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Team 9 Unite!

Alister Yama
Fukuro Uchiha
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Kaze Uchiha
Kaze Uchiha
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Team 9 Unite! - Page 4 Empty Re: Team 9 Unite!

Thu Feb 04, 2016 10:03 pm
Kaze gritted his teeth out of frustration and determination. His patience was thinning and all he currently wanted to do was inflict pain on his superior, which would be a simple task if it weren't for this genjutsu. The boy released a heavy sigh trying to calm his mind, he refused to give Yen the satisfaction of breaking him, he would never give anyone the satisfaction of breaking him. Death would be chosen before he allowed himself to be broken. As he regained his composure, he listened to Yen, a small smirk appearing on his face after hearing he could now use jutsu. Now things would change, if he could use jutsu then the effects of this jutsu shouldn't bother him much. Leaping backwards he was surprised to find that his body had actually reacted normally and done as he had commanded. Maybe it was over? 

After taking a few more hops back putting a sizable gap between he and the others Kaze noticed something odd happening to his legs they were twitching a little, the twitches slowly grew stronger until his legs were jerking a little. He quickly flexed his legs holding his muscles in place while he performed a short set of hand seals, once the last seal was completed ten demonic heads began to take form around Kaze. They all surged forward at their top speed racing towards Yen in a circular formation, there goal to block him in from all sides keeping him from escaping their attack. As the hand seals were finished his hands started to twitch causing the boy to immediately clinch his hands into fist. 'This must be an effect of his jutsu.' The thought drew no expression from the boy, instead his face was expressionless as he looked towards Ita, it seemed he had the same plan as Kaze as a stream of lightning shot out of his hand.

Suppressing a growl of anger at his current predicament, he couldn't help but wonder how easily he could break out of this technique if only he could use his sharingan. Then a thought dawned on him, he had yet to fully master the basic sharingan and if he remembered what his father had told him long ago about their clan's prized possession one could only break out of genjutsu once said person's eyes were at the three tomoe state. At that moment Kaze felt a greater need for his eyes for some reason he felt helpless in a way without them, while his life was currently not in danger what if this had not been a training exercise? What if this had been a real battle and he was fighting all alone, he would be stuck and at the mercy of his opponent. The boy was undoubtedly proud of his own power but his eyes were such an important part of it. Without them it felt like something was missing. 

If he didn't master the sharingan completely would he ever be able to surpass his father's skill level, no his father had been a master of their clan's dojutsu. There was no other way to achieve his goal, his eyes had to continue to grow more powerful, only then would he be able to rival his father's ability. He needed them, and only with them could he become great. Kaze now realized how much he depended on his eyes and why he had been so uncomfortable not using them. Thinking back every other time he had sparred or trained with someone else he had used his sharingan. They had allowed him to push past his previous limits in each of those encounters, only now was he restricted.

Fire Release: Demon Lantern
300-35=265 AP
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Ryo : 0

Team 9 Unite! - Page 4 Empty Re: Team 9 Unite!

Fri Feb 05, 2016 10:12 am
Yen indeed was impressed as he placed a hand in his pocket and glanced at the seemingly priceless what would be a slight relaxation to both boys. He actually chuckled out loud a little as he noted the flashing lightning comming from ita and with  note of interest as the boy kaze hopped back a few more feet to be sure. How he desired to crush the boys before him so they could actually learn to treasure what gifts they posess other then bloodlines. It was also the reason why he didn't use his own insects for that matter to even the playing field per say and also show a nice peaceful lesson. " so bent on destruction of one who's training you and the reality stands that pain only begets more pain. Surely that's not all there is in the path of shadows we walk you two. And surely you should understand the reason why I am doing this exercise. I'm not giving a rank up nor a true lesson in pain as you might've noticed I'm merely standing here and even at your weakest you didn't give up. I'm tempering and building your wills. There was an uchiha who lost his eyes. I trained him twice as hard as he needed to understand that despite the gifts of power the mind and will of one is far greater. Now you might discard this but allow me to demonstrate to you two what I mean by this."

