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Hado the Octopus Sage <3
Hado the Octopus Sage <3
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Royal Emissary [Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Royal Emissary [Mission]

Thu Sep 17, 2015 4:21 pm
will post later today in a few hours
Hado the Octopus Sage <3
Hado the Octopus Sage <3
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Royal Emissary [Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Royal Emissary [Mission]

Thu Sep 17, 2015 10:57 pm
Hado fortunately got the hint to shut his trap, when Lucian held up his hand, or at least, he assumed it was a hint as such. Why, became obvious, however, as the voice of one of the bandits piped up, drowning out other nearby sounds, such as those of a young ninja attempting unsuccessfully to be stealthy in the undergrowth. Fortunately, the bandits did not notice them. Glancing at the others, Hado reached into his weapon pouches, in one hand drawing a smoke bomb, and in the other hand, he drew three shuriken. Hopefully he could defeat the bandits without killing them. Cause if he did, he would be traumatized like a typical little kid and become a nut job only suitable for guard duty on the outskirts of civilization.

Anyways, while the loud guy on the other side of the thicket spoke, Hado crept forward with the others, trying to be quiet, and discovering that he was woefully inadequate, for a ninja at least. Fortunately, the twigs that he could snap with his somewhat clumsy feet, were somewhat in short supply.

As the puppet thing that Lucian was controlling began moving forwards, Hado ran forwards, following it, and pitched the smoke bomb over the top of the hedge. He was aiming for the smoke bomb to land near the source of the sound, approximately. If nothing moved, the smoke bomb would most likely come down about a meter in front of the approximate location of the source of the loud voice, landing shortly after the puppet had given the genin a reasonably clear view of the scene by clearing out part of the bush. In addition he began making sure to pay attention to the location of the puppet, as it was a large hunk of metal and he did not want Lucian to accidentally wipe him out, as he was not aiming for the kill… right? Wasn’t he?

Getting a reasonable view of the bandits, Hado threw his three shuriken just after the smoke bomb began exploding, each aimed to disable one of the bandits, by hitting them in the torso, the smoke intended to reduce their capacity to sense the flying objects. He would have preferred to not attack there, since there was greater risk, but he was not fast enough, strong enough, or accurate enough to likely be able to pull off attacks aimed at their limbs. The three he aimed at were on the outsides of the bandit formation, two on the left, and one on the right.

Figuring that the royal entourage would be likely be staying put amid the erupting chaos, Hado clapped his hands, and touched the ground, sending his chakra into the dirt, and raising a 5 meter square of dirt that should elevate the entourage and keep them away from the fighting. Given that the bandits had turned to face the genin, shortly before encountering the smoke, they would likely not notice Hado’s discreet action, as it was intended to be obscured by the smoke.

If the smoke bomb landed and exploded where he intended it to, Hado would murmur to his teammates “I can sense the location of their metal weapons, I’m going in.” just loudly enough that his teammates could hear but not the bandits. This would be regardless of the success of his other attacks and maneuvers unless they all failed spectacularly. Charging through the hole, he would draw a kunai in each hand. He hoped he did not have to kill anyone, that would make him sad.

Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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Royal Emissary [Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Royal Emissary [Mission]

Fri Sep 18, 2015 9:16 am
This can only go well.

Of course it took only but a moment for Lucian's doubts to be well founded. The other genin he was working with were, well, interesting. Delito broke through the brush with ease followed shortly by both Hado and Kyofu. So far so good, all according to plan. Then everything went haywire. Kyofu was stabbing someone and Hado had obscured the rest of the bandits from view. So much for teamwork, now Lucian could offer no assistance within the smoke without risking the lives of anyone inside, friend and foe alike.

Thus, when Hado suggested that he could sense the metal in the bandit's weapons Lucian could do naught, but give him an affirmative nod. It would seem the genin would be playing a supportive role here. Were any of the bandits to emerge from the cloud of smoke Lucian would deal with the via a body slam from Delito. The puppet would no doubt knock any poor bandit down and out. However, such an action was contingent on any bandits actually stumbling out of the smoke. For now he could do naught, but trust his two teammates.

