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Zakari Akari
Zakari Akari
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Tue May 09, 2017 5:50 pm
Zakari had made a realization. In terms of ninja, he was still close to the bottom. He had felt so good about himself after becoming a genin, but their were so many more people in the world that could sneeze and kill him. If he wanted to survive...not only survive but thrive. He really needed to focus and get to training.

Which was why he found himself back out on the training grounds. He had on a backpack filled with rocks, and was just running around the clearing. He read up on the body flicker technique, and it said to focus his chakra into his feet. It was not really having any effect, or at least, he did not feel it. Still, he figured he just needed to get a feeling for it. He continued to run around the training grounds. Already breaking into a heavy sweat.

After a few more minutes of running with the pack of rocks nothing had changed. He threw off the pack, and just started running. He was moving slightly faster, but not to the degree that he should have while using this technique. He was not doing something right.

Unfortunately for him, thinking about these things and running at top speeds did not mix well, together. It often led the person not paying attention. Zak learned this the hard way, when he came out of his thoughts to find himself colliding head first with a low lying branch on one of the trees. He felt the ,thwack!, as it collided with his head and he fell on to his backside.

"Smooth Zak."

WC: 268
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

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Tue May 09, 2017 6:12 pm
Ryou was still wondering the new village, it was so beautiful. He never wanted to leave, he wanted to live here with his aunt and big brother Sal and big sister Ayame. While walking, he was weaving hand signs to jutsu that he knew just to remember them. Then, while walking over by the training field, he saw Zakari Akari. He remembered him from his first training session in he majestic village hidden in the leaves. He then was the poor guy get knocked down after looking a bit distracted. Ryou giggled to himself a bit then got a little concerned. The 11 year old used body flicker to appear behind the genin at speed of 90. Then he knelt, "Oh my Zak, are you ok?" He said still kneeling over Zak, looking down at him. 

Zakari Akari
Zakari Akari
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Tue May 09, 2017 6:38 pm
That would have been really embarrassing if anyone had been around to see that. Sure enough, Zak felt someone suddenly appear behind him. Then someone spoke to him. He looked up to Ryou. He smiled, and rubbed his forehead, where a big red mark was now forming "I am fine. Thanks, Ryou." He got up to his seat from his spot on the ground. Ryou must have came out here to train, too. He was going to continue and start a normal conversation "Wait, Ryou. You can use the Body Flicker technique, right?" He already knew the answer, but if Ryou said that he did, then Zak would ask "Can you help me with it?"

It was a little embarrassing asking someone his own age, but he knew he was going to need help, and some good friends. If he wanted to get stronger. 

WC: 144
TWC: 412
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

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Tue May 09, 2017 9:20 pm
Then fellow genin then asked Ryou after getting up from the ground if he could teach him the body flicker. He would move from the path of the other runners so that they weren't in the way. Once Zak would join him, he would put his hand in the tiger position. "Body flicker is a cool ninjutsu that uses your chakra to boost your speed, almost every ninja knows it since it uses no element." Ryou went on, "I was actually here to master it so this will be great training for both of us." 

Ryou soon teleported with body flicker about five meters to the right of his original position. "It's not a space-time jutsu, so you gotta think of it like the lighting style jutsu you used." He walks back to Zak. "It will take awhile but I know you'll get the hang of things in no time." He preforms the hang sign for tiger. "Flow the chakra threw your body, then  vitalizing your body with chakra to heighten your speed." He hoped he explained it well that Zak would understand. 

TWC: 319

319/1000 for body flicker mastery
Zakari Akari
Zakari Akari
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Tue May 09, 2017 9:44 pm
Ryou explained the jutsu to Zakari, and he had to admit. Ryou's explanation helped his understanding. Well, most of it. He did not even have a vague idea what space-time ninjutsu was. He thought he remembered hearing that term in the academy, but only briefly. Earlier in the day, he had viewed the chakra as almost a completely different chakra compared to his lightning release, but it made sense that it would be similar. Chakra was not that different if you thought about it. All he had to do was not vibrate his chakra so fast. Also, he had only been sending chakra to his feet just like the water walking technique. Now that he thought about it, that made no sense. All the muscles in the body were connected, so the chakra would have to enhance all of his muscles. If he just focused on certain ones then other muscles would not be able to keep up.

He repeated the tiger hand seal that he had been performing all day. He spread his chakra throughout his entire body. He imagined the chakra acted like some sort of stimulant to his muscles, and that his muscles absorbed the chakra. He did not know if that was his mind playing tricks on him, or if the chakra was really making him feel like it, but he started to feel more energized. 

