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Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Cowl of Nocturnal [IO] Empty Cowl of Nocturnal [IO]

Mon Apr 24, 2017 7:44 pm

It was full dark when he came upon the sept. Ayato found himself wondering if the place had a name. This area was scarcely populated, most houses abandoned when bandits and cutthroats infested the city like roaches while knights and princes feasted behind their inner walls. If so the people had taken the knowledge when they fled, the others barred within their homes. He lit a torch and went through the small door.

The wealthy septs in the city had statues of the gods and altar to each. He had seen lesser temples that hung carved masks from each wall in tribute to the entities they worshiped. In here Ayato found only rough charcoal drawings, hanging from the walls, cracked and crooked. Setting the torch in a sconce near the door he walked further in. 

He studied the faces upon the drawings. The first a kindly man, with a thick beard, the one beside him was a mother figure with a loving protective smile. Another a brute holding a spear in his right arm the thick muscle outlined carefully upon the drawing. A crone that seemed wizened and wise, besides her a beautiful maiden, a crack running through her eyes making her look as if she were crying. 

The final drawing on the sept...It was neither male or female yet both at the same time. He didn't need to be taught in the faith to understand what he symbolized. He was known by many names, Thanatos, the Stranger, the Outsider - yet the god of death was always the outcast, wandered from far places, less and more than human, unknown and unknowable. In here the face was a black oval, a dark shadow with green stars for eyes. Ayato felt uneasy, a chill running through his spine. He doubted anyone got comfort here. Yet it was the most befitting idol male and female shinobi should worship.

It was quiet, not even a cricket could be heard and Ayato found himself wondering. Are there truly six gods out there, or is it they are only the aspect of one entity.  Similar to how this church was a single building, with seven walls within, cracked and crooked. Six walls. It all came to him too late. 

Ayato made for his pouch, but the quick footsteps behind him came a second earlier. The shadow moved like a cat in the darkness, running for the steps of the exit. The needles got him on the nape of his neck and he fell head first into the stone steps with an empty thud. The sound was all wrong. The next moment in place of where the unconscious body of the thief of dusk should have been, there was the torch and embers of its extinguished flames scattering on the floor. Anger raged like thunder in the eyes of the Hyuuga as he leaped outside of the temple, chasing after a shadow. Yet there was only the chill of the night to face him. In a puff of smoke, he summoned two crows that took flight almost immediately - each with different directions. 

Two days earlier when Shouhei, Miyamoto and himself had visited the office to be handed their mission, tall wooden shelves rose up into dimness crumbled with leather bound books and bins of scrolls. Quite a cozy place for a station that handed missions to the military force of a shinobi village, yet at times what is left unsaid is better understood. Shinobi did not have the luxury to afford bigger stations within the city, nor the manpower to occupy them.

When they walked through the narrow path created by the bookshelves, the man was at his station. The standard gray flak jacket and bandana with the Hoshi Forehead protector was tied around his head, covering most of his black hair. His face was still and long but since he had last seen them, Ayato noticed he had grown a stable that definitely in need of some immediate shaving. He hatched over his large wooden desk, a cup of coffee to his side, sending a small column of steam into the air. His eyes were captivated with the contents of a scroll in his hands but he turned to meet the trio as they had entered with his gaze. 

"I never took you for a godly kid, Hyuuga. What is this about that wild goose chase?" The Chuunin had mocked, referring to the situation they were now facing. Such missions would have usually alluded to a "dumb thief" going around stealing property - an unimportant mission by all accounts used as a stepping stone for shinobi and their career or face value. Only if it were just as easy for them. Once it was one of the Great temples in the city that was missing artifacts, others a shrine in the streets. Even the value of the stolen artifacts differed, sometimes they were worth a fortune and could buy the entire city, others no more than useless junk.  The man they were after was another enigma - few had claimed to seen him and their description varied with some even believing him to be a ghost of a priest that bandits drowned into a well - coming back from the dead to haunt the worshippers of the gods that failed to protect him, even though he once served them faithfully.

While Shouhei had taken questioning the witnesses and Miyamoto looking past crime scenes, it had been left to Ayato to do the most boring task of all, and scout around the city for potential targets that whatever it was they were dealing with might strike. Ayato was too late to prevent that, this time, but at the cost of one charcoal drawing, Ayato had caught a glimpse of him - and it was relieving to know they were not hunting for ghosts after all. 

WC: 981
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Cowl of Nocturnal [IO] Empty Re: Cowl of Nocturnal [IO]

Wed Apr 26, 2017 12:49 pm
Miyamoto was tasked with visiting old crime scenes, like he could find something that other ACTUAL investigators could not.  With a sigh of annoyance he walked into the place of the first robbery, the school of Kung Fu that predates most modern forms of taijutsu, the Lotus Temple.  In this temple an ancient scroll with rumored powerful techniques of past masters was stolen in the dark of night under the watch of four well bodied guards.  So Miyamoto did his best scared little kid impression as he ruffled up his clothes and made sure there was nothing on him that bore the official symbol for Hoshigakure.  Then he walked in from the alleyway as what Miyamoto could only assume was a master of the school approached him after a few minutes of Miyamoto looking around.