Yen while he spoke merely took both attacks head on basically as he bowed his head and took the lightning attack. Now that was amusing to yen as it merely was a slight burn on his chest due to his high health and he didn't even flinch to be frank. But he noted the effectiveness as he then merely ignored the burning flames that passes him surely searing his cloak and he merely brushed his left hand through his hair to brush off the flames as he looked up at the two boys one eyed and with a icy cold voice as his chakra surged.

"Activate your eyes boy's and I shall show you what real power is . Destruction is merely the will and wish to eradicate what's before you and I'm impressed you have such strong techniques at your disposal. However that stops no one who's willing to rip your very head from your shoulders and will scatter your remains to the wind. Do you want to see what I cherish the most? Come closer and I will show you what it is that can break a will and leave you all the same  whole. Madness drives the world and further we are to keep order not try to shaft our instructor. Restraint to the uttermost maximum. And not to act in the will to kill or harm unless ordered to. We are stronger then plain fury. But filled with self dignity and a righteous flame to protect and follow our own not fuel our attacks in anger.  So I have now a solution.  If so bent on inflicting harm and further trying to gain more from a target then actually observing and adaptation and using this as a training option how about I show you the results of what it is you wish to accomplish. This is a special lesson I only teach to throes I find worthy of learning such a lesson. With power comes the strength to protect others right? So now I'll ask you to dispel the genhutsu at hand and learn another valuable lesson. Still if you want you can keep tossing jutsu at me till you collapsed and hence gain that accomplishment of hitting a target dummy to learn something. Or are you ready to learn a real lesson in life as you ita jumped too quickly at the joy of attacking and never asked yourself why I allowed you to attack. And kaze you studied yes but you never hesitated. In reality you must always ask "why?" and "what is going on?" And not just blindly attack. Luckily I can take hits and we are merely training. However you never searched an intention nor motive. So now we are taking this to the next level."

Yens voice became ominous as he took several  steps as he spoke each step was like a period to each statement he made as he closed the distance slowly between himself and kaze as well as becomming the center price for ita. On his final statement yen stood  there and glanced at the two boy's. He was not at all pleased and further was very disappointed. They had all this time to observe as he merely was speaking to them now they tossed it to the wind. It was sad really but lessons had to be learned. Sadly the greatest lessons had larger impact. He even considered that using his insects outta teach them a thing or two about pure observation however they were merely genin and even he didn't need to go that far to prove his point. Their gains although great meant little if they didn't know how to handle themselves in a completely weakend state. Yet alone at a disadvantage. He couldn't doubt them. Uchiha normally had a lot of pride and surely it never phased them as much as to fight unroll they could surpass someone or die trying. However there was more to the world then something that could be taken away in a blink of a eye. And yet they didn't realize the treasure he was trying to show them in their individual skills.

I guess I'll have to show em that it's not always about what gifts you have but how you think and further how you learn. If they activate their eyes and further get caught in it. It will most definitely suck. Kisuke definitely learned that really fast that even the bear limits could catch you in there. Well that and I don't want these two causing harm to each other... Pandemonium outta clear the lesson naturally. Death, life, second chances, the sky is the limit there, they even can go wild on me. I wonder if it will make them blood thirsty. Well we shall see as I'm doubtful as even with their eyes unless a genjutsu specialist like me it'll just be burning chakra . That definitely sucks good thing I don't control my insects otherwise I would too be in trouble. Maybe a few outta keep em on their toes... Nah let them break free and burn more chakra that way the lesson can actually stick if they paid close enough attention. So many hidden hints and it takes some observation. But how can I blame them they shoot fire and lightning at their own leader. It's comicaly sad.

Yen thought as he mentally shook his head and awaited the boys actions after he was done. As by merely reversing the handseals he released the genjutsu and left the boys guessing the final effect as it wasn't going to be very nice one way or the other.

