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Hiroyushi Senju
Hiroyushi Senju
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Training ( Risako Akara) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training ( Risako Akara)

Wed Mar 09, 2016 3:40 pm
Hiroyushi would explode in a puff of smoke. "W-wait a minute, I passed my genin exam?!" He would smile brightly at the girl and yell " Yes! I did it! I'm finally a ninja!" He would jump a foot into the air and raise his fists in excitement as he did before landing and realizing how silly he must look. After calming himself down he would look back at her and say "Yeah, we could fight, for sure!"

Word count: 1008
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Training ( Risako Akara) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training ( Risako Akara)

Wed Mar 09, 2016 7:19 pm

Approved rank up <3
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Training ( Risako Akara) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training ( Risako Akara)

Thu Mar 10, 2016 11:41 pm
Risako wasn't sure if her partner was quite ready to fight, so just to make sure, she'd give him an advantage. She totally wasn't experimenting on him with potentially dangerous fuinjutsu, no, not one bit. "Alright then. Before we begin, give me your arm for just one second." Hopefully he didn't take her words too literally, and actually tear off his arm. That'd be silly.. and bad. Very bad. "I'm just gonna place a little fuinjutsu on you that should let you keep up with me a bit." 

If the boy forked over his arm, (again, not literally tear off his arm,) Risako would place an open palm on his fore arm. Focusing her chakra into her hand, a small kanji-like seal would be placed on Hiro's arm, and, if the seal was done correctly, he'd be able to move at a much faster speed than he normally could. He'd be able to move just a hair slower than Risako, actually, but that was unbeknownst to both of them.

Whether or not he opted in or out for the seal, Risako would take a few steps back, putting a good three meters between the two. (That's nine feet for you plebs.) After that, she'd place her hands up, ready to block whatever attack Hiro would throw at her. "Whenever you're ready, go ahead and start." 

[Since you were ranked up from AS to genin, you get 15 stats, and some free jutsu. Go ahead and add those to your stats before you post and start the spar. Also, that seal I placed on you, is this one: Sokudo Seal 

1651 WC]
Hiroyushi Senju
Hiroyushi Senju
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Training ( Risako Akara) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training ( Risako Akara)

Fri Mar 11, 2016 1:41 am
Hiro would hand over his arm to his superior, without tearing it off; because that's just silly. He would watch in relative surprise as this kanji like make made upon his skin appeared almost instantly after she had touched him. He would take a quick look at the symbol before slowly pulling his hands away. As he read the Kanji, he could feel some of the limits of his speed melt away, becoming faster and more agile than he had ever been. This feeling was new to him; as he had never seen Fuinjutsu before nor had he ever felt a powerful boost in speed like this one. He would watch as Risako took a couple steps back and ready himself, taking a position with both of his hands losely closed in on one another, before taking a step forward with his left leg, making sure his dominant hand was ready to strike before propelling himself at Risa as she said 'whenever you're ready' the speed he was moving was a surprise, even to him as he closed the gap relatively quickly before throwing left hook somewhere towards Risa's head as fast as he could, preparing his knee for a gut-busting knee to the stomach should she attempt a grab on his punch, a trick he had been told by his mentor Kyouya. His face would still have its kind demeanour even though he looked much more serious than before; due to the serious nature of his training.

W/C: 1256
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Training ( Risako Akara) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training ( Risako Akara)

Fri Mar 11, 2016 4:23 pm
As Hiro charged Risako, she simply held her right arm tight to her head, adjusting it ever so that his punch would hit her arm, rather than her face. Her left arm was held a bit lower, towards her abdomen, and no less than a second before Hiro's punch would connect, her left arm would spring forward, placing an open palm on his chest, (given that she's faster, and he's about to be within arms reach, it's probably safe to say it was a hit.) The very instant her hand would touch him, a second fuinjutsu seal would be placed on the boy, and it would also be activated. This would be just a split second before his punch would actually connect to her right arm, and with the same hand she used to place the seal, she would grip his shirt to catch him and keep him from toppling over. 

Questioningly, she'd say, "Round 2?" Afterward, she'd release the Senju from the paralysis. 

