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Team 9 Unite!

Alister Yama
Fukuro Uchiha
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Kaze Uchiha
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Team 9 Unite! - Page 3 Empty Re: Team 9 Unite!

Thu Dec 24, 2015 12:58 pm
(My sister and her family are here visiting so it may take me a bit longer to post, but I'll do my best to keep you guys from waiting.)

'Loudmouth?' The boy's lips pulled down into a frown as he thought but he held his tongue keeping the words he wanted to say to himself. 'How could someone who had just spoken so much you could write a novel with their words call me a loudmouth?' Kaze fought his inner thoughts for the sake of the team, if they were going to be successful he would have to refrain from butting heads with his superior as much as possible. Being who he was it was a lot harder to hold his words but he managed carefully taking in the instructions Yen gave.

'So this training isn't really about the sparring, which is unfortunate, what this is all about is our observation skills and how well we can adjust to the situation at hand. Maybe this time I'll take Yen's advice and observe,' This would be an attempt at being a good student and to show that he wasn't a loudmouth but instead a talented shinobi. Kaze remained silent through the time it took the jutsu to be cast.

In front of him was Ita and Kaneki, the boy's partner, Yen, was at his rear. While he knew Kaneki's abilities, Ita's were unknown so a two on one fight was out of the question. Instead the Uchiha went to take a step backwards in an attempt to get closer to his partner for the next five minutes. When his body moved forwards instead of back the frown on Kaze's face deepened, he knew for a fact that he had moved his leg to take a step towards Yen yet he had gone the opposite way. Again he went to take a step back and yet again he moved forwards. Peeking over his shoulder he could see that that his partner was having no trouble moving so either he wasn't affected by whatever jutsu he had cast moment ago or he knew how to deal with it. As he turned his attention back towards his two teammates in front of him he could see that Ita was having a little bit of trouble with moving as well so there was a bit of time left to figure out what Yen's jutsu had done before the inevitable attack came from Ita and Kaneki. 'When I move my foot back I go forwards so maybe if I move in the opposite direction I want to go... hmm that would be very Yen like.' Snapping out of his thoughts the white haired Uchiha's gaze landed on Ita, who was running towards him at a pretty could pace considering their circumstances. As much as he would like to spar with his fellow Uchiha assuming Kaneki would be helping be helping the only logical thing to do would be falling back a little so that Kaze and Yen could work together, maybe the odd leader of Team Nine was getting through to the young Uchiha after all.

It would be a gamble but there wasn't much else he could do, if he was wrong about what the jutsu did he would land directly in front of Ita leaving himself at for an attack, standing still was not something he was too fond of so any action would be good enough for the boy this was only training so he could be a bit reckless. Bending his knees a little Kaze jumped forward propelling himself backwards since the jutsu reversed movements. He would land right next to Yen who was moving at a snail's pace considering they were supposed to be sparring but nothing would be said about it, at least not from Kaze. "So this jutsu of yours reverses our movements meaning forwards is back, left is right, and so on. Pretty cool technique, it's going to make this spar that much harder." He spoke to Yen in a monotonous tone void of any emotion, while his eyes stayed trained on the two individuals across from him curious to what their plan would be now that there was a gap between the two pairs.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Team 9 Unite! - Page 3 Empty Re: Team 9 Unite!

Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:02 pm
(Noooo dead team)
Alister Yama
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Team 9 Unite! - Page 3 Empty Re: Team 9 Unite!

Tue Jan 05, 2016 2:08 pm
(Appears we are down 1 so I'll continue topic on as this is quiet a number we placed on outselves to go to waste)

Apparently the senju must've gone cold turkey after his speech or something as the boy seemed to have somehow shut down in reflection I cannot be that boring my tale and further questions have that much weight that the boy just about goes down in a speech... What are they giving in the academy? Knitting lessons in isolated class rooms. I'm sure if I start getting involved then the students might actually learn. Thinking is a Hunan structure. Either way the show must go on. yen noted mentally as the boy appeared slooped over in thought or boredom. Maybe even asleep like the monks of old would in meditation. Either way the boy was non responsive. Yen noted as he glanced back at the two genin and chuckled.

