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Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Defending from Below [NK, IO] Empty Defending from Below [NK, IO]

Sat May 07, 2016 10:02 am

Lucien was moving about in the city of Hoshi, his new home. Though he normally just traveled around each day with no worry. Something, this time, felt odd and strange about the setting. "Hm.... I wonder where Atem could be, I might need some assistance on this day. Something just seems so peculiar around here. Ah, would you look at that." Lucien said only to himself noticing that there was a sewer drainage that seemed partially open more than it needed to be. 

"Well, that's no good for security, in that I should check it out." He mumbled, now ready to dive into the large rain/sewer drain. At that split second, Lucien looked to his left to see someone not too far off. In fact, it was Atem just traveling about the city as well. He'd surely be up for some drain exploring with a purpose. Besides, the mission that Lucien received earlier in the morning said for him to watch all locations for a possible intruder or two and dispatch of these infiltrators quickly. "Atem! I've got another mission for ya." Lucien yelled out before kneeling to the side of the drainage at a speed of 28. "This should be fun." Lucien thought to himself staring now into the drainage and waiting for Atem's arrival. He'd draw his Ninjato now but decided that's not very fitting for Hoshi. 

This infiltrator wouldn't last very long granted that two very stealth ninja would be hunting them down if Atem agreed to tag along. Knowing how the village works in terms of barriers here and there, Lucien expected the infiltrators be in the sewers way below the village. And for that reason, that would be his first destination on this search. Very fun it would be indeed. As for now, he had no need to go into his analytical over vision of the entire thing, but when the time came, he would. 

WC: 320
Atem <3
Atem <3
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Defending from Below [NK, IO] Empty Re: Defending from Below [NK, IO]

Sat May 07, 2016 10:15 am
Noticing someone call his name from afar Atem immediately knew it was Lucien, it seemed that he had a mission for the two of them and since Atem was strapped for cash he knew he was in for the mission. Heading Lucien’s way he could see that the sun had began to set and nightfall was upon them. Getting a closer look at Lucien’s surroundings he saw a drainage open with Lucien standing near it, with these two clues Atem was able to deduct that there might have been a breach in security with a little espionage going on here. “Well, isn’t this interesting.” Atem said to Lucien. “Anyhow, what’s up?” Atem asked as h jumped in the drainage. The dimensions of the drainage were around 6 meters vertically and 3 meters horizontally in a cylindrical-type cone shape. Knowing that he had perfect vision, but had to strain his eyes to see, he figured he could use his clan’s ability to produce night vision that would aid him in seeing anything down here.

Once turning on the night vision Atem began to trek the sewers with Lucien behind him and from what they could see two people had been in here. The reason being that there were splash marks in front of them as if someone were running through the sewers. It couldn’t be the water due to the current being calm and not so high as to rise at the level of the splash marks. With this being said Atem began to pick up the pace, a few seconds of running and the fell upon a fourway intersection. “Hm, which way could they have gone?” Atem asked himself and Lucien. "Seeing as though the direction we were just going is east and the royal palace is to the north they must have taken the  left tunnel, but that isn’t enough to go off on. Oi, Lucien what do you think of this, I’m saying they went to the left to get to the royal palace, but I see no concrete evidence because when they made this turn they left no splash marks in any of the tunnels.” Atem said looking at Lucien and then looking above him to make sure there was no hatch that the ninja could have escaped from.

[-10 AP = 167 AP]
[WC 382]
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Defending from Below [NK, IO] Empty Re: Defending from Below [NK, IO]

Sat May 07, 2016 10:31 am
"We're on a mission to find some infiltrators that are attempting entrance to Hoshi in the sewers." Lucien said noticing Atem had already picked onto the idea of what they were both about to do. To kick the ball off, Atem would jump into the drainage and begin scoping out. Lucien quickly followed suit and said only loud enough for him to hear. "Let's stay in close proximity of each other, not looking for any ambushes around these parts." 

Naturally being Lucien, he would cover the parts that his teammate couldn't see. Thus, he activated his night vision with perfected prey stalking and began looking towards the ceiling. It made a great deal of sense, prints being along the linear path but not on the paths of either tunnel that would follow said linear path. Unless they left, which Lucien doubted since they had already got relatively far, they would be somewhere on the ceiling. Staring up with his head at the speed of 28, Lucien observed everything and noticed no foot marks, no anything, in fact, he couldn't smell any metallic items nearby besides his and Atem's Ninjato giving that smell off. 

