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Alister Yama
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Finding what was once lost (p,nk, inv) - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding what was once lost (p,nk, inv)

Wed Jul 06, 2016 12:40 am
Yen heard the boy speak and sighed. The awnser was not one and a deep one to that. One that was not easy to take not awnser easy as himself.  Yet he turned towards orokana an looked him dead in the eye with his one eye. Then he spoke.

"The hokage  must have ears for all of konoha  not just his elites,  and not just ones family. Should  so problem arise they are the one to handle it. Its their sworn duty of protector of a village. They are the shield we stand behind,  and yet shield and protect dearly. We do missions and work to keep  the village safe and travelers to the village may they be a ninja from another village as long as they are here for peace  and go through our process. They are deemed worthy to enter. This here is all the hokage takes and further. They are wise powerful  and defend for  peace. Its why we are powerful  that our leadership  remains in the core aspect of  our home  oro. They are the father. And they are the guide on our paths. You should go to the kage always  especially  if you desired to leave the village for missions.  In light of this it is more important  that you stand honest for actions  that caused an encroaching of the rules  that you see to the honesty  to your actions at hand. You free your blade outside of the village  with no lease to do so. Against a higher ranked  shinobi, and attempted to leave. You risked a death wish for your assumed action  of willing to test your might against me. But most importantly  you disobeyed  direct orders multiple times. All of these actions that could  or could not affect your career.  It is noted you left.  No apology and no reason  without  a doubt  that  could be dangerous. "

Yen closed his eye and sighed as he spoke   "It is this reason why I called you here. To handle things with peace.   You must awnser to all of these things and inform the kage fully your apology and reasons.  The truth orokana... But you will be safe. Should the truth be told. It is why as your senior and teacher I talk to you. Because  I could help you grow. Its not about jutsu, but your duty. You accepted  the headband  but would discard it and your life.  What if you harmed and killed another villages ninja? These are things you must look at like an leader.  Not a child free to run a mock.  What if you are caught and even the slightest info on our home even from you can be used against us. This all is what affects  our well being. Do the right thing often calls embodying your full actions. We can teach you, protect you, and show you what you can do here. Especially in the hardest  cases. But we cannot  do that if you caused  harm to another village out there and you left. You would become a liability  that unless complied  you will be in danger.  Many a ninja  have left. Some with seal for adventure.  But its a death wish to do so without permission. Am I understood?"

Yen then softend  his gaze.  As he addressed  odors other question. "Clans do have unique abilities. But the reality  states its the ninja who uses their abilities  that can determine  success or death. You do not need an eye to think, nor do you need bugs to speak, you do not need to manipulate  something out of a shinobi  natural perspective  to be powerful. In fact  its not that which drives you. You wish to make something of who you are. And that oro is why I am proud of you. Its not about your power nor what you know my student. But how you apply them. Ideology  is not my goal with you orokana. I want to lead you and show you what you are not seeing. That you are special because  you will work for it.  You are  my student and a genjutsu  student at it. Many things I know require a specific mindset. And require more then the usual effort to understand. I am no where near as strong as other shinobi. Nor as fast, many can focus on the willingness  to harm on sight. Many hold blades.  Many will throw shrunken  and Kunai  and slash and hack their way through things. Yet my short comings  are I focused purely on my insects  and my chakra. My endurance and my reserves. I know my short comings. I know  my defeats. I know my weaknesses  and embody them. Cherish them.  I study my enmity with seal and vigerous religious  dedication. And yet the duty calls I stand with my village as one who gives my body as a shield to my home. To my allies. Its not a choice. But an honor to do so. You must understand orokana  that this is not About  bravoism,  nor a bluff. Its the truth. Thoes who step ahead and take their duty like their life with honor  have strength  beyond a bloodline.  You do not falter  nor fail. You do there is no do not. You step forward. And I fight with  peace not to harm. I would sooner not kill but if ordered to I will kill. This here is the truth orokana.  I choose  my duty  to step at that gate despite the threat. Even if it meant death. To speak of peace even if it costs my head  to one who is deaf.  To protect my allies even if they tell me that I will fall. I will do so anyway because  my life is for theirs. And to keep my students safe. Despite clan or no clan. Because or you are the future. You are the future I would take armies to protect. My children i would die for each one.  My life is for my home the village. It is my resolve it is my acceptance to stare fate in the eye. You are precious because you are my family, my student, and my suscessor in genjutsu. Am I understood? "

Yen stated  quietly
Jiro Kabi
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Finding what was once lost (p,nk, inv) - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding what was once lost (p,nk, inv)

Wed Jul 06, 2016 8:50 am
oro stood there, quiet. he thought about what yen said. he put what yen said and analyzed each word. then sighed. "yes, I will seek the hokage out, and I will continue to do missions to try and gain redemption. until the day I die. I will spend my whole life cleaning this stain I sent myself. and I would protect your family, and many others in the leaf in the process." oro did know his strength and weakness but oro only had limited options. but others wouldn't know that. oro grabbed his hand. looked at it. "so my odds aren't the best, but they are there." he said. "i can work with that, if I keep them on their toes and keep surprising them, I'm sure I can pull something fancy." he paused. "its getting late, I should leave." oros mind felt light, ready, and soft.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Finding what was once lost (p,nk, inv) - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding what was once lost (p,nk, inv)

Wed Jul 06, 2016 3:44 pm
Yen nodded and smiled thats the spirit  always keep the impossible in your range and your goals will be passable. Yen thought but then he said something few would here. Only one had heard him actually say it. " that's my student orokana.  You have made an impression and I'm proud." Yen said as he bowed to orphans in an gesture of respect and acknowledgement. However looking back up he frowned  as his moment of serenity vanished in a instant  and he was back to his semi  serious mode. 