"We just might have to end this shortly depending on what occurs but now it's you two against me per say. This changes nothing and I see you noted the first thing so now comes as I see with you ita well done figuring that out now you are to direct all your focus  on to me both of you. That includes you loud mouth. Fighting through impossible odds is what makes us stronger for to break free of a limit we must push forward. If you don't then as an individual you will fall but as a person or a team is with you you have another to stand behind you even one other person despite skill or power makes the difference may it be a new academy student of the hokage  that is one more person to beat, one more attack to dodge, one more minute to fight, 10 more body wounds to take, and 100 more days to fear. United we stand and alone we fall. It matters not how fast or strong you are or what jutsu one knows. Team work is your goal here ita and loud mouth. Now your goal is what I just said is to come to me"

Yen reached up and tossed his hat up into the air as it looped behind yen and yen kindly asked  fate. " catch it please loudmouth you will get a prize. Ita with your knowledge now come strike me as hard as you can" yen requested quietly as he indeed took note of the second effect comming into play as it seemed. The most comical effect where ones limb movement became scrambled to such a maddening degree that yen recalled several animals died in his creating of the technique from mere fear and confusion. As there were no disclaimers animal testing was allowed and only thing available for the aburame. The gasily effect where should they moved their arms they would move their legs instead each arm moving the leg of the same side as should they raise a arm the leg would raise or drop a arm leg would drop. Same with legs to arms. And  to their knowledge they wouldn't know the reversal was gone except yen himself knew this and laughed on the inside at the spectical that would occur. But the worst of the effect is where their fingers would move their eyes and each finger per hand would move their eye in a direction in a similar fashion of the arms to legs. A truely frightful effect as they would have to figure the whole thing out.

But yen was going to have some fun here as well. Instead of going forward yen would begin a brisk jog towards ita. (Speed:9) to encourage his inclusion and aggrivate an attack surely at his speed ita would respond accordingly as this would look as a direct frontal assault. "Hands up ita I'm gonna strike better block!" Yen would warn as he would not strike till the boy awknowledged


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Team 9 Unite! - Page 3 Empty Re: Team 9 Unite!

Fri Jan 08, 2016 2:12 pm
As the boy was able to dodge his attack. All of them would be standing waiting for the next thing to happen. Ita turned his head to look back towards his teammate whom obviously wasn’t capable of performing such training. Ita figured it was too much for him. Ita figured the boy had just graduated the academy and was being thrown into some pretty rigorous training, training that was even a little too much for Ita, but he would continue to fight it out. “Too bad.” Ita thought, in regards to Kaneki. His personality made him seem tough, but clearly their squad leads jutsu was too much for him. The boy then collapsed and within moments, medical ninja were on the scene to remove him from the scenario. “It was just too much for him.” Ita continued to think.

Now Ita focused his attention on Yen. With new battle circumstances, Kaze was now on Ita’s side for the time being and Yen was ordering Ita to launch an attack at him, or black his attack for that matter. Ita then tried to move his leg backwards in an attempt to move forward, but this time to Ita’s surprise, Ita’s corresponding arm simply moved backwards and his legs did not go anywhere. “A change in the genjutsu?” Ita thought to himself, as he felt that he had no control over his body what so ever. Ita didn’t like this feeling. Ita now knew what it was like to have his own body restricted by someone else’s techniques and he didn’t like it one bit. This scenario actually sparked a flame inside Ita. Ita would learn genjutsu eventually too so he would never have to fall into such situations again where his body was being controlled by someone else. Ita could see Yen making his way towards Ita, obviously about to strike him. It was now up to Ita to decode yet another effect of his technique.  Ita tried to move his leg backwards in order to move forwards again. When he did so, his corresponding arm moved backward. He then moved his leg forward and his arm moved backwards. ITa then tried to move his arm forward and his corresponding leg took a step forward. “Okay, so whichever way I move either my leg or arm, the corresponding limb moves in that direction.” Ita thought to himself. Ita continued to fiddle with his body, noticing when he moved his fingers, his eyes would twitch as well. Ita tried his best to not move his fingers so that his eyes would continue to look straight, making sure to keep his head up as well. Now Yen was near him and ready to strike, Ita simply tried to raise both his legs at the same time, which felt weird because ordinarily that would cause the boy to lose his balance and fall, but in this case Ita’s arms rose in defense, making it possible for him to guard himself against Yen’s strike. To elaborate, Ita would then thrust his leg forward in an attempt to strike Yen back after blocking his attack. Maybe by now ITa’s new teammate would have figured out what was going on as well and be able to be of some assistance to the training, unlike his last teammate.
Kaze Uchiha
Kaze Uchiha
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Team 9 Unite! - Page 3 Empty Re: Team 9 Unite!

