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David o' confused names
David o' confused names
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Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O) Empty Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O)

Fri Mar 03, 2017 11:13 pm
That mission with Nano Goka? Hooo boy. Dem fires burned hawt!

Jeisuta tilted back a beer mug, the contents sloshing down his throat, as he drank his paycheck away.

"Watch me, I can do a trick!"

Some of his old drinking buddies had asked him about being a ninja. Being partially inebriated, he obliged. Stepping outside - he wasn't THAT drunk yet, he carefully ignited the fire element chakra within him. Using his alcohol saturated breath, he created a small cloud of fumes wafting into the night sky... until he lit it with his fire chakra.

It made a pretty big bang, but fortunately this bar was used to having feckless ninjas frequenting its doors.

He bowed to some applause, and had turned to go back inside, when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Oi, you got some soot on me girl's bag. Bow down and apologize."

Ok, maybe he wasn't about to go in just yet. A sincere apology to the girl, followed by a head spinning blow to the guy's jaw got him enough time to turn and head for the bar entrance again.
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Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O) Empty Re: Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O)

Sat Mar 04, 2017 3:22 am
Arugula was kind of bummed out since his day at the academy. He just had a bad day at the academy, failing to learn the art of transformation for the third time in front of the class. He was not any happier knowing that the class was finishing their practice of the art of substitution. He started thinking about how lazy he was, and how poorly he was doing in class.

As a poker player, he knew he could have tried playing that at the casino today, but he realized that it was not a good idea to play that when he was not happy. He decided that he would think about what to do at the bar instead.

As Arugula walked in, he recognized this person who just made an explosion. As he watched, he saw another person put a hand on (Jeisuta) and say, "Oi, you got some soot on me girl's bag. Bow down and apologize."

Arugula brilliantly decided to tell the guy who said that, about some science. It seemed that the person did not know that soot only happens when a lot of carbon was present. A drunk person's breath does not have enough of said carbon. Arugula responded to that rude person by saying, "Hey Smarty, I don't see any soot. Any 12 year old would know what is required to get soot."

Arugula was very happy to finally find someone who seemed to be a worse student than Arugula himself. That being said, he was not ready for the other person to react to how much of a smart alec that Arugula was. The man turned around and threw a punch at Arugula, which Arugula barely dodged. He backed away from the now angry man, and as the man charged, Arugula kicked the man in the men's area. The man crumbled to the floor writhing in pain, as he started cursing and doubting his ability to have children.

After all this, Arugula awkwardly said, "Hi?"
David o' confused names
David o' confused names
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Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O) Empty Re: Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O)

Sat Mar 04, 2017 3:54 am
(totally got ooc permission to godmod Mits in this post XD)

"Hooooly Sh*t!"


"Arugula, where you been, broski!"

Jeisuta had been about to walk into the bar when he saw someone kick the other dude in the nuts, from the corner of his eye. And who should it be but Arugula Rutabaga Lakoocha! Instantly, the dude they had both just struck, was completely forgotten! totally not a reflection of RL or anything

"Man! This brings me back! Two months, that is!"

Jeisuta was so delighted at the sight of an old face, that he scampered over at full speed - considerably faster than Arugula would remember, and sorta tackle bear hug him. They made a slightly odd pair - Lakoocha being a beanpole of sorts, weighing much less than Jeisuta, yet having about half a foot on his friend in height.

Lakoocha would be largely helpless to escape, once caught in the obviously manly bear hug ooc permision yo. After a few seconds of tense hugging - the tension coming from the sinews in Jeisuta's arms flexing rather abnormally - Jeisuta would release his friend from the fleshy prison, and grab him by the shoulders and look him up and down.

"Man, dude, I thought you went into hiding! All those casinos after you because you kept actually winning their money, and tilting their house players? Jeez, thought you were a goner! Can't believe you are here walking in broad daylight. What brings you to these parts? You eating any? Do you still hate Five Card Draw? Come!

Jeisuta suddenly zipped around behind Arugula, accidentally stepping on the dude they had both just hit.