" or what made you draw your blade that night. You hesitated  and further did not listen.  Was there anything like stress over beating you or such?" Yen spoke as he studied the boy carefully
Jiro Kabi
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Wed Jul 06, 2016 4:27 pm
oro was happy to hear yen say that to him. he did make yen proud. but he can still try and impress him more. "i don't know." he said holding his head as yen asked. the voice becoming louder again. "lately I have been hearing this voice, its not mine and I don't know who it is, but it speaks things into my head, tries to make me do things, I almost attacked a woman on my way here but I stopped myself, its like I'm losing my body to someone that isn't mine, I haven't been able to sleep, relax for weeks. I think I'm going crazy. but since we where talking the voice got quiet and was little less then a whisper, but now it yelling in my mind again." he holds his head like he was in great pain. then his face dulled and he looked at yen. "i don't know what was the cause of this is... on that night it made me... mad, spiteful, it told me I could win in a fight against you and made me attack. then aya stepped in and you get serious and the voice hid again... maybe it is me, maybe I have a death wish..." he looked down again, a bit sad.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Finding what was once lost (p,nk, inv) - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding what was once lost (p,nk, inv)

Wed Jul 06, 2016 4:39 pm
Yen listened as this got serious. Perhaps he hit his head? Or bouts of mania in his tragic past.... even a cursed blade? Well he uses it alot... Yen thought as he silently  thought for a moment.  He was fine and even same their time before him attempting to leave. Well time to break this down. Bad luck omens cursed must break it down peice  by peice 

"Ok oro lets figure this out now before you do anything you regret or cause harm. Discard any weapons or things and clear your mind."
Jiro Kabi
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Finding what was once lost (p,nk, inv) - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding what was once lost (p,nk, inv)

Wed Jul 06, 2016 4:49 pm
oro looked and took his sword and sheath and threw it at yens feet. he only had three kuni on him and threw them near the sword. "that's all I hold for weapons." the voice again yelling things so hard he couldn't hear his thoughts. "clear mind, well the voice is so loud I cant hear my thoughts currently." his eyes began to darken with distaste from the stone. the voice laughed as it continued to torture oro, joked about yens fruitless endeavours and made oro make a fist. which oro unfisted his hand when he noticed. "even now its saying things like how you seem wise but your cause is unjust. and you cant take what isn't yours. and..." he paused and held his head again. he looked at his pocket and pulled out a smoke, and lighter, and started smoking. he coughed a little as he was new to it but it helped him ignore the yells. "its as though someone is in your mind trying to push you out."
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Finding what was once lost (p,nk, inv) - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding what was once lost (p,nk, inv)

Wed Jul 06, 2016 5:22 pm
Yen glanced at the weapons and such they were ordinary weapons. Even touching them which he did in a sense. Nothing.  So his sword and weapons are same as any other... then what's causing this... Yen thought as the bad habit of smoking came to oro and yen shook his head. " my home is smoke free my children are here. So out it out and stop everything... tell me when the voices stop when all is out. And if not then I'm sure it's all in your head. But cig out, lighter on ground, all pockets emptied. Then vest." Yen stated plainly
Jiro Kabi
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Wed Jul 06, 2016 5:32 pm
he nodded and took a last puff and put out the smoked and threw them at the pile of weapons. "sorry my mistake." then the lighter. then his book. then some scrolls of different gens he been training. then he took out he stone. it reflected no light. but it did shine, it shined darkness. it was almost like eating the light that shined on it. the stone was oval and pointed at the ends. it almost liked like a eye. oro held it. looked at it. studied it. held it as he took off his vest and coat. dropping the two things of clothing. and he dropped the stone near his leg. looking at it longer. then looking at yen. "t-there that's everything." looking at yen. his hand shacking a bit. "the voice isn't letting up." he looked at his weapons. then his clothes. then his stone. "s-should I grab everything now?" he asked. he was sweating a bit. cold sweats. he didn't take his eye off the stone. the darkness pulled itself to oro. beckoning it to him. and oro went to pick it up. the voice laughing. as oro made a face of discontent then shock it off.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Finding what was once lost (p,nk, inv) - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding what was once lost (p,nk, inv)

Wed Jul 06, 2016 11:28 pm
Yen watched as or removed the rest of his belongings  out in front of yen. It was indeed quiet s bit of items he held with him as alone smoking was a bad  habit. As his attention was not interrupted by the thought he immediately lifted his hand as oro dropped a black stone. The boys gaze did not break it and further he hesitated as he dropped  it. And  no shine or anything to it. Just a black rock... yeah 

Yen spoke up as he glanced up at oro. " step back from the rock oro... Its no good. Sure its  not even normal at all. So you must take a step back from it.." 

Yen stated
Jiro Kabi
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Finding what was once lost (p,nk, inv) - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding what was once lost (p,nk, inv)

Thu Jul 07, 2016 12:13 am
his eyes twitched a bit. and took a step back. the stone looked like it was looking at oro. wanting him to come back. with a chill of welcomes. he didn't want to leave it. but. he had to. it wasn't in good taste to disobey him. but the stone yelled in his mind. cursing yen, telling oro he would be weak with out it. oro held his head. as a headache of great pain came over to him. "yen, my mind feels like its break apart bit by bit." he grunted. his heart was beating fast. he couldn't. he felt his arm loss feeling. but ignored it. and tried to breath. the stone looked like it was shinning even darker then before. pulling oro towards it. he grabbed a kuni from where yen stood and stabbed his arm in the ground. he couldn't feel the pain. but his arm couldn't move now. and he looked at the stone and tried reaching it so close. but out of reach. then he pulled his arm away and looked away, holding his hand to his chest. his thoughts where mixed with him not needed or wanting the stone, to him needing it.
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