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Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Sparring practice? (P, NK) - Page 4 Empty Re: Sparring practice? (P, NK)

Mon Feb 20, 2017 8:54 pm
Seeing Shiroi excited about her mind reading, Hikari would open her mouth to start to respond about her mind reading jutsu, but would stop herself and would use her same mouth movements to continue into her sentence, “I…. I… Um, Soul sensing? What are you talking about? We are just genin, I don’t know how we could have a technique as strong as soul sensing, maybe chakra reading? But either way, Idon’t think that we could do something of that level, even more so, because I only graduated from the academy a few weeks ago, I am even less likely for me to graduate form know any kind of ‘Soul sensing ability”

Word count: 112

Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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Sparring practice? (P, NK) - Page 4 Empty Re: Sparring practice? (P, NK)

Mon Feb 20, 2017 8:58 pm
Shiroi's curious face instantly went serious again, and she inched forward, pointing the staff at the girl again. "You're still a terrible liar. Now I know it's not soul nor chakra reading. So how about you explain yourself?" Shiroi's face was angled, her eyes slightly squinted, eyebrows furrowed. I dare you. "Perhaps start by explaining how you moved your eye like that, and why."
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Sparring practice? (P, NK) - Page 4 Empty Re: Sparring practice? (P, NK)

Mon Feb 20, 2017 9:19 pm
Hikari would look at the girl and would ask her more about how she was a terrible liar, she backed away as the girl got closer to her, her staff aimed at the sixteen year old’s face. Prehaps it was a good idea to tell the girl about her eye mindreading ability, but at the same time, she felt like it wasn’t a good idea to let people know she could read minds when it wasn’t necessary. On top of that, she sort of tried to read the weapon’s mind without permission. That was something that she probably shouldn’t of done. Namikaze would lower he hands and put them behind her head in a surrendering stance, but would continue backing away from the girl “Um, I…. I don’t quite understand? How did I move my eyes? I was… I thought that was an abilty babies had? Sorry? And as for why, well, I was just looking at the weapon like I said before? Is that strange?” More sweat would drip down Hikari’s face, she hoped that the small girl would stop pressuring her.

Word count: 185
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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Sparring practice? (P, NK) - Page 4 Empty Re: Sparring practice? (P, NK)

Mon Feb 20, 2017 9:53 pm
Shiroi pulled back the weapon, though she continued to walk towards Hikari. She was walking just a tad faster now, however. Almost unnoticeably so, but enough that within a few steps she would be within arm's length of Hikari. With one quick motion, Shiroi would jump up and land on her staff, locking it in place, allowed her to now stand a few inches over Hikari.

Shiroi would slowly reach towards Hikari's face, attempting to wipe off some swear. Shiroi's own face was... happy? Smiling, certainly. There was a certain joviality to her facial features. And yet malice could perhaps be seen in them.

After wiping off the sweat, Shiroi's hand would remain on Hikari's face, assuming this had all happened and was still possible. "You poor, poor girl. You must be so confused! Let me make this simple. Answer the question, or face the consequences!" This was spoken in a far too happy voice. It was as if Shiroi were saying You poor, poor girl. You must be so confused! Let me make this simple. If you answer the question, you get cake! and being totally serious, unlike certain evil robots. But this is not what she said. That is the tone she said it in, but not what she said. If straight intimidation does not work, perhaps this will.
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Sparring practice? (P, NK) - Page 4 Empty Re: Sparring practice? (P, NK)

Mon Feb 20, 2017 10:32 pm
It would get a little bit awkward, as Shiroi would get on her pole to be taller than her, but would take her hand and put it on Namikaze's face, and once again, push her,

"You poor, poor girl. You must be so confused! Let me make this simple. Answer the question, or face the consequences!

The way she spoke this was a lot more kind and gentle then before, Prehaps if she started off like this, The chestnut haired teenager would of explained, but not now, this seemed quite scary, perhaps even more scary, after all, most demons would try to trick there victims into preforming sins of there own free will by trying to act kind and innocent like the small girl was doing now (Or at least, in the novels that Namikaze read.) Maybe this girl was actualy a demon? Hikari would respond with "An... Answer the question? I... I thought I had? Most people have the ability to move our eyes to look! Along with that... well, I was looking at your staff... um... are you ok? Just, a staff going around and trying to kill people seems weird, and you are also acting weird, I... it just is kind of weird that you are going up to me and asking me these..... just for looking at a staff? Are you ok?" Hikari would ask, sweat still pouring down her face.

Wc: 237
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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Sparring practice? (P, NK) - Page 4 Empty Re: Sparring practice? (P, NK)

Mon Feb 20, 2017 10:46 pm
"No, no I don't think you have," Shiroi said, that sickeningly sweet voice and devilish closed mouth smile still sticking around. "I has asked what you did and how you did it, sweetie!" Shiroi's hand slowly crept down from Hikari's check. Shiroi's nail on her pointer finger followed Hikari's jawline, then went down the neck along the jugular. About half way down, where an adam's apple would be on a male, her finger curved, ended up at the direct center of Hikari's throat, palm side up. This movement would not be enough to scratch even a normal person, for there was no force to the nail, but Hikari would certainly be able to feel it. "You wouldn't lie to a jounin now, would you?" The smile was still there. Shiroi was still being sickeningly sweet. With that, Shiroi's finger would trace up the girl's neck, headed for the chin. Just like before, Hikari would only just barely be able to feel the tip of Shiroi's nail against her skin.
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Sparring practice? (P, NK) - Page 4 Empty Re: Sparring practice? (P, NK)

Mon Feb 20, 2017 11:27 pm
Hikari would wait as the small girl once again asked Hikari what she did, at this point the sweat coming out of the kunochi between the fight and the extra presure in the after math shenanigans has made Hikari's white outfit drenched in sweat. Her mind went blank as she continued to to listen to what the other girl stated.

