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David o' confused names
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Dumb ways to die, err, train (Miyamoto) (i/o) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dumb ways to die, err, train (Miyamoto) (i/o)

Fri Mar 03, 2017 1:32 am
(ooc: nothing is really relevant for you except the stuff before the row of ***** - idc if you want to read it, but it won't affect your actual ic actions much. i intended for this to be a long af post, so don't stress about trying to match me on this lol)

Sadly, a brief glance over the side of the wall would reveal Jeisuta huffing and puffing, but slowly completing his final stretch of wall to the top.

"Wait.... Up...." he managed to get out, between his gasps for breath.

When he eventually got to the top, he would slowly drag himself over the side, and collapse.

Face down, he would lie there for a good minute, while his breathing was frantic, before having the presence of mind to roll over, so his chest could rise and fall more easily. It was then that he would speak. Being Jeisuta, it was hard not to make a wisecrack.

"Don't try this at home. That hurt. Not doing that again for a little while.... Not until Tuesday, anyway. Ok, even Tuesday might be a pass. I think that could be considered self inflicted hazing...." He barely got a word in between large gulps of air, and gentle wiggling of his arms.

A few gasps later, he managed to slowly pant out "Hope you got that technique ready to pass on, bro, that was one heck of a climb back there.... I hope the explanation is long, because I'm not getting up for a few more moments...."

To see why he said that, let's go back in time a little bit....


(significantly earlier)

When we last left our hero, Jeisuta had bravely slammed face first into a stone wall in the name of training, testosterone, and hopefully, tutelage. Not that he suspected Miyamoto of having him on, just that was not a confirmed fact. Gotta see things from his perspective too, occasionally.

Anywho, he was able to land alright, albeit painfully. His next step was to wiggle along the edge of the window sill on the second story, a location not entirely disclosed before.

When he reached the end of the window sill, he was able to reach out and stick his fingers into the seams between some of the rocks. Gud.

Now that he was there, he needed to do a harder version of the rock climbing gym walls. I.e. the walls of the apartment.

Silently berating himself for undertaking such a silly task, he took a deep breath and started climbing.

At first, it wasn't actually that hard.

Not really.

All the pull-ups he had done were paying off.

Still though, this was pretty hard stuff. The fact that the angle was unnatural for his fingers and limbs only made things more painful. His luck was pretty bad though, it seemed. While the building was prone to occasional disturbances, they happened aplenty today. His training held more resemblance to a large scale version of Frogger than a climb in a gym. It started when he got to the third window. Apparently, the denizens were having a drug infused party, and from the smell, he thought he already knew which one. Unfortunately, they noticed him there outside. More specifically, they decided that a burglar was trying to climb up the outside of the building, and that smacking his fingers would be the right thing to do. Fortunately, they were hopped up enough on the stuff, that they said their thoughts aloud, so he was able to start angling for the side again. Sadly, it was much easier to hang on the window sill than on the stone wall portions, and sometimes he had to cross the window sills because there was nothing on the current patch of rock for him to grab.

As he was grabbing the ledge of rock directly adjacent to the window sill, he found out that he had barely been fast enough, still. A large chair leg came whistling down from nowhere, and if his ninja training had not made him significantly faster, he would have had one ruined hand and a much longer journey ahead of him. As it was, he could feel the wind from the stick smashing into the window sill, and part of his former hand grip falling below.


He hadn't realized that they built things so shoddily here.

The person with the stick cursed, realizing they had missed. Jeisuta would ordinarily have climbed up by this point, but that sounded like a bad idea, he needed to at least be out of direct reach of the,. Throwing distance was a lot harder, so he didn't try. Swinging his body more forcefully, he was able to wiggle his fingers a foot or so at a time along the cracks in the rocks, pausing and trying to go up at an angle when suddenly there was a sharp pain in his side, the one facing the window. He gasped aloud, and froze for a split second, before gritting his teeth and trying to climb a little faster. Fortunately for him, the thrower had a bad angle, and was not aiming well due to them drugs, otherwise even though he was a bit tougher, the damage could have been much more severe.

A second stick clattered next to the stones on his left, and he thanked the drugs for their aim. Soon he would be significantly above their window, and coming up under another window sill.

"What's that noise over there?!?"

An angry voice was heard to erupt from over the window sill.

"You whippersnappers don't know when to SHUT UP!!!!!"

