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Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Hikari Namikaze Can't throw a Kunai  Empty Hikari Namikaze Can't throw a Kunai

Thu Dec 01, 2016 6:34 pm
Out on the training field, A Sixteen year old former tavern maid, Hikari Namikaze arrived to the training field for her first time, in her attempt to learn how to become a ninja. The woman felt the wind blow through her long chestnut colored hair, her new white outfit and dress fit tightly on her small skinny stature. Today, she was going to practice how to throw a Kunai knife, a ninja dagger. She had been playing with one of them on the way here, (Kid’s don’t play with knifes at home, unless you’re a ninja, in which case, play dodge ball with kunai knifes with all of your friends!) She felt the cold sharp blade of it pressed against her soft pure flesh, careful not to break open the skin, but at the same time wanted to feel what it felt like up against her flesh. She had 5 Kunai knifes, and 5 shuriken (Ninja throwing stars. Kid’s once again, don’t try to play with these at home, Ninja’s, play dodge shuriken at home)

Hikari looked around, it was a quiet and peaceful day, about 8 in the morning and with just enough clouds out to block a good portion of the heat of the sun, but not enough that there was any fear of rain. The wooded training ground had a clearing in the middle of it where there were five large circular targets with bulls eyes on the middle of them. An old fashion training method, but hey, who can argue with perfection. There were 3 distance markers that lined up for each target to give people an point where they should throw one, Hikari wasn’t good at measuring distances, but figured it came to about 10 yards, 20 yards, and 25 yards. Hikari looked around and saw that no one else was on the field, and decided to go for the easy ten yard one, she might have gone for a more difficult one if more people were around, but she had never done this before and wanted to try be able to do the easy one before she moved on to harder ones. Hikari (who had been still playing with the kunai Knife in her hand, once again kids, Hikari Namikaze is a[n un]Trained ninja, she know what she is doing, so please don’t try this at home.) took the knife and slung it towards the bulls eye. The blade sailed through the open air with incredible speed before a loud *THUNK* could be heard as the knife landed right in the center of the bull’s eye. This would be phenomenal, if it wasn’t for the small fact that the bulls eye she hit wasn’t on that target she was aiming, for, but two targets over to her left. The girl blushed and looked around, glad that no one had seen her make such a terrible mistake. Hikari went over and took the Kunai out of the bulls eye that she had just hit to make sure that no one would come along and see the proof of her embarrassing mistake. She went back to the middle marker and tried again, This time, she made sure to aim far left. The blade went sailing through the air and once again, connected with the bulls eye! She turned around though and almost broke out in tears though because once again, it was the wrong target, just the target that was two to her left instead of right this time. Namikaze couldn’t believe how terrible she was at this! Instead of going to collect it this time, she grabbed her Kunai and tried again. This time, she was a little bit more on point, she hit the bull’s eye again, but only of one off this time. Still though, how was she this bad?!

Hikari in a fit of rage threw two more of her kunai, this time due to fact that she was flustered she didn’t take the time to aim far left of the target, and hit the two bull’s eye on the right, one that was two away and the one that was just one away, meaning that each of her kunai was in each of the bull’s eye of each target except the one she was aiming for! Hikari took a deep breath before turning around and looking away from the target, not able to even able to look at the targets she kept missing. In a fit of embarrassment/rage, Hikari just tossed her Kunai behind her without even thinking. The blade went flying through the air behind her, and without looking at the target, the blade finely carved edge found its mark right into the target that she was aiming at. Namikaze, who hadn’t seen this, was still absolutely frustrated with her failure.

Wc. 803
Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
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Hikari Namikaze Can't throw a Kunai  Empty Re: Hikari Namikaze Can't throw a Kunai

Thu Dec 01, 2016 7:17 pm
How Shouhei for once had gotten into the training grounds undetected weren’t that much of a mystery. There was only really one person there; a young woman who was perhaps a few years older than him, but not by much. Okay not that anyone could say that without knowing his age as Shouhei still got plenty of baby fat in his face, but he could at least allow himself the thought.

Hanging face down his feet stuck to the tree branch, he observed the woman as she did what he figured was training. His mind going a bit wild, he actually thought he was seeing an example of some magnetic ability seeing as her kunais went all over the place, but in a way that seemed systematic. However, this conclusion of his were soon broken as he saw her walk away from a successful throw as if she were frustrated beyond belief.

He shrugged catching a roasted almond that feel out of its brown paper bag. An idea sprang to his mind. At first it made him shock is head, but then he remembered that this little academy student weren’t so little again, so some shenanigans might lighten her day.