“Are you alright my son, you seem to be lost?”  The monk asked, he was dressed in a similar garb as the monks he had encountered before, except they seemed to be more in tune with the world around them.

“I just need to find a way to control my emotions, as I am now I can never hope to pass up those I see as my peers.” Miyamoto said, laying it on pretty thick that he was some helpless kid.

It was then that the master put his hand on Miyamoto’s shoulder and just smiled, ushering him inside giving Miyamoto a tour of sorts, even bringing him to the place where the ancient scroll was actually held.  Its pedestal was made of solid oak with inscriptions all over it, most likely some sort of trap or summoning jutsu.  As they passed, Miyamoto scanned quickly, noting that there was no damage done to the pedestal or the numerous inscriptions.  The tour ended as they ended up in the back of the school in an area of bare earth.  No grass grew here, that was evident so then as the master walked out in front of him, he smiled as he stared at Miyamoto.

“This school is made so that we can come back in tune with the earth.  If you are interested, then we may be able to provide you with lodging and training.”  The master said as students began to fill the outside area, and to Miyamoto’s surprise they were all earth chakra natured ninjutsu users.  They began to practice techniques in unison, it was spectacular to behold.

“I would love to learn how to become more in touch with the earth, shall I show you what I know?”  Miyamoto asks as he looked to the master as the master nods in agreement.

Miyamoto picked up a couple of pieces of the clay as he held them in his hands he channeled his chakra to his fists as he activated the rock fist technique.  He launched a series of strikes at the master, feigning ignorance as he threw wild punches and kicks, launching into the air to slam his fist down on the ground.  He was acting like a wild animal, and as he moved, he noticed an opening at which time he executed a strike quickly.  The moment he came within about 3 inches of striking the master is when he fell into a trap.  The master used some sort of technique that caused the earth to form up on miyamoto and cause his body to become incredibly heavy.  It was intense as he stopped in his tracks.  Surprised by this Miyamoto just grinned as the master looked as if this was just something he could do on a whim.

“I WANT TO LEARN THAT!”  Miyamoto exclaimed as he was excited, this was something that could finally give him an edge over that bastard Ayato.

“It takes many years of practice to master the art of adding weight to one’s target, knowing the earth and how the body works to encompass your target and make them stop in their tracks.  However, you show raw talent, I could mold you into a being that is one with the earth.”  He said as if to confirm Miyamoto’s inclusion into the school and as his pupil.

A few days went by as Miyamoto continued to study, and continue to learn more about the crime scenes of the thief during the night, he was careful not to show too much of his strength, but during the days spent at the school already Miyamoto had grown to like the place immensely.  He learned that the technique that Master Ryu had used was called the “added-weight” technique.  It could incapacitate even the most speedy of foes, Miyamoto was hard at work learning the technique, every now and then inquiring about the ancient scroll.  He was able to gather that the thief came in during the dawn hours right before the shift change of guards.  No one heard or saw what had transpired, it was as if a ghost has slipped in and managed to warp reality...or so that is what the guards and those studying at the school believe.  The masters do not speak much of it, but they know that whomever did it had to be linked to the school in some way.

Throughout staking out the other crime scenes however he found that the robbery of important artifacts seemed to happen even when the sun was at its highest point.  It leads Miyamoto to begin thinking that whomever the thief is, they are a powerful genjutsu user.  It brought back thoughts of the mission in the sewers...there is no way that Hoshigakure let them live...right.  Miyamoto shrugged off the thought as he awoke the next day sending a letter off by official shinobi mail to Ayato to tell of his findings and that if he is needed, to contact him through the same mail delivery service.  He continued his training with master Ryu as he was getting closer to learning how to access the untapped well of earth based chakra inside himself.  He was surprisingly quick at learning as the master was even astounded as Miyamoto showed off some more advanced earth chakra skills after witnessing them, still leading the others that he was just an untrained kid with raw talent for the shinobi arts.

As he trained a raven arrived...Miyamoto already knew who it was from as he was quick to snatch it and pull the message from its feet. It was from Ayato of course stating that he had a sighting at a chapel, the name was attached. Miyamoto crumpled the paper before grabbing his belongings and bowing to Master Ryu in a hurried fashion appologizing for his abrupt leaving. Master Ryu just smiled and nodded as Miyamoto bounded through the school towards the chapel.

WC: 1100
Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 6150

Cowl of Nocturnal [IO] Empty Re: Cowl of Nocturnal [IO]

Tue May 02, 2017 9:48 pm
Shouhei wasn’t sure why he had been picked for this part of the mission, but the interviews had to be done, so here he was in your regular ninja getup. Although it should be noted that he was a lot less armed then regularly, having only two kunai and his spear sealed in a scroll contained in the same weapon pouch he held his kunai. While he had to look a bit professional for the interviews he had conducted the last two days, he figured wearing his regular flak jacket would make it look a bit over the top with that baby face of his. The joys of being fourteen and such.

