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A call to arms

Rinku Zeruda
Shichiro Hashimoto
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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A call to arms Empty A call to arms

Fri Mar 03, 2017 4:43 pm
          Boredom was the enemy of a many things. It was the enemy that Maku often fought against the hardest, and short of a sonic boom the one he lost to the most.  Youka had borderline retreated into solitude.  Something about not being able to keep his women in check, he could have called that one.  One does not simply decorate with a swamp, put rings on other men’s fingers, and disregard all personal hygiene and keep the ladies happy.  Sadly what the man made up for with fighting and being dead sexy to Maku, he lost in any chance of catching the opposite sex.  Alas, the solitude fit him more than it did our blonde protagonist Maku.  For this reason, Maku had pressed his own agenda.  It had been slow at first, and by slow it meant killing several people. Some of the secretaries, some higher ranking officials, some people that had pledged allegiance to the queen that must not be named.
    Youka had promised him a world at war, one forged and changed.  Bathed in action and challenge.  So far he had gotten to the bottom of several bottles, and kicked some genin ass, hardly the same thing.  Soooooo what was a young lad to do?  Well glad you asked, he was going to have Jesus take the wheel.  By Jesus though, he meant himself, and by the wheel he meant the entire military infrastructure of the village.  Taking over the village would be a bit dramatic, even for him.  It was cliché, over done, and frankly Maku couldn’t bother with actually doing the day to day running of a village. Better some pawn do that, he had one goal.  So, a different title was needed.
       The mass summons went to every shinobi in the village.  Anyone with a significant chakra signature was summoned as well, the sensory nin made sure to find them all.  The gathering involved the entirety of the Kumogakure military, to stand at attention in formal rows outside the kage building. Kumo had been ruled by strength and fear, and while the was still within the core, it had obviously been softened.  This was of little concern, politics was his specialty, and changing the humanitarian movements within the village didn’t affect his own agenda. Therefore a lot of the policies that had been put in place remained greatly unchanged.
       It was the military infrastructure that he was after.  “Brother, you need your rest.  You need to come to grips with what you are, and what needs to be done.  You might have reached into the abyss for me, but you fell in yourself……”  Those rare words dipped in the seriousness of the situation were what he had said to Youka Tau, the only name he would ever acknowledge him by.  He had staired into his brother’s eyes, unmarred by the sins they had committed, and left him to sort through what needed sorted.
      Secretary of defense, Commander of the Kumogakure Military, Shinobi Supreme, all names that swirled around as he considered his position that he had taken.  In the end a much more simple title occurred to him, one that he would happily embrace. A custom hat was even commissioned.  The Lavender colored hat now adorned his head.  It resembled a Kage hat, but it lacked the symbol.  For now, he would refer to himself as the Makukage, a title that he found infinite joy in saying outloud. Beneath the hat, his mask lay hidden concealing all traces of his chakra.  His robes were altered to their black with red clouds floating across.  His sword hung loosely at his left side, a blue ring obvious on his left hand.  His full Akatsuki regalia, a perfect outfit for the occasion. 
                Once the crowd had fully gathered, the entirety of the Kumogakure military force spilt out before him.  Answering the summons of the letterhead of Kage.  A makeshift area had been set up for a speech to be given.  On it several individuals sat.  High officials within the ranks, academy chairs and trainers, masked members of the ANBU, though the most out of place individual was someone who wasn’t even from Kumogakure.  An emissary of days gone by, but in these times individuals of trust must be held dear. 
     Taking the stage, he approached the area to which make his announcement.  Some in the crown may even recognize him, should they have paid attention.  “Kumogakure…… are led by my friend.  My brother, to you his name is Mortarion……..His name is Kage…..The father of this village.  His strength is formidable…”  He would say nodding his head.  “His ideals, I like.  He may, he may not have mentioned me.  However, I am here to mention me…” His voice turned to what had been a light hearted tone, to one of seriousness. Reaching up, he lifted his hat and removed the mask.  The entirety of his chakra spilling out. 
     At the same time, his eyes swirled to red, and his body ignited in the Susano’o armor.  “I am Maku Jemuzu…..I have destroyed villages, I killed Echo Uchiha in this very place.  I have been and done many things, yet I am not done.  There are still so many things to accomplish, and my friends………today is the start of many things.”  At his final word his chakra fluxed again, as his display of power condensed on any one that stood watching.  “To long, we sit idle on our hands.  We do nothing but spar amongst each other.  We grow dull on our own knives, best to sharpen them on the whetstone of the world.   I am your commander, I  will lead the Kumogakure army……..and we will shange this world!”  He would yell the last word.  His display of power pulsating with excitement. 
               “We start with the expansion of our lands. Then we move to take from others.  From those that do not deserve what they have, we will be their stewards.  Take from them everything, give them nothing, And prove that we are the only true breed of shinobi!”  He would state, letting the Susano’o armor fade.  “Prepare, for the day is coming quickly, were we will no longer practice our military exercises, but we will use them.  Assemble in your squads, await my orders.  They come from the kage, to me, to be passed on to all of you.  Many will die, but many more will truly live…….Prepare.”  With that Maku would seem to vanish from thin air.
                An order signed by the kage himself would quickly begin making its way to all members of the military.  Formal and signed, stating that Slaanesh, formerly known as Maku Jemuzu would be named head of all military operations.  It would formally state their mission was the conquest of additional lands and resources for Kumogakure.  The change of names would become a popular trend among the chiefs of the military, as they rose to high enough positions.
     As for Maku, he stood in the empty Kage office, examining a map.  Placing pins, and writing orders……..soon the world would see what had been brewing in the gates of Kumogakure
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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A call to arms Empty Re: A call to arms