The nut still in his hand he yelled. “Think quickly!” Threw it at her, jumped off the three at a speed of 19 and did a midair flip so he would land on the ground. His next step was to do the little sprint at 10 speed he needed to get up close to her and give her shoulder a gentle tab at a speed of 19. Thereafter he would jump behind her at a speed of 19. However, he did it so it looked like he was about to do an open palm strike, and he was ready for any reflective punches to his face.

Should he be successful he would stand behind her and say. “You’re a student I take it? A determinate sort I can also see.” He smiled. “Else you would be a bit younger than me rather than being a late starter on your journey as a kunoichi.  I’m Shouhei Sato by the way.“

If this didn't succeed he would try a similar but less cool introduction, where he would talk like someone trying to talk through a hurt nose or limb.

Notes wrote:Word Count: 387.
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Hikari Namikaze Can't throw a Kunai  Empty Re: Hikari Namikaze Can't throw a Kunai

Thu Dec 01, 2016 7:41 pm
Namikaze was in such a fit of rage, she wasn’t paying much attention to her surroundings, as such, the Kunochi didn’t notice the young man until her yelled at her at which case she would turn to him and try to catch the nut. She held her hands up, more as a reflex in self-defense than in an attempt to catch it, and it bounced off her hand and went up, at that point, Chestnut hair girl started to juggle the nut around before it finally fell into her hands, which she brought up close to her chest as if she wanted to make sure it didn’t fall. Hikari was just wondering where that came from before she felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned around just in time to see a young man, at least a few years younger than her own teenage self, was about to deliver some sort of blow to the young girl. Hikari would gasp out and start to quickly move back, but was so taken aback by this, she would fall down on her butt right in front of the young man.

She looked up and saw that the boy wasn’t actually attacking her, it was probably just a figment of her imagination. She took a deep breath and started to get up, rubbing what dirt she could off of her fairly new white outfit. “Oh, I’m sorry, you startled me! Sorry I was just so caught up in my training that I didn’t notice you, my name is Hikari Namikaze, and yes, I did start my journey as a kunochi a little late, like just a few days ago.” After brushing off her clothes she would look at the man and would pause for a moment as she thought what to do, how did ninja’s greet each other? In Hoshi, ninjas were fairly new, and a lot of their customs weren’t well known. After a bit of debate, she decided to do what she was used to and gave a little formal bow, as what a maid girl would do to one of the tavern comers at her tea shop.

Word count: 362
Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
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Hikari Namikaze Can't throw a Kunai  Empty Re: Hikari Namikaze Can't throw a Kunai

Fri Dec 02, 2016 11:28 pm
Well that was more hilarious than he thought it would be; her reaction to his surprise greeting. He had to hold in a bit laughter too as to not to be too hard on her. Now what did surprise him that it was only five days ago since she enrolled. He would have thought they did not admit people this old, and this close to the end of the year. Though now he remembered his own time, she probably would be put through that program where they only learn subjects relating to ninjas and the math equations they needed to memories.

Before he could follow up with anything, really, she bowed politely to him in a way he could not help but think came off as a bit nervous. Well, he was not going to haze her from this point onward, so he held out his paper bag. “Want roasted almonds?” he offered instead of returning her bow.

“You’re going to have a lot of work behind you then.” He flipped an almond inside his mouth with his thumb. “Too me a year to graduate and I am considered a late enroller.”

He looked up in the air as if he was thinking. “I might help you a bit by kick starting your chakra control. I can't garentee any results though. I seem to have an easier time recovering chakra than the average person so I had it easy.”

“Also.” His voice sounded serious. “New, white outfits doesn’t fit well for training unless you really want to wash it that throughout and sew it together every other week. Buuut that's all up to you to decide on.” And at the end of it, his voice went to a much more relaxed tone.

Notes wrote:Word Count: 292.
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Hikari Namikaze Can't throw a Kunai  Empty Re: Hikari Namikaze Can't throw a Kunai

Sun Dec 04, 2016 10:27 pm
The Kunochi would blush a little bit and look at her outfit, she actually kind of enjoyed cleaning the outfit she had, although as a ninja now, wearing all white while she is supposed to hide might be a little bit of a problem. She was going to have to fix that. The chestnut haired girl would sigh as if accepting it and took a few of the roasted almond nuts from the Genin, they were quite delicious and quite warm.

“Well, I supposes your right…..” Hikari would take a breath and agree, and then look at the boy noticing what he “Wait, Teach me chakra control? You can do that? I haven’t had the opportunity to learn yet! That would be awesome! Could you please?” Hikari would get up supper close to the Genin as he would say that, staring at him intensely, but then realize she was being a little bit to egger to do this and backed away.

“Sorry.” Hikari would say, as she pushed some of her hair that fell out of place out of place and behind her ear, “It’s just, I have never had the chance to learn how to control my chakra control. There weren’t any books of ninjutsu where I came from, or even a book on basic chakra control. I would love if I could learn how to use it, even if it is just a few quick tips.”