In any event, he had interviewed three witnesses yesterday and had one more to talk to today. For today’s witness interview, he had decided to use a garden belonging to a local monetary hospital. A cozy place he hoped would nerves of the witness – a guy about twenty-five who had recently recovered from an ass accident (or a donkey as they are also known) – as opposed to the hospital room he was at earlier today. Not that there was anything wrong with the hospital room. However, the witness – who shall now be referred to as Kanada – wanted an excuse to be out of his bed for other things than religious functions. The garden was a simple pond and bonzai garden with the occasional bench here and there, and one of those benches were where Shouhei was sitting. Just in the right position so neither him nor Kanada would get the sun in their eyes as they had their little conversation.

When the man arrived, Shouhei sat ready with notebook and a ready set of questions he had written down yesterday. They were useful then when he interviewed some priests and a nurse, so he might as well reuse them again today. Kanada came towards him unattended, using a wheelchair to get around. Like Shouhei had mentioned before, he has had an accident with a donkey who had kicked him. He wasn’t completely paralyzed but from what the friendly nurse who shall remain anonymous had told him, Kanada still needed to be careful for it to heal correctly. Well Shouhei wasn’t a policeman so the oaths of good conducts he was under was a bit limited. Mind you he wasn’t planning on threatening with throwing him out of his wheelchair, but he could use his position as a medical ninja to persuade the man. According to some other people he had interviewed he did need to get back to work swiftly as he had little of a safety net hence he was as the monastic hospital.

As the interview went on he realized that he might have been played a bit. He had never told the man that he was a medical ninja, but at some point, during their conversation he asked for that kind of aid. It would appear that the only reason Shouhei was told this was so that the nurse could tell the man. Played or not, Shouhei did him that favor of almost healing his back so the recovery time would be cut down significantly, and in turn he had some interesting details he could take with him to the meeting Ayato had planned a bit later.

It wasn’t long after the interview was over, and Shouhei had left for the planned meeting the three ninjas were supposed to have that he reviewed the mail by bird message. “Well that changes the plans a bit.” He said bee lining for the chapel.

Notes wrote:Word Count: 597.
AP used: 40 from Mystic Palm Technique.
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Cowl of Nocturnal [IO] Empty Re: Cowl of Nocturnal [IO]

Fri May 05, 2017 4:47 pm
Miyamoto was the first that Ayato spied in the distance; a moment later it was the red-haired midget, Shouhei Sato. The Hyuuga stood alone, pretending to enjoy the evening cold, resting his elbows on the wooden rim outside of the inn. Th main building hugged the south shore where the river bends, its long low wing outstretched along the water as if to embrace travelers or fisher folk sailing downstream. The lower story was gray stone, the upper whitewashed wood, the roof slate. There were stables as well, and an arbor heavy with vines. Smoke rose from the chimney and light from the windows behind Hyuuga.

Apparently they brew some fine ale in this area, a shame I don’t partake” Ayato let out calmly to the duo when they approached him. A frustrated response on their part would have been only fitting. What did it have to do with anything? Was there some hidden meaning in Ayato's words? Not really, all he did was announce the assumption he made in regards to the quality of the drink from how the people in the inn praised it while deep in their cups. Yes, he happened to be inside just a few minutes ago. He had walked in an hour and a half after the sighting on the chapel - and when he was done inspecting that crime scene. The hearth in the inn was warm yet all the chairs nearest the burning wood and ashes were pre-occupied, common folk stretching their long legs under the tables. Ayato had taken his seat on the bench.

Above the black woolen jacket and breeches of the same color, the light gray flak jacket emblazoned with the sigil of the Hyuuga family, a symbol of good and evil – the opposite contrary forces that at the same time were interconnected. All this didn’t matter, however, wearing these he looked every part the shinobi and he could feel the sullen looks he received from the patrons as he was served black beard fixed on bacon grease. The innkeeper was friendly enough, however, even spent a few words with him.

Did you see a suspicious man, or an unfamiliar face around these parts lately?” Ayato had asked at some point and the innkeeper who did not feign surprise in the question responded “No milord. I beg your pardons see many men but seldom faces I do not know. ”  Ayato was no lord, no more than that Akihana was a Queen. Still, the unneeded courtesy Ayato received from the man was all he needed to know. The shinobi take pride in our skills in espionage but we are helpless against the network of small folk and their secrets. It was the innkeepers turn to ask questions then, why was he asking? why was he here? Was he gonna stay for long? Was he in need of a room, and if he was for how many? Your ever cautious shinobi had denied revealing the details with cool courtesy and announced that his work here was done either way -albeit unsuccessfully- before exiting the inn.

Flashback time over, Ayato decided it was time to brief his comrades in real time upon the situation. "I walked into the chapel, torch in hand. The building had seven walls one for each deity and you'd assume on every wall would be a drawing but I only made note of six and nothing seemed off. Too late I realized I was most likely caught in a genjutsu. Footsteps behind me, I attacked and the next minute he was gone along with the drawing that was missing. I did not linger in the chapel for long, there was nothing there but I placed a seal just in case."Ayato's eyes remained fixated upon the reflection of the moon on the wine color waters of the stream beside the inn. He clenched his jaw hard and his hand curled into a fist, to what uncomfortably like frustration.

