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Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Going through the motions [P, NK, Hikari] Empty Going through the motions [P, NK, Hikari]

Wed Dec 28, 2016 4:41 pm
Miyamoto was determined to push on.  The past events have turned him from the caring happy go lucky shinobi to a calculating hardened fighter that most shinobi wanted to be.  He hated it, but the movement from his old self to this “new Miyamoto” has allowed him to control his mind better.  Today he dressed in a tan training Gi and was out in the training area just looking.  The village still seemed to be in a sort of uproar due to the water gardens being partially inaccessible due to the monks having taken over certain areas, and the fact that Miyamoto was seen almost as a threat to the monks now due to the last encounter that they had with him.  The air was still fresh and the sun still shone up in the sky as he made his way towards the training grounds.

Upon arriving to the training grounds he would get his body going by running ten laps around the entire area without a break, he had become faster since he was last here and it was showing as other academy students in the area looked at him and pointed.  He was not too well known still in the village, but people did know him.  Once he was finished with his warm up he started to go through the basic movements of his martial arts training while shadowboxing.  His form was near perfect as he studied and used the moves practically every day he was in the village.  

“98...99..100…”  He started in audibly as he finished going through one hundred forms of a martial arts routine.
“It feels good to know that I have reached a point to where I can continue to train for longer.  This will not help me though, the Chuunin Exams have to be coming up…” He stated as he took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly before looking around.

“I wonder who I will meet today, will any of them bring a challenge?”  He said finally as he hopped up into a nearby tree.

He watched the training grounds as he reached out with his Chakra Senses to see if anyone he knew was in the area.

WC: 368
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Going through the motions [P, NK, Hikari] Empty Re: Going through the motions [P, NK, Hikari]

Wed Dec 28, 2016 5:08 pm
It was late in the morning as Hikari had finally gotten ready for the day, the sixteen-year-old girl was in her regular white combat outfit as she started to jog towards the training ground, She had been a genin for about a week now, and felt like her training was going quite well. Even though she was so knew, she was already looking into doing the chunin exams! She would fully admit this was a bit ambitious, she hadn’t even been in real combat as of yet! But at the same time, she felt like she was getting things down, she had increased her speed and stamina by a fair margin, had learned a bunch of different tecniques, includeing an A-class one, and was feeling like she was in the best shape of her life! (She felt sore, but felt fit as a fettle. The chestunut haired girl would have her hair down and would jog off to where she felt was almost like her third home, the training grounds (The library was obviously her second home.)

As she made her way to the training ground, she noticed people complaining about how the monks had taken over some areas of the city, and Hikari hoped that she wasn’t going to be asked to help lessen the tensions. As the woman with a 5 foot 6 inches’ height and a one hundred and twenty-one pound figure entered into the city, she would think about what she wanted to train, she would of liked to finish up her training on the Flowering dance technique, or the shadow shaken technique would be awesome as well. She entered the training ground and saw a young man, he was wearing a traditional brown kei. He was super young, younger than Shoushei Sato, and was also about half a foot smaller than the teenage girl. It looked like he had just finished shadow boxing, and Hikari would see he looked like he was deep in thought. Hikari would smile and wave at him and approach the young man. She hadn’t met a lot of people since becoming a shinobi, and she would figure that she was going to need to make a few more friends. Judging by his head band, he was a genin of the village hidden in the stars, and Hikari felt like maybe making a connection was a good idea.

“Salutations!” Hikari would say as she approached, being overly friendly as this was a small child, but at the same time not talking to him like he was a baby. “My name is Hikari Namikaze, it’s nice to meet you! Would you mind if I train here also? Or do you need the entire field?”

Hikari would know what it is like to be alone and have someone come in and burst your personal bubble. She didn’t want to do that if this boy liked being alone.

Word count: 490
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Going through the motions [P, NK, Hikari] Empty Re: Going through the motions [P, NK, Hikari]

Wed Dec 28, 2016 5:37 pm
Miyamoto noticed the fairly large chakra signature as it approached him, he was not worried, in fact he reached into his pockets and withdrew two stones just in case he had to make a hurried move.  He then aw that the signature belonged to a female, and a pretty one at that.  She was taller than he was, and her looks nearly made Miyamoto’s nose bleed as he quickly shook his head to come back to his senses.  Before he could think of some witty one-liner she made the first move.  Her greeting was formal, but was not like others from around the area, Miyamoto made a mental note as he listened to the pretty girl who went by the name Hikari said that she was happy to meet him.  Then the obvious follow up question of whether or not he needed the whole field or if he needed a training partner.  Miyamoto had never met this girl and it was very different having someone approach him, he had to admit he was blushing a bit as he stammered trying to answer before finally removing the lump from his throat so he could speak.