Fri Mar 03, 2017 5:03 pm
Senshi had received the summons in the middle of a patrol. Glancing down at it he and the three Chuunin he had been leading landed in the square standing at ridged attention as they awaited whatever this was for. When the masked man walked up Senshi felt an intake of breath instantly activating his telepahybseal to Reizo. "It's him." His blood would begin to boil as he remembered the grievous wounds he and Max had suffered at this mans hands. And his eyes. The speech was short and just as grandiose as the one he had given Senshi when they had been obliterated. The Makukage was here. Senshi watched quietly as he left, already knowing his orders from his recent promotion. He stretched out his chakra sensory looking for Feizo and the others. He would hunt them down because they needed to talk. How could the Raikage allow someone who had slaughtered so many of their forces to be in charge of them all?
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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A call to arms Empty Re: A call to arms

Fri Mar 03, 2017 5:23 pm
Komon sat on the brick structure of a large three story building near the center of Kumogakure. His legs dangling in the air as he looked over the crowd, from up here you could see the sheer amount of ninja that were housed in his home village. Every Jounin Chuunin and Gennin in the village gathered in one cramped location. Komon saw no point in pushing through the crowd so he had taken point on top of the tower to get a better view.

As the man dressed in almost Kage like attire appeared Komon heard a telepathic thought from senshi, obviously meant for reizo. “It’s him” There was obvious rage behind the thought, and possibly a hint of uneasiness. Komon had ever seen that kind of response once from the bearded man. It was at the mention of the name maku, when he had helped to clear a man’s background at the gate. Komon couldn’t help but wonder if this was the ninja who had caused senshi’s team so much trouble on that mission. If he was the reason Max no longer had his arm and leg, and why senshi was horribly burned.

“Then why is here” Komon thought to himself, why would youka allow an enemy of kumogakure to lead them. He used his hand to grip the ledge of the building to stand up as the crowd began to cheer, the makukage had begun talk of war. Promising conquest and a chance to prove your skill, The young Hyuuga began to feel uneasy as the village seemed to be on board with it. Would he be forced to fight a war? And as a chuunin would he be forced to make others fight it as well?

As the man vanished he knew he needed to find the rest of the chuunin and senshi.