That is not even the worst of it, half the bloody city knows we are after the thief. They’ve been playing us false and most likely whenever we inquired of suspicious activity it immediately reached our elusive target’s ears."  Ayato kept that part to himself, sound traveled on the water quicker than boats and even walls had ears. He placed a fist under the chiseled jaw line of his, as if he were in deep consideration, a moment later he spoke again.I only asked to meet here so we could regroup and make back the City Square, and report what happened.”  Ayato said the words loud and clear despite the dishonesty that engulfed them, hopefully, his teammates would understand. "Come, you can brief me on any updates from your end along the way."He started making for the forest his steps along the bank of the moonlit river - it was very broad here indeed, but shallow, its banks all muds and reeds. 

WC: 809
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Cowl of Nocturnal [IO] Empty Re: Cowl of Nocturnal [IO]

Mon May 08, 2017 3:25 pm
Miyamoto was already near his destination, taking extra care to make sure he was not followed by taking back routes and rooftops. He saw Ayato there, already leaning against the Inn as if this were some sort of casual meeting. He sneered as he still harbored the grudge from their last encounter inside of him, but regardless he needed to act appropriate for the mission so he swallowed his pride as best he could as he pulled the hood of his cloak over his head. He casually walked over as Ayato greeted him, and apparently their third party member Shouhei, whom Miyamoto did not yet see with a half assed talk of ale.

“The ale here is good if you are into pig swill I guess…” Miyamoto said as he leaned against the wooden rail of the Inn as he waited of Shouhei to meet them and for their meeting to begin.

Miyamoto then listened to every word that Ayato said, his time patrolling only bringing up an even stronger case in his theory that it might, by some work of a devil, be someone whom they encountered in an earlier mission together. The case seemed to eerily suspicious and too well planned to be the work of someone that happened to be passing by looking for a score. Then when Ayato asked them in turn what they found out Miyamoto was the first to respond.

“I am currently investigating the temple where the first robbery occurred. It seems as though our burglar is targeting ancient texts that hold some sort of technique or power. When I have spent time looking at the other sites, it seems the same case...however the news of our burglar hitting temples where only religious artifacts are being held is suspicious. It feels like a setup...I know that seems far fetched...but that is the only thing I can think of…” Miyamoto reported as he looked to the two of them.

“I know it seems unlikely Ayato...but does this not bring up a feeling from the sewer mission with the two reported missing-nin…” Miyamoto concluded in a curious question knowing that Shouhei would bring his answer soon after.

After Shouhei answered though, Ayato brought up a new piece of seems as though the three have been burned on the secretive mission they were on. It seemed to Ayato that the entire village might know about their doings. Ayato then told them the real reason for the meeting loud enough that Miyamoto had to hold his tongue on reprimanding him, the leader of the mission. They were to regroup and head back towards the center of the village. In his head the wheels began to turn as he began to ponder as to why Ayato would announce their plans.That is when it all made sense as they started to move Ayato then pointed them in the direction they were going with a plan as he wanted them to inform him on the way as for their briefing. It seems Ayato knew that they were going to be eavesdropped upon so he announced their plans in an effort to establish a feint. It was their turn to spread false information to confuse their enemy. He had to stifle a sly smile as the trio began to run their speed gaining greatly till they became the shadows themselves hopping from roof to roof under the gaze of the dark sky that held no moon. Their direction quickly differing from the path to the center of the village towards the woods at the edge of the village. As they moved to the clearing before they became one with the darkness and the growth of the wood he would reaffirm his brief about his basic findings seeing as he already went at length near the Inn, feeling stupid he said it aloud.

When the team came to a clearing, Miyamoto leaned against a tall oak tree as he pulled the hood from his head. Looking to his team leader he would ask Ayato as simply put as he could. He was obviously pissed off that he was allowed to finish his lengthy brief and thoughts as to the burglar without either of them stopping him. He sighed though as he waited to let them catch their breath

“What in the hell was that about, the feint that you put up…you are gambling with a person that has the eyes and ears of the people if you had to do that...what are we not being told Ayato?” He asked showing he was genuinely concerned with the mission and wanting to know fully what they were dealing with.

Regardless of the answer, Miyamoto knew the mission still had to end with their success...there was no other way. He would follow the two that were apart of his team to the ends of the earth if that is what it took to finish the fight.

Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 6150

Cowl of Nocturnal [IO] Empty Re: Cowl of Nocturnal [IO]

Sun May 14, 2017 5:29 pm
Surprisingly it didn’t long for Shouhei to get to the meeting place. The fact that he had to travel downhill as the monetary hospital had been located a bit on a high point of the city so he could just jump down onto the roof of the next building below rather than have to using all his power jumping on the same level of elevation. However, this also meant that he had built up a bit too much speed so when he arrived at the inn he would have had a bit of a loud landing if it weren’t for him pulling out his staff – its length increased to its max size – to allow it to take of the landing weight. This made the audibility of his entrance more of a thud than the sound of a body rolling on the gravel road of the garden of the inn. He put the staff back into a scroll before he said anything.

