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Atem <3
Atem <3
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Infusion Of Bodily Fluids [NK,IO,P] Empty Infusion Of Bodily Fluids [NK,IO,P]

Sun May 01, 2016 12:47 am
Finally being able to purchase his sword, the heavenly ninjato, a beautiful metal piece crafted by the likes of a skillful blacksmith. “I finally have you, now I can learn the chakra infusion skill which will make me an official ninja in my own mind.” Atem said holding the sword out in front of him. Now that he has this sword he immediately ran to his training grounds which was in the middle of the forest and began to test out his new sword. He found that due to the craft of the ninjato that his slices were a lot cleaner and smoother as if it were gliding across the air and slicing through the wind.

How magnificent this sword is, now I need to embed my chakra into this sword in order to increase the durability of this sword. It would be a shame if it broke after I paid so much money for it.” Atem said in a sarcastic manner. All of the sudden a flash back came in his mind, it was back when he was in the academy and his instructor was talking about how chakra control would be the main ability that he would need in order to become a successful ninja. He spoke of each nature and the raw chakra itself. Having raw chakra flow through an item is strong, but not as strong as if it were a elemental nature that he had an affinity to.

Alright, so in this case I need raw chakra to envelope this blade which should be a lot easier than bringing out my elemental affinity.” Atem said letting his chakra flow to his hands and well up. After doing that he then began to concentrate and dispel it out of his body, but nothing came out. Over and Over again Atem tried, but his frustration began to overtake him.

Fuck, I know Lucien has the answer to this. He seems to have already mastered this technique so he should have no problem teaching it to me.” Atem said sheathing his ninjato and heading to the village. Once there he made his way to Lucien’s house in which he would knock on the door this time around. “I know you’re in there.” Atem said.

[WC 376]

Last edited by Atem on Sun May 01, 2016 2:51 am; edited 1 time in total
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Infusion Of Bodily Fluids [NK,IO,P] Empty Re: Infusion Of Bodily Fluids [NK,IO,P]

Sun May 01, 2016 1:05 am
Lucien was relaxing in his house thinking about his future plans for ANBU within Hoshi and proving his worth when he detected the scent of someone's saliva and sweat moving closer in a direct line. Expecting this would be Atem, Lucien made preparations about his house as to invite him in. 

Already knowing he'd be at the door, Lucien opened right after Atem would say that he was in there. "Yep I'm here, how's it going? Cmon inside, I've got some tea and crackers prepared for us." Lucien said after giving a welcoming head nod and turning around to walk back into his kitchen and towards the chair farthest from the door all at the speed of 22. 

As Lucien sat, he began biting away at his set of crackers and tea, waiting for Atem to walk in as well. "I see you have your Ninjato now, I as well." 

WC: 140
Atem <3
Atem <3
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Infusion Of Bodily Fluids [NK,IO,P] Empty Re: Infusion Of Bodily Fluids [NK,IO,P]

Sun May 01, 2016 1:16 am
At this point when Lucien had opened the door before Atem could even announce that he was there Atem wasn’t even surprised. He expected nothing less from this person who seemed to have some sort of post traumatic stress disorder. “I wonder if he sleeps with his eyes open at night.” Atem thought to himself and then laughing as he walked in the door. “Tea and crackers eh?” Atem would say heading to the chair adjacent to where Lucien was sitting.

Yeah, I have my ninjato, but I don’t know how to the technique they call Chakra Infusion and I was wondering if you could teach me. I have a technique I could teach you as well after I learn this one. Of course it is top secret.” Atem said trying to create a mystery around the jutsu he was learning. While waiting for a reply Atem would grab the cup of tea on the table and drink from the clean marble-like cup. It was filled with a delicious brown liquid that had a bitter but appealing taste. “So what do you say?’ Atem asked.

[WC 563]
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Infusion Of Bodily Fluids [NK,IO,P] Empty Re: Infusion Of Bodily Fluids [NK,IO,P]

Sun May 01, 2016 1:23 am
"Mhm, the easiest meal there is." 

"A top secret technique you say? Interesting, as for the chakra infusion. I do know it and have for a while. I lost my skill for it that I used to possess back at the Chasseur village, recently, I retrained it. Just follow me to the backyard, the tea can wait and I've got plenty more to make." 

