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Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Stat Page : Stats
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Inadvertent meeting of Kin Empty Inadvertent meeting of Kin

Fri Aug 12, 2016 9:33 pm
It was one of those rare sunny days with a nice cool breeze blowing across all those who found themselves training in the Konoha training grounds. Though it was not the weather which made this a rare occasion, it was the fact that Kotsuzui found himself at the training grounds on his own. For the last few weeks all he had been doing was spending time with his mother at their place, and getting drunk. He was starting to feel like a sloth and all this mopping around was starting to make the Kaguya feel as though his skills were getting rusty. With his sensei being in Suna for some mission he knew nothing about and his two Uchiha counterparts out doing their own business, the Kaguya often lacked the motivation to do anything. But it was getting to him, as well as the constant nagging from his mother to do something).  

Dressed in his usual black kimono outlined in white with the addition of his white scarf and nothing on his feet, the crimson haired Kaguya found himself staring at three training logs with his purple eyes. His object today was to increase his threshold for pain in his legs. If there was one thing he noticed, the majority of Taijutsus in his arsenal were strikes with his legs. So why not practice his kicks, make his taijutsu skill even greater than it already was. As he approached the first log, Kotsuzui proceeded to striking it with a side kick. As his shin made contact with it, his leg ripped right through the entire log cutting it in half. "These won't due" Kotsuzui said as he looked around for something stronger than these academy student training logs. After a few moments of searching, Kotsuzui found himself standing in front of what seemed to be the sturdiest tree around. With something more practical for him, the Kaguya began his steady, solid yet accurate repetition of kicks into the side of the tree.

Brooke Uchiha
Brooke Uchiha
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Inadvertent meeting of Kin Empty Re: Inadvertent meeting of Kin

Fri Aug 12, 2016 9:47 pm
Bone against bark was a sound Kirino was familiar with, it had a certain ring to it. The white haired girl approached watching as the ninja continued to strike. Training was always good, maybe she could get this guy to spar with her. The training she had done as of late was lacking to say the least. Hopefully the boy making the noise would be willing to train against a moving target.

"Would you care to train with me, maybe I can be of more benefit." The girl was unarmed or so it appeared from her white and violet kimono. The way he punched made it obvious he was well versed in taijutsu, but how well was something the girl would like to find out.
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Stat Page : Stats
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Inadvertent meeting of Kin Empty Re: Inadvertent meeting of Kin

Sat Aug 13, 2016 7:29 pm
Kotsuzui stopped mid way into his training session to the voice of a female come from behind him asking if he wanted to train with her. He slowly turned around with a sly grin on his face, how could he turn down a request for training with someone else? Once fully turned to face the person behind him, his grin faded. This girl was beautiful, and Kotsuzui was afraid his sudden change in emotion may accidentally show that her beauty had somewhat surprised him. He needed to change the topic of conversation within his own mind real quick. His first instinct was to instigate her, potentially mock her as he did with everyone, in that she wouldn't be able to keep up with him. But he quickly refrained from doing so as his Sensei was in fact a female shinobi as well. Kotsuzui did not want to make a fool of himself in front of her. Now he got to thinking that she must be a skilled kunoichi herself if she asked Kotsuzui to train with her after getting a glimpse of his strength on the tree. Now the Kaguya was intrigued. 

"Yea, it probably would be more beneficial training with someone instead of a tree" Kotsuzui replied as he brushed his hand through his pony-tail. "What'd you have in mind, you want to be trained?" Kotsuzui asked, inquiring if she wanted to be taught some new skills, "or you want to spar?" At that moment Kotsuzui let loose a sly grin again, "of course, if you think you can keep up." There he was, instigating yet again. It was almost second nature to him now, something he did unconsciously. 
Brooke Uchiha
Brooke Uchiha
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Inadvertent meeting of Kin Empty Re: Inadvertent meeting of Kin

Sat Aug 13, 2016 10:01 pm
"Indeed there is still much I would like to learn, maybe we could exchange information." Kirino admitted, although the premise of a spar was just as interesting. A spar might reveal techniques she would like to learn so perhaps it would be better to start with that.

He seemed to think of himself highly, hopefully he would underestimate Kirino and make a mistake. It wouldn't be the first time an excellent practitioner of taijutsu had made a misstep against her and lost as a result. "I think a spar would be wonderful. I won't disappoint, that I can assure." She made a bow, with her confidence maybe he would be less likely to blunder. Only time would be telling.