"I see, they aren't close by anymore, in that case, they could have just used the surface walking technique to walk about the ceilings of the sewers as to make no prints within the water and make their tracking more of a hassle. And we should probably have our Ninjatos at the ready." Lucien said aloud just enough for Atem to hear as he gripped his sword from his left side with his right hand at the speed of 28 and drew it at the same speed and held it in front of him by arm's reach with the blade pointing directly up and himself being only 2 meters from Atem in distance. 

"If they really wanted to kill someone in the royal palace, they would have killed us by now. They wouldn't want to jeopardize their mission. In that case, I think of them to be fodder. However, if they have little intel, them heading left is a pretty decent possibility. So left it is."  

WC: 679

217 AP - 15 = 202 AP
- 10 AP for bloodline.
Atem <3
Atem <3
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Defending from Below [NK, IO] Empty Re: Defending from Below [NK, IO]

Sat May 07, 2016 10:55 am
Hearing Lucien speak of the ninja walking among the ceiling of the sewers made him impressed, he hadn't even thought of that little detail and yet Lucien had. “How impressive.” Atem said congratulating Lucien. “Okay, so left it is.” Atem said as he dashed to the left. A few minutes had passed of nothing, but tunnel until they finally began to hear the noise of reverberating throughout the tunnel. This meant they were either a meter or 35 meters from their target. Atem accepted that it was the latter and picked up the pace. He was now running at the speed of 40 and realized that at this rate he could catch the two alleged assailants before they even stepped foot in the palace. Finally after mere seconds they could see the Assailants down the straight path 15 meters away, they had still not been seen, but that is what they thought. Apparently they had someone  that was suing chakra sensory and they were sensed long ago. With this being the case the one in the back through a kunai at the speed of 75 covering a 15 meter distance. With time to react Atem clapped his hands together at the speed of 40 causing a gale of wind to knock the kunai back into the man at the same speed it had been sent. Having not expected this the shinobi was struck in the back of his left leg which immediately pulled out.

All of the sudden they then split up taking two different tunnels, one went right and the injured one went left. “Needless to say I’m taking the one on the left to finished some business.” Atem said as he quickly made the left turn ready to evade anything that was in his way. Still able to see the man through night vision he was able to discern that he had stopped and had drawn a dagger. “Oh, it seems that you are done running, is your leg hurting. I wonder what you have done with that kunai that I impaled you with.” Atem said as he kicked the kunai below him that was pointing directly up. “Ah, so you guys aren’t just some noobies eh?” The masked man said in his all black garb. “Well, I guess you could say that.” Atem said as he drew a kunai from his ninja pouch at the speed of 40. It was a shame that Atem couldn’t use the ninjato, but the way the tunnel was set up made it so it was too close and his blade could ge caught on the side of the tunnel. “Hm, I wonder how my partner is doing.

[WC 831]
[-30 AP, 137 AP]

Last edited by Atem on Sat May 07, 2016 12:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Defending from Below [NK, IO] Empty Re: Defending from Below [NK, IO]

Sat May 07, 2016 11:09 am
Lucien would be following Atem as they traveled left down the dark and abyss like path. In contrast with Atem, Lucien would follow using his surface walking technique to stick to the ceiling. While on the ceiling, he kept his profile low concealing his chakra and using night vision at the same time of keeping his body very close to the ceiling. Every now and then he'd check the rear to make sure that they weren't going to get into a position that would allow the enemy any effective flank. Noticing the sound of someone from about 50 meters out, Lucien began to focus. "Looks like our prey is already here." Said Lucien extremely low just enough for Atem to hear it. 

Both of the ninja moved closer and closer until Atem was noticed likely via chakra sensory at the range of 15 meters or so. The ninja in the back of the pack threw a kunai directly backwards toward Atem. "I can assume that he'll counter that with ease. As for myself, I'll remain up here in stealth for a moment." The tunnel in the sewers was tight and there was little space. All in all, 3 meters across and 5 meters high. It was decently shaped in comparison to their bodies, but it did provide just enough space to draw a Ninjato. 

As Atem deflected the kunai and charged upward to take on the man who went into the left tunnel, Lucien would begin crawling slowly with Ninjato already drawn earlier along the ceiling. He held it outwards at all times so that it could be used for a quick kill if need be. 