Last edited by Komon Hyuuga <3 on Fri Mar 03, 2017 10:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
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A call to arms Empty Re: A call to arms

Fri Mar 03, 2017 6:03 pm
Komori took a break from his training regimen for the afternoon upon feeling… a pull. It was like a massive surge of chakra seemed to be tugging on his own chakra reserves and drawing him to the source. And what is more… the source was inside the walls of the Village Hidden in the Clouds. He ran down the streets towards the source out of sheer curiosity with his chakra sensory active. This had been the largest surge of chakra that the chuunin had ever experienced. He made his way to the village square where he was met with dozens of people pouring out of their homes and shops in anticipation. Hundreds more were walking towards them, so Komori decided to get a front row seat. After all, if this man were here to take over, then he should be on the front lines to protect the villagers behind him. What is this? And where is the Raikage…

The man standing before him was clothed in a dark black robe with red clouds decorating the surface. That’s odd… There were rumors around the village of an old group of rogue ninja who had nearly conquered the world. He had even heard that the Raikage himself had been part of that group. When Youka had come to power, the Hozuki was too young to have been paying attention to much of anything.  It was at that moment that the mysterious stranger became engulfed in a red aura. One that resembled that of a human body. Upon the mention of his name, Maku Jemuza, Komori had a level headed but angry thought in his head. Except it was not his own.

It’s him

Senshi Kobayashi. That message could not have been meant for himself. Based on his knowledge of who had the seal besides himself, Komori could assume that it was meant for Reizo. But what could it have meant? Then it seemed as though the chakra of the new arrival grew even stronger. This man spoke of war. Kumogakure becoming a larger world power than it already was. Expansion… Did Kumo truly need to expand beyond its borders? Did it need to bring its plague to the rest of the world? Or would this Maku leave that to the Raikage and allow for relatively normal conquests, without the aura of death. Death itself was inevitable, but the Raikage seemed to ooze the feeling. When he had seen the Raikage, he felt uneasy, to say the very least. He stayed in place, staring at where the new Makukage had just disappeared from.

“Holy. Shit.” Komori Hozuki had just witnessed quite possibly the most well done speech in his entire life. Kumogakure was typically self sustaining, as the shinobi were typically allowed free reign as to what they wanted to do in or out of the village itself, whether it be sparring or missions. They were not bound to any power other than Youka Tau’s authority, yet he remained out of the picture most of the time. The Makukage might be different. He seemed to have a drive to spur the forces of Kumogakure to battle, something that Komori believed that he was ready for. Perhaps this was his chance to expand his own influence beyond Kumogakure as well. Komori would stay in the front of the audience as the people around him dispersed back to their own homes and places of work.

570/2000 to memorizing Maku’s chakra signature
Rinku Zeruda
Rinku Zeruda
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A call to arms Empty Re: A call to arms

Fri Mar 03, 2017 9:00 pm
A chakra signature broke Sora out his training fatigue. It wasn't just any chakra signature, it was one of a god's, he had so much chakra it dwarfed almost everyone in Kumogakure except for their Raikage of course, or had it even beaten that? The worst thing was that the chakra signature was in the middle of Kumogakure, were they getting invaded? Sora wasted no time swinging through the forests with his chains until he reached the town. 

There stood a masked guy on the stage where they executed many. Sora turned to see Kobayashi Senshi, Hyuuga Komon, and Hozuki Komori. He went to stand by Komori, he was the one he was highest in standings with now.

Sora would plainly nod to him, the aura of the guy on stage destroyed his will to speak, he wouldn't speak if he could in the fear of disrespecting him and dying. The speech started off as a regular speech, it was quiet, but forceful and powerful at the same time. Then all of a sudden-

All hell broke loose.

The chakra he used to perform whatever the hell that technique was almost sent Sora off of his feet as a hulking figure appeared around him and emitted raging wind from just being in the presence of it. Sora Uzumaki would never forget the name Maku Jemuzu, the display of power was already overwhelming him.