"Man, you don't look three month's older! Come and have a keg drink with me!"

Unless resisted, or Arugula somehow escaped, Jeisuta would frogmarch his blood brother into the bar, straight for the counter. He knew the place so well what does that imply about his drinking habits? that he could frog march Arugula without seeing anything in front of him, right to the seat in front of the bartender's usual spot.

Then he would plop himself down onto a stool, next to the spot intended for Arugula. "How've you been? What've you been up to? Haven't seen you since I left the gang, yanno...."

Glancing at the bartender, he would shout "6 cold beers over here!"

The bartender was used to him drinking a lot, it was a logical assumption that Arugula woul be plied with drink too, before the day was out.
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Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O) Empty Re: Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O)

Sat Mar 04, 2017 4:19 am
After kicking that dude in the nuts, Arugula suddenly got bear hugged. Arugula spent a few seconds trying to figure out what that person's name was. This dude was the class clown, and somehow still passed the genin exams before Arugula did. This dude took about 3 years to learn those jutsu, unlike Arugula, who has been at the academy for 4 years, and still hasn't learned anything about these. Arugula knew that when he signed up, he was told that he could get passed this stuff after about 2 years. Lakoocha did not really listen to whatever this guy had to say. Arugula finally stopped spacing out to hear this.

"Man, dude, I thought you went into hiding! All those casinos after you because you kept actually winning their money, and tilting their house players? Jeez, thought you were a goner! Can't believe you are here walking in broad daylight. What brings you to these parts? You eating any? Do you still hate Five Card Draw? Come!"

He finally remembers, this was Jeisuta. Good god, him again...

After bring frog marched to the bar, and hearing the endless mouth of Jeisuta finish somehow, Arugula would respond, "I can tell you have never played poker at a casino. At one of these places, the casino actually doesn't care who comes, as long as people keep coming to play poker. I unfortunately, have not been able to get to a lot of decent stakes games. All of the games are only at stakes of about 1/2 ryo per big blind. I enjoyed, the fun days, when I was able to just walk into these games and win all the money, and leave. Now, I have trouble making money, due to the lack of high stakes games. I actually live not too far away from here, so I decided to come here and get a drink. Unfortunately, I failed the genin exam again, and I am feeling bummed out about it. I still find five card draw simply boring. There really isn't any bluffing possible. It just seems like giving money around to people. Even the dumbest people can play that game, and not lose much money."

After Arugula's long speech, the poor guy who got kicked in his private area got up and said, "**** you! You ******* *******!" Then, he walked out with his girlfriend. Arugula chuckled a bit.

As the 6 beer came, Arugula immediately grabbed all 6 of the beers out of the waiter's platter. He really had a problem with drinking, and it was rather apparent here. He then turned to the side and threw up... Only to find out that this was a rather large dude he did that to. Arugula was not looking forward to what was going to happen next.
David o' confused names
David o' confused names
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Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O) Empty Re: Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O)

Sat Mar 04, 2017 4:29 am
Jeisuta having godmodded his way into the bar, he was appropriately speechless when his new drinking buddy promptly guzzled all six of those beers. "Woah! Even I can'-"

He should have expected the guy to throw up though. "Maybe beer isn't the thing for you."

He turned to the big fella who just got puked on. "Sorry bro, didn't know he was gonna do that, I was intending to swallow several of them goodies. Maybe the glasses as well. Here, take some ryo for a new shirt. Sorry about that."

Not much else he could do, actually. He had found out the hard way, that people didn't take kindly to strangers scrubbing them, even if for a good reason.

Unfortunately, the big dude wasn't happy. All six foot five of him. A fist swung at Arugula, and Jeisuta would have tried to help his friend, but a large fist was also sent his way. Good god, that thing was huge! It blocked out his vision because it was seeming so big! Until he punched grabbed it.