Lucien wasn't pretty sure on what this secret technique was but it sounded like something to do and anything to keep him from thinking too far ahead in his future was welcomed at this point. 

Lucien turned around and headed out the window directly. Which appeared quite uncivilized but entertaining in a weird unorthodox way. Now outside and at the end of the 20-meter backyard, which he did all at 22 speed, he waited for Atem to arrive. 

"Just warning you, once you get out here, I'm gonna test your ability at the very moment!" 
Lucien said with his Ninjato in right hand behind his back already at 22 Speed. 

Lucien thought to himself "This should be entertaining..." 

WC: 322
Atem <3
Atem <3
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Infusion Of Bodily Fluids [NK,IO,P] Empty Re: Infusion Of Bodily Fluids [NK,IO,P]

Sun May 01, 2016 1:44 am
Ah, I see. Outside we go.” Atem let Lucien lead the way and then he heard him speak of testing him. “Oh, my first interesting indeed. I hope I don’t do anything stupid.” Atem begins to smile uncontrollably from ear to ear his grin stretched.

Hopping out of the window Atem latching both of his feet on the wall at the speed of 11.5 using the surface climbing technique. Atem is now perpendicular with the ground and he reaches for his ninjato on his back to unsheathe it (With his right hand) and hold it in front of his, all of these movements were done at the speed of 23. Immediately after doing this with his left hand he would reach for a shuriken at the speed of 23 and throw it at maximum speed which would be 56.5 directly at the chest of Lucien which was 20 meters away ( no unnecessary movements were made meaning that the arm went from his ninja pouch on his back to above his head).

Expecting all of this to be read by Lucien he then began to run down the wall at the speed of 23 (the wall is 5 meters vertical) and as soon as he would touch the ground he would wait for his opponent to watch his moves (Also all of these movements are done while looking at his opponent).

[-1 AP Surface Walking, -1 AP Throwing Shuriken = 98 AP]
[WC 798]

Last edited by Atem on Sun May 01, 2016 2:17 am; edited 2 times in total
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Infusion Of Bodily Fluids [NK,IO,P] Empty Re: Infusion Of Bodily Fluids [NK,IO,P]

Sun May 01, 2016 2:02 am
Lucien had factored in all of the personality from Atem previously, he was quick to action, always a lowkey hyper, and general enjoyed a challenge similar to himself.

"In that case, he will surely attack me first and I'll be on my guard. Or I can counter his likely opening attack." 

Lucien would then sense Atem via smell, moving closer to the window and picking up speed. As his body was bearly emerging out the window. Lucien noted that he wasn't looking directly at him. In fact, he was looking up to the sky as if he were checking above expecting Lucien to be there. 

Lucien thought to himself. "Welp, guess this comes to an end now unless he knows the discerning bloodhound technique. There's no way he'd be able to hear, see, or smell me with enough decency to detect my position here as well.... Time to move." 

Lucien kicked into an immediate focus, clan bloodlines activated, rushing forward in one fluid motion at 18 Speed, Lucien would close the gap of the window by running half and jumping towards the wall then connecting using his surface walking tech. While moving there, his blade was aligned to be sideways with Atem and horizontal pointed backwards of himself in the air. Lucien would do this all as Atem was still looking up. At this point, Lucien was connected with the wall silently and 1.5 meters below the window. From that point on as he saw Atem fly out, he would have his blade fly towards him with the blunt side made to hit first at the speed of 32, however with no force to actually damage him. 

206 - 6 AP = 200 AP
- 5 AP for Bloodline
- 1 AP for Surface Walking 
WC: 599
Atem <3
Atem <3
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Infusion Of Bodily Fluids [NK,IO,P] Empty Re: Infusion Of Bodily Fluids [NK,IO,P]

Sun May 01, 2016 2:26 am
For a split second Atem had looked at the sky, but immediately turned his head to his opponent at the speed of 23 who was beginning to build his speed which was currently at 18. After seeing him tap into their clan’s bloodline Atem would still follow through with his regular plan. he reaches for his ninjato on his back to unsheathe it (With his right hand) and hold it in front of his, all of these movements were done at the speed of 23. Immediately after doing this with his left hand he would reach for a shuriken at the speed of 23 and throw it at maximum speed which would be 56.5 directly at the chest of Lucien which was 15 meters away ( no unnecessary movements were made meaning that the arm went from his ninja pouch on his back to above his head).