Wc: 1,190


-25 for mad world (ending it)
Stat Page : Howl's Fat Stats
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Team 9 Unite! - Page 4 Empty Re: Team 9 Unite!

Sun Feb 07, 2016 1:13 am
Ita’s attack did nothing. Neither did Kaze’s. Yen’s ability to tank Ita’s strongest attack was more than impressive to Ita. This caused Ita’s motivation to actually hurt their squad leader to qual. There was simply nothing more that Ita could do unless he were to decapitate him with the help of Kaze, which obviously would be very counter beneficial to the both of them and completely negate all the training they had just done. Ita took a deep breath and allowed his body to go limp, thus standing up straight. Ita realized that Yen had released his Genjutsu and instructed him to activate his eyes so that he could take out his hate on him. Ita would refuse. There would be nothing more he could learn by activating his sharingan and attacking their squad leader. He had already proven that he was capable of taking whatever it was they had to throw at him. Instead, Ita would rather work on enhancing his own physical skills or continuing to learn from Yen’s lectures. Instead of continuing to try and fight, Ita simply admitted defeat. “Well Yen. You sure are the strongest shinobi I’ve meet thus far. It would be futile for me to continue to try and attack you. Your genjutsu is completely out of my league.” Ita would say this in order to show Yen his gratification and acknowledgment of his skill, also to show him that Ita was unlike the traditional Uchiha who fought completely out of hate. He was more rational. He thought more, although it didn’t seem too apparent to Yen who clearly thought that the two boys were incapable of thinking at all. “I sure wouldn’t mind learning more about this genjutsu of yours, or genjutsu in general.” Ita then turned his attention to Kaze, trying to come to a conclusion about how he felt about the training and how he felt about Yen; if he was still angry. “Hey Kaze, good going out there. Too bad the other kid couldn’t keep up with us.” Ita was referencing Kanekki who didn’t even make it through the training. After all that, Ita felt pretty exhausted. He wondered what would happen next.
TWC: 4887
Kaze Uchiha
Kaze Uchiha
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Team 9 Unite! - Page 4 Empty Re: Team 9 Unite!

Sun Feb 07, 2016 11:34 pm
Kaze eyed his teammate while watching Yen advance towards him. It seemed that the two Uchiha had taken their team leader's words in the same light, the fight was over. Despite what he thought if Ita would have attacked Kaze would have backed him, for a few reasons but they both could see that it was pointless if their attacks would be shrugged off. Yen's words were filled with knowledge as usual, but while the young Uchiha knew this he had neglected to use what he had heard. He had been wrong to just attack his team leader without thought or reason, his anger had gotten the best of him. It had steadily built until it clouded his judgement and made the boy make foolish decisions, still he was glad it had happened here instead of on the battlefield where he could have been killed for making such choices. Up until this session he had not lost his temper during training except for one other time that he could remember.

Defeat was not something Kaze took lightly but he had learned earlier in life that there was more to be learned in defeat than victory and that was the attitude he was taking. Where he had neglected thought in exchange for action, he now would do the opposite, the battle was over and there was still plenty to learn. The boy could only hope that Yen would be willing to teach him after he had undoubtedly disappointed the older ninja. Ita was right when he said Yen was strong, out of the shinobi Kaze had met so far his small team leader was definitely one of the strongest. "I agree with Ita you are a strong and wise shinobi." Kaze felt it was necessary to explain that he was not a mindless, battle hungry, idiot that he may have appeared as even though that probably already been deduced but then again he could be wrong. "It may have looked like I let rage guide me but that's not it, the truth is your genjutsu managed to get into my head and frustrate me. I just lost my cool, I'm not a battle crazed idiot. I can see that you can teach me a lot and if you chose to I'd be happy to learn." There he said it, he had swallowed his pride and said it. A nod was directed at Ita in return to his words, "Thanks, I look forward to some sparring of our own in the near future." A friendly smirk appearing as he spoke before being replaced by a thoughtful look. "Yeah about him, are we going to get a new teammate because I doubt he'll be coming back."
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Ryo : 0

Team 9 Unite! - Page 4 Empty Re: Team 9 Unite!

