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Training 2.0★Naru★ Empty Training 2.0★Naru★

Thu Apr 20, 2017 7:03 pm
The glistening sunlight scanned throughout the village of konoha, it's magnificent presence gave off the eternal feeling of joy in ones soul whenever one would stare at the bright star's might. Even as it was entirely hot Naru still came out filled with joy, today was the day he learned of his bloodline jutsu which would be called the Gentle fist known to only be capable of usage towards the Hyuga Clan. Naru would head towards the academy and as he passed the tall wooden fence he pushed open the great doors which was the entrance of course. Naru's white eyes darted over to the thick trees that were around the front yard of the establishment, class didn't start till an hour so he had enough time to begin his training, as he would head towards the trees he would first look around to see if any one was there as he didn't want to be in trouble with the orphanage if he were to possible learn the technique successfuly and break the trees.

 As the close was clear he turned his attention back towards the tree and held his finger towards his face while saying," Byakugan.." he'd say in a whisper while veins instantly formed on the sides of his face with the center of his pupils forming a incomplete like sphere. As he awakened his byakugan he would be focused on the tree towards his left, as he still held his finger in his face he stares at the tree while focusing his own chakra towards his palm. Suddenly he would whisper to himself once more," lock..on" he'd say softly while then dashing forward the tree, with evey step he took he would have his arm that he focused the chakra on more and more closer. As he got of close proximity towards the tree he launched his fist at the tree however it didn't cause much damage than that was expected. Maybe he was just off a bit on controlling his chakra, Naru contemplated after hitting the tree and moved his arm down, it had some internal pain but it was minor so he didn't mind it much. Naru would then still have his byakugan activated as with it on it had the more effective results of course. Naru would try again and again until he showed more better improvement in breaking the tree. Naru didn't attack yet as he had to take a few minutes to breathe before trying to hit it as he knew well enough not to.

WC: 423

Last edited by NaruAkimichi on Thu Apr 20, 2017 7:33 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Training 2.0★Naru★ Empty Re: Training 2.0★Naru★

Thu Apr 20, 2017 7:16 pm
Naru would begin to feel better after a few minutes of catching his breath in which then he would arose again and face the tree and attacked once from early, he stepped back again and focused on his chakra, Naru would close his eye and began coursing his chakra into his palm in which then he would crouch while Inhaling and exhaling as he wanted to have complete control. As he started dashing forward the tree the words "I Can Do It" flowed constantly in his mind he couldn't stop thinking other wise so he just kept the thought of him believing in himself in this task. He would proceed carefully yet swiftly to launch his fist at the tree while saying," Gentle Fist!" he'd say with confidence in his voice, the tree would then start to crack as he applied pressure towards his attack, he kept on pushing until he heard a giant snap. The tree wasn't going to break however his hand into half way through the tree which brought a smile to his face as he accomplished something he really wanted to do and he did it. Naru would then blink his eye as he saw what he did and realized someone may notice it, he looked around for something to use to get rid of it and saw a few twigs, as he instantly grabbed them he would ram the twigs inside the palm hole making it look like some squirrel did it which wouldn't be that case as no animal with that kind of palm couldn't done that unless they were a monkey of course.

WC: 270 [ Requesting +3 stat points]
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