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Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

The Fate of a Traitor - Page 2 Empty Re: The Fate of a Traitor

Sun Feb 12, 2017 3:00 pm
The knight asked for a verdict and the Queen handed him one. A red one. The kunoichi slithered from the shadows, a figure of black hair and cold eyes. Ayato's earlier assumption was correct, they were watched. Not that he could see her or sense her chakra before, but somethings required one's own intelligence to figure it out, rather than jutsu or Kekkei Genkai(s). The girl with the piercing gaze, Shima gave a dangerous vibe. And the renegade knight understood as much, it would seem. Evident from how he took no immediate action to resist. But his eyes slowly narrowed down until they form in a frown of what uncomfortably came to look like frustration. "I envy the two shinobi behind me for finding such a fine friend in you, Lady Regent." Sex Axwell Florent said, and for one Ayato got a glimpse of what he really thought about the Queen's statue in nobility and also the opinion on her verdicts. 
There was little logic, in him asking for one then, if he held them in such disregard. Ser Axwell Florent was an enigma to be solved, but now with his mind not to be read no one would ever know what lied within that thick skull of his. It could be a devious master plan, or perhaps black pudding. "And spare me your easy courtesies Lady Regent. I hope for my cell to be comfortable at least. And as for the company, I'd prefer that of a woman over that of a man. I'm no Kyousuke Snow." He said looking lustfully at Shima. "But being the hopeless romantic, I have to note the night sky with the moon and stars is very tempting for a stroll. Hope the window is not too narrow, or the cell too high." Ser Florent japed and strolled off behind Shima, his yellow eyes fixated upon her rear.  
So black pudding it is then. Ayato estimated with relief the answer to his previous of what lied within Florent's head. He had watched him so closely that he never saw the Queen taking hold of that file that was now in her hands. "My Queensguard were already on the case as we stood here, and the conclusion lies on my desk. It says Ayato was the first to take action but it was certainly provoked. Unfortunately, the games of the court are more complicated than sentencing criminals. Ser Axwell will be kept here for a few days and a farce or two, then told of the results, then given time to seek atonement. Punishment is always easier when the one being punished believes it is their idea. As for you two..."
Ayato would have to blink twice to realize the word that followed after this part. They somehow pulled it through, but on top of that, they were getting a reward. Until a moment ago, he and Kenshin were treading on a very thin ice and the opposite could be true for them. The duo sent to a dungeon and Axwell Florent rewarded for his valor in battle. Regardless, Ayato thought gold to be the feeblest of such transactions, but the Queen had other, greater plans in mind. 
Chuunin. The name of a rank surely had a nice ring to it, and it meant a lot more than becoming a full-fledged ninja. It was a representation of the faith the village entrusts in a person to protect and serve it. Or so they said. But  Ayato was a pragmatist, one man cannot keep every single promise he gives, or protect everyone. And if he attempted to do as such, he was bound to discard one promise for the other. Considering shinobi life a noble calling would be something that Miyamoto Terumi of Kyousuke Snow would do, who were more gallant than wise. They would try to hold every piece of land or protect every man, woman, and child who named them heroes. And the enemy is always going to be shrewd enough to know that. Such idealism was going to make you bleed, was going to make the realm of Haven bleed.
Ayato couldn't see it as anything more than his duty. There were expectations for every Hyuuga to become a great shinobi. After all, it was the name of a bloodline running back a thousand human years. And while most shinobi clans are known to develop skill unique to them and their kin, Byakugan existed in the genetics since the dawn of days. And the Chuunin rank would prove that Ayato was true to the family name and legacy.
It was Kenshin, who spoke up first.“Thank you for this opportunity, your grace, As I am sure you recall you proctored over my second Chunin mission with Shiro, meaning that with this I am now a Chunin of Hoshigakure” The albino declared, but Ayato wouldn't feign surprise there. From the level of power he showcased in the Gardens, that even a Jounin would be jealous of, Ayato had expected as much. But as the exhaustion from the battle caught up to Ayato, he wouldn't be able to follow the rest of the dialogue. Instead, the Hyuuga would put all his effort to hold his composure and not attempt to rub the sleep from the eyes. They had been fighting all night against Florent, and it was almost midday. A shame really, he did want to catalog Kenshin's words, trying to understand what kind of shinobi was. But perhaps he didn't even have to, he had a good feeling he already knew the answer.
The awkward silence that followed moments later, signified it was his turn to speak."Kyousuke Snow is a good man and true. Under his tutelage, I learned plenty of things, your grace. I understand that Chuunin is a lot more than juts a rank, it is a representation of the faith the village entrusts in a person to protect and serve it. Giving me the opportunity to reach that goal sooner, I hope to prove myself worthy of such honor." Ayato proclaimed calmly, careful for his voice not to crack. "With your leave, your grace. I could also try to fill Kyousuke Snow's absence to the best of my abilities. Not in matters of state, but perhaps,  to transcend things I learned from him to the generation of shinobi after my own. " Ayato finished. Axwell Florent said that most new recruits to the Queensmen were farm boys that the closest thing they held to a sword before joining was a wooden stick. The shinobi had to make haste then, for the same applied to their own academy students. And if the renegade knight wasn't the end of it, they would be damned if they didn't have all the swords they could get their hands on.