A clatter came from below as something sailed over the window sill, and began dropping towards the street about a meter from Jeisuta's head. Wincing at the impact, he scrambled as much as one can scramble in such a compromising position, trying to get out from under the window sill.

If anything, being above the previous window was probably a good idea, he still had two more floors to ascend before the roof, and this fellow by the sounds of it, was about to pour his laundry water off of his window sill. At least, that's what it sounded like, as Jeisuta was able to discern the distinct sounds of wet clothing being removed repeatedly from a body of water, then forming a cacaphonic symphony of droplets hitting the floor. Apparently this aparentment building didn't come with anything to hang the laundry out to... actually, scratch that.

Cantilevering was the way to go it seemed, the sun out and all. The old fellow above him, a man Jeisuta knew and not in a happy manner, had apparently hung a bunch of laundry on a long pole, that was stuck out the window. Then he heard the sloshing of a water container, probably a bucket. At this time, he was climbing up the side next to the window, and was treated to the sight of a decrepit old man, bent over in his nineties, who threw the bucket of water out into the streets, minus the water. An outraged yell below, told Jeisuta that someone was definitely going to be having a bath, tonight.

Fortunately, he would make that a second, but not for the more... conventional reasons. As tempting as it was to berate the old man, he remembered that the old dude had a worse temper than Jeisuta. Additionally, Jeisuta would be unable to block anything the other fellow did, such as throwing more of the dirty water that was now headed for the window.... The old man might have gotten a glimpse of one shoe in the very upper right corner of his window, but it was swiftly gone. Jeisuta had tucked his legs higher up under him, just in case the old man saw, in an attempt to be farther out of reach. It was the sound that gave him away. Some of the stone crumbled, or rather, some loose dirt.


He heard the window sill creak, undoubtably there was a new weight there, and it was probably organic in origin. He began scrambling faster up the side of the wall, as "Thief!!!!!" was yelled deafeningly loud below. It was both more and less cause for alarm, to Jeisuta, still crouched on the wall, but now working on the fourth floor of windows. Less alarm, because people were used to loud screams coming from this apartment building. Jeisuta climbing up the wall, literally was more cause for undue attention than yelling from this old fart. It was also more alarming, because the old man had a reputation for....

A clink resounded against a stone by Jeisuta's foot, and he resisted the urge to shuffle his foot away - he needed it to maintain his balance because he was reaching for another stone on one of his hands.

Another clink, closer to his right foot.

The old man was getting closer, with whatever he was throwing or stabbing at Jeisuta with.

Jeisuta thought he had climbed out of reach, when he felt something hook around his ankle. Oh shi*, it was a hook that the old man was probing with.

"Get back here, you little rascal!!!!" Jeisuta had no intention of returning to rectify the size issue, instead he tried to cling on tighter to the rocks, pulling his leg up forcefully, to his side because the rocks were in the way of him doing it to the front. He could hear the old man screeching with exertion as he held on, trying to pull Jeisuta down so he could give the ninja a proper beating, it seemed. Sadly, this was not a promise to be fulfilled. Coming down there would be harder than ascending at this point, since it would be hard for Jeisuta to find his grip where he couldn't see below, and the old guy would definitely be assisting him on his way down. Nope, Jeisuta was more likely to fall and be severely injured or dead, rather than beaten.

The fourth window sill loomed large. It was silent. Unnaturally silent, and Jeisuta needed to cross it - looking above him, he found a large pass of impassably smooth rook stretching an inconvenient distance above him. With a sigh, he was reaching for the sill, the hook still dangling from his leg, the pole attached to it, when he heard a sudden "bang" that shattered the eerie silence. He jumped, and almost lost his grip, which would have ended our strange tale faster than intended.

Looking to his side and above, he saw a rope that definitely had not been there before. It was not hanging on the window sill, rather, someone seemed to have fired a grappling hook out the window. A distant "chink" and vibrations on the rope implied the hook had found its spot on the path, and would be a causeway for thieves shortly after. In his normal state, he might have been able to take them, but the vulnerable position he was in complicated matters. Instead, he waited silently, flattening himself against the wall as much as possible.

Sure enough, he heard the sounds of someone stepping away, then suddenly taking large, loud, heavy steps. A hurtling body flew through the open window, and went whizzing away on the rope. Seems like they had a bar to hang from, or something. Good for them.

Ignoring them, he scuttled along the window sill, and up the other side.

The last window loomed in sight. Nothing....

