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Atem <3
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Broke Misfortunate Spirits Empty Broke Misfortunate Spirits

Fri May 13, 2016 5:51 pm

Another day had passed and Atem was broke once more, he needed money and that would obviously come from doing missions. Not feeling in one of his lazy spells he got up and began to make his way to the mission board. Leaving out of the house not sure where Lucien is he begins to go down to the city square where the public mission board is placed. On his way there though he is interrupted by a powerful looking shinob, maybe a jounin. “Hello, you have been presented with a mission, open it and tell me whether you accept or not and I will report to the Royals and inform them of your decision.’ The man said with a soft voice. Atem opens the velvet letter to unfold a neatly folded paper that only had three neat creases through the page showing symmetric parts of the paper. It read,

“As many people know, the City Blessed by the Stars is a center of all things Godly and spiritual. Children born into any of the faiths that Hoshi plays host to are lucky to be raised in these holy buildings with their faith ingrained into them from the start. However, not all these people wish to follow in the footsteps of their elders and become holy beacons of hope. Some wish to go out into the world and see what it has in store for them. Unfortunately, they are usually not allowed to leave.

Your job is to rescue such a person from their place of residence (be it a church, mosque, temple or any other house of worship) in the dead of night and bring them to the Gazebo in the Water Gardens. This must be done by first infiltrating the building and misidentifying the person who wishes to leave, then sneaking them out when everyone is asleep. You cannot use jutsu in front of anyone lest you risk them finding out you're ninja.

Once you have managed to whisk your charge away, bring them to the Gazebo and leave them there. They will be taken care of from there onwards. For the sake of the safety of the one you rescued, you are never allowed to speak of this mission to anyone after completing it.” Atem then closed the paper back in it’s neat tri fold and put it back in the letter. He then looked at the Jounin and informed him that he would be accepting the mission. The Jounin then disappeared into the day with incredible speed. Not being able to find Lucien Atem thought he would be doing this mission by himself, but maybe he could find another Genin who needed money. “We’re all quite broke.” He said to himself laughing.

[WC 456]
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

Broke Misfortunate Spirits Empty Re: Broke Misfortunate Spirits

Fri May 13, 2016 6:44 pm
"That couldn't be more true." Shiro notes, walking up to this ninja's right side and looking him over from head to toe. On him is his ninja equipment, including two sickles. "If you would allow, might I accompany you on this mission? I too need money. A ninja cannot live on the thrill of training and a good spar alone, can we?"

Looking around for the shinobi who had delivered the mission to this ninja, Shiro found not a trace of him. "Out of sight, huh?" He whispers, turning left and right. "Well, I don't expect any less."

Turning so that he faces the new ninja, Shiro puts his hand out for a greeting shake. "Shiro Kaguya."

(117/1,000 towards mission completion)

(OOC: Sorry, not many words and that took me too long. I'll get into it after the next post)
Atem <3
Atem <3
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Broke Misfortunate Spirits Empty Re: Broke Misfortunate Spirits

Tue May 17, 2016 9:14 pm
Hearing the ninja speak Atem turned to his right to acknowledge his presence, “Ah, it’s glad that someone agrees with my sentiments, but may I ask who you are?” Atem said in a curious manner. The shinobi seemed to be strong, being the same height as him it felt good to look someone in the eye as they stood face to face, but he was a bit bulkier than he was. He wore a red shirt under his shinobi garment with a neck guard looking as though he was combat ready, Atem was then snapped out of his trance when he seen that the shinobi had his hand out speaking his name. “Shiro Kaguya eh? Well, I’m Atem Chasseur. Will you be accompanying me on this mission.” Atem would say gripping the hand firmly.

After the greeting Atem would then look at the objective once more, it was fairly strange that affairs such as this were taking place in Hoshi, but every nation has their downfalls and Hoshi’s is clearly it’s religion. Anyhow, it was time to spring into action and complete this mission. Atem turned to Shiro, “I assume you know the mission details right, we have to rescue a child from the Baptist Church, what for we were not informed, but the money should be good nonetheless. Let’s head on the roof and see if we can get a good sight of this church, apparently the name is Uictoria standing for Victory in Latin.” Atem shoots up the nearest roof at his maximum speed and uses his perfect vision scanning from right to left twice until he sees what looks like the baptist church bearing a cross on the top of the building. “That’s it. I hope you can keep up.” Atem said running straight for the Church.

[WC 1027]
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

Broke Misfortunate Spirits Empty Re: Broke Misfortunate Spirits

Wed May 18, 2016 5:47 pm
Atem Chasseur." Shiro repeats in his head as the ninja shakes his outstretched hand. "I remember meeting a member of the same clan not too long ago. He, another boy, and I were all in the same squad under Kozai Yuki. Unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity to observe his clan abilities or fighting style. If we had been in that library just a while longer, I would have been able to learn more about his clan. But I think that I have as good a chance during this mission as I did back then."

"Yes, I will be on this mission with you." He answers Atem with a greeting smile. "I heard everything from the shinobi who gave the mission so I'm informed well enough. Though, I'm not too confident I know of the church he spoke of. The religion here is not quite aligned with my own thinking so I haven't a clue as to the church we should be moving towards."

For most of his life, Shiro has been familiar with the customs and traditions of the local religion in Hoshigakure. The churches around the village have believers who do well to spread their ideals through to the extremities of the residential areas and and those who live there. Shiro, being one of those who live in the outskirts of the village, has encountered one of the men who have in their hearts a love for their belief. The message, after hearing it, did not pair well with his own ideals and, though he attempted to adapt and understand the church and its doctrines, Shiro could not bring himself to understand well enough. After his first experience, being while walking through a certain street going towards the center of the village from the area of his home, Shiro decided that he would take a different route to the mission reception building and the shops of the city square. This way, he would be able to travel without running into a member of the church and explain that he did not accept the teachings. To have to be in such a position frightens him more than a life or death confrontation in the field.

