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Never meet your heroes (P,IO/Den) Empty Never meet your heroes (P,IO/Den)

Tue Apr 18, 2017 6:07 am
They say you should never meet your heroes. Well, Akemi could beg to differ. Tales of the legendary Hogokage literally spread around the village like wildfire. Akemi had requested the Hogokage come meet him down in the courtyard. His grandfather had always said something along the lines 'The friendly clash of arms in a spar speaks a thousand words" or something like that.

It was definitely a foolish thing to do. Inviting the Hogokage for a quick spar that is. It could end badly, but Akemi felt like he could possibly learn from this. Fighting against a vastly stronger, smarter and more experienced shinobi would certainly improve his mindset and skills exponentially.

Sparring seemed like a great way to get stronger. You build your body and mind at the same time. Training by yourself is all well and good until you actually need to fight someone. You can have all the strength in the world, but you could still possibly be out-smarted by little more than academy student.

Thus, Akemi was currently sitting on a bench in the unseen university courtyard, a heat-proof mug full of tea nestled in his left hand, and a paper bag filled with pastries in the other. Waiting for Den to show up.

(WC: 202)
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Never meet your heroes (P,IO/Den) Empty Re: Never meet your heroes (P,IO/Den)

Tue Apr 18, 2017 3:04 pm
Someone wished to spar the Hogokage. The guards outside the building were rather surprised by the request, but let the boy into the facility anyway. A few of the guards were about to be relieved and they thought perhaps they could catch a glimpse of the battle.

It was one of the recently relieved guards that knocked on Denkiteki's office door, located on the second floor of the building. Den was going over a file at his desk but put down the papers he was looking at next to the hat he was supposed to wear while on official duty as he called the guard in.

"So what's with the chakra signature in my courtyard?" Den usually kept his chakra senses active at all times, which was what had allowed him to sense Akemi as he moved through the university.

"He's a genin sir, apparently he wants to spar you."

His interest piqued, Den made his way quickly to the courtyard after dismissing the guard. The 6 foot tall Sage was curious as to why the boy wanted to fight him.

As he made his way a familiar voice entered his mind, apparently the tailed beast inside Den was awake.

So I know he's a genin and all...but that one you met in the training grounds yesterday was able to produce some strong jutsu. Want me to gather some energy for when you realize you're about to get hit by something you can't handle? Because I'd rather do that than have to give you chakra to heal your wounds...

Yeah, whatever Kokou. I shouldn't have to use Sage Mode against a genin.

You shouldn't have to be able to regenerate half your body to be considered a decent fighter! I'm just saying... if that kid hits you with a jutsu like that girl used yesterday you'd have to heal quite a bit, and after our fight I'm pretty sure you'd just tank it to the face like an idiot.

I dodge attacks all the time.. can you just shut up and gather nature energy if that's what you're going to do?

Kokou went silent as Den approached the boy who was sitting on the bench, noticing he had brought food.

"So, I hear you wanted to fight?" Den had stopped about a meter to the right of the bench.

Den's attire looked like that of a Jounin's however more darkly colored.

1 Nature Energy Stored cuz yolo
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Never meet your heroes (P,IO/Den) Empty Re: Never meet your heroes (P,IO/Den)

Tue Apr 18, 2017 6:36 pm
Akemi was broken out of his nervous rambling thoughts when the voice of the Hogokage appeared roughly 1m away from him. His shoulders jumped upwards from the momentary fright but quickly settled back to their original position shortly after, looking up at the powerful man before him, Akemi grinned sheepishly. Though the smile was somewhat obscured due to the blue scarf wrapped around his neck.

Despite not having any kind of chakra sensory, Akemi was still in awe of the man's presence. It was hard to explain, the Hogokage just seemed to emit some kind of powerful aura. Then again, it could just be all the rumors Akemi had heard about him, creating some kind of illusion or shred of doubt in his mind.

"F-fight? Well, I... I wasn't-t really looking for a fight, m-more like some kind of spar, though I guess a spar is kind of fighting," Akemi chuckled nervously " I believe t-t-that fighting against vastly stronger opponents will allow m-m-me to progress further for the better p-p-protection of Hoshi and it's civilians." Akemi would manage to stutter out. Being shy was definitely not a handy personality quirk to have when meeting new people. Especially in front of extremely powerful and influential people such as the person currently standing in front of him.

His words were an attempt to show the Hogokage that he was willing to do what it took to protect Hoshi. Though the words would be over shadowed by his general shy demeanor and body language.

After saying this, Akemi stood up and settled the heat-proof mug of tea down on the bench, using his now free hand to bring out one of the many delicious pastries he had picked up from a nearby pastry store.

