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Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
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Deep Fried Dumb-lings [P] Empty Deep Fried Dumb-lings [P]

Wed Sep 21, 2016 7:23 am
Shouhei didn’t know what he had expected today, but it definitely wasn’t this. As for what happened, we have to go back about twenty minutes to when he was walking down one of the many food districts of Hoshigakure. The sun was high as it always was at noon, and Shouhei was searching for something to eat and preferably, something cold as it was a bit hot today. He didn’t have any missions or errands to do so he had a lot of time. It was then when a cute girl in a classy maid like outfit grabbed him gently by the arm.

“You look hungry. What would you say about getting a free meal?” she said with a smile as sweet as strawberries. Had Shouhei still been in his girls have cooties stage of maturity, he might have tried to rip himself away from her. She looked like the rest of the waiters in the nearby restaurant, so he didn’t think he was going to have his wallet pickpocket either.

Shouhei blushed a little. “That would be nice, but what is the catch?” In addition, his voice sounded a little nervous. By now, he had also noticed that the girl was taller than he was and was probably older. Did he really look that old compared to his age? Looking at a nearby mirror, he decided she had other motivations.

“Well we are one person short for this eating competition and participating is free as long as you can eat at least three hundred deep fried dumplings. If you can’t, you will have to pay 1400 ryo, but I am sure that won’t be a problem for a hungry fellow like you~” he tone of voice went a slightly lighter at her last words. “Oh, and if you win the competition you will win a price of 3000 ryo!” She followed up.

After having counted his money and what he would earn in a week, he said: “Sure, but do you have to latch onto me the whole way?”

“Ops,” she said as she let go and lead him into the restaurant.

That is how he ended up at this long table inside a rather sizeable restaurant that fortunately had air conditioning. Shouhei looked up and down the table and saw many interesting characters. What surprised him the most was the lack of fat people, and that there was only one ninja beside him. However, his scanning of the room was suddenly broken when the free seat next to him was occupied by a young man that from his headband, Shouhei guessed was a fellow Genin. Now why he wasn’t older than he was, he couldn’t guess.

“Hi, I am Shouhei. Try not to grow five inches in height after filling your stomach with all this food.” He introduced himself with a bit of teasing as he pointed to the busy kitchen and the table in front of them being loaded with plates filled with dumplings.

Notes wrote:Word Count: 497.
Feel free to ignore that have to eat 300 rule. You might have ten years old privilege :V
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Deep Fried Dumb-lings [P] Empty Re: Deep Fried Dumb-lings [P]

Wed Sep 21, 2016 1:44 pm
Miyamoto had a good week, well besides getting examined by Shiroi which was embarrassing enough, but Kyousuke nearly bankrupt him with their lunch that day. Since then though Miyamoto has increased his nutritional intake so that he could build a bit of mass to go with the muscle. Today his mother gave him so Ryo before she left and told him to go relax and have a good meal. So the young Genin dressed in his casual training Gi, with his village headband tied on his head. His hair had grown out, perhaps it was time to get it cut, but first it was time to see what the day held.

As he arrived upon the main shopping area he watched as people sneered at him, avoided him, and others even patted him on the head in thanks. Hoshikagure was such a different place, he knew that the village was split due to the shinobi presence. However as he passed by a resturant a hostess stopped him and asked if he was hungry. Miyamoto just looked up at her and saw that she was gorgeous as he blushed, a bit of his father shown in his eyes in that moment as he smiled.

"I don't know what your selling beautiful, but I am in."

Miyamoto said about to pull the money from his pocket but was instead whisked away to a dark room nd up on a stage where people were gathered as he had apparently entered some kind of eating competition. As the food was revealed to be deep fried dumplings, Miyamoto began to salivate. Soon he looked around at his other competitors, noticing just one other shinobi.

The male introduced himself as Shouhei and he warned Miyamoto. To which Miyamoto smiled and then leaned towards him as the hostess came back on stage.

"Do not worry, I am just trying to make sure I am not frisked again by two handsy jounin so I will be fine, the name's Miyamoto."

He said as they were set to begin.

Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Deep Fried Dumb-lings [P] Empty Re: Deep Fried Dumb-lings [P]

Sat Oct 01, 2016 9:47 pm
"I told you I'm not interested." Ayato let out irritated as he attempted to release himself from her grip. No matter how much the young waitress wearing the maid uniform insisted his answer would remain the same. It wasn't that he disliked dumplings. Sure they were not his first choice in the gourmet world but this whole "All you can eat" contest thing was obviously a shakedown. There was no way to "win" this, not truly. Deep fried dumplings are fried in oils containing trans fats, and since dumplings are coated in butter, they absorb more fat than they would without the butter coating. Because of the high fat content, they are also high in calories, making it more likely you will get filled with only a couple of servings. 

The contest fee would not only cover expenses but also put a lot of extra cash in the owner's pockets. Maximize the profits by minimizing the costs done in a larger scale. Apparently not many seemed to realize this since the store was full of hungry costumers. Or maybe they realized but had their inner Otaku get the better of them and be seduced by the maid. The beautiful girl in her twenties with green sparkling eyes styled her hair in two longs braids reaching in front of her chest. Her overall figure almost made Ayato wish to become a victim of her exploitation as well. Dense as he was thought, he wouldn't let himself give in to the girl's charms. He was on his way to check the mission board for anything he could handle. His duty was to his village not to his manhood. 

With the competition about to begin the waitress seemingly lost interest in him. His eyes trailed her as she made her way back to the restaurant and then caught glimpse of something else. Two Hoshigakure headbands. Both faces he would recognize. Miyamoto Terumi his fellow teammate and Shouhei Sato a former classmate from the Hoshigakure Shinobi Academy. It looks as if they just met each. Ayato would think to himself as his hand curled into a fist. He had alienated himself from other kids his age for far too long he realized. Maybe he should stop being so uptight all the time and grant himself a moment of relaxation. He should go greet them and pay to take part into a food competition he was bound to lose. But he did not find the courage to raise his hand and waive at them.

WC - 415
Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
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Deep Fried Dumb-lings [P] Empty Re: Deep Fried Dumb-lings [P]

Mon Oct 03, 2016 8:22 pm
Shouhei stared blankly at the young genin when he introduced himself. Well it wasn’t really because he introduced himself, but because of the detail he added. He really hoped the kid meant that he had been searched for weapons and not the other implications his words could have. It would also be weird if it were the latter since he was so upbeat about it. Maybe it was really about dancing and he didn’t like being thought. One could only hope.

“Nice you meet you,” he said holding his hand out for a handshake. Whether he should accept it or not he would notice that Shouhei had larger hands and wrist than one would have expected. Not that would help when they were supposed to eat with chopsticks, and not shoveling it in with their hands.

It was not that soon afterwards he had said that, that Shouhei had this feeling. The one you have when you think someone is watching you. His eyes darting around him, he noticed another Hoshi ninja about his same age as him. He couldn’t remember him at all however, so he tilted his head towards Miyamoto. “Do you know that guy, Miyamoto? I can’t quite put my finger on where I have seen him. Well other than the academy but I don’t remember him from there.” He whispered to the younger ninja.

Meanwhile, another maid than the one they were familiar with noticed Ayato and his interest in the scene. She looked like a sister, but there wasn’t that much of an age different so maybe they were half siblings, cousins, or twins. “Excuse me sir.” She walked closer to him curtsying when within his presence instead of hugging him or otherwise invading his personal space. “I couldn’t help but notice that you talked to Chihiro before and wasn’t amused.” She held her hands near her heart. “I am sorry if she invaded your personal space in anyway.” In addition, she shot him a smile her eyes looking fresh and innocent. “However, I couldn’t help but to also notice that you are still looking at the scene with some fellow ninjas. Do you still wish to join now you know you're not alone and not going to be accuse of cheating."

A short skip came in her voice. "I mean when you are in a group they are not going to single you out for cheating and its easier to see that you are being normal." She made a circle motion with her index finger in the air while smiling as she clarified herself. "In any event. Do you wish to join, or are you just watching the show?"

