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Wed Jan 20, 2016 5:29 pm
Salzem broke away from the group with the 7 year-old in tow as they returned to the borders. He fully intended to come back. Shortly, in fact but he had to help this kid out first. Coco had forcefully abducted him and teleported him off to one of the most dangerous places in the world under the guise of an "adventure." The sounds of the boy's tears back at the marshes was a distressing thing to hear, especially as he rested on his back. He didn't want him to start crying again... It wasn't long before they reached the rails, the sun beating down on them from above. Salzem looked at the kid, studying him with an odd expression. It was only just now did he realize that he hadn't asked him his name. Salzem looked back up at the rails as they winded into the horizon.

"Well... we're here..." Salzem said. "I'm Salzem by the way."
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Apologies (P, NK) Empty Re: Apologies (P, NK)

Wed Jan 20, 2016 7:55 pm
Dachi had finally stopped crying, but the occasional hiccup still hit him, jerking his whole body as it did so. He watched as this man whose back he had taken to a second home ran across the grounds at tremendous speeds. It was quite shocking to Dachi, as most of the time they were moving so quickly that the world seemed to fade out of existence to him. It was impressive, and as scared as he was, some part of this immense speed sparked a curiosity inside of him.

Yet, finally, the railroad re-appeared, almost as quickly as it had vanished. The exact spot that he had vanished from. 

Was this a dream? Dachi was not too sure, though he was certain that he was awake when his feet touched the ground. Then, however, he stopped. A part of him was unsure if he should go on wards, or... just maybe, stay with this man. Dachi could continue to wander as he pleased, not having to worry about drowning, or being teleported away, or holding onto someone's back for dear life. Yet, he knew there was a lot that he could learn from this man, and perhaps he would even --

"Go," the voice returned to Dachi, and to Dachi alone. Anyone else would not hear a word, not because this was a jutsu or powerful skill, but this is because, in fact, the voice was a part of Dachi speaking to himself; a part that he had no control over. He had been having strange dreams of a man on fire for quite sometime, and it would speak to him while he slept. However, within the past week, the voice spoke to him while he was awake, and Dachi was too young and naive to know this to be a bad sign, or a mental illness. Instead, to him, it was just a voice.

"Fire man..." Dachi murmured in response to the voice, though he just so happened to speak this right after Salzem asked Dachi for his name, almost as if this was Dachi's response.

Dachi paused again, and decided that he would talk a moment with this man before deciding. The fire man did seem to think that he was friendly, and up to this point the strange fire man had done good things for Dachi, like directing him away from poison berries, or telling him which path to take. Perhaps he was right about this as well. After all, it wasn't just the fire man that wanted to go; Dachi wanted to go too, but he was not sure if it would be safe, or right for him to do so.

Turning around to face Salzem, Dachi looked him up and down. 

"My name is Dachi!" He announced proudly, as if it was widely known. Then, he froze up again. What was he planning to say? He wanted to talk to this man, to see if he would make a good teacher, or if he was dangerous. But, how exactly does one go about asking those sorts of things? 

"You're awefully fast," Dachi said, speaking the first words that came to his mind. He could do better than that, right? Sure he was seven, but he was a Shinobi, he should be able to think clearly, especially about simpler things like conversation.

Apologies (P, NK) Empty Re: Apologies (P, NK)

Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:02 pm
Salzem looked at the kid oddly when he seemed to introduce himself as "fire-man" Fire. Man. Salzem checked his surroundings, just to make sure that he wasn't referring to an uninvited guest. He then sighed in relieve as the boy introduced himself by a realistic name: Dachi. Better than fire-man, he supposed. Salzem noted the boy's confidence as he spoke his own name, almost as if everyone should know him around these parts. The look on his face spoke his age perfectly, the look of childish confidence that could melt the hearts of some, and infuriate others to no end. For Salzem, it was a little of both. There was a short pause. 1... 2... 3...

"You're awfully fast," Dachi spoke, and Salzem could help but chuckle at the obvious statement. The boy looked as if he wanted to say more, but didn't know exactly what. Salzem couldn't help but find that both adorable and annoying as well.

"I'm as fast as I need to be." Salzem shrugs. He then looked at Dachi curiously, a question in his eyes. "Hey, uh, Dachi..." Salzem began. "What were you doing out here...?" Salzem gestured to the wildlife around them with one hand. "Don't you have a home or family...?" A personal question perhaps, but one that he thought needed to be said. He noticed Dachi's white robes and hair were still splattered in murky marsh grime and needed a good wash. Perhaps there was a clean stream or something around here...
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Apologies (P, NK) Empty Re: Apologies (P, NK)

Thu Jan 21, 2016 2:56 pm
Dachi wrinkled his brow at the statement that Salzem replied with. He guessed that was the kind of response that he should have expected, having asked such a simple and blatant question, but part of him had hoped for an explanation of how it was. He wanted to be that fast some day.