“I am Miyamoto…”  He started in as he took a step off of the branch and landed softly on the ground, he would bow in greeting.
“ I do not need the whole field, I was trying to see if anyone wanted to spar with me.  However, nobody that I know is showing up today...must be the monks in the gardens holding things up again…” He would state as he would go into thought once more.

He could not get over the fact that a pretty girl would talk to him, he was in heaven.  Now he wanted to show off, but in his head he was hit over the head as Worr spoke to him.

“Get a hold of yourself buddy, you are still young there will be plenty more the older you get.  For now, focus on your training.”  Worr said as Miyamoto was back to the reality of the world.

Miyamoto scratched his head for a minute as he was silently thinking of something to say. He could compliment her, which would be weird...or would it.  Of course he could just act like a little kid and try to run away to someplace quiet, but his body would not allow him to do so.  Instead of it all though, he finally sighed as he spoke to Hikari again with one eye open as he looked up at her.

“Do you wanna train or something?  Perhaps spar?  I am a bit rusty and I want to be ready for the Chuunin Exams when I get invited.  What do you say?”  He finally was able to say as he looked up and waited for a response he moved a stone between his fingers to pass the time.

Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Going through the motions [P, NK, Hikari] Empty Re: Going through the motions [P, NK, Hikari]

Wed Dec 28, 2016 7:02 pm
Hikari would approach the young boy and keep her smile up. It took a while before he responded, and the chestnut haired girl would tilt her head curiously, what was he waiting for? Hikari would think about the boy’s age, and remember a lot of shinobi had been born and raised to be ninjas, perhaps this boy had been taught from a young age about being a ninja, and as such wasn’t really used to talking to people. The teenager’s theory would be shot down as the young boy would eventualy speak up.

He would say that he was fine with Hikari training there, and bring up the monk situation going on in the village. Hikari was about to go off to the corner of the field before the genin would ask her a question.

“Do you wanna train or something? Perhaps spar? I am a bit rusty and I want to be ready for the Chuunin Exams when I get invited. What do you say?”

Hikari was quite surprised that the genin would want to spar with her, part of her was scared to hurt the child, part of her was scared that the child was some sort of monster that was going to rip her in half in under a minute. Either way, Hikari would decide she needed to practice real combat in order to become a shinobi that could actually compete in the chunin exams.

With that Hikari would smile and say, “That’s fine, I would love to have a spar with you, Perhaps I can help you get ready for th……. Wait, the chunin exams? Are you almost able to do them? That is phenomenal! At your age? So impressive!” Hikari was shocked, but at the same time, this would be good practice, if this boy was at the level Hikari needed to be to try the chunin exams, then Hikari Namikaze would need to use this chance to see if she was close to being at the level required in order to become a chunin.

Word count: 345
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Going through the motions [P, NK, Hikari] Empty Re: Going through the motions [P, NK, Hikari]

Wed Dec 28, 2016 7:27 pm
Miyamoto listened as Hikari agreed to the spar, and he was amused when she seemed shocked that he was also going for the Chuunin exams.  He however, was ready to begin as he casually nodded and walked towards the center of the field. He was popping his knuckles as he walked, finally looking back to answer her question.

“I am ten!  I learned while on the road here, it was hard. once I got here to this wondrous place I can now call home I made the library a second home.  I hated the Academy...and I am not really all that good at making friends so I graduated early under the tutelage of Hoshi’s own queensguard Kyousuke.  You should meet him sometime...he is a big ol’ softy.”  He would say with a laugh as he stretched out and felt his body loosen up.

He would of course wait for his sparring partner to enter the field as he thought back on his other matches.  He wondered how this girl would do, he was happy as a smile spread across his face.  He began to hop around for a minute as he watched her, now it was time to fight.

Once Hikari enters the battlefield and as long as there are no interruptions Miyamoto will enter his battle stance as he would choose the defensive martial art stance of the horse as his feet were evenly set apart and parallel with his shoulders and his arms out enough that he could possibly deflect or parry an oncoming attack.  Once the battle would start he would casually just blurt out as if it were a game. 