“Hope I am not late.” He made his presence known by before Ayato had a chance to comment about the ale. When he did comment about the ale and Miyamoto replied, Shouhei noted the following. “I don’t know. You don’t look tipsy enough to know that, and…I don’t know, you are too prompt and proper to be the type drinking underaged.” There after he placed a hand on Miyamoto in a playful manner which might be inappropriate but no one had told him that Miyamoto was Shouhei’s senior by now. “Well try not to put your snout in it then and you will never have to find out. Last time we ate together you had to have a bathroom visit.” He replied with good jest his goal…well other than to be friendly was to make it so they didn’t look like they came to do what they came to do.

However, it would appear that Ayato had other plans instead describing what he had seen instead of going to the loud section of the inn where no one could overhear them. Shouhei didn’t really learn anything new from what Ayato told him, and figured that was because Ayato was holding his card close to his hands. That part didn’t surprise Shouhei really as Ayato wasn’t really the trusting type from what he remembered. Then he realized he hadn’t really talked much with him and decided that wasn’t fair to make that judgement. Now what was a surprise to him was that Ayato had learned how to do seals since the last time they meet as he seemed more like a hands-on and burn people to crisps kind of person.

As they travelled Shouhei kept the pace and listened to what Miyamoto said who had decided to go first. Shouhei nodded the whole wait through to confirm that he was listening which Miyamoto should be able to see as Shouhei was a step or two ahead of him. When it was Shouhei’s turn, he spoke in a tune a lot more serious than the one he had introduced himself with back at the inn.

“I wasn’t giving a big briefing before this mission nor do I stalk the backlog of the two of your missions, so I do not know about any missing ninjas running about from the sewer.” He said his first words holding his hands behind his back like an old man. “However, I can confirm what you two said that he has a fondness for illusion type techniques. Specifically, they are sound based. I know as much as one of the person I interviewed had some inner ear issues so it didn’t work as intended and he got a glimpse of his appearance after and before using a transformation technique. If this is his real appearance, our target is of average build, as tall as me, have brown hair, and ember eyes. He was dressed as a monk in training. Whether he was one no one can confirm. He stole manuscripts concerning some exotic operations.” Shouhei had a short pause. “Honestly, I don’t know what that means, but I am sure it’s important.” He followed up not knowing they involved body modifications.

They arrived at the clearing, and the first one to break the silence was Miyamoto who questioned what Ayato was doing. Shouhei had his guessed but he was afraid that his jest about it might be true – that they were trying to lead someone out here into the clearing – so all he said was. “I’m sure Ayato have a good reason, Miyamoto. We aren’t torturing someone yet, so give him time to explain.”

Notes wrote:Word Count: 768.
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Cowl of Nocturnal [IO] Empty Re: Cowl of Nocturnal [IO]

Sat May 20, 2017 3:46 pm
When Shouhei had asked if he was late Ayato had responded with. “No, you were just in time to hear the first eight-year-old Chuunin chastising ale.” Then a faint smile had come across Ayato's lips. There were times, not many that Ayato Hyuuga would threaten the world with to smile, he never but the idea must have been terrifying to the audience.

He listened to both to the reports carefully, without intervening once. Both had brought something to the game...but more importantly, any doubts that Ayato might have had for what he was about to act, had vanished.This was another mission, he hadn’t failed in before and he wasn’t planning on making a start now. This was why he had partnered himself with Shouhei and Miyamoto, he knew them both, successfully done mission together and thought he could trust them. Shouhei was a courteous always ready with a jest and a smile but could turn into a serious, no-nonsense when the situation called for. A certain burning building in the middle of the village a couple months ago had proven as much.

 Miyamoto, on the other hand, might have been a few months away from his 12th name day, and that alone was a question mark but not for Ayato who knew him. His teammate was brave, loyal and dutiful and would accept someone else's feedback for those he did wrong, not try to deflect the point. The last was evident from how he listened to Ayato and remained within the Village instead of venturing out. Well, Ayato striking him down might have been a great help in that case but best to keep an optimistic view.

Before talking any further about the mission from their vantage point Ayato asked to brand them with a seal he had been practicing as of late: The telepathy seal. Which as the name might suggest it allowed telepathic communication between the three for better coordination. When they nodded affirmatively he proceeded to explain the inner workings of the jutsu, in deep detail as he began to cast it upon them. He mentioned that the perimeter was not defined and the telepathy could work with chakra cost. Additionally, when the link is made Shouhei and Miyamoto may talk to Ayato, but not to each other.  Finally, he mentioned that if any of the two was feeling uncomfortable with keeping the seal upon them after this mission, he could use a C-rank Fuinjutsu tech known as Sealing Breaking, which had enough power to break the seal.