Except a whistle.

As it turned out, to Jeisuta's dismay, this occupant trained pigeons. Who the hell does that? Nuts, and this guy apparently. Attack pigeons, nonetheless.

They swooped in out of nowhere, and stared pecking ferociously but ineffectively at Jeisuta. If he wasn't a spectacle before, he certainly was now. Pigeons swarmed around him, but at least the occupant didn't see him - probably because there were so many birds. Ignoring the urge to take his hands and swat at them - which was difficult, Jeisuta kept climbing, eventually getting to an overhang that just narrowly preceded the roof. And his fingers hurt.

An overhang?



He was pretty mad at this point, especially at himself for having and acting on this dumb idea. At the sound of some pleasant cooing however, the birds abandoned him. For bread crumbs, if the occupant was to be believed.

Nothing for it, he would have to use the rafters that supported the roof, and try to swing his way around. He remembered that there was some piping that had been added to the outside of the building, he would have to use that to pull himself over the outside of the overhang, but if he slipped, well, he wasn't sure if Miyamoto would be able to save him. He would have to do this right, on the first try too. Otherwise, it might turn out that gymnastics was not for him.

Shifting one hand at a time from the stone to the rafters, he slowly let his body walk out, his feet still taking some of the support from his hands by sticking themselves into the little niches in the stone. bringing his hands to the edge of one of the rafters that went straight out to the side, he experimentally tugged on it, before letting all his weight sit on it.

Long story short, it wobbled. He couldn't trust that one to support his weight, so he didn't.

The second one wobbled, and he had to go back the other way - he didn't trust himself to go around a corner in his exhausted state. So he passed the first and second rafters. Fortunately for his sanity, he third was definitely firm, as was the fourth. Which was good, since as he went forth, holding onto the third, and swinging his legs onto the fourth, he might be here a while.

His fingers were close to numb at this point, but he didn't have a choice, it was this, or fall. At this point, he was seriously wondering if he should have left his weapon pouches on the ground, just to try and lighten his burden.

Carefully, he inched his way out to the end of the overhang, and stretched his arm around. No pipe. Crap. A similar examination with his foot was successful however. A few minutes and a lot of grunting later, he had managed to switch places. This time, he was able to grab the pipe, and hang on while he brought one leg over, resting it on the incline. This would be the tricky part.

Miyamoto would look over the edge in time to see Jeisuta carefully clamp onto the overhang edge with both legs, and slowly bring his second hand out from under the ceiling of the overhang, suddenly accelerating his body and grabbing onto the pipe, which creaked ominously.

Carefully, Jeisuta stood up on the overhang, careful to never actually put his full weight on his feet - falling now wold be especially bad. But at least nobody could throw things at him, unless Miyamoto was feeling very unpleasant. Unmentioned and neglected before, the sweat was pouring down his face, but fortunately only mildly stinging his eyes. A few feet above him, loomed the edge of the roof, and a guard rail. His final challenge.

He took a few deep breaths, clinging to the wall again with his feet on the overhang. If he made it through this, there was a big tip headed the way of the rock climbing instructor, though he could never know why....

Slowly, he began ascending his way to the top. When he got to the edge of the roof finally, he looked around, not wanting to risk pulling the guard rail over the edge. Aside from that he would need a vertical grip, rather than a horizontal one, and that would be really hard with his numbed fingers and pained toes. So he followed the pipe, which bent at a ninety degree angle. Oooh.

His initial plan had been to follow the pipe to the roof over the stairs, and use the pipe to help him over the guard rail, but a better opportunity presented himself. With one hand, he checked the guard rails. They seemed pretty strong, so he didn't have to worry about breaking them, after all. Swinging his feet to the side, he was able to get one, then the other leg resting on top of the pipes that were thick expressly for the purposes of plot armor. Whew. That took a lot of weight off of his arms though he was now lying down sideways.

Gently, he began reaching upwards, now that his vertical grip has less required force behind it, and managed to grab onto the top of the guard rail.

From there, he was able to slide one, then both legs over, narrowly avoiding accidents in the nether region, before tumbling over the edge, making a few exhausted wisecracks, and bringing us to the present, without even noticing his blistering fingers.

