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Hoshi Kyouken
Hoshi Kyouken
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An unlikely meeting Empty An unlikely meeting

Wed Sep 19, 2018 12:22 pm
On this morning Hoshi woke up in pure pain in his sleeping as the cold wind stung his muscle, but This wasn't because he pulled a muscle but since he had been training overtime recently and gaining strength at an alarming rate. By Now he knew that if he didn't stop training he could possibly break a limb. So instead he would very slowly unzip the sleeping bag to get up . After the challenge of getting up his muscles seemed to be in less pain then before but still if this continued for the rest of his life it would become unbearable. But for now it was a great feeling of success in that mind of his.

He had a shower and got changed equipping his bag with -unlike the normal- 5 drinks of water. 2 instant noodle containers and some yen to buy things in the village yet he almost forgot the map/journal to which he quickly packed and put on his bag to leave his shack within the mountain woods and head for the village to relax. Instead of jogging into the town taking 40 minutes to reach it he instead took a nice slow paced walk for 2 hours so he could reach the village at a good time of 8 A.M. Within the walk he started to curse his nature of early wakening as his muscles would've loved extra time to rest after his training time. But as he reached the village his muscles seemed to once again be in good enough shape to where if not aggravated he wouldn't feel much pain! A stark contrast to this morning. 

As Hoshi entered the village through the change between forest and village he began to try and take out his map/journal to try and see for any good locations. But as he did this he was also walking aimlessly around as if he couldn't stand still for one moment. Though he could buy some spicy foods he's nowhere close to that store yet and just as he was walking around aimlessly he saw a familiar shape within the crowds.
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

An unlikely meeting Empty Re: An unlikely meeting

Thu Sep 20, 2018 8:20 am
Those damn trees... Ryūka was still not over one of the missions he had been through with Zyxis. Trees sickened him. Giant wood creatures that towered over the poor zombies that just wanted to live. Well, not live, but to enjoy their afterlife in peace. Ryūka couldn't help but be disgusted by the actions of these sick trees that not only bullied the innocent zombies with their height, weight, colors, and lack of need for balance; but also blocked the traditional and beautiful clear opening between the humans and the zombies, so that one would always have the view of the other. And humans and zombies really seemed to like this tradition. Ryūka himself, in fact, really enjoyed the view of Zombies, and went to a high spot in the village just to watch the serene view. This was one of those days. He was sitting on the edge of a cliff, a road on a higher part of the village, looking directly down to the still-wooded are, where he could see zombies slowly moving around.

He always had enjoyed the view alone, but there was more to it today. He also felt... Proud. He could quickly tell which trees he himself had cut down to assure this beautiful view was protected from the leafy monstrosities. His eyes were shinier due to the tears that formed in his eyes. Anyway, he couldn't have sat there all day and enjoyed the view, no matter how much he wanted to do exactly that. But it wouldn't have been productive. And productive was one of the major adjectives Ryūka wanted to attach to his name. He still couldn't bring himself to get up from the spot though. Not yet. He took out his notebook, intent on taking one last note before leaving. He shook his pen in his hand swiftly for a few seconds, trying to think of what to write. Then he raised his head from the notebook, looking once again down to the beautiful view of the Zombieland, and he just knew. He just knew what it was that he wanted to write. "In your head. In your head. Zombie. Zombie. Zombie.". A content smile took over the face of the aspiring poet. He looked like he was satisfied with the few words he just wrote. Then he put his pen and notebook back into the pocket on the inner side of his jacket, and got up from the ground.

He started walking down the village, not sure what to do next. He first thought of doing some shopping, but then quickly reminded himself that he was trying to save some money so in the future he could but a variety of weapons instead of the generic ninja weapons he was sticking to, for now. So, to distract his mind from the love he had for shopping, he thought maybe going to the training grounds for some action could have been a good call. His questions would be answered by fate in a few seconds though, as he saw a familiar figure in front of him. It was Hoshi, facing the exact opposite direction Ryūka was standing. Ryūka wondered what Hoshi might have been looking at, so he looked ahead, but the only person of note in that direction that Ryūka saw, was a lean figure about the same height as Ryūka, that seemed to be wearing a familiar jacket, and had a hair at familiar length, but the hair of this Ryūka clone was inferior to his own in color. It was simply brown, boring, at least in Ryūka's eyes. Ryūka still didn't hold back a squint headed at his copycat's direction. People stealing Ryūka's sense of fashion was nothing new to him after all. Either way, Ryūka approached his friend from the back, who was still looking at the opposite direction.

