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Shinji Senju
Shinji Senju
Stat Page : Shinji Senju
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 16850

Ryuzaki going in (Training, but open, NK i guess) Empty Ryuzaki going in (Training, but open, NK i guess)

Thu Mar 31, 2016 7:47 am
The days had grown empty, Ryuzaki had completed his first mission as a genin, and he had helped the elderly! Several more missions had come up with menial tasks, none that helped with his advancement or training. Ryuzaki had decided to take matters into his own hands, he put the work in at the academy to get to genin rank but since he had achieved the rank he had stagnated, his life had become missions and relaxing. Some people were happy to stay at the rank of genin, he had seen them about the village and respected that was a course of action, but he was in it to be the best man he could become.
Ryuzaki slipped into his training gear, the usual t-shirt and shorts combo, his sandals, wrappings around his hands, arms and ankles. Fastening his headband into place he left his room and made his way through the small complex that made up the Hotaru home and into his father's shop that fronted the compound. Ryuzaki's father had a katana in one hand and a tanto in the other hand, he was explaining to a village genin the benefits of each one. After a couple of minutes the genin had purchased both of the swords and left the shop. Saka had a wide grin on his face "Indecisive classmate you have there son!" Opening the register and dropping in the 1250 ryo from the sale "He decided to get both so he had some versatility, I like that kind of indecisiveness!" Ryuzaki nodded to his father and began to walk out the door "I'm going to train father!" As Ryuzaki slid the shop door open and left he heard the faint sound of his father's voice "Good Luck!"
Ryuzaki made his way through the village, he wanted to be free from distractions so planned to find a training area outside of the gates. Leaving the front gates Ryuzaki made his way into the wilderness of the island Kirigakure no Sato sat upon. The wilderness around the village was a rain forest. Ryuzaki had been into the forest several times before, including his first training assignment as an academy student. The weather was pleasant today as it normally was on the island, being in such a tropical climate lent nicely to Ryuzaki's current mental state. He was on edge, he felt that on recent missions he could feel the people around him were on a higher level, even though they were the same graduate class of genin. Ryuzaki had a fire lit in him just like when he realized how far he was behind in the academy. Today he would focus on Taijutsu.
Ryuzaki found an area to put his gear down, he was going to train in all of his mission gear, as it made no sense to train without it to him. Ryuzaki began by warming up, his body was not cold as he had just walked here in a brisk fashion. Ryuzaki began by stretching his muscles out as he was moving. From neck to arms, down to hips, legs and feet. After ten minutes of stretching he began the daily recommended thirty minutes of cardio. Running in a self-made track around a group of trees Ryuzaki could feel his body tiring. Out of shape would of been a bad way to put it, but Ryuzaki had certainly slacked off in recent months. After he had completed his warm up and cardio ritual Ryuzaki found a fallen tree to prop up to use as a practice dummy. Ryuzaki began by practicing his jumping kick over and over again, the move was simple, but its genius lay in the dynamic way you could use it. Ryuzaki practiced the kick in multiple ways before beginning to use it on the tree.
Hours Passed...
Ryuzaki had slowly chipped away at the bark of the dead tree, chunks had been taken off as he learnt the more effective ways and angled to use the move from. It appeared if he screamed “DYNAMIC ENTRY!” as he performed the move he gained a slight increase to his strength and speed of the kick, he was most perplexed by this discovery, but he liked what happened when he declared his move to the heavens.

Hours Passed…

Ryuzaki had beaten the tree into a mess, his own body had also felt the strain and pain of learning in this fashion, next time he learned a new Taijutsu technique he would probably use a softer dummy. Ryuzaki picked up his remaining things on the floor, including his empty lunch box and drink container.
Shinji Senju
Shinji Senju
Stat Page : Shinji Senju
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 16850

Ryuzaki going in (Training, but open, NK i guess) Empty Re: Ryuzaki going in (Training, but open, NK i guess)

Fri Apr 01, 2016 4:23 am
Ryuzaki made his way back through the rain forest, the day had started to come to a close, the tropical sun setting as he exited the forest and made his way back to the confines of the village. Ryuzaki's body had started to ache already, he was not used to these day long training sessions anymore, but he could feel the advancement in what he had achieved today. A new move had been added to his arsenal, Dynamic Entry.

Passing back through the village gates Ryuzaki could not help but feel a sense of accomplishment he had not had since graduated from the academy, this would become more of a routine from now on. As he made his way back to the Hotaru complex and his father's shop the village had started to empty, people returning to their homes as the sun set on the tropical island. Ryuzaki arrived back at home to see his father shutting up shop, he passed through the shop and returned to the main building of the complex, after a short conversation with his mother and eating some dinner he headed to his room to relax after a long days training.

Ryuzaki stripped his clothing and lay his gear down in his room and started to stretch his muscles out, soon he went to bed and let sleep take over him, a sense of pride in his work that day.

WC: 1005
Claiming Dynamic Entry 1000/1000 
5 words to Leaf Whirlwind 5/1250
+5 to Speed
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Ryuzaki going in (Training, but open, NK i guess) Empty Re: Ryuzaki going in (Training, but open, NK i guess)

Fri Apr 01, 2016 4:27 am

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