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Princess Love
Princess Love
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Thu Dec 01, 2016 11:27 pm
Love was automatically on defence when she felt a hand on her waist. And then that voice, her right eye squinted as she slowly turned her head to see the person standing next to her. Without thought, as if it was second nature, Love sent her left hand, now balled into a fist, flying at Oro's face. "What are you doing?" Knowing that Oro would just dodge Love placed her hands on her hips and sighed. "I guess you do have a sense of humor." She still felt a little awkward though, so she walked to Ichiraku Ramen. Love climbed up on an empty stool and fell victim to her thoughts. Ever since he stole her first kiss Love never wanted to experience any flirting or romance with Oro. She could never imagine herself being intimate with a guy like him... But it does seem like there might be more to him than meets the eye. Maybe I'm just reading too much into his joke. She thought to herself. Love shook her head clearing her mind as she heard the owner ask what she was having. "Spicy miso ramen please." She told the man and sat waiting.

Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Thu Dec 01, 2016 11:46 pm
oro saw the punched and dodged it, as he dodged it her grabbed her butt playfully and then sat down at the ramen stand before she. he smirked and looked at the menu. getting nothing fancy. just some ramen with pork. "eh maybe." he shrugged. "i guess you could call me a book, everyone sees me and assumes they know me, its until they read it from start to finish they know what it really is." he yawned and rested his head in his hand. "every scar has a tale, thankfully i dont have any scars." he said fixing his coat. he didnt realized love already saw his back full of them already. its partly why he wear long sleeve clothing. to hide it from himself and others. he looked over at love. "say, what kind of book would you be." he asked looking at her. if he was honest she was the closest person he has, yen was just his teacher, aya was... aya, and everyone else is off doing there own thing. he spent the most time with her. somehow that made him feel sad. he looked down to the counter and yawned.
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Fri Dec 02, 2016 3:02 pm
Love glared at Oro, "Why are you you so grabby all of a sudden?" She sighed, she only wanted to use her remaining energy to eat so she let it go. Love turned her head to face him when he said something about scars. Seeing him pull on his coat she realized she hadn't heard anything he just said. "Book?" Love paused to think it over. "Hmm... I guess I could say the same. Twists and turns up until the end." Love shrugged, she never thought what kind of book her life would be. He goes from reluctantly social to flirt to philosopher in a matter of minutes... She looked at him as if she could read his mind though this look probably seemed as if she was staring into his soul. Or so people have told her, of course she'd never seen her face while doing it.

Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Fri Dec 02, 2016 3:47 pm
"im only grabby because i want to annoy you." he said as he didnt face her. then he took out his dirty over used note book. full of ink and smudges. he started to read it from the beginning again. his face went to normal. the look for someone emotionless, dead to the world. this was his only salvation. "i wounder if my tale would be as thrilling as yours, twisting and turning." he said as he flipped a page. he waited for the food too come.
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Sat Dec 03, 2016 10:28 pm
Love sighed but guess that she deserved it. She did force him to train and go on missions with her. Love watched as Oro pulled out his notebook. Studious? She questioned. "You'll never know if you don't do things to spice it up." Just as the words left her mouth the shop owner placed a big bowl of spicy miso ramen in front of Love. She turned the second she smelled it, "Here ya go!" The man said smiling at her. Its ramen time! Love grabbed a pair of chopsticks and placed her palms on either side. "Itadakimasu!" With that the continuation of the conversation became Oro's responsibility if he wanted it. Love pulled the chopstick apart and began to chow down.

Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Sun Dec 04, 2016 9:11 am
orokana put his book away and started to eat. as he eat he said between bites. "maybe, knowing my luck it wouldnt work out." he ate slowly. then looked at love. he thought one day love would stop dragging him around and when that happened oro would be alone. again. he didnt know if he liked that thought or not. well what ever happens its beyond oros control. "so why did you want to be come a ninja love." he asked to carry the conversation.
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Tue Dec 06, 2016 12:19 pm
Ew. Love made a face towards Oro as he talked with his mouth full. She then sighed at his pessimism, she waited until she chewed and swallowed her food before replying. "You never know if you don't try." Love looked at him as he looked at her. His next words confused her. Why that question? Love thought about answering sarcastically but decided against it since he seemed somewhat serious. "Simple. To protect my home and family and those that can't defend themselves." She replied and then took another bite of her ramen. It was so hot and spicy it made Love smile; She imagined her face was probably turning red from the combination, making it seem as if she was blushing.

Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Tue Dec 06, 2016 12:37 pm
oro took another mouth full and swallowed after he chewed. "i see." he said. he started to eat more with out talking for a bit till he was finished. he watched as his bowel slowly lowered as he ate. till he was finished. he sighed. "so theres one last mission for us?" he said as he placed his bowel on the counter and stood up. and looked at a tree. he waited for love to finish. he yawned. "come on queenie we have to burn off what we ate." he said waiting for her.
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Tue Dec 06, 2016 5:12 pm
"Tch." Love hated to be rushed especially when she was eating. She watched from the corner of her eye as Oro finished his food and stood up. Love took a bite before answering his question. "Yea, we have to cut down a tree at the front gate." She told him and then smiled at her ramen as she took another bite, she slurped the noodles this time. Which caused her to giggle, Love loves food and can get a bit childish when eating. When Love heard Oro call her "queenie" she glared even though she wasn't facing him. "Don't rush me boy." Love took a few more bites before lifting the bowl to her mouth to drink the broth. "Mmm that's the best part." She said to no one but the shop owner heard her and smiled. "Thanks." Love said placing the money for the meal on the counter before getting up to stand next to Oro. "We can go now." She told him with a sarcastic smile.

Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Wed Dec 07, 2016 11:20 am
Orokana sighed and looked at her. "cutting a tree?" he sighed. as he started to walk to the gates. "we are more like servants then ninjas." he said in protest. he already did a mission like this before. and it annoyed him then, thankfully now though he can just cut it easier with his sword and love will be there to help. "this might be an odd thing to say but, i rather grown use to your company, it may be from you always dragging me around, but its a nice break from my normal alone self." he said as he walked to the gates. the huge doors towered over the duo as oro walked to one of the ninjas and asked about the tree. the ninja pointed them to it and oro studied the tree and sighed.
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