He didn't have much time to think about this, however, as Salzem then asked him a question. Dachi paused, as another hiccup escaped his lips. He frowned again, because it was due to swallowing so much water that he now had the hiccups.

"I'm out to search the world, and become a great Shinobi!" Dachi announced proudly, followed by another hiccup. He didn't pause before continuing though, because having not had a family for his whole life, he did not understand that answering 'no' would be something depressing. "I've gone through lots of orphanage's and foster families, but I've moved on now. They won't hold me back from my dreams!"

Of course, what Dachi also did not know is that each of the foster families disowned him because of the disease he carried in his blood, which is more commonly believed to be a curse that is spread through proximity.

"I consider this one as close as family," the voice said to Dachi, causing the boy to look up to Sal. He didn't look very much like fire man, so perhaps fire man was just being weird again. He was weird a fair amount; ever since he started talking while Dachi was awake. He didn't mind too much, as it was someone to talk to, but Dachi didn't like weird people all that much, and always thought them less than trustworthy. He trusted fire man though, and this man had already saved his life. Those two together, along with fire man trusting this one, Dachi figured he couldn't be too dangerous, despite the mask that rested upon his face.

"Hmmm," Dachi said, studying Salzem, still trying to see why fire man had called him family. In doing so, he failed to ask a question of his own, or respond in what was likely a more sociable manner.

Apologies (P, NK) Empty Re: Apologies (P, NK)

Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:38 pm
Salzem noted the boy's hiccups. Apparently, he still hadn't recovered from his dip in the marsh lake. That was understandable, considering the whole transition was as unexpected as could be. Dachi's response to Salzem's inquiries caused the sanguine-eyed ninja to nod approvingly, yet, internally feel pity for the child. His true family must have either died or left him. Salzem knew both feelings... horrible.

"To become a great shinobi..." Salzem thought to himself. It was an admirable goal, yet, Salzem doubted the kid knew what it actually meant to be a Shinobi. To know when to make the hard choices, to take lives for the protection of your own and others and many other things. Granted, Salzem was still learning these things for himself, but the thought still concerned him.

"It is a good thing to know what you want to do." Salzem said to Dachi. "I, myself, am just looking for a home. A wanderer's life is a harsh one, and it's good to have a place to return to. That's what we were doing, my group and I, before we got... sidetracked..." Salzem smiled sheepishly under his mask, recalling the events of his abduction. "Sorry about that. I didn't know you would be brought along."
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Apologies (P, NK) Empty Re: Apologies (P, NK)

Thu Jan 21, 2016 5:22 pm
Dachi listened as Salzem replied again, and then pondered his response. 

It was strange, he thought to himself, that someone seemingly so powerful was looking for a home, or perhaps it was strange that he didn't have one; Dachi was not sure what, but something about the sentence was strange. Yet, this sparked Dachi's curiosity once more, and being only of seven years of age, he could truly only focus on one thing at a time, and so the second half of Salzem's response went unnoticed, though Dachi would not know what to say had he heard it.

"What do you mean you're looking for a home? Are you looking for one of the big villages? Or are you gunna make one yourself? And does that make you a missing ninja?" He couldn't help himself, he was so young. All the questions came out at once, and he regretted none of them. 

Part of him would think it quite exciting to in the presence of a seemingly good missing ninja, especially when technically speaking, he was one himself. This must be a very high ranking missing ninja as well, he knew, because he seemed so powerful. Perhaps... maybe this man would be willing to teach him. After all, Dachi was in desperate need of a teacher, and this man did save his life. 

Dachi began to wonder more and more if the man would let him go along. Even so much as follow; Dachi was certain he could learn the world over from just watching this man; he certainly seemed like the type that lots could be learned from.

Apologies (P, NK) Empty Re: Apologies (P, NK)

Thu Jan 21, 2016 10:46 pm
Salzem began answering one question, only to be interrupted with another. He took a deep breath, then began answering Dachi's questions one at a time.

"I was from one of the bigger villages. Through a series of events, I left the village, intending to return one day and rejoin once again. In the short time I was gone, they branded me a traitor of the village and I was imprisoned..." Telling his story, Salzem felt like one of those ancient story tellers who told the story of Naruto and Sasuke. Salzem smiled internally at the comparison, feeling older and older with every passing moment. "One of my friends aided me in my miraculous escape and we fled to another major village where I took shelter for a while. Unfortunately, her home wasn't my home, so I left again with my current group. We have a village in mind, rather, they do." Salzem now dreaded the explanation on how he WASN'T a missing ninja. Such a title branded him a criminal and he was no such thing.

