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Genin at last![P, Risako] Empty Genin at last![P, Risako]

Sun Jan 03, 2016 12:19 am
Jace was finally ready to take his exam and become a fully fledged shinobi of Konoha. He had spent the morning practicing the three jutsu that were tested during the exam and met a nice genin that had helped him with his training. Afterwards he had headed out of the training grounds to fill his stomach at his favorite ramen shop in the village before finally returning to the training grounds to await the Chuunin that would be testing him. Now here he was, anxiously looking around to see who it was that he was supposed to be meeting. Jace hadn't gotten any information on what they looked like or what their name was. Or maybe he had but was just too excited and nervous to remember the information. Either way, he was ready. 

He was still wearing his usual black pants, mesh undershirt and white jacket with the Uchiha symbol stitched onto the back. He kept overthinking everything as he waited: what if he messed up one of the jutsu he was supposed to perform? What if he embarrassed himself to the Chuunin instructor? How would he know who it was that was supposed to be meeting him? All of these and other things kept making flooding Jace's mind. Hopefully the instructor would show up soon...
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Genin at last![P, Risako] Empty Re: Genin at last![P, Risako]

Sun Jan 03, 2016 1:15 am
The mighty fifteen year old deity of manliness that resided within the confines of the leaf, Risako Akara, stood leaning against a training post in the middle of the training grounds. The young girl was waiting. Sitting there, waiting for the winds of life to blow in any direction except backwards. Lies, she waited for an Uchiha acad student whom she was supposed to test.

For all she cared, Risako would rather sit around or train so that she could further herself with the foxes. But nah. Instead she was helping dweebs.
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Genin at last![P, Risako] Empty Re: Genin at last![P, Risako]

Sun Jan 03, 2016 1:26 am
Jace finally noticed a girl wearing the typical chuunin armor of the leaf leaning against a tree not too far from him. She was the only other person in the training fields and she looked like she was waiting for something so Jace made the assumption she was his teacher and made his way over to her. He stopped one meter in front of the girl, fumbling his hands together not knowing what to do with them. "H-hello! M-my name is Jace Uchiha. Are you the instructor for my exam, ma'am? Jace waited for a response, awkwardly looking down at his feet and then back up at the chuunin in front of him repeatedly.
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Genin at last![P, Risako] Empty Re: Genin at last![P, Risako]

Sun Jan 03, 2016 4:57 am
Had this dude never heard of personal space? As he neared that imaginary one meter line, and said what he had to say, Risako formed three hand seals so quickly, that most genin (and some chuunin,) would barely be able track her fingers. As quick as she had former them, a small sphere of air would come from the middle of the triangle in her hands and practically punch this kid in the gut, most likely knocking him on his ass.

In an overly cheesy and sarcastic tone, she blurted out, "Geezaloo bud, ain't you never heard of personal space?" Despite the fact that a meter is aboot three feet, or arms length. Then, in a flat tone, she'd mutter "Kidding."

After helping him up, (if he fell,) she'd go on to say "All you have to do is preform the Clone and transformation techniques. After that you're good to go."
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Genin at last![P, Risako] Empty Re: Genin at last![P, Risako]

Sun Jan 03, 2016 1:47 pm
Jace had been cut off mid sentence. It had felt like he had been punched in the gut, hard. The force of whatever the hell had hit him sent him sprawling backwards into the dirt. He was very confused and definitely embarrassed. He had heard the girl say something about personal space but he hadn't even seen her move so she couldn't possibly have done something. Either way, Jace sprawled around in the dirt, scrambling to get up, when the girl held out her hand and helped him to his feet. "S-Sorry ma'am!" Jace said as he hurriedly tried to brush himself off and back away. He could feel the warm blood flooding his face, a tell-tale sign that he was definitely blushing. 

It was hard for him to look the Chuunin in the face after that embarrassing entrance. So of course he kept his face looking straight at her but his eyes wouldn't exactly agree with him. They kept darting everywhere except at the girl and occasionally stopped to look directly at her while she spoke to him. She told Jace that all he had to do was perform the clone and transformation techniques for her and he would be good to go. He felt a little disappointed he didn't have to use the substitution technique after he had made sure to master it but at least this exam would go quick enough. "Y-yes ma'am!" he would say to the Chuunin when she finished speaking. Then he was ready to begin.

He decided he would start with the transformation technique. Jace would steady his thoughts and begin to mold his chakra. He then pointedly made the seals for the technique slowly and surely. Dog-Boar-Ram. There was a small puff of smoke and when it cleared there was a large black crow on the ground exactly where Jace had been standing a moment ago. He opened his beak and let a loud caw exude from his throat. Jace flapped his wings for a second or two as he looked up at the Chuunin before him. Finally he would release the technique, letting off another puff of smoke before he again stood there facing his instructor. 

Next, Jace would perform the clone technique. Again, Jace cleared his mind, preparing to perform this technique. This time, he kept an image of himself centered in his mind as he molded his chakra. He remembered performing the same jutsu for Ita earlier that day. He knew this time would go just as smoothly, as long as no more freak accidents of nature happened to knock his ass to the ground again. He performed the hand seals: Ram-Snake-Tiger. Once again there was a small puff of smoke, this time one meter to Jace's left, as he created an exact replica of himself. Jace and his clone would move simultaneously to wave at the instructor with their right hands while moving their left hands behind their back. Jace would then release the technique and the clone he had created would disappear in a puff of smoke. 

