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Nano Gōka
Nano Gōka
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You have one simple mission: [P|I/O|NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: You have one simple mission: [P|I/O|NK]

Tue Mar 21, 2017 9:00 am
After a long sixty minute period of waiting for any sign of Shiroi, Nano grew tired of standing. Surely she would have found him by now. From what he had seen so far of her hovering weapon dance of gracefulness she was a powerful kunoichi so there was no way she couldn't find him, no matter the distance. Considering this, Nano realised that she must have been hiding or something similar. She couldn't have been hunting for them, that would have taken her way less time from what he knew about her record. Seeing as his trap was now beginning to seem useless, Nano slowly creeped towards his explosive tags without letting his guard down. He genuinely believed he was correct but one could never know when it came to ninjas. Placing the inactivated explosive tags back inside his pouch, Nano peered inside the cave. It was pitch black inside so there was no way he would be able to see inside without some sort of torch. Making sure to mask his footprints and sound, Nano tiptoed to a nearby tree on the outside of the clearing and bit his lip. Snapping a branch off as fast as possible so as to minimise the time he could be found, Nano used the fire stream jutsu to set it alight. With the blazing fire in his hands, Nano felt warmer instantly. He was starting to feel the effects of the cold Hoshigakure climate. Cautiously stepping into the cave, Nano heard the slight dripping of water from the roof. With his flaming torch lighting the way, Nano rounded a corner before sprinting back around in fear. He had barely refrained from screaming then. Right around the corner was one of the scariest things Nano had ever seen.

It was a giant brown grizzly bear, almost three metres in height, lying down on the cold, hard, stone floor. That wasn't even the worst part. The worst part was the sight of a mutilated corpse sitting within the bear's jaws with blood oozing out. It was incredibly gory and almost caused Nano to puke. In his fright he had dropped his torch which caused the fire to flicker out and leave the room in darkness. Fortunately his eyes had now adjusted so he could see fairly well.He had seen many disgusting things and this came second on the list behind the time he had found a prisoner sitting in their own filth on his first c ranked mission. Knowing that he would freeze to death should he try sleeping outside, Nano could think of no better place to stay than this cave so he would need to find some way to remove the bear. Unfortunately the only thing which Nano could think of was to kill the bear. He listed off the pros and cons in his head. Pros: It will be easy as the bear is asleep, it can act as a source of food, it would make him feel better if he avenged the corpse and gave it a proper burial. Cons, he would be murdering a helpless animal, he would be at risk of awaking the bear. Sighing, Nano realised what he would have to do. The pros far outweigh the cons in this case. Pulling out a kunai, Nano stalked up to the bear, not making a sound. When he was within reach of the grizzly bear, Nano lunged out and in one swift motion he stabbed the knife straight through its skull. He had made sure to give the bear a quick and painless death. Picking up the mutilated body of the human, Nano moved in onto a patch of dirt before digging a large hole with his hands.

He spent about half an hour digging the whole until it was eventually finished and he had a large mound of dirt next to the hole. Rolling the body inside, Nano covered the dirt over the top before giving it a deep bow. Grabbing a large stone, Nano engraved the letters R.I.P onto it with the kunai he had slain the bear with before placing it above the space he had buried the man. Once that was finished, Nano thought about what he could do next. The first thing that came to mind was to build a more stable fire. To do this however, Nano would have to go back outside and collect firewood. While it would be extremely cold, it was a necessity as over the course of the night the cave would become just as cold and Nano might die of hypothermia. To combat the cold on the outside, he decided to test something new. He channeled fire Chakra through his body before doing the tiger handseal. He had read about this in a book earlier that week and it was named the Inner Flame. Using the added heat in his body from the jutsu, Nano rushed outside of the cave towards the trees. While he was rushing, he still made sure to keep quiet. Picking up fallen branches and logs, Nano used the Storage Displacement jutsu to carry them before arriving back at the cave and dumping the wood all in a pile. Stacking it like a teepee, Nano set it on fire with the fire stream jutsu as he had done with the torch from before and he sat himself down next to the fire. He needed some time to rest. Sitting in the lotus position, Nano would then send out his Chakra in waves and attempt to sense for any incoming hostiles. He would need to keep alert should an intruder appear.

Wc 937
Total wc 1663
Ap usage : 5 + 5 + 15 + 20 = 45
341/351 - 45 = 296/351
Jiro Daichi
Jiro Daichi
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Sat Mar 25, 2017 4:27 pm
Sora couldn't tell the time but he guessed that he been a tree for hours by the way the sun was down. He released the transformation jutsu. Once the smoke had disappeared, the twelve year old lay there. Sora went over by the tree and layed against it. It was cold, Sora figured out, even with all his clothing. He thought that the best way to keep warm was to exercise and make a fire some how. Then Sora remembered that the fire could alert a enemy, which in this case was the group leader. He stood up and started throwing kicks and punches at the cold air. He had to imagine enemies for this to truly work. Sora also noticed that with the exercise came the awareness so that enemies could sneak up on him so easily.