Hikari would really hope that she didn’t scare off the young gennin, this was probably her best chance to get to learn ninjustsu anytime soon.

Word count: 268
Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
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Hikari Namikaze Can't throw a Kunai  Empty Re: Hikari Namikaze Can't throw a Kunai

Mon Dec 05, 2016 12:31 am
Shouhei were a bit surprised when she just walked up into his space. Not that it made him freeze up, but for a moment the thought of wrapping his arms around her waist did come to mind. However, another voice in his head told him ‘NOT. YOUR’ GIRLFRIEND.’ Therefore, he never really did it but instead had an awkward smile their elders would have said looked halfway like a boy getting his first kiss.

As she backed off and apologized, his smile had turned more confident. A smile that was more akin to one of the grins he usually displayed to the world. “It’s okay. I wouldn’t have minded a kiss on the cheek though.” He laughed a bit as he gave her a light pat on the shoulder. Taking his hand back, he followed up. “But since you haven’t known anything before that makes teaching you chakra control difficult. We need to start with the basic, and for that, we should take a walk since we need to brain and we can’t have you fall asleep by sitting down. Around this place is fine.” Shouhei gave her a wink as he started to walk out of the gate, then around the wall.

“So chakra is the process where you mix the spiritual and physical energies you have inside you into a new form of energy. When they are mixed together, you can knead it into a desired effect.” Shouhei wasn’t so sure how far they have gotten around the place, but he figured it were about halfway around it with the strides he took.

“Now just applying will alone rarely works unless you just want to let out your chakra with no effect. That is why we use hand seals or hand signs. A dearest child has many names. Anyhow, we use those to apply half what is a hypnotic effect, and half is a manipulation of our chakra paths. Think like opening a steam valve, or like loosening or tightening a spring on a door so it closes by itself.” He finished off as they arrived at the door. Internally Shouhei celebrated cause that was timing so precise like the gods wanted it to happen.

Opening it and walking inside, he gave her space to enter before asking. “Any questions, Hikari?”

Notes wrote:Word Count: 383
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Hikari Namikaze Can't throw a Kunai  Empty Re: Hikari Namikaze Can't throw a Kunai

Mon Dec 05, 2016 2:10 am
Hikari Namikaze backed away from the boy, feeling like she was getting excited about what should be nothing for a kunochi, Logically, any ninja would eventually learn chakra control, so Hikari shouldn’t be this excited about this. But at the same time, chakra control and ninjutsu was the number one thing that she wanted to learn, and had no way to learn it when she was training at her special spot for the last few years. As such, this was blowing of Namikaze’s mind, and as such she wasn’t able to really think straight about this. As she broke away and tried to calm down, Shouhei would say something about a kiss and pat the slightly taller girl on her shoulder. Hikari would look at him confused for just a quick second before she suddenly realized that with her outfit, (which she felt her mini-skirt was way to short) and the way she got supper close to the boy probably gave him the wrong Idea. Hikari would blush, turning a bright shade of light red and start to sweat a little bit, her body started to tremble a little bit, while she will admit the younger ninja was a little bit cute, Hikari wasn’t interested in that right now, at this moment, the future kunochi just wanted to get to Gennin rank as soon as possible, and preferably chunin rank also right after that.

While this was going through her mind, the boy gave the suggestion that they should go for a walk while they talked about this and gave her a wink. Hikari got super nervous, sweat starting to come out a bit more, but she nodded and with a “Oh, ok…” she started to follow him (slightly against her better judgement.)

After a bit of a walk, it looked like Shouhei was just trying to talk to her about Chakra, it might usually take someone multiple times to hear this to understand it, but Hikari understood it the first time it was stated for two reasons. One, she always was a quick learner, she usually only had a few minutes to learn things from the books that she read at the library which was where she learned what training she had to teach herself. Second, Hikari had been trying to play around with her chakra on her own for a while, it was like a puzzle she was trying to figure it out, she had all the pieces, all she really needed was a picture to match the puzzle to.

As they got to the gate and Hikari entered, with Shouhei asking the question, Hikari would take a deep breath and ask, “Ok, I got all of that, but could you show me the hand signs? I don’t think I’ll be able to learn any jutsu’s today, but I should be able to learn how to manifest my chakra at least.”

Word Count: 489
Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
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Hikari Namikaze Can't throw a Kunai  Empty Re: Hikari Namikaze Can't throw a Kunai

Mon Dec 05, 2016 3:21 pm
”Of course, I will show you them.” He handed her the last of his almonds. “You can keep these. I also need my hands for this anyhow.” Thereafter he performed jazz hands with a goofy smile.

