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Explosive Results (COMPLETE) Empty Explosive Results (COMPLETE)

Mon May 01, 2017 3:33 am
Aslatiel was in the mood to spar. Alas, as he arrived at his usual training spot, he noticed that there was not a single person there, apart from himself of course.  So, until another arrived, he would just do what he came here to do. He had one fire technique, and he wanted another, this time a much more powerful one.  While Fire Stream can be used in a combat situation against a low level opponent, if he intended to succeed the bloody exams of Kiri, he would need to be able to do real damage. The specific jutsu he had in mind for today's training was the Exploding Flame Shot technique, a jutsu used to shoot or throw small fireballs at your enemy. If you are able to do it right, you can launch up to four of these fireballs. Aslatiel would be satisfied with two after a day's training, but if he happens to get it before the day was over, it would be a nice coincidence. Or maybe he would just end up forcing himself to stay here until he finished, like usual. The latter was far more likely.

After a short warmup consisting of pushups, jumping jacks, and some running, Aslatiel was ready to begin working on the jutsu. Forming the handseals from memory, Tiger, Ox, Rat, Bird, Tiger, he began to push his chakra to his hand, using his Katon chakra to create a spark and light it.  This didn't work quite the way that he had intended, instead setting his hand on fire.  While this would freak your average person out, Aslatiel had experienced this a few times in the academy and already knew how to fix it.  He simply stopped fueling it and waved it around a bit.  Due to the permanent mist in Kirigakure, a fire without fuel dies almost instantly, so long as it isn't too big. Once again he would try, with the hand signs, the chakra going to his hand, and him lighting it. Once again, fire hand.  He had even tested, this fire hand thing was completely useless in combat.  When he hit a fellow student with it, it hadn't lit him on fire or anything, it was just enough fire to annoy him without being enough to help him.  Didn't even last! Maybe one day he could turn that into a custom jutsu.  Anyway, back to the training at hand.  Without any change between his first two attempts, Aslatiel knew that he had done something wrong.  This time, he focused the chakra into his his mouth, letting it fill up before releasing it in the form of a ball. at the same time, he used his lips to spark the chakra, creating a ball of fire that fizzled on for less than a full meter. No matter how weak that looked compared to the successful version of the jutsu, it was much closer than lighting his hand on fire. That meant real progress, progress that would soon turn into completion.

Aslatiel would continue this, shooting tiny bits of fire out of his mouth, until he began to taste fire in his mouth, even when he didn't have any there.  This was generally bad, as it tasted like pure burnt. Like burnt chicken, specifically the part that is charred black, leading to a less than pleased expression arriving upon Aslatiel's face. Making a quick run to his favorite restaurant to get some fish, and maybe a bit more, if he was feeling especially peckish when he arrived, which he of course was, due to his training taking most of the food out of his stomach. After this run, he returned to the training grounds with his food in tow, nomming down as he got back into his training, launching balls of fire between bites. He was improving, and it was sort of fun, until he had a little incident. As he was firing, he began to choke on a chunk of fish, and launched his fire, regardless of the fish bits. Due to this, he had to experience choking on fish, and directly afterwards, the taste of fish ashes in his mouth. As he fell backwards, clutching his throat and coughing up the remnants of his fish, he saw that the fireball he had launched was bigger than the others, and went a much better distance, nearly as far as a complete one. After he had finished coughing on the ground, keeled over, he stood back up and, for the first time in a while, smiled.  That was actually funny. With that thought, he would spend a few minutes coughing up more ashes and fish bits. This very easily removed the smile from his face, and replaced it with one of pure horror and disgust.

Now that he had recovered from the fish incident, Aslatiel was ready to go back to training. Now that he had made this much progress, he was absolutely determined to finish this before he left the training grounds. Once again taking up his stance, he would perform the hand signs as he had done so many times that day. Tiger-Ox-Rat-Bird-Tiger, build up chakra in the chest, exhale quickly, lighting with the lips, and... another nice fireball.  He was getting good at this.  Once again, Handsigns, In, Out, Light, Fireball. This one actually ended up exploding a little bit at the end, which was also a nice little tidbit. He continued his training at this rate, breathing in air and letting out fire like a proper dragon/rapper. This was ended fairly soon however, as in the heat of the training, Aslatiel failed to realize that he hadn't the stamina to do it at such a high rate of fire. Before he knew it, he was all tuckered out again. This was no good, as it was getting late, and going for another fish run wouldn't work, that would just make him feel double stuffed and tired at the same time. All that was left now was to rest.

Waking with a start in the middle of the training ground late at night, Aslatiel groaned as he remembered what happened. He had to make a decision between sleeping here for a short time so he could finish his training, or going home and finishing it tomorrow. As he was currently all dirty and in the middle of the training grounds, it wasn't hard to deduce which he had chosen. Welp, since he was here, he might as well just finish it up quickly now. He hadn't quite had it when he went to sleep, but after about another 30 minutes of traininghere, he was fairly certain he had it down. On the way home through the moonlit village, he also had a bit of peaceful walking time, which was nice and almost... theraputic. Now all he had to do was go home, and sleep till morning came. Of course, this sleep would not come as easily as hoped, so for another night Aslatial would lie awake, thinking, remembering. Without his goals fulfilled, he would never have another truly peaceful night of sleep, and never another truly happy day. Not until he had done what he so truly needed to do.

WC: 1206
Claiming 6 stats and Exploding Flame Shot

Last edited by Aslatiel on Mon May 01, 2017 3:50 am; edited 1 time in total
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Explosive Results (COMPLETE) Empty Re: Explosive Results (COMPLETE)

Mon May 01, 2017 3:38 am
Approved for the stats, but Exploding Flame Shot is 1100 words, you've only written 1051, so yeah, feel free to edit in 49 more words and I'll approve ^_^
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Mon May 01, 2017 3:50 am
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Mon May 01, 2017 3:52 am
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