Lucien would get down silently at 10-meter distance from the small opening. His opponent would be on the right side of the tunnel. Moving it closer, it then became 5-meters. "I've got barely any jutsu at the time, so this will be weird." He thought to himself. Lucien held his blade at the ready, he smelled no sense of extra metal except for from Atem's side. This meant that his opponent had not drawn a weapon at all yet. He simply waited for the attack. With his chakra being impossible to be sensed at the time, he would watch. 

WC: 1054
202 AP - 11 AP = 191 AP
- 1 AP for surface walking,
- 10 AP for bloodline.
Atem <3
Atem <3
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Defending from Below [NK, IO] Empty Re: Defending from Below [NK, IO]

Sat May 07, 2016 12:49 pm
As Atem asked about the well-being of his partner to himself the man charged with his dagger in his right hand at the speed of 40, the shinobi now 10 meters from Atem he decides to grab some wire out of his ninja pouch at the speed of 40 and wrap the wire around the end twice and then tying it. The shinobi was now three meters in front of Atem in which he would prepare to swing his dagger wildly, taking this opportunity to throw the kunai Atem did just that. The black-garbed shinobi blocked it with ease which is what Atem wanted, as the kunai was knocked to the ground or nearly, Atem would whip it back with his arm moving as if he were helping someone jump rope.

With this motion the kuani would follow the path of a snake’s slither and cut the man’s left leg once again causing him to stumble. All of this happened at the speed of 40. Anyhow, the man was not stopped easily by this as he continued to run which was beyond Atem’s calculations. He knew the man was to bleed out soon due to Atem aiming for the main artery in the leg, but maybe he didn’t cut deep enough. It was evident that the assailant was still up and now 1 meter from Atem. “Heh, you must have forgotten about my jutsu.” Atem said with the man closing in. With a quick clap of the hands at the speed of 40 a wind erupted from Atem’s direction knocking the man over who was caught off guard by the attack. Now on one foot Atem would completely retract the kunai that he had thrown and plant it in the right side of the body towards the ribcage. A guttural cry left the wounded shinobi as if he were some sort of animal, this made Atem thrilled as it reminded him of the hunt, he had to hold himself back because if he hadn’t he would have nothing to show to the Royals but a dead corpse who could not speak.

Atem now on top of the man takes the back end of the kunai and hits him in the temple with the back of the kunai. The shinobi grabbed Atem’s hand with unprecedented strength and flipped him over. “You think a little bit of pain will be enough to end a high-ranking ninja like me?” The shinobi said. Although, Atem could not see his face he sounded as though he was grinning at his now advantageous position.

[WC 1263]
[-30 AP, 107 AP]
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Defending from Below [NK, IO] Empty Re: Defending from Below [NK, IO]

Sat May 07, 2016 1:12 pm
Lucien watched and waited as the other ninja on the right corner of his current position would bolt out from his cover and start running. Of course, Lucien had expected this hearing each and every breath of the opponent. Breathing rises when action is taken and sound is often made in the nearby area. Naturally, Lucien could tell he was moving outward from his cover. But what made that moment rather strange was that the man wasn't wielding a weapon at all. 

No new metal smells countered with the others around him. His intent seemed to be that of assisting his infiltration buddy but Lucien simply wouldn't allow someone to go ahead and try to Flank Atem, his teammate. Thus, he put himself into action. As the man shot around the corner at 28 speed, Lucien reacted near automatically putting out his ninjato using his right hand at the speed of 28 in such a way that the man would nearly run into the blade. 

"What the!" The man noticed as the blade nearly touched him, sadly, it was just slightly out of range. The man nearly stumbled off away from the blade but caught himself slightly before touching the rigid and damp ground of the sewer lines. Nearly horizontal in the air, Lucien watched as the man would stretch his hand out at the speed of 28 to counter himself from falling. Luckily, this left a good gap in between the arm and rest of the body. "Ninjas are all hands, lose those, and jutsus fall useless." Lucien said in his head as he retracted his stab of the ninjato to his right side exiting with the blade 45 degrees upward and in front of him at the speed of 38. 

He'd then grab a shuriken from the left weapon pouch with his left hand and throw it at the speed of 66 toward the man's arm. Specifically, the shuriken was aimed to slice the man's wrist-artery. And so it did as the man was looking upwards from the falling backwards that he did. "Score." Besides, even if he was looking in the right direction, the sewers were nearly pitch black. 

