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Hiroyushi Senju
Hiroyushi Senju
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Training ( Risako Akara) Empty Training ( Risako Akara)

Fri Mar 04, 2016 8:31 pm
Hiroyushi would be busy punching and kicking away at a training dummy, hoping to get some decent training in taijutsu. seing as no one else was in the imedate area he had decided this was his perfect opportunity to get some training in. While his punches and kicks where quick, they never really packed any punch. after some time, he would sit down and sigh beside the Training dummy, wishing there was a better way.
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Training ( Risako Akara) Empty Re: Training ( Risako Akara)

Sat Mar 05, 2016 9:56 pm
Mornings were always nice. At least Risako thought so. The sun cast a soft glow on the scenery, while the air was still cool and moist, quite the opposite of the usually dry afternoons. So, zipping up her flak jacket, Risako bounded off of her steps towards the training ground, keeping a decent jogging pace. Taking extra special care to avoid running into others, it wouldn't take her too long to arrive at the scene that the previous poster had set.

The training grounds had shown some obvious wear and tear in the form of charred patches of grass, and uneven land. Maybe the village could employ one of the senju to regrow some of the grass or something? Could Senju do that? Risako wasn't sure. Would it be worth a shot? Definitely. She might ask the Hokage if she could begin to make way on that project.  

Of course, and as usual, the training grounds were deserted so early in the morning, save for a few (usually only one or two) individuals. In this case, her silvery looking-balls picked up on only one individual. (Not to mention, she didn't notice any other significant chakra presences. Being the friendly little sport she was, Risako strode her black haired self over to the, (what appeared to be,) young boy. (I say appeared to be, because looks can be decieving.)

Speaking of looks, Risako didn't notice any sort of identification on the boy. She wasn't one to assume, (not too often at least,) but with the low chakra signature and the lack of a headband, there was the chance this boy was an aspiring ninja. At the moment, he was just kind of sitting there, resting, at least that's what she thought. When she was within that imaginary three meter mark, (roughly nine feet, for you plebeians,) she'd do what she had done with countless others. Introducing herself, the fifteen year old simply stated, "Mornin'." 

Such a way with words, she had.

[Kind of a lame post, I do apologize. As for my tardiness, some stuff came up, and I wound up not being able to post as soon as I thought I would.

If you need any more details on Risako's appearance (because I honestly didn't give too many), check the stat page that is in the spoiler on my signature. There'll be a spoiler marked, "Character:" on the stat page.

362 WC towards Sokudo Seal]
Hiroyushi Senju
Hiroyushi Senju
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Training ( Risako Akara) Empty Re: Training ( Risako Akara)

Sat Mar 05, 2016 11:41 pm
Hiroyushi would look over to her "Oh, Good morning!" and begin to stand up. wiping the sweat from his brow in the process. He would carefully examine the woman infront of him. and especially the headband around her neck. " So, You're a real ninja huh?" He would say with mild entheusiasm. "Would you mind helping me train? I feel i'd be much better off with a real ninja helping me!" With that Hiro would walk towards her, sheilding his eyes (and forehead) from the sun as he did. He would gently extend his hand and say " Im Hiroyushi Senju! Nice to meetchya' !" With a wide grin.
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Training ( Risako Akara) Empty Re: Training ( Risako Akara)

Sun Mar 06, 2016 5:02 am
After a barrage of words hit her like a flurry of kunai, Risako just nodded along as she made the rest of her trek to Hiro. Did she want to spend her day training some kid? Well. Actually. As a chuunin, that was sort of her job. So of course she did. "Nice to meet you, but that name is a mouthful." Risako would pause momentarily, just for a second, before continuing, "I'm gonna call you, Shi, for short." But what if the poor boy didn't wanna be called by a nickname? "I call most people by nicknames, so don't take offense to it." If he had to object, she'd simply hold up her hand to hopefully silence him.

"So, Shi, I suppose we need to find a starting point." Her hands would dive into one of her weapon pouches strapped to her thigh to retrieve a kunai. Handling the sharp end, she'd gently hand the kid the handle of the Kunai, so that he wouldn't cut his hand on the sharp bits. With a quick wink, she'd say, "Now don't tell your parents, but that's a kunai." Of course that was a jest, as most parents didn't seem to mind their children playing with sharp objects for some odd reason.