She raised her finger and winked. The finger she placed on a note block in her apron pocket. “If you wish to join I can pull a few strings so you only have to pay one-hundred and fifty dumplings to not pay the amount required for it to be free.” In a hushed voice, she followed up with the following: “But don’t tell anyone.” Then she stopped with her wink and charming act.

Back at the table, Shouhei remembered an additional question. “Do you think we should call him over and ask him to join?” His face looking slightly happy, bright, and inviting. “Okay we can’t force him to risk having to pay money, but you know what I mean.”

Notes wrote:Word Count: 565.
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Deep Fried Dumb-lings [P] Empty Re: Deep Fried Dumb-lings [P]

Mon Oct 03, 2016 9:45 pm
Miyamoto sat there rocking back and forth as he heard then the shinobi next to him whom introduced himself as Shouei say that it was a pleasure to meet him.  Miyamoto shook his hand back as he smiled.  

"Likewise my tall friend."

He said as Shouei motioned beside him, Miyamoto then looked over to him rather obviously as his smile died.  It was Ayato...his rather non talkative team member.  Miyamoto then laughed as he waved at him.

"I see you fell for the pretty lady too ey Ayato!"

He said encouragingly as he did not hear the conversation between Shouei and the other maid.  If he had been paying attention like Kyousuke taught him, he would have caught on quick, but Miyamoto was already heavily distracted.  This day went from one of boredom to one of hearty fun.  Also he got to eat to his hearts content whether he won or not.  It was a win-win for him so he just smiled before remembering that Shouei had asked if he knew Ayato.  Miyamoto laughed and scratched his head.

"Yeah I know this guy, he is on my team...does not talk much though..."

He said as he obviously leaned in a bit closer.

"A bit weird if you ask me, but yeah let's invite him, I would love to show you both how to eat like a champ!"

He said encouragingly.

Word Counter: 230/570
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Deep Fried Dumb-lings [P] Empty Re: Deep Fried Dumb-lings [P]

Tue Oct 04, 2016 7:47 pm
Ayato stood there spaced out looking in the store for just a few seconds. Or perhaps they were actually minutes that in his mind flew as fast as seconds. Either way, it was long enough for the two Hoshigakure Genin to notice him. He quickly averted his nervous gaze from them and searched for something else to look at. Just then the maid re-approached Ayato.

Almost brushing her off again he realized a second too late this was a different maid. What is this they do mass production? He thought puzzled at this phenomenon. Cosplay fashion to satisfy the demand of perverts within Hoshigakure It was the best conclusion he could come up with, truly. This maid was very polite and less intimating than the previous one she named "Chihiro".  She was also a lot more into her role as a cute maid. Her manner of speech was playful; winking and forming her small fingers with painted white nails into a heart but at the same time she made sure not to invade his personal space. She even offered to give Ayato a special discount but it would have to be their little secret.
The very next moment his teammate Miyamoto called out to him, making a jest at the same time. So there is no avoiding this huh? He thought and almost threatened to crack a smile. Straitening his waist to look taller he announced “Alright, I will enter your contest. And worry not. I won’t tell a soul.” He did not attempt to assure her even further by striking a nice guy pose but he made his way to the table nonetheless. With each step the wooden floor squeaked annoying him. However even with noise that made his skin crawl he couldn’t help but notice the duo whispering. Something about me most likely. Ayato realized half interested just as he reached the bench the two were seated. Standing in front of them he greeted his teammate first “Miyamoto. I did not expect to meet you here.” Ayato nodded at him and then proceeded to speak to the other Genin. Shouhei Sato did not seem to recognize him but there was no surprise to that. After all they had never spoken to each during their years at the Shinobi Academy. "The name is Ayato, and you are?" He asked, feigning ignorance. 