I suppose this could be going worse. 
Don't jinx it you idiot.

{WC: 204}
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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Royal Emissary [Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Royal Emissary [Mission]

Sat Sep 19, 2015 9:50 am
As the smoke roses in the air followed by the ninja Hado throwing three Shuriken within it Kyofu would wait, he had no way to sense anything within the smoke nor see so if he was too attack within it he would be a dead man walking." I can sense the location of their metal weapons, I'm going in " said Hado as he charged toward through the thicket that separated them from the royals and bandits. Kyofu would stay next to Lucian and his put whilst saying " Once we get a clear visual from Hado we charge in, he may be the only one who can navigate through the smoke at this moment. And if he can he may be able to direct us within it ". Kunai in each hand Kyofu would wait for some sort of signal to surge forward alongside Lucian as they would prepare to rescue the royals.

Hopefully everything went according to plan. But of course in the ninja world nothing went correct.

(167WC so far all together we have done 5582WC so I think mission complete once Lucian posts?)
Hado the Octopus Sage <3
Hado the Octopus Sage <3
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Royal Emissary [Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Royal Emissary [Mission]

Sat Sep 19, 2015 10:18 pm
(oops, sorry guys ;-; hado is an idiot, and I thought it would be fair to give you guys some action too)

Well, Hado being a genius, he had charged in without making any attempt to gather information on the opponents sensory, or his own teammates for that matter.

As a result, he ended up running into the slowly spreading smoke, past the puppet of the monk guy's, and finding himself alone 7 to 1, since the royal entourage did not really count towards the total on the genin's side, which was kind of unfortunate really.

He heard the body drop from Kyofu's kunai, and mentally dropped the count to six, as he stumbled over the fallen body. The squishing sounds, and the lack of pained breathing, confirmed his suspicions. Dead.

Then he heard a couple of muffled thuds, followed by more bodies dropping. Hopefully the bandits were not able to sense in this smoke, but it seemed some of their weapons were travelling in a human like fashion towards where Hado and the puppet had burst in. "Lucian! Kyofu! Three of them coming for you! Through that hole your thingy made! 2 meters away and clos-"

Hado was hit with a glancing blow from behind, one of the ones he had attacked had obviously been in fit condition still, as the leader's death left 6 and half were headed for the others.... Stumbling, Hado sensed a metal object approaching super scarily fast, and he rolled to the side, the flash of a blade stabbing into the ground next to where his torso had been previously. Oops, talking in this smoke was a mistake huh? He scrambled to his feet and ran towards where he thought the raised platform of dirt was, but stumbled over a couple more bodies of the bandits. The third one was unaccounted for however, and a quick punch to the heads gave each of the fallen bandits the tweety birds circling overhead, if they were conscious and not dead.

Then he felt a knife being held against his neck. "Don't move." was hissed in his ear. Hado's first thought was "Why did I NOT sense that coming? I got spaced out or something..."

Hado unsuccessfully tried to resist the urge to gulp. He could feel the blade against his throat, the bandit behind him. The bandit continued to whisper in the rather terrified little boy's ear... "We are going out of this mess you made, and you are going to tell your teammates to stop attacking. Then one of you will lower the dirt platform. Its that or your life. Choose."

Hado was kind of scared at this point. Okay, more like a full blown panic. As the bandit was finishing his little speech, Hado snuck his hand up, then took a gamble, and jumped, leaning backwards, while trying to bring his hand up to block the bandit's blade. He did not quite make it.

The bandit was hit in the chin, and Hado was sure he heard something gross get snapped or bitten, he did not want to know. The body of the bandit fell backwards. Trying to dodge what was likely an inevitable bt unintended strike, Hado cursed his own weakness and lack of physical ability, trying to lean backwards to get room to dodge the oncoming blade about a centimeter from his skin. He didn't make it.