Thu Feb 11, 2016 4:42 am
Yen silently nodded at itas praise and smiledhe could've used his blade if he wanted and he would find a shock yen thought as he heard both boys out and sighed. " genjutsu you two should know this by now especially after I used it on you two and told you to activate your eyes because you will need to for my next action. But genjutsu is more then a illusion. It causes reactions and based on one's experience and skill especially their prioritizing of their training. Determines their reaction. For a master like me I could break free from many genjutsu and careless. I also know of many ways to release genjutsu and can if I pressed make it nigh impossible for you to even realize what to exactly do. This is from my life long dedication and resolve to study the art. Like you two and your ninjutsu. I mainly focus on genjutsu. You can now understand why I'm called the sheild of the village. Transparency is a dangerous ability with a genjutsu user for genjutsu lie and twist the perspective of a person. No one escapes unscathed and some crack. But you lashed out both of you which is why I'm dissapointed in both of you. The goal of that genjutsu today was to make sure you two know how to compose yourself in a impossible situation. The question was could you do the impossible without your eyes? Can you survive? Can you live? The awnser is yes. Yes you can fight impossible situations and further despite enhanced vision survive and win. You should not take for granted your abilities and not forget your only as good as your skills and your mind. For unlike the uchiha who lost his eyes you have yours and without using them you fought well. A lesser shinobi would've been in trouble."

Yen stated as he took a seat on the ground and took a breath.

" ita, kaze we are down a man. I'm expecting that you two can handle yourself well enough. But we need one more. Further I'm expecting you two to learn an important lesson from this. To value your gifts by improving your abilities and learning to fight as well with your eyes as well as you do without them. I don't reveal all my secrets because it's unsafe naturally. And you shouldn't fight with eyes unless it's necessary. Or risk losing them because you hold a valuable gift that many would take advantage of that's why I'm making it my duty to make sure you guys are safe as possible ok?"

Yen would state as he decided it was time to test their full mettle as he began to weave a long string of handsigns. As he spoke up. "To learn genjutsu is to adress the fact of the strongest of genjutsu. This normally In parts that genjutsu the stronger they are the harder it gets to first screws then partake a powerful enough release. But even that is not enough at times for there is a golden rule. Sometimes there's more to it then that meets the eye you two. That's why you must observe. Your eyes catch a lot and every detail yes but even then you easily can fail. Because you can't read a mind. Was an action on purpose? Or accidentally? We cannot tell that by seeing at a glance. But by mere observation. You don't know a missing ninjas true motive untill you actually pay attention. Grace in the simple things makes it unpredictable and unruly. This sight you do not gain from blood but from experience and observation. You both shall learn this in the following genjutsu where I'll fight you and expect you to take all my words that were said taken in advice and use it as figurative understanding and further exactly how I work and how far I'm willing to go. Eyes active boys now and prepare for the last lesson today a full lesson."

Yen would finish speaking as he completed the 19 handsigns but waited till the boys fully activated their eyes as they if the completed their eye activation yen would finish the final (Bird) handsign as should the boys by this point would notice since they were most likely looking straight at yen and watching him their eyes will catch a certain pushing and pushing of his chakra as if it was pulsating somehow. The boys would if they were looking at yen would find that they would be taking a blinding flash of light that envelops the two boys and yen. (Pandemonium: power 100)

They when their eyes cleared up would find themselves in darkness as they would float down. Since their sharingan would be active they could see it was a illusion even themselves as well however with lacking genjutsu specialty this is the most they could gain from their sharingan as they must have genjutsu as a specialty to understand what the genjutsu true weak spot was. They would land on a plat form which would despite being a illusion would feel very real. And their own chakra and exhaustion as well as wounds would be restored.

The illusion of yen would appear as if they were to look around they would notice a larger seemingly sleeping yensung around them. This easily making it clear yen was also in the genjutsu like as if it was him in complete control of the whole as the illusion nodded and spoke.

