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Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Finding what was once lost (p,nk, inv) Empty Finding what was once lost (p,nk, inv)

Tue Jul 05, 2016 1:51 am
Yen watched his son and daughter  sleep peacefully  as the sky was crimson. It was twilight  and eye patch and all yen watched his children  sleep.  Blood seeped from his left eye as replaced for the years. That fell from his right eye. It was a sight  to behold that even despite the exhaustion of a day, or even the pain now  in the eye as he watched them it was beautiful.  They looked up whenever he came home and spoke in Babel.  The warmth  of their bodies as they held onto him dependent and look up to him as strength and the living father that stood before them. Yen reflected on all of this and as he watched them he thought once more back to their birth. Despite losing the eye he failed to be there to watch them come out. A failure.  And further a failure  to find peace as he saw their eyes for the first time. He lacked one and felt guilt. Get they never cared. It was the father. The father figure in their life. A role model  that loves unconditionally, and gives up even their very breath.  Yet I do this and love you two and your mother dearly. So is it doubt that holds me back? No its the awnser is Myself.   The image of when they first looked at me burned in my memory.  What did they see? That I was a failure  despite them not knowing  the meaning. And now the fact remains that I further failed  now with this eye. Its not of my own. And like a role model  I see that its beyond my grasp. I cannot look at them with this. Nor can I say I stood true to how I stood by my own will and way. They have a mother and father. I lost mine and had to build myself from scratch  no role model. Shape and carve my gate. No one to guide my hand nor  way. My students all growing,  my own student wishing to leave. We all get lost at one point. But my own children  saw me for more then a man there. I held each one. And helped named them. My twilight and my pimpsung.... perhaps that's what is beyond my sight. A child looks at the world in the base of things.  The violence is beyond them. They embrace the warmth. The truth. The love... Yet if I had to embrace it all like they do. The truth is hard to swallow.  But I never take an easy path. I go beyond the known and walk amid the unknown.  

Yen thought  as he reached up and wiped the blood from his left eye. Now it was clear  as he had took a breath and headed upstairs  to the bathroom  and stared at his reflection.  Away the hat was and now his shoulder length hair free. It was time to find what was lost. Something that he had but was beyond him  especially  since the weight was placed upon  him. 

A few handsigns  later yens left hand was glowing a fine blue as as he closed his eyes. And took a breath. I must be myself and myself only. For the sake of my family and my village.  I must reclaim myself. And I do not need what was  not mine to begin with.  Nor can I say it's needed. My pain may hurt but not as much as the pride of my children if I teach them now  to do this.   So I must  I will. 

Yen thought  to himself  as he removed the patch from  his left eye  and laid it to test on the counter. Using his right eye as the guide and through painful grunts  yen  felt with  an careful as he worked his way in reverse  for taking out the eye. Disrupting the muscles  and cutting with an careful hand as he recited his medical  work before mentally. 

The vision in his left eye went black as he heard a fresh plop from the sharingan  landing in the sink. And with a quick four swipes  carved through the eye   with ease and relaxation.  A weight  lifted from his shoulder  as he  canceled the chakra scalpel  and weaved the handsigns for mystical healing palm. Healing the hole where his eye once was. And carefully  placing the eye patch back over it. Yen smiled as he discarded  the eye remains  by crushing them  and cleaning  up his bathroom. Still standing strong  yen proceeded outside at peace  and doing only the right thing. Burying  the remains with his original  eye now long beyond useful  and a time to  not dwell on his past.  Upon burying  the eye. Yen knelt down as he remained in kneeling position. At peace. Paying tribute to the lost and the future.  

Rest at peace  now. Don't let the world wander you any longer. But know ones at peace. As a ninja of my word to a show. I held my promise and respected  ones wishes. I need not what's mine. But bury what's was  ones. As it is now yours. Once more and forever more. That is the truth and there I need not to hold on your legacy. But let it rest like you do.

Yen remained kneeling as he felt the world around him as now he was clean and felt free from the duty. Now it was time to take upon duty of his student and his horrible misconduct. 
 Yen now awaited orokanas arrival to his home[size=32].[/size]

[size=32](Removed/destroyed the sharingan) [/size]
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Finding what was once lost (p,nk, inv) Empty Re: Finding what was once lost (p,nk, inv)