When he was just a few meters behind him, Ryūka greeted Hoshi, "Hey Hoshi! What's up?".
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An unlikely meeting Empty Re: An unlikely meeting

Thu Sep 20, 2018 5:55 pm
It wasn't a pleasant morning for Zyxis. He felt dreadful getting out of bed. He felt weak. Not physically, but emotionally and mentally. He still didn't understand why this seemed to bother him so much. He didn't know his grandparents or great-grandparents, he only knew that the village he adored had coerced them and murdered them in cold blood. He clenched his fists, and before he knew it, he had put a three-inch hole in the wall. He didn't pay any attention to the drywall crumbling and falling onto his carpet. He slid his white t-shirt on, similar to the color of his hair. He then pulled up his black joggers and went out for a stroll. He wasn't hungry today. On the contrary, he felt pretty sick to his damn stomach.

If Zyxis was emotionless and quiet before, it seemed different now. The look on his face stayed indifferent, his fists stayed still in his pockets, and he didn't blink. He stood forward with an unnoticed bridled rage that caused his throat to tighten up. Although he didn't cry. Ninja didn't show emotions. His thoughts conflicted with each other at the same time. What was the point of being a ninja for the people that had killed his family? Ruined his mother and father's lives? His eye twitched. His fists clenched. An angry bubbling emotion started to tear at his chest. His thoughts ran rampant.

Don't cry, you've never cried before. Shinobi don't portray emotion. What's the point of being a shinobi? This village was corrupt and tyrannical. All these citizens passing by you? Trash. All these animals and little kids? Impressionable, would lead Kumogakure to the same thing. Your friends-? He wasn't able to finish his thought as a familiar voice echoed out. Hoshi? He turned towards the sound of the voice, his eyes landing on Ryūka. He was approaching Hoshi, he duly noted from behind. He wouldn't be surprised if he stabbed him in the back. His legs moved for him, he headed towards their direction. The pent-up emotions from fifteen years roared in his chest. 

Maybe it would be a good thing to talk to his friends? Probably not. He felt as if one word could set him off on a path that he couldn't get back from. That would be a moment to snicker. Seemed too dramatic. He didn't know what he would say or do once to Ryūka once he reached him, but only time would tell.
Hoshi Kyouken
Hoshi Kyouken
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An unlikely meeting Empty Re: An unlikely meeting

Thu Sep 20, 2018 6:32 pm
Hoshi though he saw Ryuka barely in the crowds. And so he keenly started to observe him. Normally you don't see Ryuka in a crowded area. He started moving around at a slightly rapid pace yet Hoshi couldn't observe him at all, only seeing his jacket in the air. Then Ryuka suddenly stopped and yawned. As he lifted his arms Hoshi could see... At this moment Hoshi realised that this man was not Ryuka, which filled Hoshi with disappointment. 

As Hoshi was looking at the fake Ryuka still surprised at how he mistook Ryuka for this crappy copy he noticed a presence behind him which excited him greatly. He could turn around and see who it is but if it turns out to be a thug he could simply turn around once they were close enough and beat the crap out of them ,just about when Hoshi was about to attack the person, Hoshi heard a voice.. Ryuka's?! "Hey Hoshi! What's up?" It was the actual Ryuka this time! What are the chances of that. Yet even though Hoshi's excitement for a battle faded he decided this was probably a more pleasant turn of events believe it or not as he turned around to greet Ryuka.

"Ah what a strange turn of events to just see ya here Ryuka! It's been a small while hasn't it. Last time we saw each other it was more of a spar yet i don't even know a single thing about ya and i fought you in combat hahaha. I guess i do need to get better at all these formalities and such ya know." Hoshi was relieved that actual Ryuka is here now but even so can he call this someone he even knows? He's barely talked to him at all and hasn't seen him for a long time either. But it would be great to perhaps make some friends now that he has the opportunity might as well right. 

"So Ryuka. You wanna hang out? I've pretty much come into the village looking for a place to relax since ya know been training non stop recently and been hoping to just find a nice place to relax but i can't for the life of me find ANY good place with this journal, So if your not busy can you show me some cool places within the village?" Hoshi meant what he said. Although currently he wasn't in pain if he pushed himself for the next couple of hours he would be back into the pain. But if he reset for a couple hours he could probably snap back into it. But why should he train if he could learn more about the mysterious Ryuka instead... Yet he also felt as though a menacing appearance was nearby he could not place it yet.