(ttl wc: 2793+3063=5856)
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
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Dumb ways to die, err, train (Miyamoto) (i/o) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dumb ways to die, err, train (Miyamoto) (i/o)

Tue Mar 07, 2017 12:10 pm
Miyamoto had time to himself as he sat down to meditate.  The wind blew around him, the sounds of the streets below seemed to wash away as his ears seemed to tune out the noise.  His breathing slowed to where he was only taking about one inhale/exhale  per minute.  He could hear the voices in his head clear as day, something that he had not bothered with for a bit since he gained control over them.

“You have grown wiser in a short amount of time Moto…” His inner voice, whom referred to itself as Worr Terumi said as of course the “other one” chimed in.
“He has also grown too soft...the gazebo incident showed that to the entire crowd of villagers there.”  The voice of self doubt, a shadow of Miyamoto inside of his head said as Miyamoto just continued to breathe.

“My growth, I can attribute to my friends and my will...both of you have built me up, and torn me down to show me what I can really do.”  Miyamoto said inside of his head as if the other voices were right beside him in the flesh.  

The wind blew through once more as he was alerted to the presence of Jeisuta joining him on the roof finally.  With a final inhale Miyamoto stood up, exhaling as he was standing tall on the roof as the sun shone over him.  He walked over to Jeisuta and without emotion or any sort of reprieve for climbing the wall he started in on him.

“In combat you do not get chances for a breather...your lack of stamina is...worrying at best for the future of the shinobi world.  However, you did well in climbing the wall and making it here without the use of chakra.  The techniques I will teach to you are basic for everyday use as I said earlier, but in order to use them you need to make sure you can use it.  I will demonstrate the use of this technique now…”  Miyamoto said as he walked to the center of the roof and used the clone technique to create a clone that would walk out in front of him.

Miyamoto would then launch a series of strikes as his clone would dodge and weave through with ease until an opening presented itself in the clone over reaching as Miyamoto launched a series of strikes with his left leg as he seemed to move faster than Jeisuta could probably watch as the clone disappeared in an explosion of smoke.

“This technique is known as the Leaf Whirlwind.  A Taijutsu technique that is also an introductory technique to a stronger strike, the Leaf Gale.  I want you to get up and try to strike me.  The tell tale strike is by feinting a high kick to cause the opponent to guard then launching a strong series or one single strike that can send your opponent flying.”

He would wait at the center of the roof for Jeisuta as he stood in the martial arts stance of the horse.

“I am ready when you are.”

WC: 521/2167
David o' confused names
David o' confused names
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Dumb ways to die, err, train (Miyamoto) (i/o) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dumb ways to die, err, train (Miyamoto) (i/o)

Wed Mar 08, 2017 3:11 am
posting tomorrows .-.
David o' confused names
David o' confused names
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Dumb ways to die, err, train (Miyamoto) (i/o) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dumb ways to die, err, train (Miyamoto) (i/o)

Tue Mar 14, 2017 4:38 am
(Oh shit, never checked this topic closely until now, and assumed I was the last person to actually post here. Rushing out something so you have stuff to respond to, might be able to lengthen later. My apologies D:)


Normally he would have been more jovial, but exhaustion has a way of dampening such emotions, unfortunately. Hopefully Miyamoto knew why Jeisuta still sounded subdued. As his breath slowly returned, and the liquid fire seemed to slowly drain from some of his muscles, Jeisuta watched his comrade carefully.

In all honesty, much of what Miyamoto did was much faster than he could see, and all of it faster than he could hope to achieve. So he would have to feint in order to make a hit land. Having seen how fast the kid moved, he doubted that hurting the other would be an issue, even if he was trying. To be fair, one of the two examples of speed difference was that the other "genin" - he seemed like more - was at the roof and rested, before Jeisuta had gotten there. Probably because he didn't do the dumb route that Jeisuta took. Almost anything would have been faster, even the stairs if a bunch of elderly people had been climbing up slowly, in one massive and obstructive clump.

He got to his feet as he spoke. "I'll give it a shot. Hopefully its not too embarrassing looking, and nobody thinks I'm a child abuser."

Jeisuta chuckled, hopefully the irony of the situation did not manifest itself too strongly.

He would break into a run towards Miyamoto, taking some time to get going. When he was about two meters away, he would begin thrusting out from his chest, his right palm shooting outwards towards Miyamoto's face, his elbow starting at his side, his forearm parallel to the ground. Unless blocked, it would shove straight for Miyamoto's eyes, obscuring them and (to Miyamoto) pushing lightly on his head, "possibly" destabalizing him, more importantly, obscuring his vision. His left arm however, would stay retracted, his left elbow also next to his side, but his fist turned sideways, the right angle to hold a spear resting on the ground.