WC: 230

642/1000 into Body Flicker Technique
(I thought I read this somewhere. Does my wc requirement get cut in half, because Ryou is teaching it to Zakari?)
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

Two heads are better than one (NK) Empty Re: Two heads are better than one (NK)

Wed May 10, 2017 5:23 pm
Ryou watched the fellow genin going through all the steps over and over again. He felt it something, it was a nice feeling. For awhile he didn't know what it was but then he figured it out, it was pride. Ryou liked teaching and he felt that the teaching helped Ryou as a person as well. 

While Zakari worked on the jutsu for hours, Ryou did the same. He wanted to get body flicker down to the point were he could use it quickly and avoid attacks, like ones from Kots and Sal. He would use the same mind process as he told Zak, vitalize your body with chakra to heighten your speed. He closed his eyes instead of preforming the tiger hand sign. He opened his eyes and tried to get the movement he would get when using it normally, but it did happen right away. This went on for awhile but still nothing yet.  "You doing great, your almost there, I can just feel it." He said, addressing to Zak. Ryou wondered if there was time to teach Zak some more after he got down body flicker. He thought that Flicker movement will be a good next jutsu to teach, a easy space-time jutsu. "Maybe if there is time I can teach you flicker movement, a cool space-time jutsu." He would tell Zak. 

TWC: 554

554/1000 for body flicker mastery

OOC: Yes, it is half, so it should be 500 WC
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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Two heads are better than one (NK) Empty Re: Two heads are better than one (NK)

Wed May 10, 2017 6:05 pm
Quick Note: Ryou Body flicker can not be mastered so you might wanna save yourself the time and words
Zakari Akari
Zakari Akari
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Wed May 10, 2017 8:18 pm
Up til now, Zak's training had always felt more like accidents turning into success. With almost all of his training, he had just kept going and eventually something happened. This time was different. With the help of Ryou, Zakari had already made huge strides in performing the jutsu. He could already feel himself picking up speed. This training continued for hours. Zak repeating the process of spreading his chakra through his body, and enhancing his muscles. This was not a continues process as Zak had to take little breaks to gather his chakra up once more.

Finally, Zak got up from his most recent break. He performed the hand seal like he had done all day, but this time it felt different. He spread his chakra through his body, but this time it felt like his body suddenly had drunken ten energy drinks. It felt like time seemed to slow down around him. He dashed towards the other side of the clearing, and this time. He appeared on the other side in the matter of a second or two. It was faster than he had been all day. It felt like a breakthrough.

He looked to Ryou excitedly, planning on gloating a little, but he remembered to be nice. After all, he would have never pulled it off without Ryou. He was going to say more, when he heard that term again. "Sorry for being dumb, but what is a space-time jutsu?"

WC: 242
TWC: 884

Requesting 500/500 for Body Flicker Technique taught by Ryou
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

Two heads are better than one (NK) Empty Re: Two heads are better than one (NK)

Thu May 11, 2017 6:22 pm
(OOC: Um ok, then i guess nevermind)
Ryou smiled at the fact that Zak got the jutsu down, with his help. His pride reached Zak and himself. Just then the genin asks what space time jutsu was. "Well, I ,honestly, am not a expert but what I know that it uses chakra to manipulate time and space, sounds cool but lots of work." Ryou puts his hands on his hips to continue explaining. "But don't worry, I have learned a pretty easy space-time ninjutsu." He continues. "It's called Flicker Movement, it makes your view on time slower so you can reach to things quicker."  Ryou uses the tiger hand sign. "Using this sign, you can preforming but its kinda hard to show you when your not me." He puts his hand on his head, "Um, think of it like a river in your brain and eyes, then slow it down using chakra, it will take a couple tries." Ryou would smile as he would watch his fellow genin try using the jutsu. 


(OOC:It's 500 wc for you)
Zakari Akari
Zakari Akari
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Two heads are better than one (NK) Empty Re: Two heads are better than one (NK)

Thu May 11, 2017 10:49 pm
The exhilaration of effectively using a new jutsu was extremely thrilling, but when Zakari turned and saw Ryou's smile. Zak's own grin grew in size. It was one thing to train alone, but training with someone else. It was twice the excitement, and it felt like twice the victory. He did not have to much time enjoy his small victory, when Ryou finally explained to him what a space-time jutsu was. In retrospect, Zak probably should have been able to figure that one out just by the title. 

The explanation that Ryou gave him was pretty simple. It did not take many hand seals, which was something Zak had expected. Ryou told him to imagine a river in his mind, which was not difficult. Zak had gotten rather good about picturing things in his head, and this was no different. The mental image in his was perfect to him. He formed the hand seals, and then in his image the river began to slow. Their was a wall of chakra in the river that was slowing it down. When he opened his eyes nothing had changed. He cursed under his breath "Why is it not working?" 

What Zak did not understand was that a mental image was not the only part of a successful jutsu. Not to mention, no matter how much the river in his head seemed to slow. His actual thoughts were way to jumbled and sped up. He might not realize it, but he was still excited from his previous success. 

TWC: 1138
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