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Kanshi Surēbu
Kanshi Surēbu
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Tatsurama/Kanshi Surebu [Private/Invited]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Tatsurama/Kanshi Surebu [Private/Invited]

Fri May 13, 2016 9:42 pm
Kanshi rolled his eyes as he presumed Takamitsu was making some kind of sly comment.
Now I finally get time alone, never thought I would be saying this with the whole possessed demon look going on.
He took out his jutsu encyclopedia and read through the very tiny portion of weaponry techniques and one in particular was very interesting to him: Lightning Release: Chakra Blade. It was amusing for him to imagine a lightning infused kunai from hell coming at Takamitsu his enemies. Imagining how much power a kunai could pack when it got Benjamin Franklin'd was actually enough to give him goosebumps. Looking over at the others to see their progress, he saw they both were probably trying to evoke some kind of acid trip and he was kind of sure Takamitsu was pretty close as he heard the boy talk to himself. A good squad leader would have cared, but Kanshi was not one of those people.
Okay so it's just channeling lightning chakra through weapons and hoping it doesn't kill me. Sounds easy enough.
He made sure his katana was in hand before focusing on infusing it with his hatred and chakra in an attempt to get lightning to surround it. Sadly, his hatred wasn't controlled today so that was a no go. Cursing under his breath he looked at his katana and imagined filling it's insides with his lightning chakra.
"Come on!"
Kanshi muttered this under his breath before trying to get his lightning chakra to escape the confines of his body. It was dangerous and horrifying to imagine a conductor being infused with lightning in his hands, but it seems as if it were possible according to the jutsu encyclopedia. He sighs and goes all in with whatever he had, just forcing his lightning through the katana. Soon the glow of chakra around it became thicker, but not even a color change was present. Looking over at the two people trying to get some kind of trip through chakra, he smiled and decided to take a break to see when they would get it.

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Tatsurama/Kanshi Surebu [Private/Invited]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Tatsurama/Kanshi Surebu [Private/Invited]

Fri May 13, 2016 10:59 pm
The boy was becoming less aware of the vast grounds that surrounded him as he focused more and more on the energy that was all around him and his body. He felt as though he could almost reach out and grab the energy, forcing it to bend to his will. A small grin is notable on his face, indicating that he was obviously making some progress with the jutsu. "You know, I'm beginning to think the meditation was more of an excuse to get me quiet for a while. Though..." He didn't finish the sentence immediately, instead letting the smile creep onto his face once again. "...I'm making some progress, I feel." Despite the conversation, the meditation did seem to be effective on Takamitsu, as he seemed at some sort of peace. "I think I'm beginning to understand what you meant about the feelings, I couldn't quite describe this to someone else." Even though this experience felt very strange, and slightly uncomfortable, he felt very at peace. It might have been a result of the meditation, or it might have been a result of the nearby individuals that were likely able to help the young shinobi if anything with the jutsu was to suddenly go wrong or out of control. The boy slowly stood up, looking around. "What a strange feeling..." He started to sluggishly look around, seeming to take the landscape in. Takamitsu began to slowly walk forward, seeming to look at something in the air, curiously gazing at it. "...Very strange feeling indeed." It wouldn't be wrong to say that Takamitsu seemed to be acting different, as if he was very distracted by whatever he was staring at. "..." Finally, Takamitsu used Body Flicker to move forward 10 meters at a combined speed of 55, quickly reaching out his hand at a speed of 35 when arriving to snatch at something in the air, laughing slightly. "I knew I saw something." He turned towards Kanshi, opening his hand. A single black speck flew out, a small gnat. "I think I got the hang of it."

WC: 346 (500/500 for Flicker Movement) (1498/2000 For Tetsuya: Fox Summon)
Tatsurama Senju
Tatsurama Senju
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Tatsurama/Kanshi Surebu [Private/Invited]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Tatsurama/Kanshi Surebu [Private/Invited]