Tue Jul 05, 2016 8:31 am
since the night oro tried to flee the village he hasn't been acting like his normal self. ever since he listened to that demonic voice in his head its been talking non stop. telling him to hurt people and other things. anyone that looked at oro could tell there was something wrong with him. his green eyes showed great stress, rage, and pain. and even more people started to avoid him. he had bags under his eyes for not being able to sleep for weeks. his mind was slowly slipping. even as he walked he almost fell and pulled out his sword to attack someone. his body felt tense. he felt like his body wasn't his own. his mind the one safe place for him was not home to something that wasn't his. the light of twilight shined as the sun set. and night came. he was walking to his masters house. probably to get scolded for the stunt he pulled. it would be a in and a out. he didn't care too much to get yelled at plus he felt like he would collapse. he saw the home of his master. and sighed. his eyes looked concerned. he got close to the door and knocked on it lightly. then opened the door and walked in, looking around as he took off his shoes. he nervous. the voice started yelling provocations about yen. oro has been on edge and not fully there so he was worried of what could happen. put he waited till yen showed up to greet him. his eyes twitching.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Tue Jul 05, 2016 4:52 pm
Yen was in the back as he sensed the chakra presence  much stronger then his wife's and went over To the door. Opening it he gazed up at orokana and motioned him to be quiet  as his children  were asleep. "Take a seat  There is something  you must learn" yen whispered  as he lead the boy to the screen and motioned him To sit outside as yen notes the curious eyes of twilight  watching them intensely and pump peeking over twilight shoulder.  

They are just wondrous how they soak in everything.  The slightest change a child notices  at an instant.  And they are inquisitive to learn. The beauty of children. 

Yen thought as he lifted his son and daughter and they gleefully   and swung them around kissing them on the forehead. "Love you two" yen spoke softly as he cradled his children in his arms. 

Yen then addressed  orokana  not leaving him unattended and spoke still kindly but now the fact that his student left. " I have but  one thing to ask you. What makes a village functional. Explain  it fully to me please  orokana."

Yen stared to the boy.
Jiro Kabi
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Tue Jul 05, 2016 5:21 pm
"well, everyone, the hokage tells us ninjas what to do to make sure bad guys outside of the village don't harm us, and the towns people that aren't ninjas make food, houses, homes, for everyone and the ninjas, we all work in a community. we are like a centipede all the legs need to go in the same direction." he looked at yens eye for only a second, then looked down at his feet. he couldn't look yen in the eye. he couldn't. and his kids are there so he needed to act like a role model for them. knowing they will be ninjas. but. was this the answer oro thinks or that yen wanted to hear. "w-well to me a village is a home for people, that came together over time where they had nothing else and made a home, a family. where all are welcomed as long as you don't hurt the people in the village..." the more oro talked the more he heard the voice yell at him to says things. oro ignored it and speaked his own mind. "its something I have trouble understanding..." his kids. the kids. they watched oro. he couldn't say anything wrong, that could plant a seed. "is that a good answer sir?" he still didn't look him in the eye.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Finding what was once lost (p,nk, inv) Empty Re: Finding what was once lost (p,nk, inv)

Tue Jul 05, 2016 5:42 pm
Yen watched orokana struggle  and noted it silently as he watched him look away. Shame? Perhaps. But yen listened to his awnser  and cradled his children softly. 

"Family. Its a disire in all orokana. Not just a clan, but a village. Clans  even alone fall without allies. And kages  and leaders  without  a sight cannot lead. Look to the past. Our village formed and survived for eons and beyond our time. The will of fire resides in every leaf ninja. But not only the ninja, children, villagers. The will to endure. It binds and guides us all. When one who is family leaves, that disrupts the family. I guarded the gate with my life and soul.  And as a shinobi  its not my  duty. Its my honor to protect my family. You are family,  the kage , your friends. That girl  she cares deeply for you. And you turned away. This is the base of a village.  Its a large family  made up of families. We all work together  as a team and a family. Love and care is strong and powerful.  But you are wandering at it alone... This saddens me. To see you go away, to leave your duty. To leave your home. Yet you still considered to flee. We are loyal ninjas. We protect each other. Yet we spare a person when they do wrong. Defend the village with our  lives is not a slavery. But a honor. Orokana. You will be a good leader.  And this I speak true. Because  i put faith in you. I believe  in you. And will not  accept that you were willing to leave. Look at my children, the academy student's  behind you, your peers. And sender to us all.  Why would one run away from we who did no wrong to you? Why leave the very safety of people willing to die for you? Why desert the very will that resides in all shinobi of the leaf?  What is the will of fire to you orokana?"

Yen stated still kindly as he rocked his children  side to side.
Jiro Kabi
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Tue Jul 05, 2016 6:04 pm
"I-idk, I mean its meant to show hope and makes us who we are, giving us a goal. like protecting people we hold dear, and those we don't." he looked yen in the eye, his bags under his eyes showed. "i have no goal, I have no ambition. but. I do what to be a pillar that people can lean on, to take all the things that hurt them away..." he thought for a quick moment. "the will of fire is what makes the ninja and its people so strong, to show a force of willpower and resolve for the ninjas to push forward, like the ninjas before them. the will of fire is more then a symbol for people here. its a ideology. its a way to pass our hopes and dreams to the next generation. to show love and belief to the leaf." then he looked away. "i wanted to run because I'm not the people of the leaf. I'm not able to have what they have. the will of fire. I don't know if I can hold on to the hopes and dreams people I have met gave me. I'm just a lost soul that found safety from the world in the walls of the village. a lost puppy." he made a fist in his hands. "is it bad to run away from things I don't know I can overcome. I have read stories of heroes overcoming things like this but I don't have the resolve or power to. I would give my life if it meant it would say the village, and its people, if something comes up I would go to it fighting, I wasn't turning my back on the people and families here, I was leaving to find my place to help the people." the voice echoed in his head, all thoughts he had where amiss. but he dismissed all of the voices thoughts. he only listened to his own.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Finding what was once lost (p,nk, inv) Empty Re: Finding what was once lost (p,nk, inv)