He coughed a bit. “Anyhow.” He made his thumbs lie flat on his pinkies. “There are twelve in total, as they should have told you at the academy. Alternatively, they will provide you a leaflet. Anyhow the one I am holding now is the Monkey.” Shifting through the signs, he said each their names. “Dragon, Rat, Bird, Snake, Ox, Dog, Horse, Tiger, Boar, Ram, and finally Hare.”

“Beyond that I can only provide you one lesson you need to practice before I can teach you any techniques.” He held the Tiger sign. “The Tiger sign is used for a lot of things other than techniques as it helps focus your energy in a neutral way. That is why you also see some monks use it in spite of them not needing to use chakra like us.”

“Pardon me for a moment.” He said as he poked her belly button then drew a circle on her greater stomach. Although, he didn’t touch her when drawing said circle. He knew well enough that Hikari would slap him for that. “That area is where the merging of you spiritual and physical energies happens. I want you to use the Tiger sign to focus yourself then try to mix your energies together then push it out. If you suddenly get tired, you know you have felt your chakra. You can’t miss it.” His voice sounded normal and after he drew that circle, he had his hands in his pockets. “However!” He suddenly interjected. “That is also when I want you to stop. Chakra exhaustion is dangerous. While you are not breaking your pathways by performing a technique incorrectly, it is still like when you keep breathing out without taking air in. You can do it but eventually you faint. Then rest with that and do your normal training like you usually do and contact me within a week.”

He slid one of his hands into the wallet pocket of his jacket and took out a business card to his parents tailor shop. The public one, not the one the churches and fine folks went to. “You can contact me there. Just try to dodge my grandparents. Who knows what they would think should a cute girl like you want to come into contact with me.” He smiled – but a smile that told her he was more on the teasing side of things rather than being flirting with her – and he handed her the card.

Notes wrote:Word Count: 448
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Hikari Namikaze Can't throw a Kunai  Empty Re: Hikari Namikaze Can't throw a Kunai

Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:33 pm
Hikari would take the almond nuts that Shouhi was holding and would feel them, they were starting to get cold, So Hikari would take one more and pop it into her mouth before giving Shoushei her undivided attention. She looked carefully to the hand signs, she would need to practice these later. Namikaze would also preform the hand signs as he showed them to her, trying to reinforce it to her memory. After he finished, she took special not about the ‘tiger’ symbol he showed her, trying to reinforce it into her memory. As she was focused on the tiger symbol, he would say something, something about pardoning him for a moment, Hikari would refocus on him and suddenly felt him press his hands up against her belly button. She started to blush again, looking at him trying to figure out what he was doing, and then he explained to the soon to be Kunochi. He would explain to her about the merging of physical and spiritual energies, and Hikari would feel a little bit better after that.

Namikaze would take note about how to practice letting her chakra out. It was something that she probably should probably practice whenever she had some free time. After that, the boy went into his jacket and pulled out a card. On it, the card had some contact information to a tailor shop nearby. And heard that she could contact him there. Hikari would look up and see that he was kidding when he was calling her a cute girl and not to let her grandparents see her, so she didn’t jump to conclusions like she did before, and accepted it.

Hikari would say, “Thank you…. Oh! Wait a second, let me give you my address! Hikari would go into her weapons pouch and pull out a small notebook which she used to mark down anything she felt like she needed to know and couldn’t memorize really quick (She knew she wasn’t going to forget what the Gennin had taught her, so she didn’t bother to write that down) and wrote down her address. While she wasn’t sure giving out where she slept out to anyone was the best idea, she felt like she owed it to the boy who went out of his way to train her. “This is where I live, I am in a small apartment in a building not far from here. I live alone and I know how to make some good tea, so anytime you are in the area and just want to talk or would like to try some… feel free to drop by whenever, no invitation needed! Although, if you would please not throw something at me to let me know you are there that would be wonderful.” With that, Hikari would smile at the boy and continue on into the training area again, to practice the new training technique she learned!

Word count: 491
Total word count: 2413
Stats claimed: 12 (2413/200=12)

Last edited by Hikari Namikaze on Mon Dec 05, 2016 5:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
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Hikari Namikaze Can't throw a Kunai  Empty Re: Hikari Namikaze Can't throw a Kunai

Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:52 pm
Well she suddenly got very friendly with him. Saying he always could come over to visit her for tea. He didn’t think too much about it, but a few implications did cross his mind. “Thank you, Hikari. I will remember and probably take you up on that offer. Any preference for cake or pie?.” He offered as he accepted the note she wrote him with both his hands. Then he gave her a polite bow. “I will see you another time then.” And he left the area to go home again.


Notes wrote:Word Count: 91
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