"W-Want one?" Akemi asked. If Den accepted his proposal then Akemi would hand him the Sugary pastry which he was currently holding. If Den refused then Akemi would, rather awkwardly, begin eating the pastry instead.

"R-r-right, onto the matter for which I requested to meet you. Would you like to spar? Though I must request if you agree, please go easy on me, I am weak and inexperienced, it is the main reason for why I wish to battle with you."

If Den agreed to the spar, Akemi would immediately jump backward 10 meters at a speed of 20. Then, upon landing, Akemi would hold up both his hands and take a deep breath. Almost immediately after the breath, his eyes would glow white and a faint yellow aura would envelop him. After this, he would nod at Den, slightly unsure of where to start.

If Den said no then the hopeful look that was sparkling in his eye would disappear, his shoulders would sag slightly, though not enough to be immediately noticeable. 

"Then could you perhaps train me a bit?" Akemi would ask.

(Total Word Count: 677)

(AP: 301 - 20 (Seven Heavens C-Rank) = 281 remaining)
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Never meet your heroes (P,IO/Den) Empty Re: Never meet your heroes (P,IO/Den)

Tue Apr 18, 2017 7:46 pm
When the boy offered the pastry Den raised his hand up to decline, "Thank you, but I just ate."

It wasn't a lie, but Den also had a policy of not accepting food from strangers. Perhaps it was a bit of paranoia that lingered from his time as a missing ninja, but Den honestly rarely ate food that wasn't created in Sanctuary just in case someone tried to slip something into the food.

The boy took a moment to take a bite out of the pastry before he made his request to spar Den, to which the Kage responded, "I accept, we'll see how things go. I must admit... it's been awhile since I've had a simple spar."

The boy then jumped back and activated a technique, his eyes going white and an aura encompassing him. Byakugan and Display of Power? No, his eyes weren't bulging, his chakra hadn't become more potent. This was something else. Likely a physical boost of some sort, though it could be a protective aura. Earth Spear would likely be a good counter, but Den still didn't know exactly how this jutsu effected the body.

"So what does that jutsu do?" Den stepped away from the bench and onto the middle of the path it was on. There'd be about a meter and a half spacing between him and the bench.

The Hogokage didn't take a combat stance, he stood seemingly lax in the center of the path. His 6 senses were on alert however, he had to make sure this jutsu didn't throw any surprises at him. Den also noticed that the guard he had dismissed was at the edge of the courtyard waiting at one of the doors. He seemed to be using the balcony that was attached to Den's office as shade. It seemed he was curious as to how the fight between the Hogokage and the genin would go.

2 Nature Energy Stored in Kokou
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Never meet your heroes (P,IO/Den) Empty Re: Never meet your heroes (P,IO/Den)

Wed Apr 19, 2017 8:30 am
Akemi would stay in his stance for a few seconds, facing Den, his aura flickering around him in a wondrous display of sheer randomness. On the surface it would look like he was simply holding his stance like a moron. But internally he was studying the Hogokage's Posture, trying to come up with a plan of attack. He was also, of course, working out a plan to increase the power of his seven heavens, though it wasn't something that he would be able to do in the midst of a spar. It would have to be done later.

Suddenly, at a speed of 63, Akemi would reach into the weapon pouch on his right thigh and pull out two shurikens, putting on in either hand. Then, he would flick both his hands towards Den, flicking one hand slightly more than the other. This was so that the both the shuriken would curve slightly. One would be aiming for the right side of Den's face, one would be aiming 1 meter behind the Hogokage, which was coming in from the left side. This meant that if Den stepped back then he would be hit by the curving Shuriken. (Shuriken speed = 112, Shuriken sharpness = 66)

After throwing the shuriken, Akemi would start running at the Hogokage (Speed = 31). Since Den would probably be busy dealing with the Shuriken, he probably wouldn't pay Akemi much heed at the moment, unless he had already dealt with the Shuriken.

Upon reaching one meter away from Den, Akemi would lift his hands up into the Ram seal (Speed = 60) at the same time he would slightly lower his chakra using chakra suppression. This, of course, was little more than a distraction for Den since Akemi could not perform any ninjutsu while using seven heavens.

After performing the Ram seal and lowering his chakra, Akemi would shift his weight onto his left foot and push his right foot towards the underside of Den's chin (Speed = 80 speed) but just before it hit, he would bend his leg and instead force it into Den's stomach (Speed = 80, Strength = 105)

If Den did anything to stop what Akemi was doing, Akemi's actions would change.

