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Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 1500

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Sun Jun 11, 2017 9:26 am
yen stared transfixed at the desert. an burned eye patch and a burned straw hat on his head as well as his trademark blue cloak on his shoulders covering his frame and protecting  him from the harsh heat. normally there was nothing of note, but this day the seemingly blue cloak remained still in the windless gates of the desert city of suna.

 Once upon a time it bared it's own flag of it's own nation, however like watching the bands of time flowing from one stream to another the flag changed. the banner of a purple color and the unmistakable symbols of the land that sat on the fluffy clouds. The very banner that blacken the sky and brought relief to a wary traveler was no longer of a sandy gold color, but now sat on the walls of the city almost like the shifting of mood's from the joy of the world, and hope in the desert.

 Now it was like a dark cloud that swept the once major village, and to yens suspicions if there was a village reaching beyond its territorial bounds to one village.  it would only mean this dark cloud was willing to reach further beyond that. it was natural to desire more land, more development. thus yen would be more understanding then that, however with a reaching hand willing to engulf other homes he needed the answers, because even as a konoha shinobi he would not stand by with such a hypothesis. 

if suna lost it's kage koroshi... then kyson as it's successor should've been able to not be manipulated so simply to hand over land like a deed of land. still that seems to have been the case if anything inexperience, and the threat to civil safety or even other such factors play a heavy hand. It is what happens in the case. the political board is vast with tool's and resources . there is more then one way to take a home, and more then one way to make a tool to skin cattle.... hm regardless of the details its better if I continue on my own and ensure all is done, even contact the man who handled this overall..... there are answers i need in this now,answers for my nation and people that will not be answered by sitting behind a table, but shown through speech, and the words of one side to the other. 

yens chakra flared slightly like a beacon to alert any who knew him he was at the gate  and with a simple weave of a hand sign a shadow clone appeared next to him as he sighed waiting quietly in the shade for those who will join him actually join him. the clone  nodded quietly to the guards and tilted his head towards the kage building. it was time to leave and head home, however he still required a word with the man and even kyson at the moment.

his thought's went to ayame as she would proberly join him at the moment, being one of the last senior members of konoha in the village he had to ensure the safe travel of any konoha shinobi that somehow decided to stay behind.

"beautiful village it definable is. hopefully the heat remains the smae or get's that much hotter"


clone ap: 739

clone stats: same as users
Ayame Nezumichi
Ayame Nezumichi
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Sun Jun 11, 2017 5:12 pm
Ayame walked up to the gate, the other shinobi having left the day prior. Unfortunately, after the kage dissappeared, she had wanted to wait a day with yen, in case if strife would have broken out after the leaf shinobi, aka "reinforcements" had left.

She met Yen at the gates eager to get back to her homeland, yet still worried about the fate of suna. Though she had never met the previous Kage, Koroshi, she had read about him in the library and agreed whole heartedly wit his ideals. If only she had the chance to converse with him before he disappeared.

Lost in her thoughts, Ayame arrived at the gates with Nita in her arms, sleeping Lazily.

She turned facing the village and making sure she had all of her belongings, that she wasn't missing anything. And then she looked upon the village with saddened eyes. She might not get a chance to see this place again, or even on friendly terms. It sure had been a ride. 

Although she was happy to be going back home, she was sad to no longer be able to explore the new land. 

She walked up to yen's clone as he tipped his hat to the guard. "It's beautiful, isn't it? Might be the last time i get to see a desert. The life of a ninja is a rough and often short one. I want to remember this for the rest of my life, whether it be a week, or 60 years"

She then sighed looking at the new banners, and thinking of all the things that had happened while Yen and she had been out on that S-ranked mission. Not only was there a different Kage, but the atmosphere of the entire Village had changed.

Truthfully she wanted to stay longer and work with the villagers to ensure everyone's safety, but she was being called back to the village, both with Nita's heat exhaustion and by her Kage.

"I just can't believe all this happened so fast." she would mutter being careful of what exactly she said.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Sun Jun 11, 2017 5:34 pm
Yen nodded. It wasnt as sudden as yen thought still he understood. The clone nodded at ayame and spoke up.

" well its good to know you are all set and ready... however! We shall be doing a special training exercise. Meditation is strong for both the body and soul. But to gain such strength requires a strong mind. Itll be your last training exercise untill we get home to konoha."

The clone would glance back at yen as he sighed and nodded his head  rather uncomfortably. It was not an easy thing to do but even yen knew he had no choice. For the clone was perfectly safe and capeable of utilizing the technique. Hence it would grant yen the oppertunity to utilize his full chakra force with no problems or restrictions.

I amuse myself. The day i thought a clone would utilize my own specialty technique. My months of hard work nearly knocking myself into a vegitive state, and even having to utilize my clone to learn every aspect, yet i shall not forget... nor lose sight of its purpose once more it will be used.