"Let's go stand a few meters away, then you can toss it at the dummy you were sitting next to." Risako would walk away from the dummy, until she put about a good five meter distance between her, and it. With her right hand, if the boy hadn't already followed, she would motion for him to come stand next to her. (Obviously, for her own safety, she wouldn't stand too close, as she did prefer to keep her blood inside of her.)

As soon as the boy was in position, Risako would say, "I'm Risako by the way. Whenever you're ready. This first one is practice, just so I can watch your form." 

She wasn't much of a trainer huh? Risako neglected to coach the boy, for if he could throw accurately without coaching, he was likely ready to move onto something else.

[349+362= 711 WC]

Last edited by Risako Akara on Tue Mar 08, 2016 2:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
Hiroyushi Senju
Hiroyushi Senju
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Training ( Risako Akara) Empty Re: Training ( Risako Akara)

Mon Mar 07, 2016 6:10 pm
Hiroyushi would ponder the name she had just called him, He had been used to being called 'Hiro' or 'Yushi" But never Shi. "Shi... I like it" Hiroyushi would grab hold of the Kunai, feeling out it weight as he lifted it into the air slightly before swinging it quickly (Away from Risako) feeling it break the wind around his swing. He would turn away from the beaming sun as he gripped the Kunai inbetween his fingers, rolling it around his forefingers and identifying the training dummy as a target. He would then proceed to take a few steps back and readying his arm to throw the kunai. He would begin thinking about the tragectory he would need to throw the large dagger at. I know I can hit this target, I just want to make sure I can show her how capable I am. Im tired of being treated like a kid. With that he would flick his wrist, sending the kunai flying towards his target, causing it to spin around in the air as it soared towards the targets head. It would take a solid couple of seconds for the spiraling knife to hit the target in the head, but he had managed to land a perfect throw at the target. He would then turn to the ninja and smile. "I'm pretty sure I've got this whole ' Throwing thing down pat!" With that he would begin to walk down the range to the kunai, grabbing it and having to pry it from the now torn target and walking back over. "So, What do you think Risa?"

Total word count: 449
word count (This post): 268
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Training ( Risako Akara) Empty Re: Training ( Risako Akara)

Tue Mar 08, 2016 2:41 pm
So he liked his nickname? "That's good, I don't really call anyone by their real names." Risako watched the boy feel out the weight of the kunai, which she kinda thought was pointless, but then again, that was from her more experienced point of view. Maybe she had forgotten how tough it was learning to throw them? 

Risako cocked an eyebrow as the kid cocked his arm. When he sent the knife twirling through the air, similar to a throwing knife, she was slightly intrigued. He did hit the target, but most people threw them, at least in her experience, so that they flew in a straight path. Not all twirly like he just did. Not to mention, the knife went pretty slowly, but that part was excusable for now. Speed would come with more practice.

But he hit it. Accurately too. That's what mattered for now.

"That's a bit of an unusual method, but whatever works, works." Most of the time, she was rather quiet and kept to herself. The only exception was when she was teaching students, they needed that verbal sustenance ya know? "You could work on your speed a little more, but your accuracy is good." 

She wondered how much this kid had been practicing on his own. With her eye brow still raised, she'd say, as her hands shifted from her pockets to crossing her arms, "By any chance, do you know the Academy Jutsu?" If he did, she was pretty certain she could slap a headband on this kid right away. Well, maybe not right away, but. Before the day was over for sure. 

[270 + 711 = 981 WC]
Hiroyushi Senju
Hiroyushi Senju
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Training ( Risako Akara) Empty Re: Training ( Risako Akara)

Tue Mar 08, 2016 4:09 pm
Hiroyushi would smile at the woman's remark. He had always had a hard time throwing the Kunai in a perfectly straight line, unlike most ninja he was very slow to learn the proper throwing technique, thus he invented the current technique he used; throwing it like a regular throwing knife causes an opponent to take a second longer to identify and dodge the blade, giving Hiro enough time to reposition himself for another attack. He had been practicing this method for quite some time, and he was glad he got some recognition for how accurate it was.