" this is such an example of what I spoke of. Understanding genjutsu at its greatest point enables one to create this with ease, but as a tip you must know genjutsu like me in order to utilize this. At this degree you may go ahead and release of course but what do you see and understand of this genjutsu you two? Nothing much at all necessarily
To the eyes of throes without genjutsu as a passion and a specialty you still only see it as what it is. Lesser eyes see far less. And further it takes knowledge to do what I do. This is what you must overcome to break out. Your goal now is to defeat this genjutsu and understand what it is you must do in order to break out. As your eyes tell you only so much. Now it's instinct wisdom, and experience to know the rest. This is a test of experience and further instinct. You must know this to in an event I used this what to expect and further how you can help me in this. If I was caught in this and a powerful opponent your duty is to finish the enemy no matter what. If caught in this with me you are to take down our enemies no questions asked. Am I understood?"

The illusion would ask as he would immediately set off towards the boys at a speed of 3.

" battle as you guys have unlimited chakra essentially and I'll reveal more to you as time goes on but note that this is information based on what's known and unknown." The illusion would state as it closed the distance accordingly. Now yen knew not to reveal every secret to the boys as simply a rule. He was the creator and further he only knew that only a student of his would understand exactly what he's talking about. And further when a student of his was to learn the technique he would reveal the full power of the technique to the student. These two however for yen were not that student yet and only in combat if unlucky and or truely ready to keep a person trapped in the genjutsu would they be able to see what the power of the genjutsu really held.

(So to simplify:

1. to break out for you two since you have sharingan, you must pay half the power of the genjutsu in personal actions aka your normal ap, +10 for each illusion defeated. As this is how you release from this genjutsu. (Note you can use your eyes yes but still must pay the actions in order to release from the genjutsu.) gain temporary actions equal to your normal ap amount, (note you cannot use these to break out)

3. Every 5 illusions defeated you regain your temporary actions and you are fully healed. (Powerful illusion)

4. every time you kill an illusion of yen you lose 10 ap in your normal actions.

5. If you lose all your real actions you go into a coma for posts equal to how many illusions of yen you defeat. And following3 topics you suffer -50 to chakra stat.

That should be all for now lol time for some fun.)

Wc: 1,350

Actions: 990/1,290

Pandemonium: -140 actions
Kaze Uchiha
Kaze Uchiha
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Team 9 Unite! - Page 4 Empty Re: Team 9 Unite!

Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:18 pm
Yen had given his instructions but no action had come of them, Kaze had waited patiently to see if either his team leader or his teammate would make a move but it seemed that nothing more was going to from this. The boy gave the two males around him one last glance, Ita was just standing there as was Yen. Clearly it was time to go, Kaze simply walked off leaving the two to themselves.


WC: 5054
+25 stats and third tomoe
Stat Page : Howl's Fat Stats
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Team 9 Unite! - Page 4 Empty Re: Team 9 Unite!

Thu Mar 03, 2016 9:38 pm
Yen instructed Ita and Kaze to activate their sharingan, but it was no use. Ita was almost out of chakra so it would be futile to continue training after what they had just done. It would probably disappoint Yen, but their training for the time being was done. Instead of activating his sharingan, Ita would simply bow to Yen, giving his gratitude. Ita then watched as Kaze walked away. “Thank you Yen. Todays training was very valuable. Lets get together soon so we can train. Also, we probably need to start thinking of a new team member since Kaneki, well, couldn’t make it.” ITa then gave Yen an exhausted smile and made a hand sign before body flickering away from the scene.
Claim exit, +25 stats.
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Team 9 Unite! - Page 4 Empty Re: Team 9 Unite!

Thu Mar 03, 2016 9:44 pm
Approving stats.

As For Fate's claim of Sharingan three tomoe, I'll quote from the post itself 

"At that moment Kaze felt a greater need for his eyes for some reason he felt helpless in a way without them, while his life was currently not in danger what if this had not been a training exercise?"