Watching as his new comrade leaps to the roof of a nearby building, Shiro grips the hilt of his katana which is positions horizontally across his lower back. His right hand holds the hilt because the blade points to his left and the hilt is just by his right hand. The left hand holds the scabbard of the sword and both arms are straight.

Now, ready to jump, Shiro lifts off of the ground with his right leg and soars until he falls and lands lightly onto the stone roof of the building. He begins to turn left and right, looking intently for what would be a church building. Not knowing quite well what a church looks like, Shiro would need to guess based on the looks of most of the other buildings. His reasoning is that the village must not be all church buildings, having restaurants, stores, and residential complexes. In the event that he spots something not so much like the surrounding structures, Shiro would point it out and ask if this were the location. While he kneels down next to Atem, his hands remain in the same position, not in preparation to fight, but only because soaring through the air with his arms out and towards the back, the same way they are positioned while holding his katana, allows him to travel faster and farther than if his arms were out or in any other position. He glides on his arms as they slant back to the ends of his sword.

Shiro's eyes dart towards the area at which Atem is pointing, taking not of the tall abnormal looking building, at least compared to the rest of the complexes around it. As his teammate leaps into action, so does Shiro, doing his best to make it to the church in time with Atem.

"I wouldn't want him to think that I'm slow, would I?" He tells himself, landing and leaping from rooftop after rooftop, closing in on the church building in sight.

(819/1,000 towards mission completion)
Atem <3
Atem <3
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Broke Misfortunate Spirits Empty Re: Broke Misfortunate Spirits

Sat May 28, 2016 11:59 am
Seeing that Shiro wasn't slow at all Atem would then come upon the building which luckily had a chimney at the top of it which would give Atem the idea of climbing into the chimney and infiltrating the building that way. As there was no smoke coming from the chimney it was clear to see that there was no fire waiting for Atem at the bottom of the chimney so Atem climbed in and slid down the walls holding all four of his limbs out clinging onto the wall and slowly descends into the area. Once down the chimney Atem would turn on his bloodline to scan the area in night vision making sure he and Shiro don't run into anybody, after doing this and discovering that no one was around Atem would then venture further into the room to see that their was a hallway with doors parallel to each other. About ten or so all together. 

Atem would walk normally because he knew his steps were quieter than anything and there was no need to try in this situation, entering the long stretch of a hallway about halfway into it he would hear the whimpering of a child that was subtle but to Atem's ears it sounded as though she were right next to him. Atem would point to the door on his right signalling Shiro that the person in question had to be in that room. After doing this he would quietly open the door, fearing it would make the cliche creaking noise he backed up a bit to make it so he was not visible from the room. Luckily enough it didn't creak as the doors were well-oiled so he made his way into the room with the girl still whimpering inside. Upon entering he could see she wore a white nightgown and had long blonde hair.

Sneaking up on her he would cover her mouth and begin to give her instructions, "We are here to get you out of here, stay quiet and we will drop you off at the Gazebo. Shake your head if your understand." Atem said as he looked intentfully at her head to see whether it would shake yer or not. She then shook her head and he would release her mouth allowing her to speak, but she didn't he would then turn around to Shiro and let him take it from here.

[WC 1429]
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

Broke Misfortunate Spirits Empty Re: Broke Misfortunate Spirits

Sat May 28, 2016 12:26 pm
From the bottom to the chimney to the hallway, Shiro begins scaling a wall to his right using chakra-clinging surface walking. This way, he did not have to walk over the wooden floor and could instead step upon the stone wall, which did not creak or sound off at disturbance.

Stopping, he slowly and carefully enters the room which Atem had opened up. Shiro continues on his toes and walks past Atem who is conversing with the girl the two have been charged with escorting. At the wall now, Shiro slowly and gently unlocks the window, opening it outward as a way to leave without having to travel back the way they came.

As the little girl nods her head to confirm her compliance, Shiro quickly scoops her up and places his left foot onto the bottom of the window. He looks back at Atem to make sure that he is ready to depart and, after receiving the signal, places his right foot next to his left. With swiftness, Shiro leaps from the window and softly lands onto the ground below after falling for five meters. From there, he proceeds to run forward through the streets, his destination being the Gazebo where he and Atem are instructed to drop off their charge.

Atem <3
Atem <3
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Broke Misfortunate Spirits Empty Re: Broke Misfortunate Spirits

Sat May 28, 2016 12:40 pm
Atem seeing that Shiro was ready to go with the objective in hand he sets off taking an alternative pathe from Shiro to ensure that there were no followers or other people who have been informed of the mission that shouldn't have. Around 30 meters from Shrio and the girl he could see nothing and began to veer towards the Gazebo seeing that there were no threats, once at the Gazebo Atem would watch Shiro let the girl down on one of the Gazebo seats and they would both take off into the night in opposite directions.

[Exit if Shiro approves, claiming 1000 Ryo, 3AP]
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Broke Misfortunate Spirits Empty Re: Broke Misfortunate Spirits

Sat May 28, 2016 12:44 pm

Approved unless interrupted <3
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

Broke Misfortunate Spirits Empty Re: Broke Misfortunate Spirits

Sat May 28, 2016 2:00 pm
OK, Atem took care of my exit, thanks.


[Claims: 1,000 ryo, 3 AP]
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Broke Misfortunate Spirits Empty Re: Broke Misfortunate Spirits

Sat May 28, 2016 2:04 pm

Approved <3
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