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Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Apparently Team Risako is a Thing now [P] Empty Apparently Team Risako is a Thing now [P]

Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:27 pm
Having been briefed by Jason on what her mission was, Risako asked the assistant/secretary/whatever you wanna call him/her for a list of genin. Darting her eyes through the list, two names in particular stuck out to her, and one was already in the back of her head. She then forced/asked the man/woman that was the assistant/secretary to the Hokage to round up these three genin, and have them meet her at her favorite place, her own house! Yay!

But for reasons, the genin would not be allowed insider her apartment. Mostly because she was a poor house keeper and the one room dwelling was littered with dirty clothes and dishes. Anyway, the students/genin would find her sitting on the steps to the whole little apartment building, fiddling with a rubber ball.

How did they know to find the place? Well, when Risako told the assistant/secretary man/woman to gather them, she also wrote three notes to give them. Of course, the notes would have directions, and were immediately passed along to some random NPC whom I will not name because I am too damn lazy. Said NPC would find all three of the boys eventually. 

Knowing that they likely would not arrive at the same time, Risako would tell whoever arrived first and second to sit on the steps and wait for the final member to arrive.

[This post isn't great blah blah blah, it was rushed and all that. We'll keep this topic short and sweet, then we'll start the mission.]
Ryugia Uchiha
Ryugia Uchiha
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Apparently Team Risako is a Thing now [P] Empty Re: Apparently Team Risako is a Thing now [P]

Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:45 pm
Ryugia found risako's place in no time. Mostly due to the directions, but from what he could see he was the first to arrive. He had to smile a little, as this was the first time this had ever happened. He had just come back from the Dragon temple, to restock on essential supplies when he had gotten a message that he was required for a mission. At first he had wanted to refuse. He couldn't believe he was being called to duty after just stepping foot in the village, but when he heard Risako was leading, he couldn't help but agree. He enjoyed any chance to see his team mate. Their was also the added bonus of a possible promotion to chunin. What ever this mission was he knew it must be serious. 

He had found it much easier to travel via roof top. He avoided the people below, and was able to get a good view of everything. This made it all the easier to find Risako. There she was sitting in front of her house, playing with a rubber ball. He contemplated attempting to knock the ball away, but decided he didn't want to invoke her wrath. Besides, he still couldn't match her speed. His training had been going well, but he still wasn't strong enough yet. 

Ryugia jumped down from the roof of Risko's house, and landed beside her. "Hey I happened to be back in town, and heard you had need of me." He said cooly. "So what's the sitch?"
Zennal <3
Zennal <3
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Apparently Team Risako is a Thing now [P] Empty Re: Apparently Team Risako is a Thing now [P]

Fri Jul 31, 2015 12:07 am
Zennal had been given a letter, saying someone wanted him for a mission. The reason why was unknown to him, but he was invited, and he wouldn't pass this chance up. It would be his first mission after all, and he really wanted to prove himself as a Useful person, and not some Genin you can brush off. He would show that he could do it! Or die horribly, whichever came first. Probably death, but he had to try/force himself to look on the bright side! In any case, he knew he couldn't be the first choice(even being optimistic on that) but he had been chosen anyways.

Zennal made his way on the lower ground, taking the normal way instead of the rooftops. He arrived not to long after the another boy. Stealing himself, he made his way up the stairs, a smile on his face, saying "Hey there. I'm Zennal, you called me for a mission?" He gave a wave with his left hand specifically, his right hand at his side. In the back of his mind, he knew he would be a hindrance. He just hoped it wouldn't be to bad.
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Apparently Team Risako is a Thing now [P] Empty Re: Apparently Team Risako is a Thing now [P]

Fri Jul 31, 2015 12:25 am
Mako opened the note the messenger delivered at his front door.  Closed the door behind, sighed noticing that there was an official seal on the note. "Great more work, this new Hokage is a fucking slave driver" he accidentally said aloud then looked around and hoped no one was listening. 

He rached into his pocket and pulled out a smoke, realizing it was the last one, put the smoke in his lips and reached at the table for his matchbook.  He flopped down on his old second hand couch and lit the match, his last match, and put it to the smoke taking a long drag.   He opened the note plotting a way to get out of this.  He started lackadaisically reading and knew there was no getting out of this.  Partially because it seemed like a big request and he felt somewhat honored, but mostly because he knew his team Captain Risako's house was on his way to the store and he needed more smokes. No way of getting around it.