Lucien was in pretty good range of Atem enough for him to hear anything he said no matter how low it was. "I'll kill this one, you keep the other alive." Lucien said just enough for Atem to hear. At this point, the man Lucien was battling had stumbled and landed on his back with his left wrist now bleeding extremely. Ahh... The smell of blood hit both Chasseurs in the area. Lucien would run forward at 19 speed with his blade stretched outward from his right hand directly forward. Out of Lucien's view, the man would draw a dagger to his Lucien's leg at the last moment before Lucien would attack. 

"Die, you damn menace of Hoshi." Yelled the ninja. "Fool." Lucien could quickly smell the blade exiting the sheath, automatically, he stopped his right foot, lifted it upward at 38 speed and stomped it downward at 38 speed on the dagger as he flew onto the body of the ninja and looked down at him in the darkness. "Menace of Hoshi my ass. Be banished to whatever realm this world gives you after. Vanish!"

 Lucien said as he plunged his Ninjato into the neck of the enemy ninja at 38 Speed as blood shot onto his face. Quickly, he dragged it across and out at the same speed. Lucien would then lift himself up and grab his shuriken that he previously threw. With that ninja dispatched, he would walk into Atem's section to see what was going on. 

WC: 1666
[Seems whenever I kill someone in a post, the word count includes 666]
191 AP - 15 = 176]
- 5 and 10 for Bloodlines.
Atem <3
Atem <3
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 0

Defending from Below [NK, IO] Empty Re: Defending from Below [NK, IO]

Sat May 07, 2016 1:35 pm
Knowing that he had the Wind Release: Chakra Infusion in his arsenal Atem knew he could make a blade out of his hand which was three centimeters long. Using that jutsu Atem would do exactly as he had thought of doing and used chakra infusion to make his hands into blades. Doing this he would roll his wrist to the man cutting into his wrist and making him pull back. The shinobi darted back at the speed of 40 around 5 meters away from Atem, “What were you planning you dirty Hoshi nin?” The shinobi asked. “For you to be running through sewer I don’t think you can talk.” Atem said avoiding the question of the man. With a green glow of the hand Atem swiftly dashed at the main in a small diagonal pattern that disoriented his opponent. The green glow looked as though it were a discolored wisp in the air dancing through the night. With the last dash completed and Atem closed the 5 meters easily at the speed of 40 and plunged his right fist into the chest of a man with the speed of 40 and strength 25 knocking the disoriented man off of his feet.

Ironically Atem knocked all of the wind out of the shinobi causing him to fall into a daze and land on his back mumbling incoherent things that Atem could not make out. With this being done Atem would take some wire out of his ninja pouch and wrap it around the wrist of the unconscious man and lifted him up with one hand and threw him over his back. “There we go.” Atem said hearing Lucien telling him to do what had already been done. “Now, it’s time to find the closest hatch outta here. Also are you gonna leave that dead body here? We don’t want it to contaminate the water supply. Who knows where these tunnels lead.” Atem said walking back the way they came. “Hopefully at this point, it is too late for anyone to be out so we can carry these guys without suspicion.” Atem began to worry. Finally reaching the hatch they had entered from Atem set the man down and peeked from the hatch to see that no one was around. “Good.” Atem said grabbing the man and throwing him up the hatch at the speed of 40.

Heavy bastard.” Both of them crawled out of the hatch and they went directly to the alleyways to get on the roof. Once there they would make there way to the Royal Palace to disclose what had happened. Once finally arriving to the Royal Palace under the cover of night they had to explain to the guards that they were Hoshi Ninja that had just captured some assailants heading there way. After a few minutes of explaining what happened they escorted them closely to the Palace in which they were handed off to guards that looked even more menacing than the previous ones were. They had finally made it in front of the Village Leader now it was time to explain everything to the ears that mattered the most. Atem would look at Lucien wanting him to explain how he found the open drain and his account.

[WC 1810]
[-30 AP, 70AP]
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Defending from Below [NK, IO] Empty Re: Defending from Below [NK, IO]

Sat May 07, 2016 3:08 pm
Lucien watched as Atem made quick work of the other one. He wasn't really planning on both of them being killed but hey, whatevs, the job was just to stop them in any means besides damaging the surrounding area. "Yeah, I was planning on getting the body, seems you got yours as well. In that case, let's move it." Lucien said already turning around at 28 speed to grab the guy and carry him. 