"Erm, how was that, ma'am?"
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Genin at last![P, Risako] Empty Re: Genin at last![P, Risako]

Sun Jan 03, 2016 10:45 pm
As the boy rose to his feet, Risako couldn't help but notice his skin turn a distinct red tint, a bright rosy hue that looked not unlike makeup. She wasn't quite used to other kids her age calling her "ma'am," and she found sort of uncomfortable. Either way, she put up with it, and watched as the boy did his stuff, nodding along to show her approval. When prompted, the blazing chuunin threw her opinion out faster than a toad in Texas. "Apparently you need to learn how to make eye contact." 

Putting her right thumb to her canines, she pressed hard enough to draw blood, while her left hand dug in her back pocket for a scroll. All in one wave like motion, the scroll was unfurled and the blood from her thumb rubbed against it as it went passed her. In a puff of smoke, a small fox suddenly appeared, standing atop the scroll, looking rather bewildered, as if pulled from something important. "SOoo, my young academy student, you're going to have a brief spar using what you learned, with this here small orange fox. After that, I'll give the winner a headband." With a cheeky grin and a wink, Risako hopped backwards over the training post she was leaning against, gently landing on it. Her arms bent and her hands rested on her hip. 

The fox, going from bewilderment to straight pissed, couldn't believe the gall that raven haired little, well. He was rather pissed. Displeased, disgruntled, you get the gist. In a jokey, sarcastic tone, Risako said "Don't worry about his safety, for it's you that's locked in here with him." On the scroll from earlier, was placed a seal of confrontation, locking both Jace and the fox within the two meter circle. While she wasn't exactly sure, she could tell from experience that her little fox was about on par with most academy students in terms of speed and strength. 

At this point, Jace had already passed the test, and would be promoted regardless of the victor, but the silver eyed devil was having too much fun to quit now. 

The fox on the other hand, wanted to get this over with. So, Akami, still on the scroll, straightened his back and stood on his hind legs, his paws resting at his little fox thighs, waiting for Jace to make the first move.
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Genin at last![P, Risako] Empty Re: Genin at last![P, Risako]

Sun Jan 03, 2016 10:58 pm
Jace stared completely bewildered at the tiny fox in front of him. Was this girl serious? She had said that Jace needed to fight the fox and win in order to be promoted. He had never heard of anything like that being part of the genin exam before. Whatever. She was his instructor so he guessed he had to do this incredibly pointless fight in order to finally get his headband. So. Jace simply nodded at the girl in front of him, still incredibly confused, and watched as the fox stood on it's hind legs and put its front paws on its hips, obviously waiting for Jace to make the first move.

Jace ran at the fox and aimed a punch full force at the fox's little head. Not the best opening move and definitely not the fastest but poor little Jace had no weapons and wasn't expecting any kind of fight. Either way the scrawny little awkward boy had made the first move throwing that punch at the strange tiny animal in front of him.
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Genin at last![P, Risako] Empty Re: Genin at last![P, Risako]

Sun Jan 03, 2016 11:12 pm
Now. Since we're pretty much done with this, how about we save the grand finale for later hmm? 

Given that the fox was approximately a foot tall when standing, the boy had to bend over something fierce in order to punch that little fox in the face. Akami, merely sidestepped as Jace ran passed him. Assuming that Jace didn't correct himself, the fox would dispel the summon in a poof of smoke, going right back home. 

To Risako's utter disappointment, she sort of lost her smile, and said "That was lame. Here ya go." Right as she finished her sentence she pulled forth a headband from front pocket, and chucked it to him. With a little hop, she let her knees give in and bend, and with a swipe snatched her scroll off of the ground, rolled it back up, and then stuffed it in her pocket. Before walking off, she said "Now I have to ask, any injuries?" If the answer was a prompt "No," then Risako would bid her student adieu and go on about her business. If he somehow injured himself during that spar, she would do her best to heal him. 

[Potential exit, claiming nothing.]
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Genin at last![P, Risako] Empty Re: Genin at last![P, Risako]

Sun Jan 03, 2016 11:24 pm
As Jace was running full speed ahead at the little fox, it suddenly sidestepped. Jace, out of sheer awkwardness and inexperience, managed to trip over a rock at the same time and went tumbling head first into a tree. He felt a sharp jab of pain in his right hand and his head was throbbing. He heard the girl say that was lame. Jace put his hand on the tree in front of him to steady himself as he got back up from the ground. 

When he finally turned around the girl would toss a headband at him. Then she would ask hi if he had any injuries, obviously talking about his little tumble. "I scraped my hand a bit and my head kinda hurts but other than that i'm ok." he said to her meekly as he attempted to tie the new headband around his forehead. If that was it and Risako left then Jace would turn to leave the training field, happy to finally be a genin.
[potential exit]
claiming genin rank
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Genin at last![P, Risako] Empty Re: Genin at last![P, Risako]

Sun Jan 03, 2016 11:44 pm
Risako stopped him, for she couldn't let him walk away injured. Lest she be known as the cruelest test giver in Konohagakure. ACTUALLY, that title sounded kinda nice. But. Nah. Before he could walk off, she said, "Hold up, gimme your hand." While she had never practiced this technique, she had read about it several times, and had witnessed it being used by none other than Yensung. She figured it was worth a try.

If he complied with the orders, Risako would place her palm on his, emitting a red flow of chakra from her palm, using her chakra to heal the scrapes on his hand. If it work, whoo. If it didn't, she'd recommend that he go to the hospital, then she'd probably take him there, and then finally go about her business.

[Exit, 971 words, so claiming 5 stats and medical level 1 (500/500)]
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