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Kaito Hoshigake
Kaito Hoshigake
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Finding Some Dog (mission, P/IO) Empty Finding Some Dog (mission, P/IO)

Tue Sep 03, 2019 5:50 am
Mission Specs:

Kaito would wake up before the crack of dawn, quickly scarfing down a breakfast of a dozen eggs, six sausage patties, and a gulping down a large glass of water. Despite waking up so early, Kaito’s clansmen were all already up, ate, and already started their morning training. His cousin Kuba would simply look at Kaito and shake his head in disappointment.
“You’re late to rise, late to train, and late to graduate. No wonder you get given such lowly tasks like this!” Kaito’s father would say, slamming down an opened document on the table next to Kaito. The paper would slide out slightly showing that it was an official document from the village. Turning around, the titan of a shark man would get back to his training.
Kaito would open it up, wondering what task had brought such rage to his father. It was… finding a lost dog? REALLY?! Kaito was a shinobi, a trained warrior from as long as he could remember. Wasn’t he vastly overqualified to do something this simple? Couldn’t a normal civilian do this? Maybe this was assigned to him as punishment for shoving that guy… or maybe from breaking that window… He would continue to scan over the paperwork detailing what needed done and in what timeframe. It also said that he needed to meet with the other person assigned to this task. Was another person being punished for some reason, too?
Getting up, Kaito would gather his stuff and head out, jogging to the meeting place. He wasn’t sure who else had to find this stupid dog, but hopefully it would be easier with both of the looking around for it. Once at the meeting place, Kaito would waste no time. He didn’t get to do his morning training since he overslept, so this was as good a time as any to get it in while waiting for his assigned partner.

WC: 318
Tanjiro Nazar
Tanjiro Nazar
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Finding Some Dog (mission, P/IO) Empty Re: Finding Some Dog (mission, P/IO)

Tue Sep 03, 2019 1:02 pm
Waking up early in the morning from his new apartment seemed odd. For a moment before he opened his eyes, the young shinobi felt as if he was still back home. Still living peacefully at the monastery with his family. A sense of tranquility would wash over him, something the young shinobi hasn't felt in a long time. A knock at the door would pull Tanjiro away from this false reality and back to a soured real one. Not even taking the time to dress, Tanjiro would stomp his way to the front door. Ripping the door open Tanjiro would yell "What the hell do you need?" before he even saw who was there. 

   A garbed shinobi stood before him and would just hand Tanjiro a mission letter. Then with a quick bow the shinobi would disappear as suddenly as he appeared. "Fucking shinobi." was muttered under Tanjiro's breath as he shut the door behind him. A mission order so early in the morning? It made little sense, what could be urgent on what seemed like a peaceful day? Was this his first mission outside the village? Tanjiro was slightly excited at the possibility of an adventurous mission, so he opened the letter and began to read it. After a short pause while Tanjiro's eyes scanned the letter a loud "FIND A FUCKING DOG!" would piece the silence. They woke him up this early in the morning to find a dog; It was stupid as dog shit, but he needed the money and this is what the village payed him for. So Tanjiro got dressed and headed to the assigned meeting place. 

Why did it take two genin to find one dog? It was probably for something along the lines of a "team building mission". It seems that the village may have already taken note of Tanjiro's particular personality quirks. He understood their reasoning perfectly. Ever since that day, he has been unable to embody the dethatched monks persona. Every little thing filled him with rage. All those years of dedicated monk training, gone with the actions of one night. Tanjiro kicked some rubbish as he made his way to the assigned meeting spot. His mood was soured from the early wake up call, but now it seemed to turn enough to curl his nose. It seemed his partner for the mission was going to be that sashimi guy from the other day. 

It seemed the fishy guy was just training in the meeting spot. He seemed to be doing quite the hard training regiment. Not so dissimilar to the intense monk training he did in the last year up to his coming of age journey. The fishy guy seemed to waste no time and just proceeded to keep training. So as not to disturb the hard working fishy, Tanjiro would leave to grab some coffee. Heading to a nearby food stall Tanjiro would order a coffee and an egg sandwich. Quickly scarfing down the egg sandwich and then washing it down with scalding hot coffee. The young shinobi would then head back to the training fish man. It was about time they got the mission started. 