Mon Jan 11, 2016 12:35 am
(Forgive me if this post is a bit off, I'm trying to type from memory. I've had to retype it a few times because my computer glitches up whenever i try to send it.)

"Hmph." It seemed that Kaneki was not able to handle the jutsu of their team leader. The boy had simply frozen up when things had started to get serious and now he lay unconsious on the ground having passed out from the jutsu they were all in. Kaze did not believe Kaneki to be so weak, no the boy was not nearly as strong as the Uchiha was, that was proven when they had sparred against one another but the now unconscious boy was not the type to just seize up and freeze considering he never backed down even when he had clearly been outmatched. It was odd but Kaze had more important things to deal with.

'Again with the loudmouth name.' The Uchiha can't help but growling internally, he had told himself he would not say anything back to his team leader but the man was started to rub him the wrong way. Still Kaze would do as he was aksed and retrieve the hat, looking up he found the hat now slowly falling to the ground. The task seemed simple enough but when the white haired boy tried to jump into the air his arms bent instead of his knees. He tried to jump a couple more times before he began to understand what had happened, 'I guess this jutsu changes over time and this is just another one of its affects.' Testing his theory Kaze tried to move one of his legs forward to take a step and instead one of his arms moved. He now looked down at his hands trying to wiggle his fingers only to lose sight of them as his eyes started to twitch around. 'Ah, so my limbs have changed roles, if I move my legs my arms move and my fingers now control my eyes. At least my movements are no longer reversed.' His thoughts came to an end as he managed to land his eyes on the hat again, albeit did not come with a struggle with his fingers. With the affects of the jutsu figured out the boy took action, he bent his arms in turn making his legs bend and then Kaze pushed his arms downward launching himself into the air. Once he was at the same height of Yen's hat, he moved his leg forward causing his right arm to reach out for the hat. With a little bit of eye twitching he managed to catch it in between his thumb and index finger. He had done as Yen asked and retrieved his hat and now the boy was going to return it, his arm moved backwards before it came flying forward launching the hat at the back of Yen's head at speed. Kaze was slowly getting the hang of this, his last action while moving he leg to move his arm and and twitching his eye to make his hand let go had felt no where near normally he was getting better.

As his figure came closer to the ground the Uchiha bent his arms which made his knees bend cushioning the impact of his landing. He tilted his head up and with a little maneuvering of his fingers he managed to get his eyes to focus on Ita, "I've got your back, let's do this." Hoping that Ita would attack Yen who was in front of him so that Kaze, who was running if you could call his stumbling about running. It had been much easier in the air retrieving the hat, but he was managing at least. Commanding his arms to move in a way so that he would move forward the boy made his way towards Yen. Here he would pull his leg back in reality his left arm would be the one moving and with a mighty swing it would come rocketing towards the head of Yen. Whether or not the blow landed the pale haired boy would move his arms so that his legs would carry him to Ita's side.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Team 9 Unite! - Page 3 Empty Re: Team 9 Unite!

Mon Jan 11, 2016 4:25 am
Very good they are learning quick and fast now that's how one handles their disadvantages. Very good you two as kaze I see did one thing that is nigh impossible to do. Very good proud of their progress as they are quickly picking up on it i see. So when the second batch of this comes I hope they understand what it is they are dealing with yen chuckled to himself as he noted it a defending himself the uncertainty in his eyes became apparent and a small smile came across yens face as he noted kaze landing on the ground from figuring how how to jump in that state. Which truely was an interesting development. As ita prepared for his defense's yen smiled and instead aimed a punch past ita now the significance to this was that yen expected and knew several things. One ita and laze both were trying to understand the genjutsu and despite that as much as they knew what was next they were neither the creator nor knew exactly what he knew what was to come. Instead yen felt the stumbling fist of kaze hit him and yen stumbled back a meter from ita and kaze and spoke as the punch clearly did no damage to yen due to his high health. " good punch more power. Gotta push yourself. Once more now"

Yen would state as the third effect occured. While many would say that when one wants to move a certain way there is also another point which comes to note as well with this. When people expect their bodies to respond appropriately. This third effect often was a true powerful house when it came to a persons body listening as should their muscles come into question and limb movement come a Klink so in question the clenching and opening a fist would be reversed as to open their hand their body would do the complete opposite which would be close it. The same would be with a punch. Or a kick they would have to do the complete opposite of everything which would include the tightening and relaxing of muscles. As if they were relaxed they would find that their muscles would instead tighten till they were stiff. And to relax was to tighten their muscles. To turn their head right they would need to turn their head to the left as it would all do the opposite of their wishes. To infect functions even remotely properly they would need to do everything except thinking in a reverse manner. This yen knew would be quiet a challenge for the duo but now was the time to test their strength in team work as the third effect took full force.