"Excuse my manners I have yet to give you my name. Kirino Kaguya, it is a pleasure to meet you." She said the words immediately following the bow. She then waited for the boy to give his name, she didn't think he would attack immediately. Just in case though she prepared to strengthen her body by hardening her bones. It was an effective method seeing what the opponent was capable of before making a plan and putting it into effect.
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Stat Page : Stats
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Inadvertent meeting of Kin Empty Re: Inadvertent meeting of Kin

Sun Aug 14, 2016 9:15 pm
The female shinobi agreed to have a spar with Kotsuzui which delighted the Kaguya. This day went from a boring training session on his own to a spar with a fellow Konoha nin. She assured Kotsuzui that she would not disappoint. Kotsuzui smiled to the remark. She was a confident one, Kotsuzui liked to see that she wasn't backing down. It only made his blood begin to boil with anticipation to get this spar going. He was about to get into position to begin the spar but was caught off guard when she bowed. Next thing he knew, his heart skipped a beat as his eyes opened a little wider than usual. "Another Kaguya in Konoha!?" Kotsuzui thought to himself. Aside from his mother, Kotsuzui had only met two other people in Konoha who were of the Kaguya bloodline. He had been trained by one and sparred with another, though he hasn't seen either of them since. He never thought of the possibility that there was another Kaguya in the village. 

"A pleasure to be graced by the presence of another Kaguya, Kirino" Kotsuzui said as he gave a slight bow in return with his left arm placed on his back and his right arm placed just under his stomach. "The name's Kotsuzui Kaguya" Kotsuzui said returning the favor just as he rose back up with a slight grin. Kotsuzui slightly began walking to the side as he created distance from the tree he had been training on. He didn't want to start the spar with it behind him, it would only cause a disadvantage for himself.

Now Kotsuzui knew this probably wasn't going to be a walk in the park. If there's one thing he knew about the Kaguya bloodline it's that all their shinobi were skilled in close quarters combat. Kirino was unlikely to be an exception, at least he hoped. Kotsuzui was going to have to keep his guard up at all times. Now his thirst for a fight grew even greater knowing that he was about to go at it with another member of the Kaguya clan. He wondered what kind of Kaguya skills she may posses that Kotsuzui was yet to learn. Only one way to find out. Lifting his arms up to the side indicating he was waiting, Kotsuzui would grin yet again. "Ladies first."
Brooke Uchiha
Brooke Uchiha
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Inadvertent meeting of Kin Empty Re: Inadvertent meeting of Kin

Mon Aug 15, 2016 10:33 pm
The boy was certainly pleased by her name, was she famous in the village. As the genin who has accomplished two S-rank missions, along with many others. The overworked, overstressed, bone devil. Surprisingly, that wasn’t it. Kirino did find some joy that another Kaguya was within the village. His level of threat had risen upon learning of his name. Even more so, that they would both be used to combat in close quarters.

The girl watched as he moved away from the tree. No, more using that to try and pin him in I guess. He used the environment, much like Kirino did. A good sign for the fighter, a bad sign for who they were fighting. Kotsuzai was very generous as he allowed her the first strike, but the girl was always patient wanting to test the waters first before plunging in.

”I guess, I will take the initiative.” She said at Kotsuzai words. She would then begin to move to the left trying to get a feel of the area and opponent. It was a Kaguya so surely going all out was perfectly fine. Kirino hardened her bone before stepping forward at speed 60, she would then throw a punch at 98 speed, 105 strength. She figured the attack would miss and readied to receive a punch with her body now strengthened her defenses were raised. (105 health) Maybe the boy would hurt his hand and the battle would be over. That would be way too boring though.

Used Bone Armor +30 Health and Strength. +45 with scaling.    
AP Cost: 30, then 15
Duration 4 posts
436 AP remaining.
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Stat Page : Stats
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Inadvertent meeting of Kin Empty Re: Inadvertent meeting of Kin

Wed Aug 17, 2016 1:26 pm
When Kirino began pacing to her left, Kotsuzui brought his arms down to the side and simply stood there watching and waiting for her to make her move. When she finally made her move pouncing forward towards Kotsuzui, his grin grew even greater. His bout with this Kaguya was about to begin and he couldn't wait to see what she had in store for him. Kotsuzui easily followed the female Kaguya as she approached him. Was this as fast as she could move? He hoped not. His hopes were met when he was caught off guard by the actual speed of her punch. "Good" Kotsuzui said to himself as he rapidly raised his hand while simultaneously shifting his body to the left. He didn't need to use his hands to dodge the punch, but it aided in his parry. The moment his hand came into contact with Kirino's arm, Kotsuzui placed a nearly invisible Mark Seal on her arm which would allow him to know of her exact location at all times. Just as as precaution. 

With Kirino right in front of Kotsuzui, the male Kaguya rapidly dropped down to the floor while leaning his entire upper body back. Using his right leg almost like a spring, Kotsuzui would slightly push himself up while using this momentum to kick his left leg up. Performing Leaf Rising Wind, if successful his kick would collide right under the chin of the female Kaguya and would launch her directly into the air. This being one of Kotsuzui's preferred Taijutsu to use, it was a relatively basic one. It was his way of testing his skilled his opponent was when the approached him in close quarters combat since it was such an effect taijutsu.