After this was done, he began to activate the effects of the jutsu  “To answer your question of what we doing here, I'm positive the thief is going to re-visit the crime scene tonight." He said, no, to be more accurate he thought, and that was transmitted to the other two a whisper in their head. He left that hang in there for a moment, to see how they would react before speaking again.

"The target stole one artifact about the same time I entered the temple. However, he didn’t try to escape immediately, even though evidently he could. Instead, he trapped me in a Genjutsu, as Shouhei’s research confirmed but even then he did not try to escape. It was only after I realized that something was amiss that he made a run for it. If I had not noticed, perhaps I would  have simply taken my leave from the temple...and let him finish the job unmolested.

A cold wind gust of wind sent leaves past his faces that whistled like living things. This distraction had broken down the line of communication momentarily. "Damn it," Ayato thought, louder than he had intended. He struggled to keep his composition. Ayato was not delusional, he understood this might have been a long shot but, a necessary evil nonetheless. Whatever textbook they had tried so far was unsuccessful. He shouldn't break from his case now, no matter if they doubted him or not. 

"There is a reason for putting up that faint and announcing we were leaving. Innkeepers are big gossipers and inns happen to be the perfect place to pick information. Today, however, the innkeeper in question was very interested in my course of action...It’s a vague estimation but what if the thief’s elusiveness is partly due to him having the small-folk to his side? The thought is terrifying, to be sure. Be that as it may, I said loud and many a time that we are leaving this area and that we are going to report back to the City Square. After this happens, the place will be crowded with authorities tomorrow. But for tonight, there is only a weak ass seal on the door preventing him from coming back and finishing the job. The price is too sweet, unguarded and ripe for the taking, but not for long.

It seemed as if the thief was with the back against the wall, but what was left unsaid was better understood. The same was true for them as well, this was their only chance. If this failed then they were are back to a merry chase...and with a little luck, they may able to make the arrest before the thief actually empties all chapels, temples in the village of statues and the like.

Now we scatter and secure the perimeter. If the target shows up we must act swiftly and not let him cast genjutsu on us. Miyamoto, you are to use that mole technique of yours to hold him in place, while I attack him from the front. Shouhei you hold the rear if Miyamoto and myself fail you are to give chase but you are not to engage.

Ayato would have been the perfect choice to hold the rear and keep track of the thief with his bloodline...but Shouhei didn’t strike him as a frontline fighter, no offense intended to the younger warrior. From what Ayato has seen Shouhei was a shinobi of the water affinity that could make usage of a basic genjutsu technique such as the D-rank Mist Clone and a high ranked Medical technique he had used to heal Ayato’s legs after some madness had overcome him and he jumped into a burning building to save a kid. Water release that could be used offensively, and that not very far.

wc: 1056
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Cowl of Nocturnal [IO] Empty Re: Cowl of Nocturnal [IO]

Tue May 23, 2017 6:31 pm
Miyamoto stood in shock as Ayato spoke, his voice was as calm as the weather around them in the forest.

“To answer your question of what we doing here, I'm positive the thief is going to revisit the crime scene tonight."  Ayato had said...the words made Miyamoto nearly growl with excitement as he punched his hand in a bravado style.  He looked to his two teammates as Ayato gave out his explanation of what happened on his watch of the temple.  This only furthered his suspicions of it being someone from a previous mission in the sewers.  Miyamoto however much he wanted to speak up in protest, backed down to allow Ayato to continue through the use of his unique seal that apparently allowed him to communicate using only thoughts.  Miyamoto was just getting the hang of making sure his mind was empty so that he did not blurt anything out that needed to not be said.  He began to think of techniques that he could use to make sure he could catch the thief, but nothing was making a sure way of no escape.  As he formulated ideas he heard Ayato begin to describe the plan, he took a seat on the ground as he brought out a kunai and examined it.  He still had the loss from his master stuck in his head, the added weight technique was something that could be useful here in this very situation.

He was thinking of a setup scenario where he could quickly burrow under the earth and appear under the enemy, using the added weight to hold the thief in place as Ayato would most likely deliver the final blow.  Shouhei was to watch our backs, just on the off chance that he and Ayato would not be able to catch the thief quick enough and would instead trap them in a genjutsu.  Miyamoto was nervous though still, he had not really had a lot of time to mission with anyone except for those of Team Winter.  He had however, seen his actions in a previous mission where they saved a noble.  He could easily be a frontline fighter, but Ayato was designated Team he would follow the orders given even if they seemed a bit off.

After the plan had been told the three grew silent as thoughts were speeding inside their collective heads as to what course of action to take.  Miyamoto examined the kunai, the edge was sharp and deadly, just like a shinobi should be.  This mission would test them though...the task of apprehending a thief should be an easy task, but of course they drew the short straw and were unlucky enough to have a thief with shinobi abilities.  The situation as it stood though was that they needed to finish up in the forest and get to their positions as soon as they could.  Without so much as a minute had passed when Miyamoto finally spoke up making sure to utilize the seal, he gingerly tossed the kunai into the ground before standing up and stretching.  Once he felt nice and loose, Miyamoto would begin to walk towards the village with a new fire inside him.  He was ready to show the team that he was valuable.