After what seem a hour of punches and kicks to Sora, he began to get tired. He laid down for a bit to catch his breath. He use to staying up all night some nights so the night never bothered him. On top of the fact that he mission wasn't to die was also a good way to stay awake. Then a noise came from the bushes near his location, he quickly pulled out his kunai and prepare to use the paper bomb he laid near by next to a tree. The noise turned out to be three raccoons. Sora sighed in relief but still held his guard up. It was a good thing that he held up his guard because one of the raccoons pounced at him. Sora quickly noticed and swiped at it with his kunai. The raccoon squeal briefly before dying on the ground. The other two then got closer with a more threatening look. Sora preformed two simple hand signs. He hands started to glow with electric chakra. he touches the raccoons, they freeze up in response. Then he strikes them with his kunai, killing them both. Sora wasn't bothered by the killing of two raccoons. Sora then lays back down and opens his ears more of enemies again.
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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Sun Mar 26, 2017 9:26 am
[Shiroi's off at a library somewhere probably. Not worth detailing. Feel free to continue.]
David o' confused names
David o' confused names
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Wed Mar 29, 2017 3:52 pm
Jeisuta spent the rest of the night fighting imaginary foes, seeing in the dark better than normal, and trying to keep fires he started for torches, from spreading too far.

(Feel free to skip me now until daytime appears and Zee returns. after this topic I will be leaving the group and going inactive)
Nano Gōka
Nano Gōka
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Tue Apr 04, 2017 12:41 am
After a solid 60 minutes of sitting in the lotus position Nano grew bored. He couldn't stand sitting in a single position for much longer. Not when he knew that someone or something could be lurking around the corner ready to attack him. Even though he was sensing around with his Chakra, Nano knew that most wild animals did not have Chakra which he could sense and also the person he was hiding from, Shiroi, could have easily hidden their Chakra signature from him. He had never seen it done but he had read about it in books.

On that train of thought, Nano had also been reading up on another fire jutsu which he would like to add to his repertoire. It was called Fire Release: Exploding Shot. Considering the fact that he could be found at any moment, Nano was fairly certain he could learn this quickly. It was only a D ranked jutsu so if all goes to plan it would take no time at all. The jutsu was performed by doing the five handseals, tiger - ox - rat - bird - tiger, then either sparking the fire into the palm or channeling it through the chest and out the mouth. Then when thrown, if it hits something, the fire can either explode on impact or turn into a pool of fire 2 and a half metres in diameter. 

Going through the handseals, Nano clicked his fingers and he felt the heat erupt from his hand. Throwing it towards a wall, Nano watched as the orange ball hit the wall and caused a resounding 'Boom!' throughout the cave. After that, Nano completed the handseals again and then pushed his Chakra through his chest to his mouth and in one push shot the ball at the ground 10 feet in front of him. This time the ball spread across the ground into a large zone of flowing fire. Satisfied with the results, Nano decided to move on with his training.

Seeing as the first thing he trained had been successful, Nano decided to try something else. As a way to hide himself from the hunter which actually was nowhere near (not that he knew that), Nano had come up with an idea to mask his presence. Inspired by his weapon, One Winged Angel which allowed him to step on air by creating a disk of air underneath his feet, Nano had come up with the idea to create a much lesser version by making a much less powerful disk of air underneath his feet to cover the regular sounds of walking. It wouldn't allow him to walk on air but it would allow him to be silent at all times.

Pushing his wind Chakra to his feet, Nano took a test step onto some twigs and as he had hoped, the normal crunch of the twigs was nonexistent. With that done, Nano decided to sit back in his lotus position for a while. It wasn't like there was much else better he could do. He would just have to deal with the boredom for a little bit more.

Wc 517
Total wc 2180
Ap 306
[OOC: Sorry for taking a while, I went away for a bit and forgot to tell anyone. I'll try not to do anything like that again. Also, like Jeisuta I am beginning to become less active on this site so I may not be as reliable I used to be when it comes to posting within the two day period. Either way, here you go, have fun with this post I guess. Try finding some exploit and make me walk into a lake. I challenge you.]
Jiro Daichi
Jiro Daichi
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Tue Apr 04, 2017 9:00 pm
Sora was alone for another hour, so he thought it would be a good idea to find the leader or maybe a team mate. Traveling out into the woods, he held kunai in his right hand to get ready for use. He ears and eyes were on full alert. He some times heard rustling in trees and bushes but they turned out to be not shinobi but woodland creatures. 