"Hey Sushi! It seems I am going to be your partner for this "urgent mission".  Are you preparing to beat the puppy into submission?" Tanjiro would say with a slight smirk across his face. This all seemed to be a big waste of time, but it was a waste of time that paid the bills. So he was ready to get it done.  

Wc 590
Kaito Hoshigake
Kaito Hoshigake
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Finding Some Dog (mission, P/IO) Empty Re: Finding Some Dog (mission, P/IO)

Wed Sep 04, 2019 3:01 am
Kaito was finishing up some his final set of squats when the glare of the sun caught his eye off of what could best be described as some sort of mirror. Upon refocusing his eyes to adjust to the glare, it would seem as if the bald guy from the gates was here, and wearing a headband no less. “You are a shinobi? Huh, wouldn’t have thought. Guess we gotta find this stupid dog.” He shakes his head and punches his hand into an open palm in response to the monk’s question. “I’ll always be prepared to have to beat something into submission, but I’m not trying to mess this up. Only way they’ll start givin’ me some real work!”
The shark man would then discuss the plan of action. “Alright, I’m going to look this way. You go that way and we will meet back here in an hour. That won’t be a problem, will it chrome dome?” He asked a question, but he didn’t really intend on allowing the monk’s response to really impact his decision. His mind was made up already, and with that said he would be off in the direction he said he would go in.
“MONA! WHERE ARE YOU YOU LITTLE-” The shouting would cut out there, as he caught a glance at what looked like it might have been the puppy running behind a food cart. It was quick, but no match for a trained shinobi like himself. “Found you!” He would say to himself before full on sprinting at the food cart. The stall owner would panic and frantically wave his arms in front of Kaito, causing him to screech to a halt. The last time he barreled through someone he got scolded for a whole week, and that was before he had graduated the academy. Now that he was a Genin it would probably be even worse since more was expected of him. “MOVE! I AM TRYING TO GET THAT DOG!” Kaito would say, moving around the man and his cart and then looking around for the little pup. The tiny thing was elusive as could be, and Kaito seemed to lose it in the bustle of the village streets. It looked to have gone into the sector that baldy was supposed to look around in, so Kaito wouldn’t break the assigned roles.
It took everything he had to prevent himself from smashing something in frustration, his rage clear as day on his face. He wanted to be the one to catch the stupid dog. He wanted to be the one to succeed here. He wanted to WIN! Clenching his fist in anger, he could feel that he needed to try and calm himself down before he made things worse. Kaito would take a few moments, focusing on his breathing by taking long, deep breaths. He started to calm.
“I’m just going to continue my task and then head to the meeting point to see if that fool had any more luck that me.” He would say this while walking around still in search for this damned dog. If the Monk had any luck in finding the dog, Kaito would simply have to just be happy with the mission success and go from there.

WC: 543
TWC: 861 (Mission total completed)
Tanjiro Nazar
Tanjiro Nazar
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Finding Some Dog (mission, P/IO) Empty Re: Finding Some Dog (mission, P/IO)

Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:49 pm
Tanjiro kind of tuned out the walking tuna. He heard bits and pieces but was to busy cleaning out his ear, to pay it any mind. That was until Tanjiro heard the clear phase  "Chrome Dome". Upon hearing that Tanjiro would go into a rant. Saying things along the lines of "ehhhhhehh, Sorry I must have heard the food. I don't take orders from things I normally eat with a little soy sauce and wasabi for a kick." would follow this up by sucking in his bottom lip and sticking his tongue out a little. He would them start to make a sickening slurping sound then say "With a side of white rice."  

