like they had good intentions.'

He would offer for her to have someone monitor them and Hikari would respond to this, saying, "Well, as I said before, I have not heard anything about a large group of Shinobi in to our vilalge. And while I believe you do have pure intentions, I don't really have the authority to let you guys in without getting permission to. You told me about the blonde man in a dark suit... can I ask of his name? And while I am at it, may I request who you are? I believe.. I overheard someone call you Ky... but where are you from? Also... I believe you slightly dodged my earlier question as what your intentions are. You said you were not here to cause trouble, but if that is true, why have you brought such a large force?"

Presuming the suited shinobi answered this, Hikari would respond with, "Ok.... well it is  nice to meet you! My Name is Hikari Namikaze, I will have to get confirmation that it is Ok to let you in from my superiors, but if your story is true, then there should be no problem with letting you in. Just if you don't mind waiting a second..."

With that, Hikari would form the sign of a clone, creating a shadow clone to the left of her, who would then form the sign of the Ram, and use the body flicker jutsu to start heading deeper into the village at a speed of 225. At first... the clone started heading toward the station of Kyousuke Snow, the queens guard that she was supposed to answer to. However.... something stopped her and made her double think that course of action. It was fairly late at night, and Hikari didn't think that Snow would be at his desk currently, he would either be on patrol, or sleeping at wherever his home address was. On top of that... Hikari had been avoiding the man for weeks.... Kyousuke had informed her that she was to be debriefed on her little... bikini incident... a few weeks back. And with all honesty, Hikari had been avoiding the man like he was the devil, so approaching him was less then optimal

That being said... there was only two other people that she could ask about the situation... one was the Hogokage... Denkiteki Hayato, (Which who knew where he was) and Akihana about what to do in this situation.

By process of elimination, the clone made her way toward the queens palace, hoping that she could find or awaken Akihana at this late hour.

Meanwhile, back at the gates, Ky made a slight off comment about all the woman looking this good, Hikari would attempt to pretend like she didn't hear that, but the blush appearing on her face would give away the fact that she did.

(Sorry I am accidentally word walling you guys, I don't plan to do it again.)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Take em to Church  Empty Re: Take em to Church

Mon Jun 26, 2017 6:52 am
It was indeed late but due to recent development, the Queen Regent found sleep to be the last thing on her mind. It seemed that every time things looked to be settling down, a new challenge appeared, threatening the fragile peace she was trying to achieve in a land that was steadily rejecting shinobi like a virus. Ninja dealings were difficult enough in a country where shinobi were revered and admired. In a place like Haven where even the shinobi force was divided into factions, ... The blonde shook her head, her tired eyes gazing upon yet another report that needed Denkiteki's attention and had landed on her desk instead. She had always known how Den felt about being Kage.

Perhaps it was time she confronted her old friend about it. The only difference between her and Denkiteki was... that she didn't have a dimension to hide in.

"Well Arashi, I think its time for bed," she spoke, closing her file for the night and rising to her feet. Her son stood at attention, almost rolling his eyes at her formality. No matter how tall the young Queensguard was getting, he was still her son and at the very least she had the power to declare bedtime, even if none of them would sleep easy quite yet.

"Very well mom, lets go." He was about the reach for the door when the sound of fast footsteps pounding through the palace floor greeted them, making the young boy correct his frame into attention yet again. A moment later, Hikari's clone would burst in and explain the situation of the delegation waiting outside the gates.

"Do you want me to deal with them?" Arashi asked, already ready but Akihana shook her head. "No, you stay here, tell the other guards to prepare the palace defenses if needed, I'll go with her." Looking at his face she added, "It's alright, I'm sure Hikari can protect me." Arashi cracked a small smile at that as Akihana followed the clone to the gates and the group outside.

Threading their way through the city of folks returning to their homes from work or evening mass took a while but finally, the two females approached the gate and the original who seemed to be holding court with the arrival party. "Good morrow," Akihana greeted in the traditional fashion of Haven, her green silk gown rippling in the wind and her opulent jewelry glittering in the light of the newly visible stars crowding the night sky. The Gold crown encrusted with emeralds that sat visible atop her head left no question to the fact that the party would be speaking to an authority figure.

"What seems to be the matter and how can I help?" she asked, her golden eyes tired but filled with warmth regardless.
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