But sooner or later he saw Zyxis! Damn how much Hoshi wanted to fight him right now and beat him without Ryuka's help. But too be honest he seemed different right now. Alike to the appearance of Ryuka within the spar. Perhaps he was planning to sneak attack Ryuka. Well that would be awkward and so Hoshi decided he might as well both see what he's up to and also at the same time... So Hoshi decided to do the Ram hand sign and rapidly approach Zyxis at a faster then normal speed *40* it was something at least. And as he approached at this top speed he said at the end "Hey Zyxis! Watcha doing just stalking around here ey? Infact how did we all meet up with each other randomly in the village of all places."

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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

An unlikely meeting Empty Re: An unlikely meeting

Sat Sep 22, 2018 10:50 am
"Sure." Ryūka answered with a smile, "I'd love to hang out.". There was obviously a bit of a bitterness in his voice, which got directed into his next words in the form of a question, "How about you though, Zyxis? You're not saying anything. Giving me nothing to respond to.". Ryūka chuckled. "I mean it's fine. Whatever you're comfortable with.". He then turned back to Hoshi, "So, how's life going? Oh by the way... What did you mean before when you said you 'came into the village'? You live outside the village? Where? Are you...", he sighed with a smile, "Are you actually from Hoshi? Hoshi of Hoshi? Also yeah.". He turned back to Zyxis, then back to Hoshi, "Follow me, I'll lead you guys to somewhere nice.". If they followed, Ryūka would start guiding them through the village.

"Where do you live, Zyxis? You live in the village right? Do you live with your parents or ?". Ryūka was a master of sword-wielding, writing, poetry, drawing, painting, singing, rapping, dancing... What he was not a master of though, was banter and small talk. He was ashamed of it really, but tried not to make it obvious, trying not to think of the situations as they were happening, but making a note and focusing his anxiety on specific moments when he had the time to sit down and work through them. He took a deep breath. It was fine. Everything was fine. Nothing was burning. The city wasn't burning. Everything was fi- "FIIIIIIIREEEEEEEEE!!!!". Ryūka turned right. There was tons of smoke coming out of a nearby shop. Ryūka wondered how he hadn't realized that by himself. "BOYS!" Ryūka shouted, realizing immediately that might have sounded weird, even maybe condescending, but there was no time to worry about that now, they had people, and maybe a shop to save. Ryūka dashed into the shop, and headed straight upstairs.
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An unlikely meeting Empty Re: An unlikely meeting

Sat Sep 22, 2018 3:37 pm
Zyxis stopped dead in his tracks as Hoshi appeared before him. He didn't disappear or anything of the sorts, his reaction time way beyond that, but he didn't like how he got close. He didn't know how they all randomly met each other, and he didn't care. He was only here to say hello, and then he would probably depart. He had nothing going on today, but hanging out with Hoshi was the last thing on his list of things to do. Zyxis didn't show any emotion on his face, but he felt a spark of anger as Ryūka once again questioned his silence. He would've preferred not talking over speaking any day. He didn't say that, but he thought it. Instead, he nodded, "I'm pretty comfortable with being quiet, but I can talk more if you want, friend."

He guessed he could follow Ryūka around for a bit since he was a good friend of his. Now that he thought about it, his only true friend. Royalty was more of a mentor and Hoshi was more of an annoying acquaintance. He didn't know much anyone else but Hana, but she could be irritating as well. Zyxis turned towards Ryūka as he called his name. His question was interesting. He thought more about it. He wasn't aware of Ryūka's living standards either. When he had the chance, he would ask. But right now, he was distracted by the smell of something burning. His nose twitched as he smelled it.

By the time he could deduce where it was from, someone was already screaming, and Ryūka was already moving. He spoke to Hoshi and his friend as they went, "I'll go search for people, Hoshi find out how to get rid of this fire, Ryūka assist me in finding people and also making sure nearby houses don't catch on fire."

He came through the lit door, breaking it down. He instantly took in his surroundings. A mother lay on the ground knocked out from a burning piece of wood that hit her head. Father coughed on the ground, trying to circulate wind to his lungs instead of smoke. A young child wailed from upstairs. He took a deep breath and moved, the Running Zone settling around him. Chakra entered his arm and created a protective surrounding around his skin as he smashed through a window with a punch, and grabbed ahold of the father.