Fri May 13, 2016 11:49 pm
The senju had been focusing his attention on the strange feeling for quite a while. Thinking it would get him as if he was high like Kanshi had said, but not quite feeling it. Perhaps it was his Senju body giving him the resistance? Who knows. It did feel strange to him though, but not quite the same as he had heard. So because of that, he had a harder time figuring out if he should pounce on the opportunity and seize control of the energy now, or after more meditation. He paused for a moment, again feeling the strange sensation tingle around him, and internally, he decided to attempt to reach out and take hold of this peculiar ability. Around him he could hear Takamitsu getting used to it, but he it seemed was not quite sure if it was the correct moment to strike at the unsuspecting feeling, to use it and alter the space and time around his body to enhance it. Feeling as though he was trapped in this perpetual energy pulsating around himself. Might as well give it a shot. If Takamitsu can do it, i definitely can.. Tatsurama then stood up and reach out finally grabbing the energy and setting it loose upon himself, hopefully for the technique to work. He opened his eyes seeing the black spec that Takamitsu had thrown, revealing to be a knat, the senju turned his attention to the river running through the konohagakure training grounds. He walked up to it, and waited for a fish to pass by. He formed the Rat-Boar handsigns for the jutsu, and a fish came swimming by at a fast speed. Swiftly he shot his hands forward, at 40 speed, catching the fish and pulled it out of the water. He turned to Takamitsu, and threw the fish at his squad-mate from behind him. "I do believe i got the hang of it myself, hah. Though i don't exactly feel high...but it does feel strange, at least."

WC: 335 (500/500 for Flicker Movement)(1628 Other WC)
Kanshi Surēbu
Kanshi Surēbu
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Tatsurama/Kanshi Surebu [Private/Invited]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Tatsurama/Kanshi Surebu [Private/Invited]

Sat May 14, 2016 12:37 pm
Kanshi laughed as they both showed off by catching a fish and throwing it as well as grabbing a gnat.
"Well then, you two seemed to have got it down. This may be a bit much to say, but I am really starting to picture us doing a B rank or even A rank mission someday if you continue on like this. Anyway I am kinda trying to figure out a new jutsu at the moment, so I can either teach you something new or do another thing I have in mind."
He looked over at the two and then decided he would love to see them actively learning in the best way imaginable: sparring. Oh how would he love to see Takamitsu get destroyed by what he presumed to be a study hard kind of person. Kanshi shook his head then chuckled.
"You know what, you probably can learn your own jutsu in the best way to learn one. I think I remember one teacher at the academy mentioning this all the time..."
Kanshi remembered his time in the academy where a teacher used to have him learn to learn a jutsu right in a sparring match to cause a lot of pressure to learn it. It was a special kind of hell, but it was a fun hell for him even though it was something pretty hard. Looking to see their expressions he continued.
" two spar against each other and try to learn a jutsu during this. It is, after all, the fastest way to learn a jutsu. It would also be fun to get rid of the tension from the history I presume you two have by Takamitsu's actions. Anyway, go on and you will regret it if you break bones, kill the other, or do something outside of a spar. I can ensure you that."
He looked at the two once more before practicing his infusions once more, this time a few sparks were emitted for 30 seconds before dying off.

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Tatsurama/Kanshi Surebu [Private/Invited]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Tatsurama/Kanshi Surebu [Private/Invited]

Sun May 15, 2016 4:41 pm
The boy hold a small grin on his face as he looks towards the other genin. "From the day I met you, you've been stronger than me, I'll admit that. From the day I saw you form that staff in your hand, I knew it. I don't know where the talent came from, your clan? Were you just born better than me? You reminded me of my brother before he left the village... And that had bugged me over the past few weeks. I trained non-stop and day and night since then. Hell, I nearly destroyed my hand over this. I imagine that you've trained just as much, and probably are still stronger than me. Let's put that theory to the test, yeah?"

Takamitsu quickly jumped back at a speed of 65 due to using body flicker, putting a total of twenty meters of difference between Tatsurama and himself. He quickly tore off the bandages on his right arm. The burning that would have been visible the day before would seem to have completely vanished, likely due to some ability that he had yet to let the others know about. "Time to see the results of my training!" The boy, to start the fight, would begin to send his energy to his hand. He wasn't going to test a flashy technique, only to try a technique similar to the one that Kanshi had performed on him. It was going to be a simple cramp technique, nothing more. He formed a series of signs, knowing that he'd probably not successfully use the jutsu the first time.