Sparring, dull kunai, nothing but sitting here like little ducks. No more, they will change the world. Maku declared raising his arm and yelling the last word in that sentence once again sending a wave of power to emit over the crowd. Cries of raising an army, Maku leading the army, and them taking over the world.

The Uzumaki's eyes opened as he realized what this meant. They'd be brought to war? Sora wasn't ready yet, he was too weak, he'd die before he even got a step in! His heart started to pick up pace as he realized Roxas could die, his family could die, everyone in the orphanage could die! There was going to be war and Sora needed to prepare to survive.

He stopped hyperventilating and his eyes locked in a furious determination to live. Sora declared in his mind this would be the new day of the Uzumaki, he wouldn't sit there and be a kid anymore, he'd train until he couldn't walk, and then train some more! This wasn't the time for failure, this wasn't the time for petty games or petty rivarlies, this was time for war.

Sora didn’t know who Maku was, or where he came from, but now that he knew of his relationship with Youka and that he was part of the Akatsuki just like Akihana-sama was as well, he couldn’t help but cheer.

“KUMOGAKURE WILL RULE!” He screamed with a bunch of other citizens. Everyone cheered but quickly stopped as Maku glared at the crowd and finished his last sentence. Sora was more determined than ever, he wouldn’t be the one to die, he’d be the one to strive and survive. Komori muttered profanity next to him and Sora wasn’t surprised about the reaction. Which other village gets a powerhouse that comes out nowhere and says that there will soon be war? Sora didn’t think very many.


Last edited by Sora Uzumaki <3 on Sat Mar 04, 2017 9:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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A call to arms Empty Re: A call to arms

Sat Mar 04, 2017 1:26 pm
Hitori set up a large, blank canvas atop a building in main Kumogakure. Though the village was constantly in an uproar, teeming with life below, Hitori found the building tops quit peaceful, as the lacked the busy nature of the streets below. Around this time of day, Hitori would come to paint the landscape he observed of Kumogakure. The inner city was quite gorgeous, and painting was something he rather enjoyed, especially when capturing something as beautiful as this. The way the warm sun’s rays hit the village made the buildings sparkle and glow with a light heat, filled the air with a deep orange, yet illustrious tint; Hitori found it beautiful.

The outer portion of the village presented a different picture, much like the one Hitori was about to feel. Something cold, and teeming with malice with venom dripping off the fangs of a deadly viper.

Hitori looked up to find a man delivering a speech with a massive crowd down below. “Fascinating,” Hitori said, standing up from his chair. The Uzumaki walked to the edge of the building to observe and listen. Who are you. The main told the crowd his name, many names, but this is not what Hitori wanted to hear. Hitori wanted to know what the man in black robes with red and white clouds weaved into the cloth was. What he was like. Those robes... and Echo Uchiha? Who is that?

The man removed his mask and let his chakra spill out into the crowd. Hitori could feel it. It was like a surge of electricity that paralyzed Hitori with fear. Hitori did not let this show, however. Instead his expression was stern and attentive. The man’s words cut into the genin, and he stood silent and disappointed.

“A war,” Hitori murmured. This man was bloodthirsty. The Uzumaki’s heart sank as the man went on about Shinobi Purity. It sounded like fiction, and it appalled Hitori.
The red-haired genin was not one for conflict, much less a brutal and murderous war. But slowly the realization that he would have to fight in this new war crept up on him, no matter how awful the idea was. One thing was for certain, Hitori was not on the right side of this war, but he couldn’t let anyone know that he felt this way.

Hitori quickly gathered his paints and incomplete painting and set out for his home. He need tea, a calming tea, for these times were close to an end, and the Uzumaki needed to enjoy peace while it lasted.
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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A call to arms Empty Re: A call to arms

Sat Mar 04, 2017 1:32 pm
TSenshi's chakra sensory led him towards Komori and he could feel Komon's higher above him. As a shadow began to cover them he lifted his head looking up and seeing A large black bird he recalled Komon's ability to create creatures made of ink. He slipped through the crowd most of the Heninin and Chuunin hurrying tto get out of his way as the anger smoldering in his eyes gave an indication he didn't want to be messed with. Slipping through the crowd he noticed his student, sora talking to Komori. Giving a sigh he decided that now was not the time to talk. And this was probably not the best place for him to do so either, seeing as how public it was. He focused his chakra and spoke telepathically to Komon, Komori, Andres reizo. "Will all of you meet me at the bar in the sixth district, we need to talk. Someone inform Max as well." 