WC - 410

Last edited by Ayato Hyuuga <3 on Tue Oct 04, 2016 8:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
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Deep Fried Dumb-lings [P] Empty Re: Deep Fried Dumb-lings [P]

Tue Oct 04, 2016 8:48 pm
Shouhei still couldn’t recognize that guy in spite of having gone to the ninja academy in the same, even if it wasn’t in the same class. Although, Shouhei was sure he caught an attempt by this genin who introduced himself as Ayato to feign ignorance. He wasn’t sure if this was the case, but he figured that it was so to save Shouhei’s face if that was indeed the case. Not that Shouhei needed that but he could appreciate it. No one did that in a courtly setting, and most people in a normal setting wouldn’t do it as that was just silly. The guy was either really friendly, or a scarily cat who acts like a hunter who got stuck in the cave of a beer he was supposed to hunt, but not before dropping his gun and breaking a leg. Yeah, Shouhei wasn’t sure how he should take it.

Internally he shook his head then conjured forward a friendly smile many people saw him give. Especially if they were someone new, he hadn’t been acquainted with yet. “Shouhei Seto." He introduced himself as he reached out his hands for Ayato’s. “Your average big mouthed guy with a heart of gold and a stomach ready to be filled, which is why I will win today,” He winked along with his big mouth comment.

He quickly looked to his sides to see if there wasn’t any space. It appeared to be on both Miyamoto’s and his own side, but on Shouhei’s it was easier to quote unquote escape, which he made the assumption Ayato would appreciate with how shy he was before. On the other hand, maybe he was just lost in his thoughts. In any event, it was also the last seat whereas the seat next to Miyamoto went further towards the middle.

“Take a seat next to me. That way you will the first person to survive the explosion from the kitchen,” he jested and pulled out the chair. Giving both of the boys a look he asked: “So how many dumplings do you think you can eat? I’ll say I can mow down about 380 to 470 and then roll my way home.”

Notes wrote:Word Count: 366.
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Deep Fried Dumb-lings [P] Empty Re: Deep Fried Dumb-lings [P]

Tue Oct 11, 2016 11:47 am
Miyamoto was ready, his stomach growled with frustration as his hunger needed to be sated.  He also was keeping an eye out for the gorgeous waitress that brought him here.  He simply wished to inquire about the competition and when it was to begin, but was soon met with Ayato joining the table as a competitor.  To this Miyamoto just gave a smirk as Ayato mentioned his being here before introducing himself to Shouhei, and before Miyamoto could get a word out Shouhei had already begun to speak, so he listened for a time until finding the waitress he motioned for her.  It was not even a few seconds before as if by magic she appeared behind him, which nearly made Miyamoto jump out of his seat.

"So how can I help you sir, we are about to begin the contest."

To which Miyamoto replied, his face flush as he just stared at the gorgeous waitress.  If anyone were looking it could be seen that he was drooling beyond normal means.

"ummmm...ok, just...hungry..."

Was all Miyamoto could manage to get out as he looked completely foolish, yet he just smiled and closed his mouth as the waitress looked a bit awkward, but still answered his question.

"As soon as everyone has taken their seats we shall begin."

So with that being said Miyamoto could still see the two were still talking beside him as he motioned for another chair as he scooted his incredibly close to his fellow competitor on his left.  To which he looked over at Ayato and Shouhei and announced to both of them as his aura, though small showed that he was hungry as a demon.


He announced with gutso before shrinking down in his chair due to hunger.  He was ready.

Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Deep Fried Dumb-lings [P] Empty Re: Deep Fried Dumb-lings [P]

Fri Oct 14, 2016 6:13 pm
Ayato's introduction was met with a smirk from Miyamoto and awkward silence from Shouhei. Was it possible for the orange haired ninja have recognized Ayato? It seemed unlikely judging from the puzzled look on his face. Shouhei Sato finally introduced his self and reached out a hand to which Ayato met with his own. “Good to meet you.”  During their handshake, Ayato felt his knuckles slightly hurting. Apparently, the short shinobi had a strong grip even though appearance-wise he didn’t suggest as much. Is this a challenge of some sort? The thought crossed Ayato’s mind for a moment and he almost pressed on with his own grip but then he realized there wasn’t any tension about Shouhei. The feeling of this handshake was oddly similar to that of Kyousuke Snow, the Jounin Queensguard who was also his sensei.  Looking at the hand encasing his own he noticed Shouhei had a very thick wrist for his age and weight. Almost twice the size of Ayato. A reddish hair hue, enormous hands…does he posses the giant’s blood like Kyousuke Snow?  Wondering he turned to check if Miyamoto had noticed the same thing about the orange haired Genin but apparently his teammate couldn’t care less. All his efforts were put into flirting with the waitress. “Pervert.” Ayato let out annoyed.