WC: 265 (265/1000 for Cramp Technique) (500/500 for Flicker Movement) (1498/2000 for Tetsuya Fox Summon)
AP: 130 - 10 (Body Flicker) = 120

Last edited by Takamitsu on Sun May 15, 2016 5:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
Tatsurama Senju
Tatsurama Senju
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Tatsurama/Kanshi Surebu [Private/Invited]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Tatsurama/Kanshi Surebu [Private/Invited]

Sun May 15, 2016 5:23 pm
"Well, i have been gifted with the abilities of the Senju clan, and eventually, Mokuton. But i have seen a comrade in you since the academy, and even more so than that, a rival to test my mettle against, and prove to myself that i could achieve my dream to become a notable and respected shinobi, if i just train hard, and endure until i am one. You were actually stronger than me when we first met, maybe not physically, but in character. I was normally an under-achiever, but now that i have a rival, it has given me the motivation to train hard, so i thank you for that. Yes we can test our mettle against eachother, and hopefully we will both come to a satisfactory conclusion.
He then watched as Takamitsu quickly jumped back with the body flicker, and he let out a grin, knowing this will be a good fight. He quickly bit his thumb and then formed some handsigns, then palming the ground, summoning a large cloud of smoke behind him. Through the smoke revealed a large Toad, 20 ft tall, and 13 ft wide.
"What is this? Ah, the idiot-human from before."
The toad looked around, seeing he was summoned for battle, and smugly grinned in defiance at the Senju.
"I need you for this battle, Gamakuro."
The toad jumped up, reaching decently above the trees with his leap, and landed away at the other side of the field.
"Nope, you haven't earned the right to summon me in battle yet, idiot-human."
The toad said as he intended to watch the fight go down, from his side of the training field.
"Dumb toad, you'll bend the knee one day. Or i'll bend you!" 
Tatsurama said in anger that his summoning wouldn't help him. He quickly formed the Snake handseal with his left hand, and pulled out a kunai with his other hand. His hair began to puff up on his head, arching over his back a good deal, waiting for his order to strike.
"Alright Takamitsu, your move."
The senju planned to give his rival the first move, seeing what his plan of action would be to attack him.

AP Cost: - 70 AP from Gamakuro summon, - 40 from Lion's Mane, +5 from Senju. Current AP = 76
WC: 360/1988
Total WC: 2488
(500/500 for Flicker movement)(1988 WC unbound)
Kanshi Surēbu
Kanshi Surēbu
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Tatsurama/Kanshi Surebu [Private/Invited]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Tatsurama/Kanshi Surebu [Private/Invited]

Sun May 15, 2016 8:06 pm
Kanshi thoroughly enjoyed the entire seen unfolding. It seems Takamitsu was using body flicker and it appeared Tatsurama was far more impressive than he expected. The boy gave life to his hair and seemed much more ready for the fight than Takamitsu. The unraveling of bandages and the body flicker back was impressive, but it seemed like Takamitsu was weaving the hand signs for the cramp technique. The two were both equally ready now and Tatsurama had learned how to summon a toad somewhere along the way as well. Kanshi smiled as he focused a much harsher stream of his lightning chakra into his kunai to cause a coating of electricity to form for a mere second before he was exhausted.
Now I see where the point I need to be is, the problem is holding it and infusing it farther into the weapon. If I find a way to apply this farther, I think this could be very deadly very quickly. Imagining this harming and numbing his enemies as the same time made him very happy, but imagining the pain this could cause was making him almost overjoyed. Closing his eyes for a brief second and focusing on the feel of the lighting rushing through the blade of the kunai, he deeply infused it from the core to the outside of the kunai in a thick infusion of lightning over the blade. Sadly the infusion was still a bit hard for him and caused him to once again lose his focus and end the infusion. Looking at the squad members, he wondered if they had torn each other to pieces yet.