"Hold on tight. Ryūka, take care of the mother!" He said as he jumped through the window, rolling on the grass outside. He moved like lightning. Once he was sure that the man was safe, he ran up the burning building, the flames burning but not to the point he couldn't handle. He smashed through the next window, ignoring the shards of glass entering his arm and cutting through his chest into his torso. He saw a little girl and little boy sobbing on the floor. Two pillarsof wood falling towards her and him at the same time. They were too far spaced out, he hoped he could make it.

He rushed forward, hoping that he would be able to save them in time!
Hoshi Kyouken
Hoshi Kyouken
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An unlikely meeting Empty Re: An unlikely meeting

Sat Sep 22, 2018 5:12 pm
Just before Hoshi could explain his living conditions he could smell ash. During this the smell shock down Hoshi to his core. He clenched hi left hand hard as he not remembering anything only felt a primal feeling of fear. As if there's something he doesn't remember as his body clearly remembers and is clearly telling him not to go forwards but to run away instead. Hoshi's never felt fear like this ever in his life before. Why was he so afraid of this fire. It was as if it wanted to finish the job and sneered at his left hand.

Before he could face this fear and continue onward, he immediately heard the voice of Ryuka run through his head with just one phrase "BOYS!" It was as if Ryuka activated a victory cry to which could raise the morale of his allies. But instead of instantly reaction Hoshi could just barely knock out of his hallucinations as he remembered the situation. People who've done nothing wrong shall die if he does nothing, But what can he even do in this mess? 

Again the scattered mind of Hoshi was not collected by himself but by the person he least expected to manage to help him out. Zyxis. During all this tense period both Zyxis and Ryuka were on the ball and charging in with Zyxis leaving Hoshi to get rid of the fire source? How would he be able to do that and yet before he could tell Zyxis to hang on a minute he's already entered the flaming building trying to save innocent people. And if Hoshi does nothing not only Zyxis or Ryuka but everyone in that building would die.

Hoshi had to at least do something and Zyxis said something about a fire source and so he looked around to see it originate from the bottom floor, which if he removed the source he could reduce to danger significantly but not by much but before he started this he yelled at the crowd beginning to form "DO ANY SINGLE ONE OF YOU KNOW ANY WATER JUTSU! IF SO HURRY UP AND GET MOVING FOLLOW ME!" Hoshi was now the one ordering people around and a few citzens and perhaps academy students moved forward. Not much -around 5 of them with 4 E ranks and 1 D ranks of water jutsu- but it'll have to do.

Hoshi went to the source of the fire but yet he couldn't enter since a brick wall was in the way so he decided to smash his way in using a dynamic entry after a running start [50 strength] enough to break the concrete wall and make enough room for the water jutsu users to enter "YOU GUYS TAKE OUT THE FIRE WITHIN I'LL DEAL WITH THE... FURNACE YOU JUST FOCUS ON SLOWLY CLEARING OUT THE FLAMES HEAR ME!" And with that command they all ran inside and started using pathetic water jutsu really. And yet it was working for at least as long as it takes for a chuunin who knows a water jutsu to arrived.

Hoshi looked at the furnace in fear. Without people around him he felt afraid and wanted to just run in fear at seeing his own charcoaled corpse in the embers of the furnace, yet what kept him going is the fact in those embers he not only saw his corpse but the corpses of Zyxis, Ryuka, The family, And all who were willing to help so with that all in mind Hoshi decided to use Iron claw on both sides of the furnace with both of his hands and grip into the furance and push it with all his might to remove it from the household into the non flamable street. And with a mighty push [50 str] he managed to barely push out the furnace with burns all over him and his shirt burnt up. Yet he was not finished since as soon as he did that the small hole the size of his height started to shack the foundations. So he needed to put his body underneath the hole and hold it up yet if the other walls collapsed he would not be able to hold the weight and need to leave. Yet he put his body into the gap and held up the building's support in the slightest way he could.