Yen noted the full on power his technique has and for that matter also noted the great lengths he needed to go to gaining this. As the madness of adapting and growing was in fact a true challenge this was where yen noted that the power one gains from being restrained and pushing through was great as it was risky. Yet yen had a grasp of the way he managed to nail this down as he took beyond that and out of it. I could push this further and even further. As it might be time to re evaluate the technique As whole. And further make it optimal I need a way to use pandemonium without taking time. And it would take even less time to if and as long as I assure I can get this technique down fully. That being said. Now I need to make sure I can keep this going while they work out the training. And surely enough I'll press through while fighting these two. Ah the grand dance of mad world how you press the very fabric of human nature fully. These boys shall have a nice training session to take home and reflect upon. As to walk is to run. And to accept what is not. Normal is a must to grow

Yen thought as he glanced at the two boys and placed a hand on itas shoulder speaking "push yourself and do not fear falling. You must adapt accordingly and quickly. When the cards are out of your hands you are being timid. At your opponent's strongest moment ita when they seem impossible is where their greatest weakness lies. So why are you not striking at full force. Refuse all doubt and accept what's in front of you. This day is not for the eyes nor the mind. But your will and your body.I am testing your will to fight even when hell comes up to us without a doubt. If you lost your eyes would you fight non the same or harder? That is why I said not to use your eyes. And release. So adapt. Learn to face an impossible situation not without a doubt nor without confidence. But a vow to stand as the flame the next day. To be the fire that does not shake nor Wilt away. Now show me your resolve and strike. No blades. No jutsu strike and strike true. The same goes for you kaze you are to keep going till you are comfortable with the impossible situations. Because only when you have done the impossible and pushed through watch what happens. If I'm understood then strike! A target dummy does not prepare you for moments like this where you question what is next. Now is the time you find your awnser and improvise."

Yen would speak as he awaited their responses studying both of them now as they were under the third effect and he reflected hard on the way to work on improving his technique through theory yen knew what the problem was. It was to obvious as one with that many signs was a sure tell run away for throes who know nothing of it. But to be unexpected and further sudden would do wonders as it would require the full memory of the techniques at heart and soul which he did indeed get down. Yet the hand signs and mastering it to such a degree it was frightening. That was yens dream


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Team 9 Unite! - Page 3 Empty Re: Team 9 Unite!