“YOU GO FIRST!”  it almost sounded a bit like a true ten year old as his higher voice carried over the battlefield.  

In the distance it could be noticed that some shinobi had gathered to watch as was usual during spars in the training area.  Miyamoto tried to not train in front of crowds, but for now he was having too much fun, it was hard to focus on anything else.

Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Going through the motions [P, NK, Hikari] Empty Re: Going through the motions [P, NK, Hikari]

Wed Dec 28, 2016 7:59 pm
Hikari would listen to what the boy was saying about how he came here and graduated quickly. Hikari felt a lot of connections with the little boy as he would explain his past a little bit, Hikari literary spent all of her spare time in the library as we, she was kind of surprised that they hadn't met yet, but at the same time, Namikaze knew with how big the library was, it easy for her to understand why they would never see each other. He would then explain that he was taught by the queen's guard Kyousuke Snow. Hikari would be quite surprised by this as the teenager had watched him make a young boy run 3 laps around the entire village. Hikari wouldn't call that a 'softy,' But hey, the ten year old boy probably knew more than Hikari did.

The boy would call out to Hikari and she would respond with, "Ok, here I come!" and would brace herself for the start of the battle.

With that, Hikari would make the clone sign and would create a clone of herself. Hikari felt like this might of been a bad idea, but she needed to start off with a way to fight the boy at close range in case it came to that (Hikari didn't know a lot of martial art techniques, so a 2 on 1 situation would be the best for her.) With that she would perform the bird sign with her hands at a speed of 63 and take a deep breath in, and spit out four baseball sized balls of air and shot them out at a speed of 50 and a power of 50. She would aim one at the boy, one above him and one to both his left and right, trying to make sure she hits him.

AP: 353 - 30 = 323 / 2 = 161 (Clone, and said clone has 162 Ap herself that will be returned when she is destroyed) - 23 = 139
Hikari has 139 Action points remaining whereas her clone has 162

Word count: 352
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Going through the motions [P, NK, Hikari] Empty Re: Going through the motions [P, NK, Hikari]

Thu Dec 29, 2016 11:35 am
Miyamoto nodded as Hikari got ready for battle.  He kept the smile on his face even as she took a stance that resembled something closer to defensive street fighting rather than a martial stance but it was alright.  The moment she said that she was going to come at him, Miyamoto’s face went from a happy grin to a stone cold look as he analyzed Hikari and her tactics.  Her movements were swift, but he recognized the hand seals quick enough to know she was performing a clone jutsu.  Then came the technique he did not know, the hand seals seemed familiar but the technique had a different air about it as Miyamoto watched on he braced himself for impact as fast as he could.  He brought made one hand holding a stone into a tiger seal as it transformed into a rock section cane, and as he absorbed the impact from the single ball of air he was quick to bring up his free hand to activate the fire stream technique as he made a dazzling circle two meters above him and two meters out at a speed of 70.

He would then perform the hand seals needed to use his body flicker technique instantaneously moving at a speed of 130 to try and move behind her.

If he is successful in doing so he will appear behind Hikari where he will poke her with the cane.  His laughter would ring out as he would proclaim.

“You’re it!”

In which he would then be within range of striking as he would aim at her leg and attack with a speed of 50 and a strength of 30.  He was not trying to hurt his partner, but instead see what would happen if she was put into an adverse situation where she was put on the defensive.

If his attack is unsuccessful :

Current AP:

WC: 456/1655
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Going through the motions [P, NK, Hikari] Empty Re: Going through the motions [P, NK, Hikari]

Fri Dec 30, 2016 3:01 am
Hikari would see that the boy wasn't attempting to dodge her attack, and she was about to yell at him to get out of the way, she wanted to win, but she didn't want to win so easily and hurt the boy. Hikari would be stopped though as the boy summoned a cane made of earth and would easily knock all of her techniques away. Well, there goes that idea Hikari would think, That technique was the only technique that I had that could actually hurt him, well, without killing him at least. She would take a deep sigh of relief though, at least she wasn't having to worry about that attack hurting him, Hikari would then see as he dashed toward her, so fast that she barely could keep up with his speed. At that point, he would suddenly appear behind Namikaze and poke her with his cane. Hikari almost jumped out of fear at this but she was able to hold it in.