Unfortunate as it may be, and sad as it may sound, it took three of them (four with Kyousuke Snow, but with a small role) to subdue the creature named Axwell Florent. And Ayato wouldn't be here receiving a badge of honor for it, if not for the man beside him. Speaking of which. "Congratulations." Ayato stated coolly, turning to Kenshin and offering him a handshake, his grip firm and strong. The last bit of strength that remained within him.

WC - 1206
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

The Fate of a Traitor - Page 2 Empty Re: The Fate of a Traitor

Tue Feb 14, 2017 11:38 am
The princess would not dignify Ser Axwell's sulking with a response. If the man could not hold his tongue in front of the Queen Regent, his family would gladly see him hanged .As it was, Princess Tehniyat had no intentions of hanging him. Her experience bespoke the longer a man was left to fester with his woes and fears, the more he came to understand his faults - especially if the penance eluded to a vague, in no way binding, promise of freedom. The nobleman would be visited a few days later, and then some days after until the Gods granted him enough wisdom to see the error of his ways.

Once Shina had led their guest away, the heiress addressed the shinobi in the room, nodding when Kenshin mentioned he only had one mission remaining, and this exemption would effectively promote him to chunin. "In tha case, congratulations are in order," the green eyed woman smiled, polite but not perhaps as genuine as a friend's would have been. Princess Tehniyat had been taught many things but emotional connections were not one of them.

I" trust you will start your duties as a chunin immediately then. as for Ser Ayato, I hope this comes as some compensation for your ordeal. The paperwork for both your and Miyamoto's status will be on Lord Denkiteki's desk by this evening so I wish you both the best of luck going forwards.

With that, should the two not have any more questions, the princess would dismiss them from her presence.

(Exit Tehniyat)
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Ryo : 0

The Fate of a Traitor - Page 2 Empty Re: The Fate of a Traitor

Wed Feb 22, 2017 9:26 am
The gesture of kneeling before Tehniyat only lasted for three seconds before he once again stood to his feet, but the fact that he had kneeled at all was enough, never in his life had he willingly taken a knee before anyone, and as such the gesture held deep meaning to the silver haired teen. Of course Atem, Ayato and Tehniyat would not be able to know how much respect he had just shown the regent by doing such a thing, but that didn’t matter in the least to him, all that mattered was that he knew, he truly would strive to protect the people of this village, even if that meant sacrificing his own life. Who would have guess that Kenshin, the figure who was once shrouded in darkness and drowning within the sea of hatred and despair would be willing to give his own life, the thing he valued most, for others, sure, he would go about protecting Hoshigakure and Haven country in his own way, but he would still be protecting both the village and the people who called Haven Country their home.

Once the silver haired youth stood on his feet once more the regent would begin to speak “In that case, congratulations are in order” the blonde princess would say with a small and polite smile on her face, but he could quite easily see that while the smile was indeed there it was not entirely genuine. It was a smile one would give an acquaintance who gave good news, not one that would be sent to a friend, but that is exactly what the scarred young man had been expecting, the two of them were not friends, in fact the two of them did not know each other in the slightest, this being the first time that they had ever spoken. “I trust you will start your duties as a Chunin immediately then. As for Ser Ayato, I hope this comes as some compensation for your ordeal. The paperwork for both your and Miyamoto’s status will be on Lord Denkiteki’s desk by this evening so I wish you both the best of luck going forwards.” She would say, the same polite smile on her rather angelic face as she gazed at the two of them, although obviously she was more focussed on Ayato at this point of time.