"You wouldn't lie to a jounin now, would you?" She would state

A jounin, a jounin? This little girl is a jounin? Hikari wasn't sure what was more shocking, that she went up against her, or the fact that she almost beat a jounin. Namikaze would tremble a little bit, as the girl's nails went across Hikari's soft fair skin,

"You.... Your a jounin?" Hikari would manage to stutter out, fear was taking back over as she started to go back an think this woman was a Demon again (After all, a girl that small? There is no way she could get to that rank without something helping her) "I.... What do you think I did misstress? As.... I just looked at the blade, nothing else...."

Without noticing it, Hikari would call the girl her misstress, realizing she was her superior and so scared out of her mind, she thought back to when she worked at a small tavern before she became a Kunochi, where all of her female customers she would call missstress.

Word count: 234
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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Sparring practice? (P, NK) - Page 4 Empty Re: Sparring practice? (P, NK)

Mon Feb 20, 2017 11:44 pm
Shiroi saw the girl tremble. Her fear was delicious! Domination was a glorious thing. Perhaps Hikari could be forced to her knees with mere words...

And being called mistress? Positively euphoric! But Shiroi had to assert herself. The girl just did not learn!

"As... I ju-" was as far as Hikari would get before Shiroi's pointer finger slid up to the girls lips and rested across them, while Shiroi 'shh'd ever so softly.

"It's OK, sweetie. I won't hurt you if you just tell me!" Shiroi's free hand made it's way to Hikari's arm, before tracing down towards the girl's hand. Should all this still happen, Shiroi would try to lace her fingers together with Hikari's, bringing them both upwards a bit. "Of course, if you continue to be a naughty girl," Shiroi's head moved in closer to Hikari's face, the smile never leaving it, "I may just have to punish you!" Shiroi's head would retreat again, and the hand would be removed from the girls mouth, though Shiroi's grip on the girls hand, had it happened, would remain, and get ever so slightly tighter.
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Sparring practice? (P, NK) - Page 4 Empty Re: Sparring practice? (P, NK)

Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:31 am
Namikaze would try to lie yet again, but the jounin would put her hand up against the girl’s soft, warm lips, cutting her off again. The Chestnut haired girl would feel her knees growing weaker as the mall girl would lace her fingers with the genin’s own. She would hold her hand, firmly, but not squeezing it to the point she would have to break it. She would continue to talk as if she was being sweet, but at the same time threatening the young genin, Hikari could feel her body still trembling, but Shiroi’s kindness was brining it down, perhaps the woman wasn’t a demon, perhaps she was just a concerned jounin that was trying to figure out what Hikari was doing. At the same time however, Namikaze knew that the woman was holding her hand, and that was a problem, Hikari couldn’t escape if she wanted to, and on top of that, the girl knew that she couldn’t use any of her ninjutsu to help her escape. She was at the other woman’s mercy.

As Namikaze tried to break eye contact with the jounin while she was talking to her, Shiroi would get up right into the young teen’s face, trying to let Hikari know that she was fine, as long as Namikaze told her what she had done, otherwise, she was going to be ‘punished.’

Punished? What did that mean? As Hikari noted, she had no way of escaping or fighting back at this point, so if Shiroi wanted to, she could do whatever she watned to Hikari right now…..

Namikaze would sigh, she had to tell, she had no choice at this point. “I….. I have a jutsu that allows me to read minds. I don’t even need to preform hand signs to use it, instead, all that is required is eye sight, and the ability to move one’s eyes to preform signs with one’s eyes, that was what I was doing before. I felt like maybe that weapon was being possessed by some sort of demon or something, however, As I used the jutsu, nothing happened, so, I don’t think that weapon you have is possessed, although, if it was, I don’t know if my mind reading ability would of worked on it mistress.”

Hikari would shiver a bit as she told the truth and would look back at Shiroi, wondering what the jounin was going to do to the her.

Word count: 409
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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Sparring practice? (P, NK) - Page 4 Empty Re: Sparring practice? (P, NK)

Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:48 am
As the girl knees weakened, Shiroi crouched. She could now look Hikari directly in the eyes, at the same level. "See, was that so hard?" Shiroi would smile enough for her eyes to close, and her head would tilt a few degrees. Even so, Shiroi would still hold on to the girl's hand. It was a few moments before Shiroi reopened her eyes.

"Like this?" she said as her eyes did the same dance Hikari's had done. However, Shiroi was not staring at a staff, but rather directly to Hikari.

"Oh, that's so cute!" Shiroi said after happening upon a certain memory. "You know, you look quite spectacular in a bikini!" Shiroi was smiling again, but she was back to making eye contact with the girl. "Perhaps I could convince you to re-enact the fire rescue that day? For me?" Shiroi batted her eyes, smiling devilishly. Her voice was no longer sickeningly sweet. Now it was a tad bit more cutesy, but  the malice was still audible.

[2985 words, but I've seen the jutsu used and got some tips, so 1/2 learning cost to eye mind reading]
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