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Princess Love
Princess Love
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Sat Sep 10, 2016 2:29 pm
Love stopped running once they were in the middle of a field. "Shut up and pay attention." She told the mumbler. "There's nothing you can do to get out of this." Love surveyed the area making sure there weren't any target cats already there. "Now listen all five of the cats have to be returned unharmed." She stressed the last word knowing that Oro would want to get this over with as quickly as possible. And that might result in an injury to one of the animals. "The plan is I'll locate them and you put them in a genjutsu, so they're easier to catch. Got it?"

Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Mon Sep 12, 2016 7:31 am
"you want me to use my genjutsu on the cats, why, im easily faster then you, so im very sure i could just grab them" he said looking around in the field. and sat down yawning. "once you find them let me know and i will get them, unharmed, i dont know why i would harm them." he looks away and lays down in the field as his thoughts rushes his mind and he closed his eyes.
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Mon Sep 12, 2016 5:27 pm
"You're offering to do work? I wasn't expecting that." Love looked over to Oro who was laying in the grass. She shook her head, "Don't get comfortable, this won't take long." She told him and activated the byakugan. As she combed over the area Love saw mostly squirrels and birds and the occasional rabbit. She sighed, closed her eyes and forced more chakra into them. When they opened again Love couldn't see any further but then she remembered what Kirino told her. She then relaxed and let the chakra flow instead of forcing it, "There." She said to Oro, having had spotted one of the target cats.

Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Mon Sep 12, 2016 6:04 pm
oro sighed and stood up. "where is this cat." he said looking around. "lead me to it all mighty one." he mocked her as he started walking in front of her. he looked around but he couldnt see anything. "also why cats, cats are the most strangest things. they are lazy and sleep all day," he said and then looked at love. "do not even say it woman." he glared at her.
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Mon Sep 12, 2016 8:04 pm
Love rolled her eyes at his comment. "If you keep that up this will take all day. It's about 100 meters in that direction." She said pointing. Love giggled. "You said it not me." She began to walk in the direction she had been pointing to. "Cats are nice company. They're not all in your face like dogs. They come to you when they want to cuddle but don't mind doing it when you want to. And they don't make messes." She shrugged. Cats weren't her favorite animal but she wouldn't mind having on as a pet. "Let's hurry so we can find the rest."

Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

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Tue Sep 13, 2016 7:45 am
oro yawned and started walking towards the cat which loved pointed towards. until he saw the cat lazing about. he sighed and used body flicker to appear right next to the cat and before the cat could react he grabbed it and petted it. then made his way back to love, "there, am i done now." he asked as he sighed, thinking to himself why he needed to help still. she could easily use this as training, this isnt even an effort for oro. it was simple and easy. oro liked doing things that made him think. not mundane tasks, because a girl thought she could order him around as she saw fit.
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Tue Sep 13, 2016 10:54 am
"Nope, four more to go." As Love walked she heard some ruffling in some prickly looking bushes. When she looked at the bush she could see a cat with a ribbon that had gotten stuck. "There's one over there too." She walked over to Oro and took the cat that he had just caught. "Can you tell me where your brothers and sisters are hiding?" She asked as she held the cat face to face, the cat simply meowed. Leaving the cat in the bush to Oro Love walked up a nearby tree to look for another. "Hmm..." Where are you? Love to herself and in that instant she saw an animal jump from one tree branch to another.

"Hang on!" She told the cat as she raced off in pursuit of the figure she'd seen. The chase wasn't very long, after jumping to about three different trees Love was right behind the cat. "Gotcha!" She shouted as she reached out with her free hand and scooped it up. "Let's see how Oro is doing." She told them, cheerful from her accomplishment even though it wasn't much. Love then jumped down from the tree and walked back to where she had left Oro.

Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

Tetralogy - Page 2 Empty Re: Tetralogy

Thu Sep 22, 2016 10:38 am
oro was walking away and laid down waiting for love to comeback from her adventure. he yawned and smiled to himself as he relaxed. then he felt something on his lap. he looked and it was one for the cats using him as a bed. he sighed again and petted it. "im not a bed you flea bag." he said as he laid still and yawned. "how many is left love, 2?" he asked as she came back. slightly annoyed he was still doing this. "why couldnt this be closer to a date, least then it would go faster and you wouldnt have me going to random parts of the villages to get cats for an old woman." he said looking at love with a boring look on his face.
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Fri Sep 23, 2016 12:21 am
"Did you hear that? He wants to take me on a date!" Love said to the cats in her arms. She then squinted her eyes, making a kissy face to combat Oro's boring look. "This would go faster if you weren't lazing around." She adjusted the cats in her arms so that she could go over and pet the one laying on Oro. Love smiled at the cat before looking at Oro, "We should hurry up though. We have more missions to do." She stood up and backed away so that Oro would have room to stand.

Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

Tetralogy - Page 2 Empty Re: Tetralogy

Sun Sep 25, 2016 8:39 am
oro picked up the little guy and stood up and looked at love. "yes love, would you also like a kiss?" he sighed and looked around. "how many more missions do you have planed? i thought i was here for only this one." he said as he walked past love and started looking around more. then he leaned against love and yawned. "so do you see any cats around." he sighed as he petted the one he held as it purred and nibbled his hand playfully.
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