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Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu)

Thu Sep 03, 2015 6:40 am
As Kyo continued to sot in his chair his glas of red wine be twirled around every now and then. Staring upon the guests of the castle he saw one in particular come up to him. Kyo had focused his eyes on the man he had met earlier wondering whether this mam was friend or foe
 As he thought about that the man had took a seat in front of Kyo and had said " Lucian Nazar please to meet you " Kyo continued to stare at the man who was dressed VA's a nomad. So his name was Lucian. Kyo wondered if this man had any kind of abllilities and if so what were tueym after minutes of thinking Kyo smiled behind his mask and had said " My name is Kyofu Ishi but most just call me Kyo. May I ask Lucian why you are upon this lovely village. I've never seen anyone of your like dress as such so I'm simply suspecting you are from elsewhere. Of course you do not have to answer my question if you do not want to " said Kyo slowly.

If this guy was a Knight he himself would still want to know the skills of this man seeing as he was maybe a companion of the village. Kyo liked to train even in dramatic circumstances. Training was his life, all he wanted was to get stronger and examine the many clans of the planet as a Scientist and as a Doctor help the people who are Ill. But one does not simply become those things in a day. He already had info on several clans. Like the Tekiatsu Clan had the ability to transform into clouds. The Hozuki clan had the ability to turn into water or make things go through themselves. He Aldo knew their biggest weakness to Lighting Styled jutsu. And last the Kaguya clan the only clan he had the DNA of. To him this DNA could help a lot of people who were experienced in Taijutsu. However he has not come upon anyone as of yet.

He continued to stare at the man and looked down to the many plates of food below his head. Kyo pushed a plate of fish and chips with a glace of White Eibe if the man even drunk." Eat up Lucian the chefs here are really good in what they do " said Kyo.

Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu)

Thu Sep 03, 2015 10:07 pm
This question again?

Ever since his arrival in Hoshigakure anyone who Lucian had talked to asked this question. Where did you come from? Why are you here? At first the genin had taken offense at the question. However, as of late the boy had come to accept it. He would be asked questions. He was an outsider in a foreign land. Questions were, in the grand scheme of things, not the worst things people could be throwing at him.

Yeah, they could be throwing fruit or knives, questions aren't too bad.

"Nice to meet you Kyofu." Lucian responded to the man's introduction-he was not most people. "Don't mind if I do..."

Lucian did not particularly like fish nor did he drink. However, in the name of politeness he took the plate and glass. Taking a tentative sip of the wine he found it tasted much like he remembered: bad. All the same, he repressed his face of disgust and forced a thin smile to spread across his mouth. He took this time to gather his thoughts. He had responded to this question time and time again. Though, he still liked to chose his words carefully.

"You got me." Lucian laughed spreading his arms as if he were holding them up. "I am not from around here. I call Funkagakure home, the village of volcanoes and the sea."

Lucian paused ever so slightly to take another sip from the wine. Wow, it tasted bad.

"As for why I am here? I am here for enlightenment and to find my life's path. As is tradition in my family upon coming of age one goes out into the world and seek both direction and enlightenment. So, I have traveled where the wind takes me and as of late it has blown strongly to west leading me here to Hoshigakure. What of you? Are you native to this land?"

A reasonable question, Lucian could not very well ask why the man wore a mask. That would be rude. Lucian was many things, but rude was not one such thing.

So far, so good.
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Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu)

Fri Sep 04, 2015 5:03 am
As he looked at the guests of the castle Kyo saw that they were still enjoying the party even if it was the middle of the night. But their was one particular guest he was interested in the one sitting directly in the front of him." Nice to meet you Kyofu " Lucian had said. Kyo could already see that this man was a nice person, his eyes traveled from the crowd and to the man. He saw Lucian take a dip of the wine he had gave him, he could see the fake smile Lucian had put on." Now now Lucian you do not have to drink the wine if you do not want to. It'll only continue to be untasteful " said Kyo as he raised his hand to the zipper part of his mask and pulled the zipper from the one side of his mouth to the other, his own mouth was shown to the world allowing Lucian to see it." You got me, I am not from around here, I call Funkagakure home the Village of Volcanoes and the sea " had said Lucian. So this guy was a ninja after all.