“Kyousuke Snow is a good man and true. Under his tutelage, I have learned plenty of things, your grace. I understand that Chunin is a lot more than just a rank, it is a representation of the faith the village entrusts in  person to protect and serve it. Giving me the opportunity to reach that goal sooner, I hope to prove myself worthy of such honour” the brown haired Genin would say, confidence and conviction clear in both his words and his voice itself, causing a small smile to come to the pale lips of Kenshin as he glanced at the young Hyuuga out of the corner of his eye. “With your leave, your grace. I could also try to fill Kyousuke Snow’s absence to the best of my abilities. Not in matters of state, but perhaps, to transcend thing I learned from him to the next generation of Shinobi after my own” Ayato would then say, his words having the effect of getting the very calculating mind of Kenshin working overtime, that would indeed be a good way to serve the village, by teaching the next generation of Hoshigakure’s shinobi corps, there was only one problem with that though...he did not like

It was at this point that Ayato would turn towards him “Congratulations” the young teen would say as he extended his hand out towards Kenshin, something that made the albino resist the urge to sigh as he stared at the outstretched appendage for a couple of seconds. There were a few things about human society that had always puzzled him. Such as the touching - why all the touching for a simple greeting, like a handshake, what is the point of touching his hand, he personally found it to be a rather offensive intrusion...but considering the fact that Ayato was only offering the hand, and didn’t immediately grab his own, he figured that he may as well return the gesture. He would give a small smirk even as the contact made his skin practically crawl, or maybe that was the threads squirming beneath his skin, sometimes he found it hard to tell “Thank you, I wish you luck in your own endeavors” the heavily stitched and scarred albino would say as he pulled his hand out of Ayato’s grasp, even though he had disliked the touch he found that Ayato had a rather firm handshake, he had of course given an equal amount of firmness, as due to the fact that he had little social experience he was truly not sure how much was too much, so he simply gave equal to what he received.

As the two of them were dismissed by the regent Kenshin would give a bow and leave the room, most likely followed closely by Ayato. When he reached the palace gates once more, provided that Ayato was still close to him, he would turn towards the younger genin with a smirk on his face “Should you ever want to train with me, you can usually find me at the villages easternmost training ground at 5am.” Then, with his message given, he would walk off, his mind focussed on the thought of perhaps finding someone to teach...although preferably this person would not be a child. If Ayato didn’t follow him out, well then he would do the exact same thing, just minus the message.

WC: 961


TWC: 6251

6200 words towards 62 AP, claiming

Claiming Chunin rank up (and any subsequent rewards)

Discarding remaining 51 words
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

The Fate of a Traitor - Page 2 Empty Re: The Fate of a Traitor

Thu Feb 23, 2017 8:30 pm
The right arm remained extended for a handshake, but the nearly promoted Chuunin eyed him queerly. He seemed uncomfortable as if the notion shaking hands made him sick. This was disappointing but Ayato let it spin over his head. Mediocre discomfort was trivial compared to the deed the man had done for him earlier. With the certainty that he would be taking the cold shoulder, Ayato almost recalled his arm back, but then the Chuunin met Ayato's hand with his own. "Thank you, I wish you luck in your own endeavors,” He said with a smirk, but his eyes did not smile and his hands were cold. For a moment Ayato thought he imagined a snake moving underneath his skin, but too late did he realize that perhaps this was the case after all. 

Lady Regent dismissed them from her presence with a polite gesture and kind words, yet to Ayato the later felt more like a knife to the gut more than anything. Regardless, Ayato took a short bow then a step back and spun on the heels of his feet turning around to take his leave. Both he and Kenshin moved in silence as they walked towards the exit of the palace, their steps echoing magnificently across the enormous hallway, as they walked upon the smooth barren stone floor. Suddenly Kenshin turned to address him and Ayato looked sharply holding his breath. "Should you ever want to train with me, you can usually find me at the villages easternmost training ground at 5 am." 

This was unexpected to say at least, given their previous exchange minutes ago Kenshin did not seem the person who would you suggest socializing a quality of his. Not that Ayato was one to talk, smiles never came easily to him, even as a child. "I see," Ayato responded cooly. "I usually leave the comfort of my bed at 6 am to do my roadwork, but I suppose I need that extra hour of training if am to reach Chuunin." He finished as the door to the yard flew open and sunlight came streaming across the hall. He watched as Kenshin walked towards the light and his figure was consumed within its brightness.

Ayato remembered his first mission ever with Team Winter, Miyamoto, Geni and Kyousuke were all there, waiting for him by the City gates. He remembered how he had expected a bandit raid or perhaps clearing a den of beasts, but instead, there was only gardening for them to do. Apparently, the plants had grown into such monstrosities that required a Queensguard and his Team of Genin to handle the situation. He had brushed off his disappointment by understanding that a shinobi must take what he is given, not what he wants. "Eyes on the prize, not the horizon." Ayato told himself then, as he did now. But today, somehow he managed to earn a glimpse beyond the horizon.


WC - 490

TWC - 5826 
5800 wc towards Amulet of Starfall [4000k + 5800 = 9800|12500]
Build a Chuunin III 
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

The Fate of a Traitor - Page 2 Empty Re: The Fate of a Traitor

Thu Feb 23, 2017 9:42 pm
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