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Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Trying to hide like a mole [P, NK] Empty Trying to hide like a mole [P, NK]

Thu Aug 11, 2016 9:42 pm
After a few days recovery from the training that Miyamoto had completed the other day and some normal class time at the Academy, Miyamoto was ready to learn more.  He had a technique that piqued his interest, and one that could help aid him if he were to get into a tight spot, or if he wanted to set up a finishing move.  The move was of higher quality just like his Rock Fist, it was the Hiding Like A Mole Technique...supposedly a staple among earth chakra specialized shinobi.  The technique was nothing of a physical utility that would be used in the most extreme, or the most mundane of cases, and as such it was a confusing technique to learn...especially on ones own.

The day started like any other, Miyamoto dressed in his new training attire that his mother had made for him as he took a few days off to rest.  It was a normal taijutsu Gi, dyed brown with the family crest on the front right shoulder, the back was afixed with the symbol of the village.  Miyamoto looked himself over in the mirror, noticing the suit was very form fitting and not too lose, also that there were many pockets inside the Gi to store weapons and other provisions.  He was happy with how he looked as he tied his headband around his head tight and set out for the training area.  On the way there, Miyamoto took the time to travel through the different markets and urban like areas that lied in the center of Hoshi, he noticed there were many people that did not approve of the shinobi...and some were even going out of their way to make hurdles for Miyamoto.  He cared not of this and just simply smiled to everyone he passed and waved to those that were seemingly helping his training.

After passing through the gardens just before the training are, he took notice of the people in the area; Queensguard, and shinobi alike making small talk as well as couples and shinobi taking a break.  This made Miyamoto remember that he did not have that kind of relationship with anyone in the village...hell he did not even know if the three he met a few weeks ago were even his friends...he would have to remedy that problem was lonely without friends.  He made it to the training grounds just as the sun was high, and as usual many shinobi were taking breaks and leaving the area for lunch or to go walk the gardens.  He found his usual spot under the oak tree and sat under it as he pulled out a slip of paper with instructions that he went over in his head.

"First concentrate on moving the chakra evenly throughout your entire body...Visualize the earth around as a swimming pool...the hand signs were not needed...just control..."

He thought on that for a moment as he put the slip of paper away and looked up into the tree just taking in the fresh air of the afternoon.  

"Controlling my chakra, and controlling the earth, bend it to my will...I already know how to move chakra, and I know how to use the earth to my advantage..."

He kept going on in his mind as he managed to dig into the earth a bit till he removed two large stones from the damp soil that enclosed the roots that the tree needed for life.  Miyamoto then activated his chakra in his arms as he performed the hand signs for the Rock Fist Jutsu as the stones soon overtook his hands like gloves, then moved up his shin and up to his elbows where his Gi covered the rest.  He held his arms up in front of him as he examined the jutsu.  

"I think I can bend earth to my will already...So this should be easy right?"

He asked himself though only in his head.  Though he already knew the answer, it bothered him that he was questioning himself more and more each day.   He canceled the jutsu as the earth fell away from him as if it were flakes of brown skin, becoming dust as they fell to the ground below.  He tried to focus on the earth below him, the soil was cool and a bit loose, but also firm enough that it gave him ample foothold and he never lost his footing so far.  He began his meditation.

[WC: 742/2000 for Hiding Like A Mole
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Trying to hide like a mole [P, NK] Empty Re: Trying to hide like a mole [P, NK]

Sat Aug 13, 2016 12:25 am
Miyamoto was sitting on the ground, the air filled his lungs like a skilled blacksmith moved air through the bellows of the forge.  The earth around him still solid, but yet at the same time...loose, it felt as if the amount of meditation and the chakra regulation that Miyamoto was attempting was doing the trick slowly but surely.  Miyamoto could not tell just by feeling with his natural senses but the ground around him was slowly starting to become like fine sand.  The process of becoming at peace and keeping ones mind at center was extremely difficult for even an adult to muster, yet Miyamoto was attempting this at age ten.  He opened his eyes as he looked around, the day was progressing slowly, or at least it seemed it was due to the fact that Miyamoto was not constantly moving.  Around him he could see that there were many shinobi both old and young that were practicing, sharing stratagies and stories, and even some that looked like they were playing games.  He could not help but want that feeling, to be with people his age and just "hang out"...he just felt like most children that constantly moved...alone and yearning for companionship.  

"Damn my head, damn my eyes...I was in perfect concentration till I decided to look and see if there was a change."

Miyamoto said, clearly frustrated at himself, yet the world around him would probably think of him as just another weird kid with delusion issues.  He sighed to himself as he he stood up to stretch and clear his mind, noticing it took a little bit more effort to pull up, and upon further inspection Miyamoto found that he had indeed sunk a few inches into the ground.  This both astonished Miyamoto and encouraged him.  He could do it, he just had to keep with it and try harder.