   Kyo stared Lucian straight in the eyes he had heard about the Funkagakure as he was trapped in Iwagakure, apparently it was a village that raised many powerful ninja. Could Lucian be one of those powerful ninja. 

"As for why I am here? I am here for enlightenment and to find my life's path. As is tradition in my family upon coming of age one goes out into the world and seek both direction and enlightenment. So, I have traveled where the wind takes me and as of late it has blown strongly to west leading me here to Hoshigakure. What of you? Are you native to this land?"  said Lucian. Kyo only looked at him would a simple smile on his face." No I am not a native of this village I was born in the far reaches of the Iron Country " said Kyo as he looked at Lucian. He should ask this man if he wanted to go to the training grounds. Standing up and leaning over the table he his amazing balance Kyo was on the side of Lucian's head his mouth to the side of his ear as Kyo said " Lucian I would like to ask for a training match of some sorts, you see their are very few ninja among Hoshigakure so it is hard to train from time to time. If you want to just follow me " said Kyo as he turned his back to Lucian and walked towards the back gate of the castle and to the front of it., out of the door and to the gates of the grounds which were completely empty as it was nighttime.
Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu)

Fri Sep 04, 2015 11:13 pm
Kyofu was quite perceptive, Lucian was not too used to having his bluffs seen through that quickly. Shame honestly, nothing could be done about. So, he put down the wine his thin smile only slacking a little. Nothing could be done about it now. Much like there was nothing that could be done with the question Kyofu asked next. A training match, yes, Lucian did not much like the sound of that.

However, for now, he got up and followed Kyofu out into the backyard of the manor. Outside it was eerily quiet. Not a sound was made until Lucian spoke up. He needed to clarify a few things. Thus, he walked to Kyofu's left side so the two were about three meters apart before he spoke up.

"Kyofu, I will indeed train with you, but not in a match nor in a spar." Lucian stated drily. "There are other, more effective, ways to hone the mind and body. Fighting for the sole goal of gaining more power is not something I will take part in. If you wish to train alongside me then it would be my pleasure. Though I will not fight unless I have to."

His last words came with a latent warning. Do not make me fight you. Lucian was many things, a ninja, a monk, but not mindless fighter. He had seen where such a path would lead a man. He did not wish to go down any such path nor would he be willingly baited into it.
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu)

Sun Sep 06, 2015 7:31 pm
As they walked towards their destination Lucian said " Kyofu I will indeed train with you but not in a match nor in a spar ". As they got to the grounds and stopped walking Lucian then said " There are more effective ways to hone the kind and body. Fighting for the sole goal of gainkn more poser is not something I will take part in. IG you wish to train alongside me then it would be my pleasure. Though I will not fight unless I have to ". Kyo would only look towards Lucian, so the guy really was a monk in some ways. He respected the man as the man would him." No I am sorry Lucian if I had known you did not favor battling I would not have asked for one. But for a apology show me the ways of training the mind " said Kyo as he escorted Lucian to a secludend part of the training grounds with a lot of trees.

"Here is where will train as I do not know if you want the public to see how you train or not" said Kyo as he took a seat upon a large boulder crossing his legs.
Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu)

Mon Sep 07, 2015 9:46 pm
Lucian tilted his head ever so slightly. He was not too certain that was how an apology worked. However, he was more than willing to oblige. As a member of the Nazar clan it was his duty to bring enlightenment to others, to help them. So, help Kyofu he would. At Kyofu's suggestion a genuine smile spread across the genin's face. Here was a chance to bring knowledge to those without.

"Here will do, training techniques should not be hidden away," Lucian replied. "Rather they should be shared and improved upon. Now, take a seat, cross legged if you will."

As he spoke Lucian followed his own instructions and took a seat on the ground where he once stood. With his legs crossed and back straight, he felt right at home. He could already feel the familiar calm passing over his body. This was something he lived for, something he was born for.

"To start fix your gaze on a set point. This point will be your anchor. Center you mind on that point and think of nothing else. That point is all that matters. As you do this be sure to allow your chakra to flow freely through your body. You must discipline your mind to ignore any and all distractions."