He then turned to leave the square, as he did so he sent a message to Sora and Niran at the same time. "Team training, tomorrow. Six am."


((OOC: Sora we don't know about the Akatsuki.))
Reizo Shōyu
Reizo Shōyu
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A call to arms Empty Re: A call to arms

Sun Mar 05, 2017 2:35 am
Reizo had gotten off of his shift working with his mom at the dumpling cart. He was about to start his patrol and catch up with Senshi as they met in between shifts, but before he could go anywhere, the Chuunin received a summons to stand before some special procession. The blonde would make his way to the village center where he found many of his comrades and senior officials gathered to welcome the incoming Makukage. Reizo was met with many puzzled expressions as he asked around about the contents of the summoning. No one seemed to have a clear idea as to what exactly was going down. Did something happen to Mortarion? Was there an ongoing internal coup d'etat?

Soon, the Taijutsu specialist would have all of his questions answered, and more. The instant the robed figure took his position to address the crowd, Reizo recognized him. Mask or no mask, the robes and especially the sword were unmistakable. As if to echo his own thoughts, Senshi's voice rang through the Shoyu's head to confirm what was clearly observable. "Maku Jemuzu... just what is he up to?" Reizo would respond immediately to Senshi's telepathic comment. It was deliberately ambiguous as to whom Reizo was referring to. On the one hand, one would immediately think he was referring to Maku himself, and some scheme that he may've hatched. Upon closer introspection, however, it's also possible Reizo was wondering what the Raikage could be up to.

He would silently listen to the new Kage's speech, gritting his teeth and seething with rage at his words. To what end and with what means would this expansion take? What kind of needless violence would this bring? The Chuunin's loyalty lied with the village, not the Raikage. Reizo couldn't be too sure where to stand on this new Kage's proposal. It seemed to resound with the crowd that gathered, but the blonde wasn't joining in. He still had so many questions about this mysterious man and his intentions. Somehow Reizo couldn't be too sure that this was in fact for the greatness of Kumogakure. It felt too sudden. More importantly, where was Mortarion?

The man removed his mask and the Susanoo took form around him. It sent chills through Reizo's spine as he was reminded of this God's tremendous and terrifying power. It brought flashbacks of his torture to surface and he broke out in a cold sweat. Even though he proclaimed to be an ally now, Reizo couldn't feel at ease regardless after all he had been put through. At least he's on our side this time... but for how long? He certainly doesn't seem to hold ties to any particular principles or villages. This man is chaos and lust incarnate, he thought to himself, making sure to block out telepathic communications for the time being while he centered his thoughts. To think there was someone who could induce more rage in him than Mortarion himself... it was truly frightening. The Chuunin thought about how Max might feel about this too. He surely wouldn't be too happy with this... usurp(?) of power.

For now though, Reizo would maintain to his sworn duties. The leader may've changed but Kumo was still Kumo. Even if he personally disagreed with Maku's views of people and war, he would continue to serve his village for now. Maku showed no active threats, and perhaps it was time for a change of pace. Kumo was getting stronger, that much was true, and the village itself was still mostly impoverished. Maybe a return to greatness was exactly what it needed. The means might not be too honest, but if it would improve the conditions of the village, Reizo was willing to give it a go. Give Maku a chance to prove himself, he would reassure himself.

"I agree. We need to discuss where to go from here... and divulge any information we may have on this change of power," Reizo would say telepathically in response to Senshi's invitation to meet at the bar. Was Maku a threat to the village? It was still too early to tell, and so Reizo would give him a chance. Plus, Reizo really wanted to learn more about him. Maku's backstory, his decisions, his abilities, and of course his motivations. With him on our side, Reizo was fairly certain few would stand against them.

