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Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O) - Page 4 Empty Re: Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O)

Mon Mar 13, 2017 5:32 pm
Arugula was annoyed that he had to ask his friend to cook his meat. He was more annoyed when his friend decided to basically do an extremely well-done steak. Arugula would decide that he may as well eat through that now rubbery steak. He would also grab another fork so he could eat it without touching that hot fork. Arugula would reluctantly eat this rubber steak. His stomach really didn't feel like he was interested in the food, so when he would finish, Arugula still felt hungry. It really felt like he would get some more problems this time, with his stomach. After eating that, he felt hungry still, so Arugula would ask for a double burger. The waiter would come back, and ask, "Hey looks like you like your steak tartare well done!". Arugula would say, "Screw you, go get my food." Arugula was now in a bad mood. 

After all the eating, Arugula would say, "I guess we should go to the training grounds?"
David o' confused names
David o' confused names
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Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O) - Page 4 Empty Re: Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O)

Mon Mar 13, 2017 9:09 pm
"My bad, I'll try to not overcook it next time." Jeisuta looked a bit sad, if only because it was a waste of meat.

While Arugula was eating, he paid the tab, since neither of them had.

Then he would wave at Arugula to join him, and walk to the training ground, whereupon he would toss his weapon pouches to one side, and gesture to Arugula. "Let's speak with our fists!"

Hopefully, Arugula realized this meant only their fists. And feet. A melee, without weapons, and hopefully no ill fated attempts at jutsu.

(pls, I wanna fight already!!! ;-; )
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Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O) - Page 4 Empty Re: Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O)

Tue Mar 14, 2017 4:06 am
Arugula decided to fight this guy with his fists. Hopefully, this would go well. He would say, "Ok, lets fight!" He would soon realize what problems he was going to have. He would run forwards to punch Jeisuta in the face. Unfortunately, he would soon find out his problem. His fist would feel like it crashed into a brick wall, and the formerly excited Arugula was now lying on the ground clutching his fist. This was quite a shock for the Arugula. He was really not sure what to do next.
David o' confused names
David o' confused names
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Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O) - Page 4 Empty Re: Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O)

Tue Mar 14, 2017 4:17 am

Jeisuta was a little baffled.

Not because Arugula had suddenly hit him in the forehead (a really dumb idea that anyone who knew anything about fighting would have avoided - especially when fighting a prolific head-butter).

Not because Arugula was lying on the ground, whimpering. That was obvious enough.

Not even that he had not noticed Arugula sneaking up on people. It was probably how he won poker games, to be completely frank. He could now imagine his friend's poker opponents literally not noticing Arugula until he suddenly dropped his entire stack on one hand. He probably won those hands by scaring the bejeezus out of them.

What really baffled Jeisuta, was how they could have a fight if his friend knew so little about scrapping. Or his aim was terrible. Or he was just wimpy. One of them, or all of them, it would take some work to get up to a real good spar. Unfortunately.

Fortunately for Arugula, Jeisuta could be pretty patient with newbies if they wanted to learn something. Even when it came to pickpocketin- forget you heard that.

"You ok bro?"

Jeisuta would scramble up to his friend, crouching a meter and a half from his friend's head, on the side Arugula could see.

"Man, that punch literally came out of nowhere! Gotta say, punching the forehead is not the wisest decision mate, especially since you've seen me headbutt people before, I used to train my forehead on brick walls every day! At least go for the bridge of the nose, or the jaw! Then your opponent will feel it more!"

He tilted his head inquisitively.

"You know what? when you feel a bit better, let's try that again. Aim a bit more carefully, your aiming and timing is actually more important than the raw power behind a punch. If you think your hands are not going to hurt me much, then focus on trying to trip or flip me instead. There is always a way, certainly if the opponent lets you."

He flashed a grin, and extended a hand to his buddy boi.

"When you're ready, let's try again. Try to look for tells in your opponent's movements, before you get too close to see."
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Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O) - Page 4 Empty Re: Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O)

Tue Mar 14, 2017 6:38 pm
After about 45 seconds of pain, he would get up slowly, and get ready to punch again. This time, he would actually try to aim the punch at some place more specific than Jeisuta. Arugula would attempt a punch again, this time aimed at the guys jaw. This punch would feel less resistance, but he still would find that he really seemed to lack the strength. When he would hit, he would connect with the very tip of the chin. Arugula would be seen on the ground the next second clutching his fist, as he punched in the wrong part of the jaw. He would be very annoyed, but would wait about a minute and a half now, since he hit himself in the same hand again. He would then get up and say, "Dang, I didn't know there was this much skill to punching."
David o' confused names
David o' confused names
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Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O) - Page 4 Empty Re: Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O)

Tue Mar 14, 2017 9:40 pm
If Jeisuta could use internet, he would have offered to "Google" punching for Arugula.

"Ok bro, you gotta be careul with those fingers, man! The jaw should be a decent place to punch, but you have to hit it with the..."

Jeisuta bent over and grabbed Arugula's free hand. Folding it into a fist, he gently poked at each of the knuckles. "Knuckles. You want to hit with your wrist straight, your forearm in one straight line. Like this!"

Jeisuta would dart around to Arugula's side. "Relax, let me show you."

Not creepy one bit, eh?

He would grab Arugula's elbow, and pull it down to his side, bending his elbow so that his forearm stuck out in front of him at a straight angle. The fist would extend forwards, the thumb and fingers curling around an imaginary pole that went straight upright.

"Start here."

He would twist Arugula's body from the waist, using his skinny shoulders, and at the same time start pulling his arm out, extending it to be straight, parallel to the ground, the fist in line with the forearm, instead of being bent at a funny angle.

"And push out like that. Oh, and you need some exercise! I can feel the bones under your biceps, almost!"

A bit of gentle teasing, but hopefully it would give some encouragement to his buddy to get swinging, straighter this time. Just in case, of course, Jeisuta would have been backing away as he spoke, not needing to demonstrate the punch further, or so he thought.
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Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O) - Page 4 Empty Re: Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O)

Wed Mar 15, 2017 12:21 am
Arugula would get a bit of tutoring on his punching technique, something that Arugula really needed. As Jeisuta would basically treat Arugula as a temporary puppet to show how to do a punch. Arugula would listen to Jeisuta's lesson, and would try to incorporate these skills into his own punching. Arugula would attempt a punch again, this time, remembering to keep his arm straight, and twist his body when he does the punch. Also, he would make sure that his wrist is straight. This was to make sure that he would put his full force into the punch, instead of whatever attempt at a punch his previous were. He would stand up, put one foot forwards, and would then attempt a punch keeping his wrist straight and twisting his torso.

(1801 words, would like to claim 9 stats, and would like to put these towards a tai tech later)
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O) - Page 4 Empty Re: Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O)

Wed Mar 15, 2017 12:35 am
Please list the tech you intend to claim
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Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O) - Page 4 Empty Re: Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O)

Wed Mar 15, 2017 12:51 am
words will also go to this tech
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O) - Page 4 Empty Re: Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O)

Wed Mar 15, 2017 12:56 am
Alright, approved of 9 stats and 1801 words towards Leaf Great Whirlwind
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