Tue Jul 05, 2016 6:48 pm
Yen held his children softly and they yawned amid oros  speech  as yen listened. He understood and it was understandable to flee. Run from duty and even hide. But a konoha  ninja does not flee from their duty. Not many at least. And hence his  children went to sleep as he placed them in their crib. Speaking over them yen spoke softly.

" orokana  you see my  children and as you struggled to face a simple challenge you shy away from the pure.  A child innocent  and never a killer  born into a world, but taught to kill if necessary, taught to defend against all odds. A ninjas path is an impossible path to a civilian.  And as a konoha ninja we are to defend our post and not leave.  This is an honor  orokana. So my final question is do you believe  you must redeem yourself  to anything or anybody oro? You must not hold back the truth  from me not yourself  orokana. You committed  an act of potential treason.  And to do so my student even leave is an act of confidentiality.  Show your colors  and let them ring true to your soul. Are you ready to do whatever it takes to clean your hands? I couldve  killed you and oro would be no more. I choose the higher path to teach you and show you to follow orders. Others are not as kind. You are my student and further  one who I'm proud  of. So its time to conquer any doubt in your heart and soul and not act tough. But be true. Break free your shackles. And choose. Kneel and break your madness. Or draw your blade against my will and be shattered across the winds of nothingness. So make a choice."

Yen stated as he walked past his student outside of the sliding door and stood now in the open of his garden.
Jiro Kabi
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Tue Jul 05, 2016 7:06 pm
nothingness... is that my salvation... he watched yen. he. he always had a plan, had an idea. but now. he has nothing. both his mind failed him, and his choices. madness. am I mad. is yen mad. what is maddening. what is maddening is this damn voice! whispering its evil in my head, torturing me, taiting my thoughts, my mind is my own, my mind is where I am king, where I am my own god. the voice yelled and screamed. telling oro he can do things, that all souls are his and for his use. that power could be gained from it. he chuckled to himself. if I wanted power I would have found it sooner then this, you miss understand me, I am nothing more a child looking for... for my own darkness, my own light, my own fairy. he closed his eyes and sighed deeply. and he stood up. and walked to yen. slowly pulling out his sword and holding the blade towards the ground. as he walked out onto the grass he... stabbed the ground. "shackles aren't this light yen, I know from experience. but these chains are one thing I do what to break free from. running is all I know what to do. but now, I do have the ability to fight. I am so blind, I always count on my mind to show me my options yet it failed to show me the best one. I have no will of fire, but I will make my own. but I have wronged the village, and its people, and you and your wide, your kids. but if theres one thing I can do, is repeat and stop anyone that needs to be stopped, and show mercy to those that deserved it." he stood behind yen. looking at him. oro is darkness, but he will use it as a weapon. he will make sure of it. oro isn't a just man nor is he rightest. but oro sees things for how they are and there real value. he was quick to think and solve issues. "yen as a student I'm a failure. as a ninja I'm a failure. but I will continue on the path I have made, even if it leads me to be hated for my actions."
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Finding what was once lost (p,nk, inv) Empty Re: Finding what was once lost (p,nk, inv)

Tue Jul 05, 2016 8:12 pm
Yen heard or speak and smiled. "Forge your own path eh. To forge your path you will have to pick up a stone and make it your own. Even in the dark... even when ridiculed and decived  even if your path decived you.  You stay true to it. You make your own flame. And burn even if death itself stands  before you... you have finally begin to learn oro. And are taking my words not a grain of salt but a cavern of gold. You begin your path of redemption  by repairing what you damaged. You are to go talk the the hokage and that girl. State your heart and soul  fully  understood? " 

Yen stated not facing orokana
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Tue Jul 05, 2016 9:25 pm
"I... I will try... but how do I go about meeting the hokage, surly he has better things to do then talk to me? and aya I can easily get a hold of." he asked walking back to his sword and sheathing it. "yen. am I what you hoped I would be." he looked and studied his feet. "am I the student that you wanted me to be, or am I the ninja you dreamed I would be." he waited and felt the cool wind blow on him. he waited for an answer, the voice only a whisper again. "do you see me as someone strong, someone that can handle the power of people from the clans, from other villages. I'm clanless, parentless, but now not villageless, can I fight like those from the clans with the special techs they have, the eyes, the dna, the speed and raw power, or am I doomed to try and fail." what did yen think, he was smart and he didn't have all the answers but he had many still.
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