The boy would then attempt a leg kick to Hikari. As he did, Hikari was still off balance from her scare and didn't have enough time to really run away, so she would try to block the leg kick by checking it (Basically, moving your shin in a position where if some one tried to kick your leg, it would connect shin to shin and hurt the kicker's leg more.) Unfortunately, she had never done this before and had only read about it and as such, the kick would still do some massive damage to her as well. "AGH!" She would yell as the leg kick connected and would knock her leg back. (She still had one leg under her, so she was able to stand up.) Hikari would then look at the boy and start to back away, she couldn't move at full speed though because her leg was still in pain from that wicked leg kick. Suddenly, Hikari's clone would jump at the boy and try to hold him there while Hikari tried to get some distance. (Grab at 6 strength and speed of 63) Hikari would make a note to herself to spend some time trying to learn some Tai-jutsu as she bolted from the boy at the speed of 40, she had to figure out away to get some offensive in.

If He breaks free immediately and goes after Hikari:

Ap: 139 – 20 from the gust of air: 119

Word count: 485

Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Going through the motions [P, NK, Hikari] Empty Re: Going through the motions [P, NK, Hikari]

Sat Dec 31, 2016 11:31 am
Miyamoto was in no position to try anything else.  His attack was seemingly blocked by this girl, and it made him smile to the point that if Hikari were perceptive enough she could see that Miyamoto was elated with the current situation.  As he was blocked he felt the pain travel up his leg, he would jet back about a meter as he would watch Hikari move away from the initial confrontation.  She bolted away as her clone easily caught him, holding him so that way her escape would be sure to work.  Miyamoto noticed that the hold was not anything near what could actually hold him down, but he went with it.  When he noticed Hikari was far enough away he would laugh and yell out to her.

“If you cannot take a full frontal attack, distraction works best, but your clone is lacking…”

He would begin before moving his left leg back and lock it against her ankle.  Once he felt the hold was enough he would use his full force of strength and speed to slam himself on his back with the clone, tripping it in the process as it would fall under him.  

If the move was successful he would have defeated the clone for sure, but if was not then he would be left struggling there like a fish.

“Now, that the clone is taken care of.  How about we see what you really got, show me your strongest technique.”  He would say as steam would roll off of him in an eerie way.

He would wait there to see exactly how Hikari would react, if she took the opportune moment to disappear while he was taking down the clone then he would just be looking the general direction of where she was last seen at.

Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Going through the motions [P, NK, Hikari] Empty Re: Going through the motions [P, NK, Hikari]

Sat Dec 31, 2016 2:13 pm
It probably would of been a good idea to go hide during the time that it took Miyamoto to defeat the clone, but Hikari was still new at fighting, and didn't think to do that. So instead she would of taken the opportunity to get 40 meter's away before turning around and looking at the boy who had easily dispatched the clone, as he did she felt the chakra of the clone return to her. As she did, the girl would look at the boy and listen to his words.

"Now, that the clone is taken care of.  How about we see what you really got, show me your strongest technique"

Hikari would take a deep breath, she was slightly in shock that she was being woman handled so easily! She didn't know what to do, if she used her strongest tecnique, the boy she was fighting might get hurt, but at the same time, if she didn't use it, she might end up getting hurt! Hikari would take a deep breath before holding her arm out to the side of her and starting to form the ball of wind energy. As she did, a the ball would start to form black, and a ring of air would form around it, forming into a powerful ball of destruction.

Going through the motions [P, NK, Hikari] 320?cb=20130509212724

Hikari would take a deep breath and say, "Ok, I will try my strongest tecnique, please don't get hurt from it!" Hikari would then throw the ball at the small boy. It would fly at a speed of 65 (65 base + 0 for chakra) and at a power of 65 (65 base + 0 for chakra), Hikari would throw it at him like a curve ball, going to her left, his right a little bit before curving back at him. Hikari didn't really know why she threw the ball, it was going to either end with hurting him, or her being defeated. But hey, he asked for it and it would be rude for Hikari to not give him her all after he was taking her to school. Also, if it got dangerous Hikari could just deactivate the jutsu early so that she didn’t hurt him.

(The ball  looks like a 5 inch bright ball with a thin but 12 inch wide disk like ring that orbits the ball.)

Ap: 139 + 161 from the clone's destructiong = 300 - 47 from the Spiralling ring tecnique = 253 Ap remaining.

Word count: 415
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