Mark Seal
Leaf Rising Wind
+40 speed and strength with scaling
140 speed and 115 strength while performing the taijutsu

AP: 439 -5 -20 = 414
Brooke Uchiha
Brooke Uchiha
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Inadvertent meeting of Kin Empty Re: Inadvertent meeting of Kin

Thu Aug 18, 2016 3:57 am
A little bit too quick Kirino thought as he hand reached forward to place a mark seal on her arm, she moved to block the attack no pain however came. What is it that he just did? With his speed where it currently was she would have to increase the speed of her attacks. Luckily she had an attack that would raise her speed.

It seemed it would be needed too as Kotsuzai dropped to the ground and raised a leg. Kirino moved her arms to defend against the attack. There was some pain involved meaning that he had some strength to him. His strength didn’t push her into the air as he wanted however and it was time to get serious. Clematis Dance: Flower should be used to give me additional reach, he is stronger than me. He also seems slightly faster.

Moving forward at full speed (96) a massive bone began to form around the girl’s arm improving her reach. She threw the bone spear forward at speed 133, power 142. Even if she missed she would have space to keep attacking and now her arm was covered in dense bone, which could be used to defend if the need arose. It was a strong possibility that it would if you factored his slightly faster movements.

WC: 218
Bone Armor: 15 AP
3 posts remaining
Clematis Dance: Flower +50 Speed and Strength. +75, +75 with scaling. 75 / 2 for secondary tai attack. + 37 speed and strength.
AP 45
376 AP remaining
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Stat Page : Stats
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Inadvertent meeting of Kin Empty Re: Inadvertent meeting of Kin

Thu Aug 18, 2016 4:37 pm
Kirino was quick. She got her hands up to block Kotsuzui's kick before it could reach her face. Not only was she quick, but she was strong too. The kick didn't even lift the female Kaguya off of her feet and Kotsuzui could feel her strength when she blocked the kick. This may even be harder than Kotsuzui thought it would be. This was turning out to be a great spar. Kotsuzui got back up his full height as the two of them were still face to face. His eyes opened wide when bones started forming around Kirino's arm as she pounced forward to strike. The new bone spear was quite large and it covered her entire arm. "Shit!" Kotsuzui thought to himself as the spear rapidly came in towards him. Reacting as quickly as he could, Kotsuzui jumped over Kirino using the Taijutsu Early Sacrifice. Now upside down and over Kirino, with all of his strength Kotsuzui placed his right hand down onto one of Kirino's shoulders in an attempt to pin her down while he flipped over her. Landing behind Kirino and still holding her shoulder, Kotsuzui used the momentum of his jump and flip to throw Kirino over himself and down onto the ground. If succesfull, Kirino would be both smashed into the ground and thrown at the same time sending her skidding across the floor. 

"That's quite the ability she's got there, I'd never seen a Kaguya use that before" Kotsuzui thought to himself as he waited for Kirino to get back up onto her feet. As she did, she would see Kotsuzui swinging both his arms releasing a spray of 10 bone bullets in her general direction. The bullets were shot almost like a shot gun, covering a wide spread area making it more difficult to dodge them. "I wonder if she's got any more neat Kaguya tricks?" he thought to himself as he couldn't help himself but keep grinning. 

Early Sacrifice
+80 speed & +65 strength both with scaling
180 speed & 140 strength
Ten Finger Drilling Bullets
move at a speed of 70 with scaling.

AP: 414 -40 -20 =354
Brooke Uchiha
Brooke Uchiha
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Inadvertent meeting of Kin Empty Re: Inadvertent meeting of Kin

Fri Aug 19, 2016 9:28 am
The dodging of her attack was quick and was met with a movement Kirino was familiar with. As he placed his hand onto her shoulder Kirino with her strength enhanced by her clematis dance (strength 142) was able to turn. As she was thrown she slammed her bone lance into the ground stopping her movement unharmed. With that the bone began to break down and was absorbed back into her body.

As she returned to an upright position a slew of white shrapnel flew her way she caught two of them one in each hand (speed 98) while letting the others bounce harmlessly from her body. (Health 105) She looked carefully at what she grasped. Bones from the tips of his fingers. Dropping the objects to turn her focus back at Kotsuzai, she opened her mouth. "It seems like you know some things I do not." He is much stronger and faster than I had originally thought, but we seem about even. He seems faster and stronger than me, but he doesn't seem as durable.  

Let me change the flow and see if that interrupts his strategy. Kirino dashed forward throwing a punch at speed 98, followed by another at the same speed all towards his ribs. She began to smile at the prospect that the spar would only get more fun and that maybe she would at some point land an attack. If not, it would be time to start playing mind games. While not something she wanted to turn to, it was something she would use. Ninja had many  more tools than their fist, deception among others was one.

Bone Armor
2 posts remaining
371 AP remaining
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