--------- EXIT -----------
730/2000 memorizing Maku's chakra signature
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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A call to arms Empty Re: A call to arms

Mon Mar 06, 2017 3:28 pm
Vigil sighed and took his mask off. The procedure was a success, the patient was stable and now the others will take over. Leaving the operating room he went to change. It has been almost a year since Vigil stopped sensing Naoki. It was a bad sign, but the boy did not know where or how to look for his creator. On the other hand, Vigil himself was still alive, which meant that the connection between him and Naoki remained and that there was hope of the Uchiha returning. With that in mind the exemplar decided to remain here in Kumogakure and as per his assignment continue working on his medical ninjutsu. Thus for a better part of a year he worked here as a doctor and a medical ninja, ever since they repaired the hospital wing he was staying in, in fact.

Eventually it happened, obviously. The exemplar was getting changed after a successful operation when he finally felt the presence of his master again. Presence that told him that his master was on the verge of death. But once again, without any intel and without any knowledge about his creator's whereabouts there was nothing to act on, except anticipation that he may be called. As such Vigil was in a small room in the hospital, gathering his equipment, when the summon order reached him. Apparently there was some kind of a happening in Kumogakure. Honestly, he did not pay much attention to what transpired within the village or outside it. His focus was bettering himself in medical stuff. But since he was called, the boy figured he would obey, despite not really being part of Kumogakure's forces. Looking around his room, he would find the sword that he managed to make his own through use of unsealing arts. The blade he labeled Phalanx. Grabbing it the medical ninja put it on his back then looked around a bit more. Scattered around were some ninja tools that he sometimes used in his studies. Since this could evolve into some action potentially, the boy figured he would head out in full gear so he gathered everything. The only thing he did not need to find was his braid tie called Lifebinder which he constantly carried with him. It was a special piece of tie that he devised from a piece of loot after the battle. The tie served to empower him, but he mostly carried it around because it could be used to immediately stop a bleeding. Once he had everything the boy left the room for the location he was told to gather at.

While on his way through the village towards the Kage building the artificial boy noted that the village had changed in significant ways since the day that Youka made it his own. Though the mentality changed little and some of the sights remained. The village was still surrounded by a terrible mist and pools of the cursed with most agonizing existence. The people were still controlled through the ultimate fear. Never the less the exemplar could not help but acknowledge that the village managed to raise some impressive shinobi in that time. And it was strange how different it was from Shimagakure, but equally as effective. One would think that both villages would have prioritized on what made the best ninja. Such thoughts swirled in the boy's head until he arrived and found a whole square filled with shinobi of Kumo. In front of them, at the entrance to the building in question, were the village ranking officers and important personas, most of which Vigil did not know as he had no reason to deal with them. Shortly after everyone assembled a new figure appeared. Despite his significant sensory capabilities the boy could not sense this masked person's chakra whatsoever. However, with his own introduction the man removed his mask and suddenly his chakra seemed to fill the whole area. It even appeared to take on some kind of lion like shape. Although Vigil's artificial personality did not allow him to lose his cool, in front of such powerful presence he was incapable of moving a finger, all he could do was let every single word spoken sink into his gifted soul. This was probably the result of his extremely sharp chakra senses, which became a double edged blade here. On the other hand, by the time the man stopped talking Vigil had a pretty solid grasp on his chakra signature. Maku Jemuzu, the slayer of Echo Uchiha and war leader of Kumogakure, huh? After the man finished and vanished, the exemplar breathed easier. Then he returned to his hospital wing. Should he be needed and some kind of orders reach him, so be it. Until then, he would wait for his creator to contact him.

806 w.
memorized Maku's signature with Mind's Eye
+4 stats]
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A call to arms Empty Re: A call to arms

Wed Mar 08, 2017 4:34 am
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