Expecting all of this to be read by Lucien he then began to run down the wall at the speed of 23 (the wall is 5 meters vertical) and as soon as he would touch the ground he would wait for his opponent to watch his moves (Also all of these movements are done while looking at his opponent).

[-1 AP throwing Shuriken 99 AP from void]
[WC 1006]
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Infusion Of Bodily Fluids [NK,IO,P] Empty Re: Infusion Of Bodily Fluids [NK,IO,P]

Sun May 01, 2016 3:00 am
Lucien read Atem well as he sped onto the wall below the window. As he was now moving at 32 speed, Lucien watched as Atem's left hand went for something behind his back. 

"Hmm, so a metal projectile is it? I can smell that extra metal entering the environment." Lucien thought to himself. 

Granted Lucien's reaction time was so high, he could see Atem's hand clearly as he threw the shuriken as well as the shuriken itself. 

"If I calculate this, I can make it appear as if I hadn't dodged at all which will intimidate him decently. In that case, as I can see, the shuriken is making around 5 rotations per second. And it's moving quite fast too. If that's the case, I should be able to position myself where it flies toward my shoulder and at the moment that it rotates beside me. It will be on the dull end once it hits my shoulder, specifically at a joint where it will cause little to no pain." 

Lucien continued onward and moved accordingly at the shuriken seemingly bounced off his shoulder form his specific planning. 

"To be able to use Chakra Infusion, one must channel the chakra into their weapon like it is a part of their body! Imagine extending your arm into your weapon and claim its domain! Now block!"

Lucien ran forward and slashed his blade from left to right within 1 meter from Atem, now on the wall. Planning to slice across his abdomen at the speed of 32.

If Atem weren't to block, having such a reaction time, Lucien would be able to see this and halt his blade while switching it to the blunt side so no harm would be done. Otherwise, he wouldn't stop. 

201 - 5 AP = 196 AP
WC: 892
Atem <3
Atem <3
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Infusion Of Bodily Fluids [NK,IO,P] Empty Re: Infusion Of Bodily Fluids [NK,IO,P]

Sun May 01, 2016 3:20 am
Although, Atem thought he had struck Lucien with the shuriken he noticed that it did slow down Lucien, he(Lucien) ran at the speed of 20 instead of his max 32(not specified so altered) meaning it would give Atem enough time to try out this chakra infusion technique. Now, he began to concentrate his chakra to his arms and into his hand in which he would dispel it into his third arm, his sword. Seeing the chakra reach the tip of the ninjato Atem knew he had the technique down, in his peripheral vision he immediately released the chakra infusion and began to get ready for the attack of Lucien.

Seeing as though the sword was in Lucien’s right hand and he slashed from left to right Lucien would have to follow the motions going from right to left and then right again complete the slash. Even at the speed being at 32 these unnecessary movements would hinder the path of the sword making the time frame of Atem’s dodge longer.

As the sword had just finished it’s path to the left Atem would use his right foot and at the speed of 23 he would push upwards on the wall to scale it vertically narrowly missing the blade. Realizing the Lucien would probably read this movement and alter the path of his sword he would then activate his clan’s ability to up his speed and react accordingly.

[-1 AP Surface Climbing, -5 AP = 93 AP]
[WC 1246]
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Infusion Of Bodily Fluids [NK,IO,P] Empty Re: Infusion Of Bodily Fluids [NK,IO,P]

Sun May 01, 2016 10:40 am
Lucien was relaxed the entire time during this mini sparring battle or so. Though now, he had noticed that there wasn't much training going on for the technique Atem mentioned. 

"Welp, I'll end it here so I can demonstrate the chakra infusion and get on with the rest of my day. At this rate, I doubt we'll hit either of us." 

"Spar's over hehe, we've got another objective." Lucien said as he sheathed his blade at the speed of 32 to the sheath on his left side. 

Flipping off the wall donward at the speed of 32, Lucien landed and unsheathed his blade again at the same speed within the left hand now. 

Holding the blade high in the sky now it glowed a strange green, "This is chakra infusion. Channel your chakra into your blade by essentially extending yourself into, give it another try." 

196 AP - 5AP = 191 AP

WC: 1037
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