"I am no missing ninja. That implies I'm a bad guy. Someone that hurts other people for profit and personal gain. I am not that kind of person. I prefer the term... "Traveler." Salzem looked at the kid once again, feeling some sort of connection to the child. Perhaps it was because Salzem saved his life. Probably because Dachi had that childish innocence that melted people's hearts. Salzem sighed and looked back in the direction of where his group was.

"Hey... uh... Dachi..." Salzem said, obviously uncomfortable with what he was about to propose. "I know you said you were out to 'search the world and become a great shinobi' but... We would have space in our group for one more, if you wish to join." Salzem barely knew the kid beyond his name and even protested when Coco first brought him to the marshes, but in his heart, Salzem knew he couldn't, in good conscience, leave Dachi in the wilderness. Even if crime had gone down recently, monsters and powerful MN still prowled the roads. He'd hate it if Dachi came to harm from them.
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Apologies (P, NK) Empty Re: Apologies (P, NK)

Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:08 pm
"Well of course you're not a bad guy!" Dachi announced with the utmost confidence a seven year old could have. "You saved me from the water; a bad guy wouldn't."

He, however, did find everything very exciting now. He was from a big village, like the ones that Dachi had heard of, and then put in a prison, only to escape? He must be stronger than Dachi realized, he concluded. And then, this prison escaping, marauding bandit with no doubt a bounty on his head had saved Dachi's life? This was almost too much for the small child. It was as if one of the fantasies he had dreamed about had come to life. 

Traveler or missing ninja, Dachi liked him, and stared at the man in wonder.

His mind began racing, and in doing so, was completely oblivious to the offer that Salzem gave to him. What if he could convince this man that Dachi should go along? Then, perhaps he would become just as strong. Maybe he'd learn an element, or a jutsu, or gain a specialty. He had never known any of these things, and the thought of gaining them, just like a normal Shinobi would was exhilarating to him. He could search the world with this man, maybe save people, just as he had been saved. Hunt down the bad guys, and help the good guys, just like in the stories.

"Trained by one that I trained." Fire man's voice came to Dachi, louder than it usually did, and his smile vanished, sending chills over his body. Sometimes it hurt his head when fire man spoke, and Dachi was not sure why. It was likely apparent that something had happened, though once more, only Dachi heard the voice inside his own head.

"Fire man's trainee, training me," he mumbled, trying to make sense of what fire man had said. He often felt like it was very wise and useful information, but he spoke so strangely, and used words that Dachi did not know, so it was often a puzzle to the seven year old. 

Yet, speaking the words out loud made him realize what Salzem had said, and his face light up once more, a broad smile spreading across it.

"Yes!" He exclaimed, perhaps louder than was necessary. "I--" He stopped himself short, a look of surprise on his face. He did not want to ruin this opportunity, and had to remember his manners.

"I would be honored to go with you," he said, clasping his hands in front of himself, and bowing, as he believed was the most respectable way to accept an invitation. He hoped he had remembered correctly.

Despite trying to contain himself, Dachi could not help but keep smiling. It was the best thing he'd heard in his life; being offered a place next to a great and powerful ninja.

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Fri Jan 22, 2016 6:34 am
Salzem looked at the kid strangely mentioned the "Fire-Man" again, barely audible. Now, it might be that he wasn't hearing it correctly, but he swore that he said Salzem was the Fire-man's trainee. He was truly confused now. Who was he talking about....? He doubted the kid knew either. He referred to the person as "fire-man..." Who did Salzem know who was a "fire man?" The only one he could think of was Kasai... but he was dead. He was dead a long time ago,  back when Salzem was still a village ninja. At least, that's what he was lead to believe. He never came back. Could it be that Kasai had some kind of connection to this child? Ridiculous. There was surely other "fire-men" out there and it couldn't be Kasai because he was... like.... dead. He shook his head as if he was trying to jar the thought away. Now Salzem was engaging in Dachi's fantasies. Wonderful. However, Dachi soon snapped out of whatever had taken him and smiled widely at his offer. He couldn't help but grin at the little boy's enthusiasm. It was amusing however, as the boy's expression fell as he scrambled to recover from his outburst with an honorable response. Salzem just rolled his eyes and grinned, gesturing back in the direction of his group.

"Lets head back then." Salzem said before adding "And drop the formalities, please. I'm not the kind of person to demand your eternal respect."

Then, if Dachi would go in the direction he had indicated, Salzem would follow close behind, watching the wildlife closely for any large movement.


Claiming nothing
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Apologies (P, NK) Empty Re: Apologies (P, NK)

Fri Jan 22, 2016 5:18 pm
(Would write a response, but I'm a bit pressed for time, and the other topic is more important, sooooo

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