The bandit hit the ground just before Hado landed on the bandit, his hand making it too late to prevent the sharp kunai from slicing into Hado's throat. Knowing this could be the end, if only from blood loss, Hado managed to catch the kunai with his hand and pull it away from him, but only after he had been cut, his hands also being sliced by the sharp blade, that fell easily now from the opponent's loose grasp.

Not looking to see the state of his opponent, but sure that he was at least out cold, Hado tried to stand, and got dizzy. Woah.

His little body wobbled, as his clean hand came away from his neck, covered in a hazy red, that he could see fairly clearly through the smoke despite the thickness of the latter. Uggh.  He tried to walk to the edge of the smoke cloud towards where his teammates were, but he was obviously a little lost. Following a source of metal, he found the body of one of the bandits he had initially attacked, and sadly, this guy was dead as well. That meant that he was near the end of the smoke cloud though. Hado saw the trees as hazy outlines, and stumbled towards them, both his hands at his neck, pressing the cloth of his shirt to try and staunch the bleeding as his hands pulsed with medical ninjutsu, trying to repair the damage before it was too late.

The hapless genin stumbled out of the smoke cloud, coughing and retching as he tried to not throw up, his hands slowly making progress against his wounds. Hearing sounds that looked like fighting, he collapsed on the ground, his eyes unfocused and his mind on trying to heal him self. His last glimpse before he closed his eyes, screwing them shut with pain, was of the royal entourage still stuck atop a 5 meter platform of dirt. No bandits up there either, that he saw. Good. That meant at least they would be safe for the others to grab and retrieve. Whether he would make it back would be another matter though. At least that jutsu practice paid off a bit.

(ttl wc: 1550+911=2461)
1 bandit killed, 3 presumably incapacitated for the time being, 3 left charging towards Lucian and Kyofu

Last edited by Hado the Octopus Sage <3 on Sat Sep 19, 2015 10:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
Hado the Octopus Sage <3
Hado the Octopus Sage <3
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Royal Emissary [Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Royal Emissary [Mission]

Sat Sep 19, 2015 10:20 pm
(oops, sorry guys ;-; hado is an idiot)

Well, Hado being a genius, he had charged in without making any attempt to gather information on the opponents sensory, or his own teammates for that matter.

As a result, he ended up running into the slowly spreading smoke, past the puppet of the monk guy's, and finding himself alone 7 to 1, since the royal entourage did not really count towards the total on the genin's side, which was kind of unfortunate really.

He heard the body drop from Kyofu's kunai, and mentally dropped the count to six, as he stumbled over the fallen body. The squishing sounds, and the lack of pained breathing, confirmed his suspicions. Dead.

Then he heard a couple of muffled thuds, followed by more bodies dropping. Hopefully the bandits were not able to sense in this smoke, but it seemed some of their weapons were travelling in a human like fashion towards where Hado and the puppet had burst in. "Lucian! Kyofu! Three of them coming for you! Through that hole your thingy made! 2 meters away and clos-"

Hado was hit with a glancing blow from behind, one of the ones he had attacked had obviously been in fit condition still, as the leader's death left 6 and half were headed for the others.... Stumbling, Hado sensed a metal object approaching super scarily fast, and he rolled to the side, the flash of a blade stabbing into the ground next to where his torso had been previously. Oops, talking in this smoke was a mistake huh? He scrambled to his feet and ran towards where he thought the raised platform of dirt was, but stumbled over a couple more bodies of the bandits. The third one was unaccounted for however, and a quick punch to the heads gave each of the fallen bandits the tweety birds circling overhead, if they were conscious and not dead.

Then he felt a knife being held against his neck. "Don't move." was hissed in his ear. Hado's first thought was "Why did I NOT sense that coming? I got spaced out or something..."

