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One man's Haven... Empty One man's Haven...

Sat Sep 19, 2015 1:07 pm
Salzem stood at the gates of Haven, waiting patiently for someone to pass by and notice him. His giant Blue tarantula squatted by has ankles, waiting just as patiently as he had recently fed her. He had thought little of his village since he left it, wanting to put the entire experience behind him. One might accuse him of burying the past, and perhaps he was. He just wanted nothing to do with Konoha. The reason he had come to Haven was unclear, even to him. Perhaps his reason was to flee from the now hostile village. Perhaps it was that he suspected the murder's presence here. Regardless of the reason, Salzem was here now and wanted entry. This didn't mean he want to join the village mind you, just to be let inside for a little while. He waited patiently, kneeling down to stroke his spider's cephalothorax gently every couple of minutes.
Arashi Tekiatsu
Arashi Tekiatsu
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 43000

One man's Haven... Empty Re: One man's Haven...

Sat Sep 19, 2015 2:12 pm
There seemed to be a new found respect for the young man, the so called little Prince of Lady Akihana.  Once rumors about the fate of the Princess of Bird Country got loose, many didn't see Arashi as just another ninja, or as just another royal.  He was suddenly a protector, once who tried to give his life to save someone that had no merit on himself.  He was a true hero in that regard.

Despite his own misgivings, this village of non-shinobis considered the return of the Princess's body as a demonstration of the Will, the one thing that every shinobi strove to obtain.  He considered the mission a failure, but no one else seemed to.  Still, he was greatly affected by such things.

Which is why Arashi found himself on patrol at the gates.  It was the guards who suggested that getting back to work would help him, as they too had seen and experienced the death of another, either watching a comrade fall, or killing an enemy.  The young man agreed, and was standing by the gate when someone shouted a person approaching.  

Arashi jumped up into the gate tower to look over the wall and watch the person approach.  There was a blue.. thing.. walking with him, with multiple legs.. like a giant spider.  Still, the traveler didn't seem too dangerous..

As the traveler reached the gate, Arashi stood on top.  "Halt!" he said, though he didn't need to.. the stranger seemed ready to wait.  Arashi jumped down from the gate and stood before the person, seeing evidence that this man might be a shinobi.

"You have reached the gates of Hoshi.  I am Arashi.  State your business here." he said, ready for anything.

One man's Haven... Empty Re: One man's Haven...

Sat Sep 19, 2015 2:52 pm
Salzem glanced up as a sudden voice broke the silence. Salzem's spider glared at the boy as he jumped down from atop the gate and land in front of him. Salzem stroked her head, letting her know that they weren't any danger. At least, not yet. He nodded his head in greeting as the boy introduced himself as Arashi and that this was the Gates to Hoshigakure or Haven. That seemed evident.

"My name is Salzem and my business here is merely that I'm looking for someone. I promise no harm will befall your people from me. You have my word for what that's worth." Salzem promised. He truly had no hostile intentions toward the boy, nor his village. His main reason for coming to Haven was that he was searching for the murderer that set him on this path. He would give no obvious inclinations of his intentions, just giving Arashi his normal stoic face. He had long discarded his Konoha headband. He wondered if this kid knew he was a shinobi...
Arashi Tekiatsu
Arashi Tekiatsu
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 43000

One man's Haven... Empty Re: One man's Haven...

Sat Sep 19, 2015 3:39 pm
Arashi stared into the face of the stranger as he spoke, listening and watching with every word.  Hoshi needing protecting, and he would be dammed if he let the hordes of rogues bring trouble to his village.  However, he seemed to be sincerely, and that was certainly a start.

Arashi brought up his hand in a half sign, almost as if he was about to attack, and instead raised his hand, where a small bolt of lightning shot up.  Soon, the gates would open, revealing the non-shinobi city guards.

"As long as your intentions are pure and you don't bring trouble, I will grant you entry.  There are some locations off limit to travelers, keep that in mind, as they will not show the same kindness we do.  Nor will I if you betray my trust.  I would advise checking with the inn to see if your companion has arrived.  For now.. enjoy your stay." he said, taking a few steps back into the village.  He stopped and turned to Salzem, as if he had a second thought.

"Oh, and before you think you can get away with back alley antics.  Know that Hoshinin are always watching." he said, as his body started to disperse into the air, and Arashi seemed to just.. vanish.. into the air itself.

EXIT Arashi - Entrance Granted to Salzem

One man's Haven... Empty Re: One man's Haven...

Sat Sep 19, 2015 4:01 pm
Salzem shrugged as Arashi gave his warning about breaking his trust. He had no intention to do so and found the gesture unnecessary. Perhaps it was just protocol that dictated his words. It made sense he supposed. As the gates opened and Arashi faded away, Salzem flipped his black hood over his head and his spider crawled onto his back.

This will serve as home. For now... He thought to himself as he walked through the gates.

(Entering Haven)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

One man's Haven... Empty Re: One man's Haven...

Sun Sep 20, 2015 1:40 am

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