“Then I guess let us all do our best, let us bring this bastard in before he can swipe anymore relics of our country…”  He started before bending down, picking up the kunai from the earth.
“We should get in position then, Ayato let’s hit the earth running we probably do not have much time till he strikes.”  Miyamoto would say using the seal with a look back behind him to his teammates.

Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 6150

Cowl of Nocturnal [IO] Empty Re: Cowl of Nocturnal [IO]

Tue May 30, 2017 4:37 pm
Shouhei wasn’t so sure if he should roll his eyes or not when Ayato assured them that he could unseal the telepathic seal should they feel uncomfortable with it. Shouhei did accept but as soon as it had gotten slapped on him he noted his complaint. “So, you noted that you could remove the seal…however can you also mute what someone say? If not you might want to remove your own seal.” He thought at his teammate in a teasing frame of mind that hopefully also hinted that he wouldn’t actually test that limit.

Shouhei looked at the night sky as to make it so that if anyone was watching them they wouldn’t be able to read his expressions that was conjured forward by whatever Ayato was going to say. Listening to Ayato explain his part, he went along with most of it, except that he thought he jumped the shark that every and all citizen of Hoshi was in cahoots with the thief when only a singular bartender was being picky and nosy about Ayato’s whereabout. He didn’t note most of this, but he did ask Ayato the following before he went onto the integrity of his plan. “Did you feed the bartender falls information? Would have been of use for us other than you saying out loud where we were going.”

As for the plan itself, Shouhei had nothing to protest about, nor really anything to ad. He didn’t know what the others were thinking, and both Ayato and Miyamoto seemed to have had a faster growth than he had while Shouhei have been working on his invention. He sent Ayato another thought. “Very well then, captain.” He stopped looking at the sky and said something for the first time since the seal was applied. “As beautiful as the night sky is, I think we should get onward, don’t you two think that’d be a good idea?”

Notes wrote:Word Count: 319.
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Cowl of Nocturnal [IO] Empty Re: Cowl of Nocturnal [IO]

Wed May 31, 2017 4:00 am
The Chuunin was ready to answer any questions the two may have had about the operation, the telepathy seal and any inquiry they may have had. At least he intended to, Miyamoto remained silent through the entire time and on the other hand, Ayato faced difficult at understanding what Shouhei might have been pointing out with his first observation. No it wasn't at the level of "I have no idea what you are talking about - the image of an old dude dressed in purple pajama's attached.  When the soulless ginger (according to popular belief) inquired Ayato about whether he had given false information to the innkeeper, Ayato nodded. "I did that, in a polite and indirect manner." The Hyuuga re-assured his teammate using the telepathic seal. 

"We should get in position then, Ayato let’s hit the earth running we probably do not have much time till he strikes,"Miyamoto said using the seal, eager as always. Before Ayato could provide a response, Shouhei who was staring at the wine-colored sky, spoke his mind like he always did - aloud. "As beautiful as the night sky is, I think we should get onward, don’t you two think that’d be a good idea?" And yes, he made a good point, to which Ayato only nodded in approval. Let us take our positions. If you have any sensory techniques keep them active at all times...perhaps this is a chance is to improve them. This more than likely will, take a while.Ayato's response, unlikely Shouhei's did come from the telepathic communication, in order to keep familiarizing the duo with the tech and carve into their minds how efficient the technique's utilization on the field could be. However, only real-time action would truly convince them as much. And they would soon get that...he hoped.

White eyes tracked the dark road of unwashed stone that expanded in front of him for meters to come. Wooden lanterns cast their dim light here and there, somewhat reducing the effort it took to keep his Byakugan active in the dead of the night. He pushed his chakra to decrease even at lowers levels than it already was, and it did. Minimizing it down to a mere trickle of what it had been before. When he had first tried doing this earlier today, dropping down a gear to his chakra to mask his presence, he found himself facing difficulty to breathe after transitioning from gear to gear. It was an hour after midnight when he caught a shadow moving in the darkness. It appeared the one the team was looking for had decided to make his appearance. No time to celebrate though, they had to move. “The target is walking right next to the road, as if for the dim light of the lanterns to guide him but at the same time he made sure not to get near enough and the light be cast upon his figure. “ Ayato followed rather close, with the same tactic as the target.

As the tracking was initiated, Ayato made one final push to slow his chakra flow to nothing; it was more difficult than any other step he had made so far. But he had only one chance at this one chance only. If he messed up then everything up until now would amount to nothing and he would be a rogue out of necessity for the rest of his life. His muffled steps trailed behind those of the shadow and he could feel the cold sweat dripping down his forehead. It was talking immeasurable effort to suppress his chakra, trailed behind him and not make any noise as he watched the shadow meander from house to house of the small settlement on the outskirts of City.