(Total word count: 1028)

(AP Remaining: 281 - 20 (Seven Heavens) - 12 (Leaf Whirlwind) = 249)

(If I've done any calculations for speed/strength wrong please tell me :D)
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Never meet your heroes (P,IO/Den) Empty Re: Never meet your heroes (P,IO/Den)

Wed Apr 19, 2017 5:30 pm
Apparently the boy didn't want to answer Den's question, instead throwing two shuriken at him. With his reaction time Den was able to quickly deduce the path of travel of the shuriken. He quickly realized that both were moving on a curved path, one leading to Den's position and the other to quite a bit behind Den, a meter at least. Den quickly took a mental note that, like Takeo, the boy seemed to think that a meter spacing was enough to trap an opponent when in fact it left more than enough room for them to stand between your attacks.

Den took a step backwards at 25 speed after the shuriken had traveled 3 meters, traveling 20 centimeters himself. This would put him out of the path of the curved trajectories, meaning the one aimed for him would pass in front of his face and close to his left ear, while the other would pass by him on his left side.

The boy had started running as soon as he threw the shuriken, however due to the difference in speed he was lagging quite a bit behind his projectiles. S ranked ninja might have been able to get away with rushing Denkiteki but unfortunately this Genin would not. As Den took the step back, which would have begun before Akemi had traveled a meter, he made a Tiger hand seal at 120 speed and mist would begin to pour out of his mouth at a speed of 170. It’d travel out to 50 meters from Den’s position in all directions, creating a 100 meter diameter field of mist. No light would be able to penetrate the mist meaning neither Den nor his opponent would be able to see each other after Den was encompassed by the mist.

After completing the Tiger seal Den immediately performed the Boar seal at 120 speed. Due to his mastery of hand seals that was all he needed to do in order to perform the substitution jutsu. What was he planning to substitute with though? The wooden bench Akemi had been sitting on before the fight had begun. It wasn’t bolted to the ground or anything so it would work.

If Akemi continued with his attack despite the lack of visibility he would feel his foot connect with what he’d believe to be Den’s chest, sending the substitute flying off into the mist as the Hogokage’s jutsu was activated. Only after it had settled on the ground would it disperse back into the bench. Den had switched during Akemi's initial feint because he could still track Akemi with his heightened hearing and chakra sensory unless the boy did use chakra suppression.

As he switched places with the bench Den would silently catch the objects that had been sitting upon the bench before laying them on the path without making a sound (actions at 100 speed). The mug would be upright, and if Akemi had left the bag of pastries they’d be fine as well. For the moment Den would remain crouched and silent to see what the boy did. He’d track him with chakra sensory and his advanced hearing and smell for now.

3 Nature Energy in Kokou

-10 AP for Hidden Mist
-5 AP for Substitution
+10  AP from Juugo
Net 5 AP lost

10/20 AP towards Nexus of energy
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Never meet your heroes (P,IO/Den) Empty Re: Never meet your heroes (P,IO/Den)

Wed Apr 19, 2017 11:42 pm

The girl did not find it difficult to sneak in while the guards were distracted by some Genin looking to spar with the Hogokage. Not the smartest move, but she could not boast in being better at choosing her battles. For training, perhaps one day fighting the Kage would be worthwhile, provided he answer her request, and not leave her hospitalized with too many injuries.

No, focus, her mind told her. She had a job to do here, and one that would be both fun and entertaining. Tsukishira had made a promise to her wolf companion, after all. For the first time, she had decided that the young, obsidian-furred canine deserved to wear clothes too. Unfortunately, everything she tried did not appear flattering on the canine. What was left for him to properly wear, other than a headpiece? That was it. And not just any hat would do, either. Nyju was the greatest canine, so he had to have the greatest hat. And that would be the hat of the ‘alpha’ of their village, as surely any Chokyoshi member could agree… maybe.

It was painful to leave the spirit animal behind, even if he was not far off and it would not be for too long. She rarely was separated from the beast, after all, so naturally, she felt rather exposed and insecure without him directly at her side. This mission had to be completed quickly. Sneaking through the courtyard, Tsukishira attempted to hide, using her transformation jutsu to appear as one of the guards. She walked casually along, and smirked as she watched food declined and eaten from afar by the Kage and the Genin. With ease, she slipped out of the courtyard and into the building. 

Once inside, she continued the stroll, and found no interesting room that could possibly be the Hogokage’s office, at least on the first floor. Quickly finding the stairs, Tsukishira began pressing upwards, and while in the stairwell with nobody around to see her, she switched her disguise to that of Denkiteki Hayato himself. She had seen him minutes before, and kept in mind what he was wearing, and looked like. He was without his hat; that was good. It meant it was not with him, but somewhere else.