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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

An unlikely meeting Empty Re: An unlikely meeting

Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:43 am
Zyxis called for Ryūka. It was a shame then, that he mustn't have noticed his friend had already taken off to the second floor. The mother was left to death by Zyxis, but at least he had chosen to save the baby instead of her, a choice that the mother almost certainly would have made herself. Either way, Ryūka didn't know anything about it. He was busy with the situation at hand. He quickly scouted the floor. It seemed completely empty, but also completely burning. This point must have been the origin of the fire. Ryūka looked around. There were but a few things not on fire. Luckily, one of those things was a carpet on the ground. Ryūka swiftly grabbed it, and started hitting the fire with it in an attempt to extinguish it. It was working. After a few minutes, with the help of the carpet, and some of the taps on the floor.

After he was done, looking almost defeated, covered in ash, he went down to meet up with the other two. "It's done. We're good.". He sighed. "And I think we really do need some time to chill.". He chuckled. "Everyone is fine, right?".
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An unlikely meeting Empty Re: An unlikely meeting

Sun Sep 23, 2018 12:43 pm
The world began to slow down in Zyxis' peripheral vision. He didn't want them to die. They were only children. He desired to protect them, he needed to help them. It was just him. In slow motion, the first step he took he knew that it wouldn't be enough. Their faces were full of tears, their screams echoed in his ears, he needed something more than just himself. Something seemed to answer his call, as Soul Expulsion exploded around him and he moved faster than he ever had before. He picked up the kid and relocated her out of the way, gently putting her down as safe as he could at full sprint, and dove for the other child.

He felt the heat of the burning pillar hit him as he propelled forward, pushing the kid to the side with minimum strength. A protective blanket of chakra erupted around him as he flew through the wall and flew towards the ground, hitting it hard. Zyxis lay there for a minute regaining his bearings. The world turned back to normal. He knew for sure that it was the Sharingan, what else could it have been? He stood up and checked himself over to make sure he was okay and rushed back upstairs. He brought the two children down where Hoshi and Ryūka were. The three were outside, away from the smoke of the once in flames house.

"Good job Ryūka, good job Hoshi, we did it," Zyxis said. He was covered in soot, his white-hair now a dark-gray just like his fathers. The Sharingan had deactivated before he had made it here. He didn't want anyone to know. He felt like a hero, he had saved them, and he-

Sobbing entered his ears. He turned to see the husband crying over the wife being carried away on a stretcher. Zyxis had only taken one look, and even without perfect vision, he could tell that she was dead. It hit him harder than Hoshi or Ryūka ever had. His legs felt weak, his heart rate increased, and his eyes dilated. All of a sudden he felt light-headed and thought he was going to vomit. He had seen blood, but he had never seen someone actually dead. Zombies didn't count at all. He wanted to scream and cry, but he stood there and stared at her. Ryūka must've been somewhere else. He failed. He killed a woman.

Even with all these thoughts, his face stayed blank. His skin didn't pale, he didn't cry, or vomit. He just stared. At that moment, Ryūka would ask if everything was okay. He spoke, not trusting his voice, but speaking anyway. It came out like it usually did, which surprised him.

"I'm fine."
Hoshi Kyouken
Hoshi Kyouken
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An unlikely meeting Empty Re: An unlikely meeting

Sun Sep 23, 2018 1:03 pm
Hoshi was breathing heavily. His knee's were shaking from the weight of the building -even if minimal amounts on him- but as the fire dwindled down he started to rapidly feel more relaxed. As if a great weight had been lifted. Yet even so pushing the furnace burnt his hands quite a bit which still stung him not physically as much but emotionally. He felt as though the moment his hands felt normal he would also be back to himself. Yet Ryuka and Zyxis had managed to come out safely with people. A chuunin stepped up towards Hoshi ordering him out so he could fill the space with earth which Hoshi did rapidly.

Hoshi responded to Ryuka pretty raadly "Yeah i'm fine but the poor mother died. Well death it death. We shouldn't mourn for someone we didn't even know. But I would rather think of it as saving as many people as possible from... That horrible horrible fire. But i shouldn't let this get me down. Death happens and thinking about it too much would just be an unwanted burden with no positives what so ever"

Hoshi heard Ryuka mention a if their was a place to chill out in and Hoshi had an amazing idea. "Heh. Let's say their's a spicy food place nearby we can visit. How about this. The last one to pass out from one of their meals succeeds and get's 10 Ryo from everyone else." This could easily be a way to brighten up the mood and quickly have a competition. Hoshi knew perfectly well how Zyxis would normally accept a competition like this at any time. And hey Hoshi wanted the meal.
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