The creak of wood turned his attention back to Shouhei. A chair was offered to Ayato, it was the perfect seat, allowing for him to escape whenever he wished to leave.  Naturally, he accepted with a nod. Just as he was seated Shouhei made an estimation of the number of dumplings he believed he would consume and asked Ayato and Miyamoto of their own.  His teammate was the first to take up the chant, making a passionate announcement that he was going to eat every dumpling in this room. "Interesting." Ayato replied with a frown to both of them  “Be the Chuunin Exams or a food contest I’m not planning on losing to either of you.” He said with a wolfish grin.

WC - 330
Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
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Deep Fried Dumb-lings [P] Empty Re: Deep Fried Dumb-lings [P]

Mon Oct 24, 2016 1:24 am
Admittedly, if Shouhei could see the conversation behind him – as of now he could only hear it – he would have been felt that the situation was weird considering the boy’s age. All he had to guess from was the fact that Ayato let out an annoyed sigh declaring his Miyamoto a pervert. He took a quick peek backwards noticing that the maid was standing close to him, and all he could do was to shrug. She was the older one, and she was being friendly. Overall, he couldn’t really judge Miyamoto in this case. He probably had gotten over the idea girls having cooties and things along those lines.

“Well he is energetic enough,” Shouhei thought to himself as he rubbed his ear that almost had a case of tinnitus.  The guy who looked like he moved goods for a living that sat next to Miyamoto looked less than pleased, but he made do with sending the boy a cutting look before looking back towards the center of the room where the maids Chihiro and her sister would do their announcement. “Be a little more careful with your volume when you want to shout right next to me,” Shouhei noted to Miyamoto on a shot notice his face cutting a frown.

Ayato on the other hand was more reserved in his determination. However, his proclamation was interesting to Shouhei. He went as far as to mention the chuunin exam. Shouhei thought it was a little early, but then he remembers that are a few people who needs to compensate for lack of personal security or they had to give their all to get attention from their parents. Although, now he was being unfair in his assumptions, and he hardly knew the lad nor his parental situation.

“That’s a goo…” Shouhei was about to respond to Ayato, but the sound of table party poppers interrupted him. His head went towards the middle of the room where he saw the two maids holding a microphone in their hands.

“Welcome to Chihiro’s,” the first maid announced, “and Shinju’s Little Dumplings and Restaurant~” the second one that had convinced Ayato to join followed up. They free hands went towards the banner behind them.

“Each year we hold a competition to find the hungriest stomachs,” Chihiro winked, “who can conquer our special menu.”

“That of three hundred or more deep fried dumplings. Dessert being optional but totally an availability~” Shinju let off a wink some of the younger men on the long table of the people competing. Then she bowed and went off to a brass gong near the tables.

“As for the rules,” Chihiro took over, “Remember, everyone. You have to eat at least 300 dumplings or a fee will applied to you. No hitting each other or in other way sabotaging each other. If you are about to puke it’s an automatic disqualification. In addition, please hit the bell in front of you so the people behind you,” she pointed towards them and they stepped up on the scene a few steps behind the competitors, “can get you a bucket so we don’t have a giant mess. Remember, a competition is only for people with an iron stomach.”

Suddenly an uncountable amount of dumplings came out of the kitchen, and was put on a nearby table with plates being up to each competitors. Shouhei could feel the aroma of the dumplings fill his nose. They smelled very awesome. He couldn’t get any other thoughts onto his mind. His mind was focused again however, when Shinju spoke up again.

“Okay. I am going to count down from twenty-five. When the count is done and I’ll hit the gong and you may eat!” she counted then hit the gong.

Notes wrote:Word Count: 626.
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