Reaching the second floor, Tsukishira moved down the hallway, and was surprised to find the Kage’s office left unguarded. This disguise did not really have much use, did it? Well, better safe than sorry. The kage-disguised girl made her way into the quiet office, and did not have to spend too much time trying to find the hat. It was sitting ‘safely’ on his desk, next to a file with a stack of papers. Stretching out unfamiliar hands, Tsukishira picked up the hat gently and began to tuck it into a rather large, empty pouch made of pale purple-dyed leather. It barely fit, as a part of it stuck out, refusing to allow her to completely close the pouch.

Her transformation finally failed, leaving her exposed. Not that it mattered; nobody was around to catch her in the act of stealing. As quickly as she could, she began to make her way down the hall and back down the stairs. While in the stairwell, she began to form the ram, snake, and tiger handsigns in order to create the lovely intangible copy of herself. The clone ran ahead of her, and with fair speed, attempted to dart out before Tsukishira, and get the guards chasing after it. Provided they catch on and chase the distraction, the original academy student would sneak outside and begin making her way towards the gates, once again using the form of a guard. The spar going on between their Kage and the Genin was still going on, and made the best diversion there could possibly be. Trying her luck, the disguised Tsukishira made her way towards the gates, aiming to slip through, unnoticed, with the pouch containing the Hogokage’s hat hidden under a guard’s coat. Mission almost accomplished.

[669 Words. If I missed anything or need to edit, let me know! To be safe, saying under 20 AP was used out of 60.]
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Never meet your heroes (P,IO/Den) Empty Re: Never meet your heroes (P,IO/Den)

Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:12 am
The moment Akemi saw Den begin to step back and start to perform the Tiger hand seal, Akemi would stop his charge and reach into both his weapon pouches at a speed of 63 and bring out two of his kunai, this would be at the same time as the Hogokage started spewing mist out of his mouth.

Akemi would then throw the one of the kunai to where he believed Den's chest was, he would then wait a few seconds and chuck another kunai towards where he believed Den's face was. (Both Kunai stats Speed = 112, sharpness = 85), he did this to try to throw Den off guard. Though of course, little did Akemi know, Den had already performed the substitution at this point.

Akemi would hear the first Kunai hit, the sound of metal piercing flesh rang through the air, Akemi froze, had he actually hit the Kage? That's when Akemi heard the second kunai hit, but instead of the sound of metal piercing flesh, Akemi would hear the sound of a Kunai tearing through wood. That was when Akemi realised that Den must have performed Substitution with the bench Akemi had been previously sitting on.

So, since Akemi had stopped his charge, he still had a decent grasp of where things were positioned in the battlefield. Despite being limited in his sight, he still had a memory, so of course, he would know whereabouts of the bench, and thus, where Den currently was.

At a speed of 63, Akemi would grab another kunai and explosive note, wrap the kunai up in the explosive tag and chuck it towards the ground where the bench used to be and where Den was currently (Kunai speed: 112). Immediately after the kunai got stuck in the ground, Akemi would activate the explosive tag, likely catching Den out unless he had moved.

(Total Word Count: 1338)

(Ap Remaining: 249 + 12 (Refunding the Leaf Whirlwind) - 20 (Seven Heavens) = 231 remaining ap)

(If I've done any number calculations wrong, please tell me :D)

Last edited by Akemi Hiyu <3 on Thu Apr 20, 2017 7:23 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : My timeline sux)
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Never meet your heroes (P,IO/Den) Empty Re: Never meet your heroes (P,IO/Den)

Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:19 am
(So your timeline is....uh...woah.

How do you put your hand in your pouch at 60 speed, attach an explosive tag to a kunai, throw it, and have it cross the 9+ meters faster than I do my hand seals? O.o

The answer is you don't. I stated in my post the hand seal was performed as I started the step back so you wouldn't have the kunai out of the pouch by the time I had performed the first seal. I'm bringing my hands together at 120 speed while you do all of those actions stated above at 63, with the kunai at 112.

Also with the kunai moving at 110 speed it would not cross the 9 meters before my actions would be completed. My hands are faster than the kunai and I'm not bringing them together from 4 meters apart so I don't see how the kunai could possibly travel half the distance by the time I've done the Tiger Seal.

Also you never state if you stop charging or not, which I need to know for when I respond.

Edit: This is more of an OOC comment, but just thought I'd mention explosive tag has a range of 1 meter (not sure if radius or diameter) so if I substituted I'd be out of range as the bench is a meter and a half away.)
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Never meet your heroes (P,IO/Den) Empty Re: Never meet your heroes (P,IO/Den)

Thu Apr 20, 2017 7:25 am
(I've edited it :P Sorry I got confused at first, I thought you had stepped then did the hand seals afterwards)
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