Yen thought as he spoke up. 

"The clone will be fine ayame. But ya gonna have to relax and take a moment to clear your mind. When ready take the clones hand and do not loose sight of him ok?"

Yen stated as he leaned against the wall baggage ready and all in his storage displacement realm. He traveled light. Now that he made sure to casually keep his distance staying 30 meters away. The clone casually lead ayame over to the shade to sit down for their practice session. Away from the guards as yen quietly waited for any other people to arrive. It was a safe move
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 1500

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Sat Jul 08, 2017 12:05 am
(After some talk ayame wished for a rather instant/auto travel since she is irl swapped)

The clone lead the way out of the village as yen and trailed behind. An disposable tactic utilized by yen and the clone as it would spot danger much faster then yen and do occasional recon sweeps while yen and ayame continued to follow slowly and carefully in the back. 

Making sure to not have the clone go too far from the pair and keep its sensory at maximum range for any straggelers. The girl and the two straw hat midgets made their way through the desert in some time in a forenight. Perhaps alot sooner if yen was faster, but it was acceptible. Yen at this point slowly digested the recent events in the suna village. As it once was populous, but as it was obvious that the the dissapearance of not only one kage, but now kyson the villagers leaderless dwindled into a large reduction of both prosperity and leadership. Now the village was less than a shadow of what it was. Still that didnt leave the aburame in the dark. With his rescources of not only insects and simple hypothesis and mere facts. He also gathered that with the dissapearance the grand majority of the suna force disperesed as did the man whom proudly walked into the village. 

No man like that walks into a village without purpose nor a goal... no man neither leaves without his,reward. Sad that the reward was the village of suna and its majority of it's leaders and capeable forces. This however does not leave the shadow of a doubt that if bold here, other villages can be in the same control schematics of kumo.... seems like the clouds have a storm building in the future forecast at tbis rate.... counter measures will have to be made... although  im doubtful of others fully agreeing, it will and cannot be helped in the end. The reach of a nation cannot be ignored, without another nation reaching its hand across for it's own share.... perhaps konoha should take suna in its vulnerable state as it is... although its a plan ill speak among leaders at home... another day and another time...  now my concern will be on the thought of envoys in the intent to capture and secure the weakend nations. Offering the full flaming support of the land of fire in exchange for the stationary of semi permament outposts and observation patrols. A safety net to moniter and contain unfavorable actions. Within this there comes a simple manner to assure that this man does not play around with the hearts of young leaders.... perhaps kyson could not stop the man with the deck fully against him, or even  his simple authority was lackluster against an experienced man in negotiations and deal making.... threats are not out of question either. Regardless i shall learn from such simple  mistakes, for you may fool one mxn maku.... but this man shall not be out foxed by a fox faced man. A smile may hold truth but many are lax with the art of deception of word. Your word on taking the village as a joke holds the silver lining that your willing for risks.... while you may be away. You come to konoha ill make sure you stay before me... for there can only be one manipulator in the room.

Yen thought as he jotted down some scattered notes and such  mid trip. He worked out the hypothesis and began to hammer hard,away with his conclusion, and hence proceeded to continue to work out several solid and powerful solutions and counter tacticsfor such things. As the rest of his people were a tad bit more, daredevilish in their approaches. Yen was accurate and well percise. The certain awnser was in front of him. As his goal was clear, to reach kumo he needed to dismantel its leadership, or even reach its leadership.

In times of trial, tivel, and turmoil the madness may continue on in a cycle of darkness. Shall the circle be broken one may even call it insanity, but shall one watch the madness a pattern may be seen. Even through the swirling storm one may watch where the wind blows with observation, but thus it is deadly, still in the deepest shadows this remains forever true. Where we walk. Although many forget as much. Obstructed their vision was, the men and women of the sand, their own blinding light from not the justice they strived for, but the light of their hearts, made them brittle and soft, as like embers, they lost their final light, but to the end of the light in the tunnel that they oversaw. A man of water did they trust in their  twilight. Alas the plundge of the sea was not as refreshing to the lips of the desert dwellers. They fell to the silver toungh of a man from the north. Alas the flames of my ancistors burn deep within me. Never shall i falter nor shall i waiver. Like the flame that burns within me my enemies shall wither, like the leaves to the flames all shall fall. Konoha will not suffer the same fate as suna.

Yen thought as he worked his way throughthe renements of the desert and its green accomplishment. The sight of the land of fire was yonder for miles in question. Still safer than being in swealtering heat. Another solution to work on in yens eyes. 

(Exit for yen and ayame towards konoha. Bout 12 hours at least..)
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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Sun Jul 09, 2017 5:44 pm
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