Mon Jan 18, 2016 7:35 am
Yen’s attack would miss Ita on purpose. Ita could tell it was on purpose for the mere fact that he was controlling the technique and if he wanted so he could walk right up to the struggling Genin and make slight work of them. Yen’s attack missed and Kaze’s attack hit. However, Kaze’s attack did no damage. For a little guy he sure was resilient and loved to speak. Next Yen would lecture then place his hand onto Ita’s shoulder and continue to speak. He was so close to Ita. Now was his chance. Ita was keeping a cool mind, but Yen’s technique was sure beginning to drive him mad. Was this the extent of it? Was there more? Ita would relax his muscle in an attempt to make sense of it all, but for some reason his body felt so stiff. He tried to stretch his muscles, but he was meet by extremely uncomfortable muscle contractions and twitches, Ita’s body fidgeting under the grip of Yen’s hand. Ita was trying not to make contact with Yen in order not to give up his element of surprise. Hopefully Kaze would be seeing how close Yen was to Ita and would have the same Idea. Now was a good as time as any, they must work together and persevere and give back to this boy what he was giving to him, and I don’t mean knowledge. I mean pain. It had been a while since Ita had felt pain. What was this feeling he felt? It reminded him of prior events. Pain. What is pain? Anger swelled within Ita. Growing. Growing. The pain grew into anger. Ita didn’t want to just hit yen any longer he wanted to hurt him. At such a close range Ita could easily thrust a chidori through the man’s chest and end the pain. No. That isn’t an option. Perseverance. That was Ita’s only option. He must obey. He most fight through the pain and not lose his cool. That was the only way. Upon coming to such a conclusion Ita tried to clench a hidden left fist readying himself to thrust a punch towards Yen’s head which was no longer bearing a straw hat. Ita’s hand didn’t close. It was open as ever. Strange. Another side effect of the technique? Now that Ita had calmed himself down, he tried to open his hand. What do you know, his hand closed. Okay. Opposites, opposites. Ita fidgeted with his hands ever so slowly not to draw attention as Yen spoke. Ita attempted to raise his hand ever so slightly and his hand move backwards. His muscles tight. Flex. Flex your muscles. As he flexed his muscles loosened. What a fucked up technique. One capable of driving a person truly insane. Ita moved his hand down and it moved ever so slightly up. Ita tried to press his hand backwards and forward is slightly went. All these motions would be done in the most discrete way, to Ita’s side; in the way of yens vision. Ita was ready. Ita opened his hand and tightened his muscles. Ita then thrusted his arm backwards in an angled motion, sending an extremely fast and loose punch as Ita’s max speed towards the head of the Genin squad which stood within arms distance. Literally arms distance as his arm was in contact with Ita’s closest shoulder. Ita hoped that the hand that was furthest away would be soaring towards his face bearing all the anger Ita had felt towards this technique and releasing It in a rock hard fist aimed straight towards his mouth. If the punch would land then the satisfaction would wash over Ita’s face as this would be the first true feat he would accomplish during this training session. Ita was just happy that he didn’t lose his cool and do something stupid. 

TWC: 4280
Kaze Uchiha
Kaze Uchiha
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Team 9 Unite! - Page 3 Empty Re: Team 9 Unite!

Mon Jan 25, 2016 1:03 am
A small smirk of satisfaction sat on the boy's face as his knuckles met Yen's face knocking him back a meter or so only there was no damage dealt. The punch had not been full strength due to the circumstances but Kaze had been able to put a good deal of power into it yet Yen was unscathed. Despite his misleading stature the talkative man could take a hit, even after taking a punch he was still just as full of words as he had been when they first met.

Words were never in short supply when dealing with Yen, Kaze had come to understand the fact that he liked to speak. His words were often times wise but they seemed a little out of place when talking to someone of Kaze's age sometimes. Although being a ninja probably dismissed that, people often looked at shinobi as if they were not regularly people just like everyone else. It was a common belief that they were without emotion, just shells of people or tools to be used for the village, and while every shinobi chose to live that lifestyle when that made the decision to become a ninja, others embodied it. Some truly became shells, non-feeling beings who had no emotion and were not really alive. So in being a shinobi Kaze had lost his entitlement to childhood, he had a different understanding and out look on life than a regular citizen.

A sudden pain was felt all over Kaze's body it was as if all of his muscles had just cramped up and every time he tried to stretch or relax them they only tightened. 'This has to be the jutsu doing this.' If this was anything like the past effects it would probably require him to do the opposite of what he actually wanted to do. So if he wanted his muscles to relax, he would need to flex them. While one with a cramp would typically not flex their muscles, Kaze was going to do that and as he did the pain went away. A sick and twisted technique undoubtedly created to mess with a person's mind, he was a trained shinobi and while he was putting on a good front the boy was starting to feel the mental strain. 

'So he likes to mess with people's minds, well I'm going to make him regret messing with mine.' An opportunity had presented itself, Yen was within striking distance and by the look of things it seemed Ita had the same idea he did. Revenge. During this time of observation Kaze would have been experimenting with his body open and closing his hand discretely, finding that each action was indeed reversed. Meaning that he would have to play the game of backwards acting again, he had done it earlier in this training session now that he had a feel of how things worked this should be simple. Willing his legs to move he made the two steps necessary to reach Yen, it had required him to reverse the way he made his muscles move. Where he would normally flex a muscle here or there he had to relax it in order to make it flex the way it normally would. It had been a hassle but once one had previous knowledge with reversing the way they moved it wasn't something you forgot. He planted his left foot drawing his right one forward before bringing it backwards with great force in reality his foot would now be racing at the stomach of Yen opposite of the incoming punch of Ita, leaving an attack on both sides of Team Nine's leader.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Team 9 Unite! - Page 3 Empty Re: Team 9 Unite!