"Look boss, we don't want trouble, yahear? Legitimate mistakes happen, let's cool off. Tell ya what, I'll get you a beer too, what do you say?"
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Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O) Empty Re: Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O)

Sat Mar 04, 2017 8:57 pm
After puking on that 6 foot 5 dude, he was rather surprised at the apology attempt by Jeisuta. This failed kind of miserably, as the man turned around, and punched at Jeisuta. He also punched at Arugula at the same time. This was really not a very good idea, as the big man would lose balance, fall off his bar stool, and then start falling forwards towards the ground. As he started falling, Arugula grabbed a wine bottle on the bar and smashed it on the head of the falling big man, knocking him out for a good while. Having finished that fight, Lakoocha was very glad to be finally getting a chance to get some peace.

Arugula would then turn towards the bar tender and say, "uuuuuuuummmmmm.... Sorry about that. Could I get some water?" He would then turn to Jeisuta and say, "Hey could you help be with those jutsu that you need to learn to pass the genin exams? I have had a lot of trouble with them." Arugula would then take a sip of water.
David o' confused names
David o' confused names
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Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O) Empty Re: Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O)

Mon Mar 06, 2017 3:34 pm
Jeisuta was like, O_O

"You know, the Geneva convention of Bar Fighters voted to remove smashing of unpaid bottles in bar room brawls. Massive altercations especially. Unless a robbery is taking place. Its hideously unfair to the bar keep."

With that, be bought two more (empty) bottles. He handed one to his friend. Preparing some hand seals, he waited.

"Take that bottle and hit me."
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Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O) Empty Re: Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O)

Mon Mar 06, 2017 4:15 pm
After getting a review of the rules of bar fighting, Arugula would grab one of the bottles and break it over Jeisuta. Arugula did not realize that it was full of bear, so both Jeisuta, and Arugula a bit, would be wet from all the beer. After that, he decided to ask for some help with these genin exams, since he finally got a chance to do it without getting into trouble.

"Ok, can you help me with those jutsu now? I can pay for the drinks afterwards if you want."

Arugula really hoped that he could finally get passed these exams now that he has someone who graduated from the ninja academy with him.
David o' confused names
David o' confused names
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Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O) Empty Re: Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O)

Mon Mar 06, 2017 4:32 pm
godmodding ftw

As Mitsui Jr Arugula was about to hit David irl Jeisuta with the bottle in a fine example of normal old interactions, Jeisuta finished the first jutsu he had prepared in a manner befitting a scrub, a style not fit for real combat. A split second before Arugula would complete his strike, Jeisuta would puff away into a poor of smoke, replaced by the bottle he had bought earlier.

"Behind you." He would lightly tampon the other people's shoulder, playfully. If Arugula turned, he would see three versions of Jeisuta, all identical. One of them spoke. "I would ask you to guess which was me, but that would be a waste of time, and wine."

He would then begin explaining the Art of Substitution. Because that was not necessary to graduate, and he had forgotten. Then he would start explaining in extra helpful detail, both how to complete both the Art of Transformation (turning into a replica of the bar keeper), and the clone jutsu he had just shown Arugula the effects of. (Feel free to vague here)
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Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O) Empty Re: Scrubs here, Scrubs there, scrubs everywhere!(I.O)

Mon Mar 06, 2017 4:47 pm
Arugula ended up smashing the bottles together, as Jeisuta substituted himself with the other bottle. Arugula ended up extremely drenched in beer as the beer would be splashed everywhere. After that, Arugula would look around and try to look for Jeisuta. When he would turn around, he would see multiple Jeisutas.

As Jeisuta would explain the art of substitution, Arugula would attempt to listen as well as he could. When Jeisuta would move into the part about how to do the Art of Transformation, Arugula would say, "Hold on, could I try it before you start telling me about the next one?"

If so, Arugula would attempt the jutsu, by first doing the hand seals Tiger → Boar → Ox → Dog → Snake. Afterwards, he would attempt this jutsu unsuccessfully. He would try again, and finally make it. If Jeisuta would move on, Arugula would basically do the same process and would do the hand seals that Jeisuta would do, and would attempt to do those jutsu as well.
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