The palm thrust was a feint, however. Because Miyamoto was in the horse stance, his legs were out wide, and significantly less mobile. No, that didn't mean Jeisuta was about to go for the family jewels. He already did that too many times to count, Miyamoto didn't deserve it, it would reflect badly on him, and he was not sure if it would have any effect. He knew of a few people who could actually ignore such kinds of pain and keep fighting. Rather, at one and a half meters away, he would skid to a stop on his left foot, his right ankle swinging out from the ground with his leg at an approximately 35 degree angle, his ankle aimed squarely at hitting Miyamoto's left, in an attempt to knock him off balance.

He obviously was not going for the technique Miyamoto had demonstrated yet, that would be foolish since that would be the most clear thing on both of their minds, most likely anyway. As such, it could be expected that his opponent would be more ready to block that attack, expecting Jeisuta to use that first, and as such, he would need to sneak it in somewhere. Destabilizing the opponent was a useful start against stronger opponents, before. Maybe not with such a wide gap in power as this, though.
David o' confused names
David o' confused names
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Dumb ways to die, err, train (Miyamoto) (i/o) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dumb ways to die, err, train (Miyamoto) (i/o)

Fri Mar 17, 2017 3:10 pm
Unfortunately, as Jeisuta was lunging for Miyamoto, he was suddenly overcome with exhaustion, and had to call it quits.

(sorry bro, everyone seems to think you are going inactive, if this changes, lmk D: )


(ttl wc: 6423)
(claiming: +32 stats, +1k words to, and 1k words to

(i don't think I made it very obvious, but I can show where, if it helps .-. )
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Dumb ways to die, err, train (Miyamoto) (i/o) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dumb ways to die, err, train (Miyamoto) (i/o)

Fri Mar 17, 2017 4:05 pm
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Dumb ways to die, err, train (Miyamoto) (i/o) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dumb ways to die, err, train (Miyamoto) (i/o)

Sat Mar 18, 2017 12:43 pm
Miyamoto watched in silence as the wind blew through the area.  It caused his hair to whip around his face and head, yet he did not blink as his focus was on the person in front of him.  When Jeisuta rose up, it was like watching a cobra rising up to get into a striking position and it was at that point that Miyamoto found out that the man he wanted to train had some sort of fighting experience.  Miyamoto took a couple of deep breaths as he relaxed his muscles in anticipation for the spar that lied ahead.  That is when he launched his assault, he was fast, but his movements were still easily trackable as he came to about two meters away then began to show his cards.

As Jeisuta began to move his hand towards Miyamoto’s face, he moved slightly, but was tricked as the palm thrust was a feint, a well timed and well hidden feint at that as he swept his right ankle towards his leg catching him off balance.  Miyamoto began to trip backwards, but caught himself swiftly as he deftly maneuvered his body into another stance fluidly as his breath was slow and deliberate.  Looking to Jeisuta he would smile as the technique was not what he demonstrated, but it was the beginning of something unique.

“That was good Jeisuta, good job indeed.  Now we need to refine that into an attack, I believe you could do it easily.  So let us continue.”

That is when Jeisuta became overcome, his breathing became labored, chest heaving in exhaustion.  That is when Miyamoto relaxed and sighed as he hung his head for a few moments, only to hide his disappointment of himself underneath that stupid grin of his as he looked to his taller yet unconventionally short time sparring partner.

“Well I thought you did great, and the training you have done today will carry you far regardless.  I do still hope to spar with you in the future, if not also teaching you something.  I am sorry I challenged you to a spar on top of the roof, that must have been quite a climb.  Go on home...relax, and I will find you again for future training.”  Miyamoto said as he walked to the edge of the roof and with a final wave to the man he leaned back and fell from the roof with grace as he flipped in the air before landing on the fire escape some 3 meters below him.  

As he would land he would deftly weave through the fire escapes till he was close enough to the ground.  He would jump off and land on the street, blending back in with the normalcy of the villagers.


(Claiming: 13 Stats, Memorized Jeisuta's Chakra Signature)
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Village : Hoshigakure
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Dumb ways to die, err, train (Miyamoto) (i/o) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dumb ways to die, err, train (Miyamoto) (i/o)

Sat Mar 18, 2017 12:46 pm
Also Exit...I am not innactive BTW...
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