At this point Lucian cast his gaze over to a hopefully sitting Kyofu. This was his cue. Kyofu's cue to put Lucian's words into practice. Of course only if he wished to.
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu)

Tue Sep 08, 2015 4:29 am
As Kyofu sat cross legged on the rock he waited for Lucian's instructions." Here will do, training techniques should not be hidden away. Rather they should be shared and improved upon ". Kyofu only stared at Lucian as he took a seat on the cold ground in front of him. "To start fix your gaze on a set point. This point will be your anchor. Center you mind on that point and think of nothing else. That point is all that matters. As you do this be sure to allow your chakra to flow freely through your body. You must discipline your mind to ignore any and all distractions." said Lucian as Kyo listened to his words that did not bore him. Kyofu looked up to the sky to see the pale light of the full moon. He continued to stare at it, this was his anchor. The eerie light seemed to put Kyo in some sort of Genjutsu because as long as he stared he felt his chakra flowing all over the place.

He was sure that if some ninja felt it they would have came running from the high chakra reserves he or Lucian may or may not have. Continuing to stare at the moon Kyo was fascinated by all the craters that were on it. Space exploration was a fantasy to ninja, we just did not have that type of technology. Maybe in the past they did explore the moon but the information was probably destroyed.

TWC: 2913
Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu)

Wed Sep 09, 2015 5:07 am
"Very good, now let your chakra flow freely." Lucian said as he turned to his work.

Far off in the shadows danced two lovers. Previously hidden by shadow, but now revealed by the fickle moon peeking out from the clouds. The two danced two and fro like marionettes on a string. This duo would become the anchor for Lucian's meditation. Normally, as Lucian mentioned to Kyofu, one held their gaze on a fixed place. However, for the practiced mind of the Funkgakure genin he found a moving anchor much more of a challenge. After all, the end goal was to be able to keep calm in the heat of battle where immobile object were few and far between.

As he watched their slow graceful movements the genin begin to lose himself in the moment. Chakra flowed freely through his body. Were one watching closely they would see a faint golden glow emanating both from Lucian's eyes and his right bicep. The hidden power of the Nazar clan. Call it a gift cultivated through the ages and a testament to all of the clan's work.

For ten minutes straight Lucian sat. Not moving nor saying a word. All the while the golden glow grew in intensity bit by bit. Hopefully not enough to distract Kyofu from his meditation. It was rude to do so. All the same Lucian quickly felt detached from the world. Though he was in a world; his world. A world formed from his mind and nothing else.
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Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu)

Wed Sep 09, 2015 7:13 am
As Kyofu was letting his chakra flow free he heard Lucian speak but did not pay any attention to him as he continued to stare at the moon. In some ways the moon was like himself, he orbited Hoshigakure like the Moon orbited the Earth, the craters represented the things that Kyofu went through in life almost the same as what the Moon has went through. As he meditated he began to think about the things he did in life. Like the time he took that kid Travis's kidney in a battle that they betted on. Kyofu had sins he had to condone them and try to make up for them.

   In the past before the Great Volcano destruction there were people who were apart of villages but wondered the world to help others. What if he himself could be one of those who wandered the world. It'll help him with both his scientific studies as well as to help others to try to make up for his sins.

   But who would want a sadistic person representing their village. No one of course, as these thoughts traversed through Kyo's mind he began to know why Lucian did this type of training. It helped to calm the mind as well as helpbyou figure things out.
Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu)

Wed Sep 09, 2015 10:33 am
Ten minutes turned to twenty and twenty to thirty, yet still Lucian remained immobile. The two dancers he watched had slowed down. Instead of the fast paced waltz they had been doing they now danced slowly to and fro in each other's arms. As they slowed so did Lucian's thoughts and his heartbeat. Until finally the dancers stopped and absconded off deeper into the dark. Such was an action that Lucian heartbeat nor his thoughts could follow. It was over. The golden glow receded back into the genin's body and like a fading toll of a bell he felt his inner peace leave.

Taking a breath Lucian broke the serene silence that had settled over the courtyard. "And that's all there is to it. Not very difficult, but an important exercise nonetheless. What did you think?"

Lucian was pretty sure he could guess at the answer, because he recalled the first time he was introduced to meditation. The first time he was forced to meditate at the age of four. And, quite frankly? He hated it. However, as time wore he he grew to love it. It became more than a habit, it became a part of him.
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