Sitting down again in the loose topsoil, Miyamoto felt at peace, he knew that he could make time to try and make friends, but that was not his heart this kid wanted to become strong...strong for his family, his village, and himself.  He brought his hands together making a small ball with his hands in the middle at the height of his throat chakra.  He began to clear out his mind, little by little the distractions around him became insignificant to his training, and only through learning how to use the Jutsu properly would he be able to rest happily and maybe even slack off a little.  He began to hum quietly to himself as a way of finding center, during his meditation after he would clear his mind, he would begin to move about inside of his mind visualizing himself performing the Jutsu perfectly.  He would watch himself as if a spectator as his body would sink into the ground quickly as he would move through the earth at a pace that seemed almost inhuman by his own standards.  It was amazing what the mind could do when you really thought about it, the scenes one could come up with inside to make them see the finish line...true force of will.

Miyamoto would not be able to tell at that moment, but he was actually beginning to sink into the earth at a speed of 1.5  It was as if his body was becoming increasingly heavier as the earth around him would give way and begin to build up around him.  The boy could not feel the sensation of the earth beginning to give way as he invisioned himself already swimming through it as if it were water.  It was something to behold though as numerous shinobi began to pass Miyamoto and give him quizzical looks as if he might be off his rocker, or hurt.  Sometimes they would stop to ask him if he was alright, or if this was some sort of training...a few even sat beside him for a time thinking the oak tree had some sort of magical ability to calm one down to their very soul.  Miyamoto soon opened his eyes as he was waist deep into the earth, upon noticing he would immediately cancel the jutsu by his excitement, not even thinking as earth exploded upward showering those meditating beside him.


He would cry out, amazed that he was able to get a handle on the jutsu so quickly.  The day was soon winding down as most children were beginning to leave.  Miyamoto was no different as he told his family in a note that he would be sure to make it home by supper time tonight due to it being ramen night in the household.  He quickly fixed the earth around the tree, wanting to make sure that he did not leave any lasting marks that would show his training...even though he was sure that others knew exactly what he was still felt sacred to him.  He quickly ran home and changed into a oversized tunic for the night, tomorrow he would be able to use the Jutsu..and he knew it.

[WC: 859/1,601/2000 For Hiding like a mole.]
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Trying to hide like a mole [P, NK] Empty Re: Trying to hide like a mole [P, NK]

Sat Aug 13, 2016 12:30 pm
Miyamoto awoke the next morning with his mother storming into the room with news that Miyamoto had been skipping out on academy classes...Even though he was a Genin of the village, he still had so much schooling to catch up on in such a short amount of time.  After a few minutes of  yelling and Miyamoto begging for forgiveness he quickly ran to the academy as he sat for the day in the accelerated learning classes so that he could get an ample amount of knowledge gathered in one day...he did notice though that he was not the only one with a headband in the class...that made it a bit better.  At lunch Miyamoto broke away from the learning so that he could go train.  He knew if his mother...when his mother would find out she would be furious.

Arriving at the training grounds Miyamoto quickly found his oak tree and plopped down in the same location he always did, no one around today to bother him as he began to regulate chakra flow as he began to clear his mind for the task ahead.  To others he may seem like a hurried little kid that was just getting by, Miyamoto knew what he had to do already.  This was just the end of the trial runs and full speed ahead with the actual technique.  He began to focus on the technique in his mind just as he did the day previously, moving through the earth quickly and fluidly as if he were swimming.  The earth around Miyamoto began move as if it were sand again as Miyamoto began to sink into the earth, the chakra acting as if it were a small spade or perhaps a drill to move him through the earth however he wanted.  OVer half of his body was now inside the earth as he envisioned himself moving past the root system of the tree as to not harm it in any way.  Soon after he was clear of the roots his body fully sank into the earth as he began to move, the earth pushing away from him like sand.  He was having the time of his life now as he knew he could use the jutsu now.  He then remembered that he had made a promise to himself that if he managed to learn the jutsu he would return to class to finish out the day.  He quickly moved through the earth towards the academy, as he arrived in the courtyard he would pop out of the earth and brush himself off.  Using Body flicker and moving at top speed through the academy he would sneak in the back way of the classroom.

He was not sneaky enough as the instructor pointed him out and smiled before turning to greet him.

"How nice of you to join us again Miyamoto, hope your training went well, I will expect to see your skills after academy ends today."

The kids laughed, Miyamoto scratched his head, all was well.

[WC:502/2,103/2000 for Hiding Like a Mole]
Hiding Like A Mole
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Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Trying to hide like a mole [P, NK] Empty Re: Trying to hide like a mole [P, NK]

Sat Aug 13, 2016 12:45 pm

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