He stood up and grabbed his gear and started out the door looking back him and smiled thinking "Hell it might be fun."  He wandered off at a brisk pace in the direction of the store.  He didnt want to pass by Risako's and risk not getting cigs, so he went the long way around.  

Stopped at the store and bought 5 packs and a 20 pack of waterproof matchboxes.  Then started back like he was heading home.  When Mako passed the Captains house he saw two people on her porch and diverted his path to head over and flopped down next to Ryugia.  Lit another cigarette and took a drag.  As he breathed the smoke out in his team members face he said "Whats Up"
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Apparently Team Risako is a Thing now [P] Empty Re: Apparently Team Risako is a Thing now [P]

Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:32 am
Given that it was highly unlikely, Risako would address the members in the order they arrived. Since Ryugia was the first, and she needed to catch him up on some important details, she spoke first to him. "I'll fill you in on the details about the mission after everyone arrives, until then, sit your ass down." Then, she thought about telling him about the changes to their team, so that there would be no confusion. Her voice was slightly reluctant, "Well... our old team is kinda semi-disbanded. Kasai disappeared one day, so now Salzem and I have our own teams."

Right after she finished saying so, Zennal would arrive. After Zennal finished his introduction, Risako would continue, "This is one of your potential teammates, Zennal Senju." As she said this, her voice would drop the reluctance. "Zennal, take a seat, we're going to wait on Mako Sarutobi, the third member, before I continue." The wait wasn't long, two or three minutes at the most. Risako was impatient though, and this was about to be displayed in full to all three team members.

When Mako came, she would let him sit, she would let him blow the smoke in Ryugia face, then she would wait for a moment. "I'm assuming you're Mako Sarutobi," she would say, standing up. Risako would take a few steps from her/the other tenant's porch, and turn to face her team. Kind of an amusing sight, really. A grown man, two boys, and one fourteen year old/horrifying team captain. Taking the little rubber ball, she would chuck it dead center at Mako's nose. Given that she could move so fast the others couldn't even see it, (literally,) the ball would likely hit. The throw had no strength behind it, so while he would certainly feel it, the most it would do is knock his head back. 

Before Mako could say anything that would be deemed inappropriate/insulting, she would say, "Mind your manners around your teammates and I." Then she grinned, "Unless you wanna get put in your place." She would wait, allowing Mako to say, or not say, what he felt he had too. 

IF (big if) Mako didn't say anything too insulting, or anything at all for that matter, Risako would continue. "If we're all good then, I'm Risako Akara, your team captain. You can call me Risako, I'd prefer it actually. We're going to introduce ourselves, and name at least one dislike and one like you have. You too, Ryugia." She would then await responses.
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Apparently Team Risako is a Thing now [P] Empty Re: Apparently Team Risako is a Thing now [P]

Fri Jul 31, 2015 5:41 pm
Mako was sprawled out on the porch as much as he could be leaning back both elbows on the step behind him and both legs on the step below.  He knew he had no chance of dodging the ball so he just focused on not dropping the cigarette he had in his mouth.  The ball hit home causing the throbbing that comes with a direct hit in the nose.  it knocked his head back a bit. He simply leaned it forward and blew another cloud of smoke this time in the direction of Risako, however the cloud would disperse before it ever made its way to her, given the distance.  He took the cigarette out of his mouth and held it between his thumb and index finger.

" My bad Ryugia," he said apologetically flashing a childish disarming smile in the direction of his new teammates "No disrespect"

"I am Mako Sarutobi, of the Sarutobi clan,  and currently i have no likes and a great deal of dislike for our Captain, other than that Im an open book,"  when he said this, anyone with a trained eye would see a scowl appear briefly overtaking the smile when referring to the person who just nailed him with the ball. He placed the cigarette back in his mouth and resumed smiling.  Staring at the ball trying to decide how best he would destroy it
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Apparently Team Risako is a Thing now [P] Empty Re: Apparently Team Risako is a Thing now [P]

Fri Jul 31, 2015 6:05 pm
[Told him to skip you guys since it felt more appropriate. New order is Me, Mako, Ryugia, Zennal.]
Ryugia Uchiha
Ryugia Uchiha
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Apparently Team Risako is a Thing now [P] Empty Re: Apparently Team Risako is a Thing now [P]

Fri Jul 31, 2015 8:59 pm
Ryugia, though he probably couldn't stop the ball that flew towards mako's head, he had been able to track it's flight with his sharingan, that had flared to life, right before risko had let the ball fly. He had expected that from her, and had wanted to watch it go down. To his eyes it was like not only seeing it in slow mo, but also seeing it twice, as his eyes showed him the predicted outcome. A smile twitched across his face for only a moment, so fast that no one would pick up on it. 