Mon Jan 25, 2016 4:03 am
Yen rolled his neck as a satisfactory note as the boys were in thought yes. Yen could actually tell they were too busy working the effects in mind as yen chuckled mentally as the flexing of ita and kaze were apparent oh I hope they got notes because they are gonna hate next round of this whole technique. And I got the exact way to torment these two fully. Not bad though. yen thought as ita shifted clumsily to strike at yen it was the same for kaze as he clumped forward yet again and this time yen wasn't going to allow a easy one on either of the two as yen merely despite his lack of speed side stepped kaze's kick and itas punch keeping in mind that a lift of his hand to satisfy somewhat itas hunger to strike at him by ita hitting his open palm and sending yen spinning away. On his feet about 6 meters. Not even an ache on the aburame as he nodded shaking his hand in a feint of pain. A false grimace on his face yet he wasn't sarcastic as he addressed the two. " not bad you two got good strength in this. How ya feeling you two getting a work out mentally and physically? In reality this technique is designed to give thoes too strong a knock down a peg, but also its imperative training to actually adjust to the impossible. You two are doing very good. So I'll give you two a break now. Only offensive jutsu can be used by you two. No eyes no releasing. As you two may note this is indeed a genjutsu. However sometimes you must fight through a genjutsu. It's a act of surprise to throes who work ahead and plan some powerful technique however use this as an advantage. We are training and I'll use a couple techniques as well. But note that take my advice this is a rare treat to learn to fight through genjutsu and the likes instead of releasing. You may find that this is not going to be easy but nessary. Now show me what you got you two!"

Yen would state as he stood at a decent distance surely the boys would be ecstatic to fully almost ecstatic to launch a few techniques at yen and needlessly yen was also keen to figure how the boys would handle his fourth effect. The boys would note to their joy they would be able to move normally. Well almost normally should the boys be able to move their arms legs, hands, feet, their limbs would sporadically spasm out should they use them. It would be terribly difficult to walk and run yet alone punch and use jutsu. Moving at high speeds would be pretty dangerous as well for that would cause tripping and further harm. Yet the opportunity would be almost hard to resist as they would be joyus to actually act on a free manor. This yen knew would be quiet the fun of the technique to teach. As he knew that their focus would remain on his every move they would learn very quickly that this would be very unfortunate. As he awaited their actions.

Further reflection on the technique did indeed lead yen to realize that like many techniques he knew a few had such a distinct feature. The least amount of actions required to use them. As this technique was a fun technique it had the sever effect to be used with ease. At this yen recalls the final effect of the genjutsu the ease in which the genjutsu is recasted. As it's simplicity is that the genjutsu remains in effect however to cast such an genjutsu initially would require full understanding of how to recreate the effect. The pushing and pulling of the genjutsu as it's full cast required a full pulsation of his massive chakra to effect another's chakra. As all grnjutsu work despite the power a shinobi possesses its power alone this effectively makes genjutsu alone powerful. And like most jutsu that require no handsigns it's a pure push of overwhelming chakra. Taking in fact of his web jutsu yen kept the thought as a fuel for thought as he awaited the two genin to attack fully.


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Team 9 Unite! - Page 3 Empty Re: Team 9 Unite!

Wed Feb 03, 2016 9:23 pm
They could now use Jutsu? Ita stood panting looking at Yen. This training had be very taxing on Ita and he didn’t know how much longer he could keep going without going completely mad. Sweat dripped down ITa’s face. So how could Ita get to Yen now? What was the next effect? Ita would now be standing about 6 meters away from Yen. Hopefully the training would be ending soon, but Ita couldn’t let the chance to use jutsu on him go. Ita’s body felt very tense. He tried to raise his hand towards Yen to see what was going on. His hand spazzed. Ita flexed his muscles so that they wouldn’t spaz. Ita then pushed his arm downwards so that it would raise. He clenched his hand so that his ringers would extend. This would probably be ITa’s last technique before he would stop the training, although he wouldn’t say anything until Yen dismissed it himself. Ita’s hand then illuminated with light blue chakra which radiated around his hand. Without any more motion, the raition chakra shot from Ita’s hand towards yen at 80 speed with 80 power in an attempt to hit him. Their leader would probably find a way to evade it, but he did tell them to use a jutsu and it was the most practical one to use for their situation. Ita watched the beam of raition make its way towards Yen, seeing what he would do next.
TWC: 4523

Ap: 256 – 45 = 211
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