By this time Kaito seemed to be already heading off on the mission objective. Huffing and puffing to himself, Tanjiro would head in the other direction that the fish man directed. He planned on going that way regardless, so it clearly did not matter what that meathead thought. “Was sea food considered a meat or does it fall within its own bracket”. These were the kind of thoughts that were roaming through the young genin’s mids as he walked. Tanjrio could hear the big tuna calling out to the puppy, it made him chuckle. But all of a sudden he could hear him yelling at someone to move and sounds that could only mean he was giving chase. So Tanjiro followed the sound and that lead him to what seemed an alleyway that connected the two streets. With no blood the shark seems to have lost his prey. 

Tanjiro was ready and standing at the alley mouth waiting for the dog to appear. Then as suspected the do appeared and with a quick reaction tanjiro grabbed it’s scruff.  With the Mission complete Tanjiro would walk over with his prize. “It looks like I caught the big one that got away.”  Laughing as he went to turn in the missing puppy and collect his money.   

WC 327
TWC 917
end of mission 

Mission rewards: 500 ryo, 1ap 
Shadow Clone  917/1500 wc 
2 stats
Kaito Hoshigake
Kaito Hoshigake
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Finding Some Dog (mission, P/IO) Empty Re: Finding Some Dog (mission, P/IO)

Sat Sep 07, 2019 5:46 pm

TWC: 861
2 Stats (at 400 a stat due to mission)
Mission Rewards: 500 ryo, 1 AP

500/500 WC towards Hidden Arms Technique
361 WC towards Unlocking Stage 1 Shark Bolt making it 361/2000
Madrigal Kaguya
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Finding Some Dog (mission, P/IO) Empty Re: Finding Some Dog (mission, P/IO)

Fri Sep 13, 2019 7:02 pm
Tanjiro Nazar
Tanjiro Nazar
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Finding Some Dog (mission, P/IO) Empty Re: Finding Some Dog (mission, P/IO)

Fri Sep 13, 2019 9:43 pm
Tanjiro Nazar wrote:Tanjiro kind of tuned out the walking tuna. He heard bits and pieces but was to busy cleaning out his ear, to pay it any mind. That was until Tanjiro heard the clear phase  "Chrome Dome". Upon hearing that Tanjiro would go into a rant. Saying things along the lines of "ehhhhhehh, Sorry I must have heard the food. I don't take orders from things I normally eat with a little soy sauce and wasabi for a kick." would follow this up by sucking in his bottom lip and sticking his tongue out a little. He would them start to make a sickening slurping sound then say "With a side of white rice."  

By this time Kaito seemed to be already heading off on the mission objective. Huffing and puffing to himself, Tanjiro would head in the other direction that the fish man directed. He planned on going that way regardless, so it clearly did not matter what that meathead thought. “Was sea food considered a meat or does it fall within its own bracket”. These were the kind of thoughts that were roaming through the young genin’s mids as he walked. Tanjrio could hear the big tuna calling out to the puppy, it made him chuckle. But all of a sudden he could hear him yelling at someone to move and sounds that could only mean he was giving chase. So Tanjiro followed the sound and that lead him to what seemed an alleyway that connected the two streets. With no blood the shark seems to have lost his prey. 

Tanjiro was ready and standing at the alley mouth waiting for the dog to appear. Then as suspected the do appeared and with a quick reaction tanjiro grabbed it’s scruff.  With the Mission complete Tanjiro would walk over with his prize. “It looks like I caught the big one that got away.”  Laughing as he went to turn in the missing puppy and collect his money.   

WC 327
TWC 917
end of mission 

Mission rewards: 600 ryo, 1ap 
Shadow Clone  917/1500 wc 
2 stats
Kaito Hoshigake
Kaito Hoshigake
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Finding Some Dog (mission, P/IO) Empty Re: Finding Some Dog (mission, P/IO)

Fri Sep 13, 2019 9:44 pm
Messed up claims. Genin get extra ryo for missions. 

+100 ryo please
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
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Finding Some Dog (mission, P/IO) Empty Re: Finding Some Dog (mission, P/IO)

Thu Sep 19, 2019 10:01 pm
Re-approved Tanjiro & Kaito <3
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