His hands were folded neatly in front of his face, now covering his mouth and nose. Only his red eyes were visible now. He made sure everyone got a good look, though this was not the first time Risako had seen his sharingan. Then he let them deactivate,mad he began talking. 

"My name is Ryugia Uchiha. I like loyalty, and currently only Risako, and I dislike betrayal, and dishonesty. While I hope that we can all come to be friends, and work as a team, I will not get my hopes up, as from what I've seen I predict we are going to be very disfunctional. " 

With this Ryugia looked to Mako, and gave a challenging stare. What? He couldn't let Risako do all the work. He was as of now probably the second strongest on the team, after Risako of course. After the quick glare. He focused his attention back on Risako. Never once did his voice change, or did he stand up. He remained right where he was, with a calm collected tone.
Zennal <3
Zennal <3
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Apparently Team Risako is a Thing now [P] Empty Re: Apparently Team Risako is a Thing now [P]

Fri Jul 31, 2015 10:30 pm
Zennal nodded to Risako when she told him to sit down, so they could wait for the final member. Mako Sarutobi, eh? wonder what he would be like. He watched as the man came up the stairs to sit near him and the other guy, and almost coughed when he blew smoke in his face, but he held it in. Didn't want to embarrass himself in front of these more experienced Nin, so he sucked it up(metaphorically of course.) He watched as Risako made her way down the steps, turn around, and the next thing he knew Mako's head bobbed back, with a ball ricocheted off of his head. He didn't even see the ball in the first place! That was insane! 

He noticed the Sharingan on the other guy, noting mentally that he was an Uchiha. The Sharingan was powerful, but he believed that the Wood Release was better. Probably just some Clan Pride is all. In any case He listened intently to the likes and dislikes of the others. He had a bad feeling about Mako, but then again he had a bad feeling about a lot of things. Then it came to him. "I'm Zennal Senju, of the Senju clan. I like being right, while also dislike it, 'cause it tends to not be a good thing. I really do hope for good dynamics, and like Ryugia-san I doubt that will happen, though I think my case is it's just me." Zennal let out a sigh after he finished speaking.
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Apparently Team Risako is a Thing now [P] Empty Re: Apparently Team Risako is a Thing now [P]

Sat Aug 01, 2015 12:11 am
Alrighty, with introductions out of the way, Risako just had a few more things to say before she was ready to wrap this little meeting up. Crossing her arms, she said "My name is Risako Akara. I like a lot of things, and I dislike some things. You'll find out as we spend time together." She couldn't help but feel as if some giant, gray, fat, elephant was sitting right in the middle of the room. It just... seemed like someone really didn't feel like Risako was a good enough leader, and it seemed like one wanted to fight the other, while the other wanted to fight the last one. A love triangle of hate, if you will. Only this was more of a square. Oh yea, this team was gonna be fun. 

Sighing, she said, "Tomorrow, meet me at the kage building. We have a mission that is more of a really difficult training exercise." A mischievous little grin overtook her face, before she continued. "Now, with that out of the way, I feel as if not everyone on the team thinks I should be in charge. We can't have anyone thinking like that, and if any of you feel the need to try and challenge me for leadership, do so now." In her mind, she figured Ryugia would immediately decline. She knew that even with his sharingan, her movements were just short of being a blur. Zennal, she was unsure of, as she had a difficult time reading him. Mako, however, already disliked her, and seemed as if he would act on that dislike if provoked.

Even though the challenge was issued the whole team, she looked at Mako specifically, and tacked on, "In my opinion, I don't think any of you have it in you." With that she would turn around and stare at the people walking by, waiting for something to happen. Whether that be someone trying to do something, or the confirmation that they were done here.
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