Thieves are always on the lookout a future target to steal from but for this one were the temples. Ayato thought to himself would go to examine the door outside of the inn actually where he had happened to visit a couple of hours before. The thief used the sharp end of an object to carve shapes of various types upon stone or wood. This action, Ayato figured was meant to signify something in the language of thieves.

There was a fuinjutsu seal upon the door as Ayato looked more closely. There was no fuinjutsu technique he had no knowledge of. Not that it was any special type of skill to recognize a C-rank fuinjutsu, known as Five-Seal Barrier every well-read person could. Emphasis on well read. But it was a different thing to recognize it and another to cast it. So unless this pig-farmer and the innkeeper next door were training themselves in ninja warfare instead of fucking pigs and serving piss for ale (as Miyamoto the 8 year old beer drinker suggested), someone was hired to do it for them. Even C-ranks fuinjutsu techs require an extensive study on the specialty to learn - and also most likely the seal did not come cheaply. Not that Ayato could blame them over their investment. Staying on the outskirts of a shinobi village where cutthroats are likely to pay you a visit at night, requires appropriate measures regarding one's security. And the products of his trade, of course.

Finally, the target moved towards the Temple of the settlement....and finish the job. “Robin is in the nest.” He thought at the same moment and let out a soft sigh as jumped into a rooftop made of hay ten meters away from where he would make it so to be the target's final destination. Stalking towards the stables with as much stealth as he could muster he formed a single hand seal and in a blur, he leaped onto the ground exactly where the target was a few seconds ago. For a moment Ayato feared he had made enough noise to be heard in Sunagakure - provided that shithole buried in the sand was still a shinobi village.

Ayato released the limiters his mind has placed on his chakra signature, he had hoped to do this in one go yet it took several seconds for it to revert itself properly and then even more to resume its normal flow but once it his sword hand reached for his steel. "Miyamoto move in, now!" Ayato said to his teammate with the telepathy seal and reached for his steel.

The Tanto blade flashed silvery blue in the darkness as it was drawn from the sheath. Changing towards the thief with a horizontal slash, the adversary casually dunked as if he had seen the attack coming from a mile away.  The swing had hit thin air, yet the blade kept traveling and cut halfway through the wooden post of the building, the noise of splintering rotten wood would no doubt weak the villagers from their slumber. Ayato's left side was wide open for a counter and the thief wouldn’t even need to cast a Genjutsu for this one to deliver a hit. Thankfully the thief had realized as much; with a twisted grin on his face that Ayato could scarcely make out under his cowl he thrust a kunai towards Ayato's liver.

But it was too late, a hand sprouted from the ground and twisted the thief’s ankle with force, breaking his counter midway and bringing him down to his knees. There was no time to waste; Ayato's body twisted towards the opposite direction from where he swung his sword and his fist collided with the side of the thieves jaw. The impact force was strong enough to send the man smashing on the floor with the head.

The thief, either by the punch or from smashing his head on the floor had slumped into unconsciousness, blood trailing down from his scalp the same way sweat did for Ayato. But there was no time. Ayato had to be quick about this. Bending down he bound the thief's arms and legs with a thick rope Ayato held on his person before starting to loot the man for his belongings. Mostly there were lockpicks, gold coins and moon sugar, a foreign drug that gave you hallucinations and was quite popular in the market of Hoshigakure as of late. Yet Ayato had no interested for money, nor to become a thief or an addict that would pollute the street with his presence. This was his village after all. No, what he was looking was something else. And he came up with it after examining a back pocket on the Thieve's leather jacket. Coming up with a small red scroll, Ayato unfolded it revealing an initial for storage.

This was a common technique shinobi used to displace equipment into a separate dimension. So the moment he saw the initials he knew exactly what he was supposed to do. Focusing on his chakra to flow on the palm of his hand he pushed his chakra he palm thrust the ink upon the scroll, which made disappear but not before summoning, 4 silver crowns that priests wore, 2 golden goblets and a rainbow colored sphere used for ceremonies...but not the charcoal drawing. The reported stolen items others were not all there. Something felt amiss...why would he keep the items worth a fortune with him and secure at a different location a useless charcoal drawing. "It's nothing" Ayato tried to tell himself "You are seeing monsters in the woodpile, you are becoming an eager youth drunk with success and records."

People would be here soon the noise was loud enough to wake even those who were going the hardest at it on their beds. Taking a few steps to his right he released his tanto with some struggle from the wooden post, and then he proceeded to lift the thief with one hand and throw him over his shoulder. "The priests and the pious have their justice for all I care." Ayato said frowning, before turning to face his teammates “ Well done everyone, I suppose we can make the arrest now.



TWC: 4526
Claiming: Ill Gotten Artifacts B rank Mission Rewards 

3000 to Telepathy Seal 4000 - 25 % = [3000|3000]
1336 to Eight Trigrams Four Sky Palms 4000 - 25 % = 3000 (technique already at 1664 wc) = [3000|3000]
Discarding rest 190 words

Last edited by Ayato Hyuuga <3 on Sat Jun 03, 2017 12:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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