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Tatsurama/Kanshi Surebu [Private/Invited]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Tatsurama/Kanshi Surebu [Private/Invited]

Sun May 15, 2016 8:32 pm
Takamitsu stared at the other genin, smirking. "Powerful jutsu, I'm surprised you took the time to try and learn it." The boy even gave him a small laugh, "It must have been some hard training, trying to replicate a technique like that. I know I certainly wouldn't be cut out for it." He weaved the hand signs for Flicker movement, and began to analyze his situation, wondering just how close he would be able to get to the other boy without getting seriously harmed himself. Although he had learned some new techniques, and he still had his ace in the hole that Tatsurama wouldn't expect, this might not be easy for him. Takamitsu wasn't going to his ace in the hole if he could help it. He looked towards Tatsurama, wondering if a well placed Hell Stab was going to be able to pierce the boy's hair. If worse did happen to come to worse, he might be able to stand back and wait for him to run out of energy. With a technique as strong as that, he would be bound to have to let the jutsu fall eventually, which would give Takamitsu a prime opportunity to strike. Takamitsu would begin to perform the hand signs for the cramp technique, but something seemed different. Before he even finished the signs, his hand was glowing a light blue, and the power seemed much greater than that of the cramp technique, or even of the shock that he had given to Kanshi. Takamitsu let a small smile creep across his face once again as he began to weave the signs for body flicker, something just wasn't right. He would move at an improved speed of 75 towards Tatsurama, appearing one meter away from the genin. Immediately after reappearing, his right arm jabbed forward, a single index finger extended towards Tatsurama's shoulder. He was moving towards the boy at a speed of 35, the index finger had a power of 60, and would likely tear through almost any human that had a health of less than 80. The boy had no intention of killing his friend, but he also had no intention of stopping the finger that was headed for Tatsurama's shoulder.

WC: 370 (635/1000 Cramp Technique) (500/500 Flicker Movement) (1498/2000 for Tetsuya Fox Summon)
AP: 120 - 15 (Flicker Movement) - 10 (Body Flicker) - 55 (Hell Stab) = 40 AP
Tatsurama Senju
Tatsurama Senju
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Tatsurama/Kanshi Surebu [Private/Invited]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Tatsurama/Kanshi Surebu [Private/Invited]

Sun May 15, 2016 8:51 pm
Tatsurama saw Takamitsu rush at him at a very fast pace thanks to body flicker plus his flicker movement. He saw him stop 1 meter in front of him. The hair on Tatsurama began to grow, and wrapped around his arm faster than he could move with flicker movement, thanks to him trying to rush in and stab him with hell stab, stopping his momentum at that speed would probably not be possible if he wanted to dodge the lions mane. The hair attempted to wrap around Takamitsu's arms at 40 speed, restraining him, not touching the hell stab, and another lions mane serpent came and attempted to knock Takamitsu off his feet, also at 40 speed, and again one more serpent came out in front of Tatsurama, hugging his body as this was happening 1 meter away, to protect against anything else Takamitsu would try to pull.

Takamitsu would need a strength stat of 50 to move his arms once wrapped around by the lion's mane. 
Whew that was a close one.
The senju then if his moves connected, attempted to restrain Takamitsu and not hurt him.

WC: 188/2176 [500/500 for Flicker Movement]
Total WC: 2676
Current AP: + 5 from senju = 81
Kanshi Surēbu
Kanshi Surēbu
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Tatsurama/Kanshi Surebu [Private/Invited]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Tatsurama/Kanshi Surebu [Private/Invited]

Sun May 15, 2016 9:11 pm
Kanshi stared at the scene with a disturbed grin on his face. The jutsu Takamitsu had used looked way too strong for any friendly fight, it looks as if it could easily rip thought flesh like paper to Kanshi. He decided he would keep a close eye on this fight from now on and be ready to end it if anything larger came up. If the hair hadn't protected the silly Senju... then he might not even have a shoulder. Thinking to himself he wondered where these kid's got their jutsu from and wondered if this was Takamitsu going all out or holding back.
What could one finger accomplish anyway? It was probably some kind of taijutsu or something even though it had a lot of power behind it. He has such a low chakra stat from what I sense, but the attack he was going to preform looked like it was a lot of chakra from him to accomplish compared to the other jutsu from before. If I see another one of these silly kids doing something as dangerous at this again, I will have not choice but to end the fight as it is. Who knows, I could be wrong still.
He kept a close eye on the fight as he went in for another infusion into his kunai. This time the infusion was perfectly done and remained for a good period of time before dying off. Within that moment Kanshi understood how to infuse the kunai much better than before and keep the infusion on it even after throwing it. It would be slightly tricky, but he had confidence that he could do it. With his teeth clenched, he looked up at Takamitsu to see what was next for the fight between them.
That boy is stronger than he really should be. This squad is going to be more fun to work with than I had predicted.

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