Hado unsuccessfully tried to resist the urge to gulp. He could feel the blade against his throat, the bandit behind him. The bandit continued to whisper in the rather terrified little boy's ear... "We are going out of this mess you made, and you are going to tell your teammates to stop attacking. Then one of you will lower the dirt platform. Its that or your life. Choose."

Hado was kind of scared at this point. Okay, more like a full blown panic. As the bandit was finishing his little speech, Hado snuck his hand up, then took a gamble, and jumped, leaning backwards, while trying to bring his hand up to block the bandit's blade. He did not quite make it.

The bandit was hit in the chin, and Hado was sure he heard something gross get snapped or bitten, he did not want to know. The body of the bandit fell backwards. Trying to dodge what was likely an inevitable bt unintended strike, Hado cursed his own weakness and lack of physical ability, trying to lean backwards to get room to dodge the oncoming blade about a centimeter from his skin. He didn't make it.

The bandit hit the ground just before Hado landed on the bandit, his hand making it too late to prevent the sharp kunai from slicing into Hado's throat. Knowing this could be the end, if only from blood loss, Hado managed to catch the kunai with his hand and pull it away from him, but only after he had been cut, his hands also being sliced by the sharp blade, that fell easily now from the opponent's loose grasp.

Not looking to see the state of his opponent, but sure that he was at least out cold, Hado tried to stand, and got dizzy. Woah.

His little body wobbled, as his clean hand came away from his neck, covered in a hazy red, that he could see fairly clearly through the smoke despite the thickness of the latter. Uggh.  He tried to walk to the edge of the smoke cloud towards where his teammates were, but he was obviously a little lost. Following a source of metal, he found the body of one of the bandits he had initially attacked, and sadly, this guy was dead as well. That meant that he was near the end of the smoke cloud though. Hado saw the trees as hazy outlines, and stumbled towards them, both his hands at his neck, pressing the cloth of his shirt to try and staunch the bleeding as his hands pulsed with medical ninjutsu, trying to repair the damage before it was too late.

The hapless genin stumbled out of the smoke cloud, coughing and retching as he tried to not throw up, his hands slowly making progress against his wounds. Hearing sounds that looked like fighting, he collapsed on the ground, his eyes unfocused and his mind on trying to heal him self. His last glimpse before he closed his eyes, screwing them shut with pain, was of the royal entourage still stuck atop a 5 meter platform of dirt. No bandits up there either, that he saw. Good. That meant at least they would be safe for the others to grab and retrieve. Whether he would make it back would be another matter though. At least that jutsu practice paid off a bit.

(ttl wc: 1550+911=2461)
1 bandit killed, 3 presumably incapacitated for the time being, 3 left charging towards Lucian and Kyofu

Hado is alive and kicking, but feebly unless interfered with he will be ok given time o.o
Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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Royal Emissary [Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Royal Emissary [Mission]

Sun Sep 20, 2015 10:58 am
So, off Hado went into the maw of battle leaving his two teammates far behind. Every once in awhile the genin heard a metallic clang here and there from within the imposing cloud of smoke. Naturally, Lucian's eyes could not discern what was going on within, but he was quickly keyed in by the yelling of Hado. Unfortunately the yell was cut off leading Lucian to assume the worst. Unfortunately there was nothing he could do at this point in time, because Hado was correct, there were three bandits running out of the smoke directly for Lucian and Kyfo.

To be more precise there were two running at Delito and one at Kyofu. Lucian focused on the two heading directly for his masterpiece. There was little way they could harm his creation, but that did not mean he would give them such a chance to try. With a flick of his wrist Lucian sent Delito on the offensive. However, the puppet did not lead blade first. Instead of going for a kill the jets on the Delito fired up and sent it off at a blinding pace. Instead of running the two bandits through the puppet simply ran right into them. This attack sent the bandits sprawling to the ground and out of the conscious world for the time being. There was little they could do to with the hulk of metal flying at them.