After about ten minutes of traveling, Sora walks pasted a cave but desides not to enter with the threat of danger, so he continued on his way. He eventually found himself on the shore of a lake. It was a beauty indeed with the starry night reflecting the surface and the black outline and the sound of mini waves crashing into the sand on the shore. Sora looked with his infamous blank stare but was actually in awe of his midnight beauty. Sora then thought of the idea of training a bit here. He slowly walked to the black water. He used the Surface Walking Technique, a jutsu that he easily learned back in his early genin times. Every step he made made a beautiful ripple in the water, since the lake was originally calm and smoothed out. Once Sora had reached the center of the lake, he just stood there. His goal was to see how long he could focus his chakra and look out for any incoming jonin.
David o' confused names
David o' confused names
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You have one simple mission: [P|I/O|NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: You have one simple mission: [P|I/O|NK]

Thu Apr 06, 2017 6:38 pm
(skip me ;-; )
Nano Gōka
Nano Gōka
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Sun Apr 09, 2017 2:37 am
While sitting in his lotus position, Nano was sweeping his Chakra throughout the area and after an hour or so of meditation he felt something walk past his cave. It was a Chakra signature which he recognised to be another member of the group which he had not spoken to much. Before they had all left to find hiding spots, Nano had made sure to remember the individual signatures of each member of the group so he could tell that the person which had just walked by was definitely not Shiroi. Deciding to go speak to the person, Nano stood up and followed him, all the while keeping up the wind Chakra around his feet. Walking into the chilly night breeze, Nano activated Inner Flame to keep himself warm. Feeling ready, Nano started feeling for the person's Chakra again so as to follow their trail. On the very edge of his sensory area, Nano could feel the boy's Chakra. It was only feint so Nano made sure to start sprinting in his direction immediately otherwise he would be unable to find him. Hopefully the person he was following could not sense Chakra because Nano was determined to scare him with his silent footsteps.

Once he had caught up enough to see the boy, Nano slowed down to a walk and began creeping from tree to tree. Once he had found the perfect tree about 2 metres away from the edge of the water he would climb to the highest branch. Luckily the branch was long enough to hang directly over the boy's head in the middle of the water. Counting a silent 1, 2, 3, in his mind, Nano would then proceed to dive off of the tree and onto their back yelling 'Boo!' Was this childish? Yes. Was it worth it? Definitely. At this point Nano had completely thrown the idea of hiding from Shiroi out the window. He was sure that she had been playing with them. She was not going to hunt them down. At least, he hoped that was the case. From his perspective she had tricked them all into a survival game to last the night in the forest. 

After landing on top of the boy which he now remember was called Sora, Nano would activate water walking to stay above the water and then tackle him to the ground (water surface) with his momentum from the fall and force him to stay still. All of this of course was just to scare him. He meant no harm in doing this. After a couple of seconds of sitting on him, he would then stand up and allow for Sora to do the same. He would then begin speaking, "My name's Nano if you don't already know, I sensed you walk past my hideout and I wanted to ask if you would like to camp out the night together. Two heads are better than one you know? Maybe we could train or something. I could teach you some tricks, you could teach me some cool tricks if you want, just stuff to pass the time. I've already decided that Shiroi won't be coming. All of this is your choice of course. I can go sit back in my cave if you'd prefer." Throughout the whole question Nano would act as if he hadn't tackled Sora and they had just met like normal people. He did mean what he said however. He was becoming extremely bored and he needed someone to keep him sane for the remainder of the night. Hopefully Sora could be the one to do so. Otherwise he might act like a monkey or something like that. That was something nobody should have to see and he planned to not ever let that happen. Regardless of his plans, it was all up to Sora to decide.

Wc 642
Total wc 2822
Ap usage: 306 - 5 (Inner Flame) - 1 (Water Walking) - 5 (Wind Style: Quiet Footsteps) = 295
Jiro Daichi
Jiro Daichi
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Mon Apr 10, 2017 8:00 pm
Once Nano jump and tackled poor Sora, Sora almost lost focus and fell through the water surface. Once Nano got up, Sora got up as well. He felt stupid that he almost lost focus and, on top of that, got tackled by the genin. Of course Sora didn't show it on his infamous, expressionless face. Nano introduced himself and not shortly afterwards he started saying a bunch of ideas that seemed to pop in his head. Sora bowed his upper body, "I am Sora Nishimata," He stands straight again and looks at the genin, "Team work is important, so I will join you for the night. Training would be fine by me, Ayato sensei can't teach me everything." Sora says all with a expressionless face still. Sora didn't know the genin that well, so he didn't know all he knew. "If we are to train, why don't you tell me your chakra element, skills, and a couple jutsu." Sora thought it would be a good idea to start, "I have lighting chakra, I have no particular skills and I know the basic genin ninjustu like clone technique and transformation jutsu and I have one lighting style by the name of Cramp."
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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Tue Apr 11, 2017 12:21 pm
[I'm going to officially exit topic. PM me when you guys have finished getting through the night and we can start a new topic as the continuation]

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