[1,815 WC]

Last edited by Risako Akara on Fri Mar 11, 2016 8:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
Hiroyushi Senju
Hiroyushi Senju
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Training ( Risako Akara) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training ( Risako Akara)

Fri Mar 11, 2016 5:05 pm
Hiroyushi would look at the girl, in a wide eyed look fuelled by curiosity, just exactly how fast is she?! That was the question he had asked himself, she was fully capable of stoping his first without even trying; as she had said before she wouldn't go all out. That gave him no comfort, knowing she had been holding back, probably a lot. Made him want to at least try and push her a little. He would nod slowly before getting back into his previous position. Carefully examining the woman and making sure he was primed to strike as soon as he was able to spot some kind of an opening, It was something small he saw, maybe an exhale, that was enough to send him forward at Risako. He would step forward quickly, using the now apparent speed symbol as help to propel him again, as he did he would pull his hands into his chest, before turning his body left and throwing a punch, faster than he had before, but knowing it may not be fast enough still caused him to worry. He really wanted to show her what he was capable of, which, in retrospect probably wasn't much in comparison to her, but he would try with all he had none the less. The punch would be quick and lack punch but the point he wanted to make would have been clear to him, he wouldn't give up. It didn't matter if it was round 2 or round 20 he would keep going until his body collapsed.

Word count: 1516
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Training ( Risako Akara) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training ( Risako Akara)

Fri Mar 11, 2016 10:25 pm
Again, as Hiro charged Risako, she prepared for the attack.

This time, she'd go for something a bit different. As the boy tried to close the gap, she'd face him and square up her shoulders and hips with his. As he threw his punch, Risako would swing her left arm to sort of "bat" his hand out of the way, while also trying to grasp his left bicep, and hold his arm up. At the same time, she'd step forward with her right foot, putting it close to his left, while shooting her right arm under his left arm pit, and bend it so that her right hand would be placed atop his right shoulder, her back to his chest. At the same time, her left foot would take a step back. If all had worked out well to this point, all she had to do was lean forward, and pull down with her arms. 

If all that went through, Hiro would be flipped onto his back, with Risako standing above him. 

If that was what happened, she'd say "Round 3."

[That was rushed, I can rewrite it if need be.
1992 WC]
Hiroyushi Senju
Hiroyushi Senju
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Training ( Risako Akara) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training ( Risako Akara)

Sat Mar 12, 2016 6:27 pm
Hiroyushi would change his determined expression he once had on his face into one of shock as he had his arm 'batted' out of the way of Risako, followed by a few more quick movements putting here in a prime position for her to flip him, as she pulled down her arms Hiroyushi would crumple like a piece of paper. As he looked up, dazed by the incredibly quick movements of Risako and the flip itself he would say " I think I learned my lesson." he would begin to roll over and place his hands on ther ground, roughly a foot away from his head each, he would push himself up onto his knees; his back facing the girl and step up onto one knee, using it as leverage to lift his now sore body upwards. He would turn around to face her again and smile. " You're really good at kicking my butt" Hiro would say, rubbing the back of his head out of both pain and embarassment, clearly submiting to the superior ninja.

Word count:1690
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Training ( Risako Akara) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training ( Risako Akara)

Sun Mar 13, 2016 6:32 pm
Well, that was no fun. Risako thought the seal would be enough to even the two out, but apparently she needed to work on it some more. "So no Round 3 then." She didn't sound disappointed, after all this boy had just became a genin, so there wasn't a whole lot to be expected of him. At least not yet.

"We can do this again some time then. In the meantime, here." With that, Risako would slip off her ring, and toss it his way. "That oughta help you with getting stronger for a bit. I do want it back eventually, it was pretty hard to make." With a chuckle, she'd turn on her heels and walk off. 

[Exit, slightly over 2,110 words, but that's all I need. 
Claiming ten stats, and 2k words towards Sokudo Seal.

Also giving Hiro my Chakra Sealed Ring]

Last edited by Risako Akara on Mon Mar 14, 2016 2:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
Hiroyushi Senju
Hiroyushi Senju
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Training ( Risako Akara) - Page 2 Empty Re: Training ( Risako Akara)

Sun Mar 13, 2016 11:16 pm
Hiro would quickly react to the ring being thrown his way by moving his hands quickly in a cuped formation in order to catch it; the ring itself wound fumble out of his hand forcing him to quickly move his hands again to catch it. But he would study it quickly and decide to slip it on his finger; he could feel his chakra pool expanding significantly as he did. Clearly this ring was capable of boosting the users chakra; which meant that Risako was clearly at a point where it was no longer benefitial for her to wear. He would look up as she walked away and then look back to the ring and smiled. " I think we'll make good friends Risako." With that he would turn the opposite direction and head towards his home.

WC: 1826
(Exit, claiming 9 stats and Risako's chakra ring)
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