Hopefully at this point Kyofu had dispatched his opponent as well. If not he would lend assistance, but Kyofu seemed like the capable type. If all the enemies had indeed been dispatched a slight breeze would blow over the clearing sending the smoke away ever so slowly. As the curtain that was once smoke lifted Lucian quickly appraised the situation. Hado had indeed taken out his opponents, but it appeared he had sustained an injury or two. Nothing immediately fatal, but he would have to visit the hospital at some point or another. The next point of interest was the sight of the royal's entourage safe high on a cliff of Hado's creation.

"Well, that could have gone better," Lucian stated wrily. "Hado, if you please." 

Accenting his words Lucian waved his hand over to the raised earth as he walked up next to Hado. In all honesty it could have gone much worse. The bandits could have all ganged up on Hado and with Lucian and Kyofu unable to see he would be a goner. However, today luck favored the trio. Once Hado lowered the entourage Lucian would speak up again in a slow even voice.

"Well, I do believe that is a wrap, shall we escort these fine people to the gates?" Naturally Lucian's question was rhetorical, they had a job to finish and finish it they would. It was time to get the job done. With a twitch of his fingers Lucian brought his puppet to his side and prepared to depart. Consciously he attempted once more to lessen Delito's threads to one finger with marginal success. Shame, he was getting close.

Well, that was exciting if nothing else.
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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Royal Emissary [Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Royal Emissary [Mission]

Tue Sep 22, 2015 8:44 pm
(Short post sorrrry)

As the bandit ran towards Kyo's using the Kunai within his left hand Kyofu would quickly throw it as it pierced the man's stomach coming out of his back leaving a gaping hole in the man's stomach. After Lucian said his words the team including the royals would walk back towards the village. Kyofu would get into position at the back of the group to watch everyone's back incase their were even more bandits hiding in the distance. As the medium sized group walked their was silence and sometimes joy of being saved.

Kunai in his left hand Kyofu would continue to be prepared for anything at all costs, even if it were his own teammate that would try to attack him.
Hado the Octopus Sage <3
Hado the Octopus Sage <3
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Royal Emissary [Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Royal Emissary [Mission]

Wed Sep 23, 2015 12:53 am
“Sorry, I got careless, I really need to hold myself back sometimes.”

Hado coughed up some blood semi-cheerfully while Lucian spoke to him. “Ok, just a sec.” The spluttering and cheerful coughing up of blood, punctuated his sentences, the healing was slowly doing its work, it seemed that his skill was improving, unintentionally, which was a good thing he supposed.

Sitting up slowly, he coughed again, before stopping. Gathering the chakra in his hands, he touched it to the ground in front of him, after a clap, the ground under the royal entourage beginning to descend from their little impromptu pillar of safety.

Hopefully none of them had fallen off, or Hado could potentially be in big trouble. Not like anyone had been untied or anything.

As the ground slowly descended, Hado began to feel light headed. As the platform was finally approaching ground level, he was getting… tired. Walking toward the entourage, he stooped to pick up his weapons that were along the way, each time a wave of dizziness overcoming him, and almost forcing him to stop. He kept going though, that energy bar he had consumed before, was helping his blood sugar levels a bit. IT might nto be enough though but at least he was getting a bit better.

If the others had not already freed the royal entourage, by the time Hado got there, he would help them out, and then pick up his weapons, leaving the rest alone. He would then walk off with the others, following Lucian, if they were ready to escort the others home.
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Royal Emissary [Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Royal Emissary [Mission]

Sat Oct 03, 2015 1:48 pm
(Sorry Gary gonna 48)

After gathering everyone together Kyofu would tell everyone to get in a triangular formation with him Lucian, and Hado at the front to escort the rest of the citizens back to the village. Along the way Kyo was thinking of what he was going to do when he got home. He had been put here in the borders the whole day and surely was now bores since the adrenaline rush he had gotten from the small battle was now gone. Seeing the village ahead Kyo would scream out " it seems we have made it good luck to all " and began running towards the village at high speeds.

Exit not claiming anything
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