Not a bad attempt, but that won't work so its denied. Like you said, its just a training exercise.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Team 9 Unite! - Page 4 Empty Re: Team 9 Unite!

Thu Mar 03, 2016 11:36 pm
Yen clapped his hands as the two boys decided not to continue on wards and nodded smiling at them. " You guys did well for a first time I'm proud." Yen would say quietly as the boys turned tail and left. Yet this was not heard as he relaxed his chakra and took a deep breath. Taking a seat under the tree yen reflected on the two boy's progress and noted that should their training resume he will see how they work on figuring things out. It was not a easy thought as yen often held most of those he trained by the hand. Yet even he had to admit it was time to see if they could in fact hold their own at a given point. ita shows much promise, and kaze shows as much promise and great growth. As long as they are willing to work their way to the point where they can stand as one with the village. Then they will go far. yen thought as he relaxed for awhile as he regained the lost of chakra so far.

After a little Break yen stood and further reflected on the method of his training. Indeed it was harsh in a sense but was a necessity to train any who seek knowledge especially in his area of love and disire being that of genjutsu even he had to admit that upon showing one of the fruits of his tampering with the complex forces was a risk of well worth. besides mad world is much more then 4 minutes of hell but a lot longer then that by a mile. Alas the greatest challenge lies not in beating it but I fear for their sake what they do not understand is why I made and used it to train them. It's never going to be easy I admit even I cannot beat it as the creator. The mad song that dances and drives from its father as this is only a taste of that which comes from the depth of the art I practice. They may be wary but as I say. An illusion only partakes a larger illusion to be broken. It cannot be reasoned with as they proved today. And it is deathly impossible to control. When deprived of a simple nesseciry one lashes as mad world proved to the boys. But also they lose control when the world works against them. Something that cannot be reasoned with is when one loses control of their emotions. And when one loses that. Wether a burst of anger as ita learned, or a burst of enraged fury as kaze saw. The calm one always comes on top. And they didn't heed my words. They do have potential, but should they keep trying to belive that which is in their world is handed to them and their gifts are a crutch. Then they shall only fall through the greatest illusion. Which is life alone and it's cruelty. I do not disire this as a teacher, but perhaps like salzem once before them. They too must cast their lines into the storm of life and hold steadfast. I hope by then they are ready at least.

Yen thought sadly as surged his chakra taking note that although one man down it still was a successful training. Now he had his own stuff to do as of course a chuninn but not before a moment to take the application he had been Rolling around in his head with taking mad world to another level of mastery. He obviously had the workings down with how others had reacted and his full idea of how it was to be worked. Now came the grand test. madness, where art thou cometh from? Through the gain of freedom and entitlement? Or the constricting grasp of denial and deprivation. With this technique in hand should it be a tool not as the show case of madness nor the breaking of logic. But as a sheild. One where my hands be free from the hard likes of weaving the signs nessary to do this. But through my craft and life art of genjutsu may it be the next steps to keeping my opponents that dare face me and dare to challenge the sheild. May they fear the madness that ensures and follows the on coming storm at hand. Let them know the dance that comes to throes who dare to take their hand against my home. Mad world and yen shall be awaiting to send them back to which they came.

Yen thought as he fluxed his chakra through his body and started off home. A slight pulse of chakra dancing off his frame as he left the training area as a sharp spike of chakra came from yen as hence the unfortunate birds that were above became the unfortunate victims to the illusion used yet they veered to the ground and crashed confused and frightend and in that instant yen let them free. As he needed a bandage change for where his left eye was.


Wc: 850

Twc: 5,160

3,000/3,000 words for mastery of mad world( no handseals, -25% training reduction due to max stats)

+1,800 words for will of fire

+350 words for temple of nirvana
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 223500

Team 9 Unite! - Page 4 Empty Re: Team 9 Unite!

Thu Mar 03, 2016 11:44 pm

Approved, genjutsu intense topic <3
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