Just in case they had anything important on them and because F ing up the water in the sewers wasn't exactly in mind, they'd bring the bodies with them. Lucien threw his arms forward and began tugging the large male body towards his destination. The path they would then follow would be going down the path of Atem's side. Within short time, they found a large hatch that would easily allow them to escape outside. Before exiting, they made sure no one would have to see the bodies they collected as that wouldn't fit the scenery of Hoshi very well. 

They both got their bodies and made it all the way to the royal palace, where after being put in front of some intimidating looking ass guards, they'd finally be before the village leader. Atem and Lucien stood side by side now as Lucien would be ready to explain what had happened and why it ended in such a way that it did. Lucien lifted his right arm out upwards with a pulling back at the speed of 38 in such a way that he grabbed the back of Atem and quickly suggested getting into the position that he was about to take. Lucien kneeled on his left as Atem kneeled on his right. 

After a short bowing of the head, Lucien looked upward and matched his eyes with that of the village leader. "I, a Genin of Hoshigakure, took it upon myself to investigate and eliminate two hostile ninjas that managed to infiltrate the village via the sewer system. This Genin beside me now is Atem, after I called him over before entering the sewer entrance, he joined my efforts for the good of the village. Once we found a tracking of them, it seemed that they were attempting to head to a nearby location on the Royal Palace. I personally suspected an attack of terroristic nature, in that way, I found it pivotal to apprehend them at all cost while not damaging the sewers themselves in any way either. We've brought the bodies so that they may be properly analyzed and disposed of by the higher-ups. They weren't very powerful in combat but a threat nevertheless to unexpecting village citizens." Lucien said all in one massive sized soar of communication. "Stand." Said the village leader. Hearing this, both Atem and Lucien stood and stared forward awaiting the response.

 "You two both have done a good job indeed. Since it was for protecting the village, we won't count this against you. From Atem, I'd like to hear a tactical rundown of your method for engaging the opponents, it will assist my medical team in assessing the two ninja. After that, you will both receive a reward for your actions and will be free to go." 

Lucien would then listen to Atem explain the methods they use as Lucien prepared to leave, he'd stick around until the reward and tell Atem goodbye and be on his way. "Cya Atem, I've got a lot of training to go do. It's likely that once you meet me again, I'll be a lot stronger." 

WC: 2237
176 AP - 15 = 161 AP
- 15 AP for bloodlines.
[Exit after his words are done]
Claims : 2, 000 Ryo, 5 AP and a medal of courage 
Atem <3
Atem <3
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Defending from Below [NK, IO] Empty Re: Defending from Below [NK, IO]

Sat May 07, 2016 3:25 pm
Hearing Lucien describe what had happened it seemed like it took forever, but in the eyes of Atem it went by in an instant as if he had just had a short flashback to something that had already happened. Still in a trance he would be snapped out of it by his name being brought up in the conversation realizing they wanted him to tell his side of the story in battle.

Well sir, the battle began when the shinobi that has been kept alive threw a kunai back at us when I deflected it back into his leg by using my Wind Gale Palm jutsu. They then split up into separate tunnels where I took the one that I wounded and Lucien took the other one. Now that he had me separated from Lucien he thought he had the advantageous and he took the kunai that impaled him and placed it as a trap I was supposed to stand on. I easily seen through it and kicked it over while grabbing my own kunai and tying a wire to it in which he began to rush me. Once he did that I threw the kunai and he deflected it to the ground. After he got closer I pulled the kunai back and it sliced the same leg he was impaled in to slow him down. It hardly did and he I blasted him with the Wind Gale Palm once more knocking him on his feet. Now on top of him he then flipped me over as I was beginning to hit him with the back of my kunai. In a bind I used my Wind Release Chakra Infusion to scratch into his wrist which spooked him and once he did that I charged him with an all out attack with my right handed which knocked the breath out of him. And I conclude.” Atem said.

Ahh, well done. For young shinobi you two did us a great service, i greatly appreciate your hard work. Now, here are your medals, take them and be proud of yourself. Also, become fine chuunin, the time has almost come.” He said having the Queensman usher them out of the room gently. Lucien saying his farewells gave Atem the que to go to his tree and fall into a deep sleep. “See ya.” He said waving as he took off into the night.

[WC 2213]
[Exit, claiming 2000 Ryo, 5 AP, and medal of courage]
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