" of course I know the academy jutsu. I've been training them for a while now and I was hoping I could show it off to a real ninja!" 

With that Hiro would place his hands into the beginning seal of the transformation technique, before making two quick snaps of his hands and focusing his chakra into the form of Risa, who would be imitated almost perfectly by Hiro, if not for a few minute details being off. The now changed Hiro would place his hands together again as he flicked another couple of handseals together, focusing his chakra into another two copies of the female ninja. Each looking the exact same as the transformation. " So, what do you think?" He would say as he moved forward, each of the clones walking in unison towards Risa in order for her to get a better look.

Word count total: 740
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Training ( Risako Akara) Empty Re: Training ( Risako Akara)

Wed Mar 09, 2016 1:35 am
The answer Risako received was what she was hoping for. This meant the kid had practiced on his, this meant the kid had at the very least, a base understanding of the techniques. If he did well enough, she'd probably be able to promote him without much effort. "Go ahead, show me what you can do." 

Risako recalled that one time she spent a little while teaching the Hyuuga girl to do the academy jutsu. This wouldn't be the first time she would have promoted an Academy Student.

Keeping her arms crossed, she watched as the boy snapped his hands together to form the hand seals for the transformation technique. Her first thought was, "Not bad," but that was referring to the figure Hiro had transformed into. "As for the technique, he made a few errors. I can have him try again in a minute though."

So then she watched as Hiroyushi preformed the clone technique. This one was pretty hard to mess up, so of course he had it down pat. To Hiroyushi, Risako would say, "You passed on the clone technique. But," she lingered for a moment, as she shrugged her shoulders. "Your transformations could be a bit better."

"Specifically in the color department. It's not a thing most people would notice, but your colors were ever so slightly off." She'd pause, let the boy react, and then continue. "For example, you had the eyes a shade darker than they should have been, but other than that the hair was a little too long, and you got my height mixed up with yours. Reflect on that for a second and try again."

[273 + 981 = 1,254]
Hiroyushi Senju
Hiroyushi Senju
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Training ( Risako Akara) Empty Re: Training ( Risako Akara)

Wed Mar 09, 2016 9:34 am
Hiro would look down for a second, semi-disappointed at his failure to make a perfect transformation. But he also knew she was right. He had been trying to place her features onto him instead of copying her completely like he should have. He would release the clones and transformation jutsu; each making a puff of smoke as he did before placing his hands back into the seals he had previously. Before carefully and deliberately moving his hands into the different seals over again, he would then focus on Risako's features. Her shoulder length hair, darker eyes, and her height before forming his Chakra again, this time he would make sure the height was exact; using his own height as a guideline for hers. And then he would finalize it with another puff of smoke. Through the puff of smoke would walk out An identical twin to Risa, looking like the two where mirrored copies of one another. " I sure hope this one turned out better" Hiro would say, manipulating his voice into Risako's with fairly accurate tone. As he walked forward to give Risa a better look at his new transformation.

Word count: 931
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Training ( Risako Akara) Empty Re: Training ( Risako Akara)

Wed Mar 09, 2016 1:52 pm
"Much better," Risako said, although there may have still been an error or two, they were tiny and negligible as you'd likely need an eagle's eye to see them. Well, actually, some ninja probably have eyes that are far superior to that of an eagle's, but that's not the the point. The point was that he successfully copied Risako. He had even started walking like her, and it was the little stuff like that that could determine whether or not a transformation was successful. 

"Alrighty, that about does it for that. We'll go ahead and say this was your exam." What could she possibly mean? "Since you passed, that makes you a genin." 

Ninja were supposed to get head bands right? "We'll take care of your head band in a bit, if you'd like. I kinda wanna stay here and practice for a while..." Risako's words lingered as she quickly glanced around the rest of the training grounds, "If you want we can have a mock fight. I won't go all out." 

[Promoting Hiro to genin.
1426 WC]
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