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Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu) Empty Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu)

Sun Aug 30, 2015 7:24 am
Kyofu was outside the castle in the Garden Maze. He had set up a small dinner part with guests ranging from the rich to the poor. He had on a simple long sleeve button down white shirt, a gray vest, and some gray slacks on as he saw at the head of the table in the middle. His white hair appeared in his fave which caused him to move it out of his way as he stared at his many guests. He however kept his mask on no matter how rude it was. His single visible eyes studied the area around him people looked like they were enjoying themselves but even he knew looks could fool a person. He might seem like a easy going person but on the inside he was cruel, sadistic, and bloodthirsty. To be honest he could care less for the lives of the others here in the garden. He moved his left hand towards his glass of Red Wine. He shook the wine up a bit creating a mini whirlpool. Raising the glass to his mouth with the mask on he unzipepd the mask and quickly took two sips of the wine as he zipped the mask back up.

He thought it was time to greet his guests now as he rose up onto his feet with a glass in his right hand and a spoon in his left. He delicately tapped the spoon three times on the glass followed by him saying " Greetings friends, I am your host Kyofu Ishi I would like to welcome you to the dinner party. Enjoy everything in sight and may the gods be with us " said Kyo as he bowed. Some people bowed back while others had clapped. Truly a greeting indeed, he needed to rise through the ranks of Hoshigakure to become a political citizen of the place whilst not revealing himself to be a ninja. A gamble with life it was indeed. Still standing up he placed both the glass and spoon on the table and pulled back his chair to sit again.

He had taken a small liking to the man by the name of Maku not in a romantic way but as a friendly figure. If Kyo was to ever meet him again he would surely thank the man and even become a follower of the man as the kid Travis had done him.

Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu) Empty Re: Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu)

Sun Aug 30, 2015 8:48 am
Another steamy day here in the city...

Why was it always so hot here? Wondered Wuark as he walk around the city. Often times in the afternoon Wuark could find work helping people clean up shop or finish some task that a shop owner couldn't complete during the day.

He was wearing his normal grey shirt and pants. Thats all that he could afford right now. He had to pay rent on his room soon too; guess you could say that he was again desperate.

Komi was with him too. Sometimes Komi alone would give them some work to do. She would get fed by eating some vermin in some house or something and then Wuark would get paid.

However for now there was no such luck in the city. People had already closed shop and eventually the rest of the townspeople would just go home as well. OH well.

Wuark would find himself near the center of the city. The last place that was still kinda functioning at this hour. He would find himself near the palace. He would walk along the walls with Komi flying around him. The pair would eventually find some bench to sit on. Or perhaps still yet find some work tonight.
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Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu) Empty Re: Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu)

Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:12 pm
As Kyo stayed sitting down in his chair as he watched the gathering somethings came into his mind. He needed to take a walk. Getting up from his seat excusing himself to the guests he would walk out of the maze gardens and through the castle appearing in the front of it. On one of the benches sat a boy with ragged cloths and a creature to the next of him. He looked like Kyo when he first appeared in Hoshi. Maybe he could help this kid out thought Kyo. Walking a fee more steps Kyo would place his right hand on the kid's left shoulder. At the same time a small dot barely visible to the human eye would appear as Kyo marked the boy with a Mark Seal jutsu." Hey kid why don't you come to the party. Free food and stuff I'm sure you'll like it, if you are up for it after the party I could probably teach you some things " said Kyo taking his hand off of the boy's shoulder and motioning towards the doors of the castle. Kyo would then turn around and walk towards the doors not looking back to see if the boy followed or not." And don't worry about what you have on I'll give you something simple from my clothing " said Kyo as he continued to walk but turned down as hallway towards his bedroom hoping the boy would follow him. 

He would go and sit down on the edge of his bed his left palm connecting to the bottom of his chin as his cold mask touched it. He himself would need to start training Travis, if he could ever find him. Kyo would have just summoned him with the a variant of the mark seal but he still found the process complicated. He would have to learn it in the future as it could surely fit his needs, but until then.

Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu) Empty Re: Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu)

Mon Aug 31, 2015 12:54 pm
Wuark would simply look around. As the crowded streets surrounding the palace began to quiet down. AS it was dusk he would simply watch in sadness as the people around him began to not give him work.
Him and komi would look at each other and silently stare into each others eyes.

Though. A few second later. A person who appeared to be walking straight towards the duo. He looked, well, odd. Dressed nicely and appearing like somebody Wuark would rarely run into. Also the way that the man walked toward him made it seem like he was on a mission to do something.

Wuark would stand up from his bench seat as he approached. The closer the man would get the more fearful Wuark would become that he was some city authority. Or much worse...a ninja that sensed the chakra Wuark had and tried to enlist him. In this nicer part of the city it could be anything. And wuark had to fear for the worst; after all for the longest time the people of chakra in the city were used as guards for the royal family... something that Wuark did not want.

Before the ninja got more than 2 meters close to wuark the young man would shout. "Who are you and what do you want?" he would say. Komi would be flying about a foot next to him to his right. If something were to go down she was ready, though not really wanting to, fight. If the man still decided to come closer. Well then there would be a different story.
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Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu) Empty Re: Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu)

Mon Aug 31, 2015 4:44 pm
(Stupid Time lining)

   As Kyo would get within to meters of the kid, the kid would scream " Who are you and what to you want ". Kyo not wearing his mask smiled showing his teeth that were as bright as the mid-day sun." Careful ninja " said Kyo as he smirked. He could tell the kid in front of him was either a academy student of a Genin by his posture and the chakrs he put out." I am not going to bite. But in the Maze Gardens behind the castle there are people associating with each other, even free food and drinks are being given out " said Kyo as he looked at the boy. The boy couldn't have been as old as 14 but Kyo could be wrong. He was wrong about people's ages frequently." There is no need to be wary of my presence " said Kyo as he quickly shot over the two meterd his mouth a few inches away from the ninja's ear " The only people you should be worried about are the knights in shining armor as they call themselves " whispered Kyo in the small adult's ear. He stood up straight and moved back a few inches then completely turning around with his back facing the ninja.

      This ninja behind him had good skills if only he had someone who could heighten them pass there potential." Tell me young ninja, there is no need to be afraid as all knights are not in the from as of this moment. But if I offered to train you would you say yes because in my eyes I can see the potential in you and I only wish to bring it out " said Kyo smoothly. He clapsed his hands together and turned back around his red eyes beeming at the ninja. People tended to be scared of Kyo as they first see upon him. But he couldn't blame them he was a Scientist, he did what he had to do to get the job done. Whether it was to kill his own friend or the very ninja in front of him.
Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu) Empty Re: Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu)

Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:44 pm
[Was invited by Kyofu]

A bit of wandering does the body and mind good. For Lucian it had done more than good, it had rejuvenated him. Back in Funkagakure all he knew were the evils of men and his clan. When he visited Kumogakure he witnessed more of the same, perhaps even more twisted, sans clan. Up to that point his trip had been quite the disappointment. Every village seemed to be the same. A bit of despair here a few and dead bodies there. All the same. However, his arrival in Hoshigakure marked something different. Something much different.

Hoshigakure had people who were genuinely happy just being alive. Sure, the city was divided between people clinging to the past and those bounding to the future, but such was life. Haven was a new experience for Lucian. Moreover it was an experience he was not going to allow to slip through his fingers. As such he had taken to wandering through the streets of Hoshigakure taking in the sights, bartering with merchants and visiting the varying religious establishments across Hoshigakure. He wanted to see it all.

Naturally, his lust for sightseeing kept up late and up early. In fact, currently he found himself wandering through the streets just before twilight. Much to the genin's surprise Haven, though blazing hot during the day, did cool down during the night. As a result he now wore his traveling clothes, a red long sleeved red shirt with a high collar overlaid with with a white button up tunic of sorts stretching down to his ankles. The red shirt itself was only visible at the cuffs of the wrist and around the neck giving Lucian the look of some far away martial artist or a monk in this case. On his feet he wore waraji sandals with a pair of jet black socks. Topping off his appearance, aside from his bald head, was a headband of Funkagakure hidden just barely out of sight behind the high red collar. 

Oh, yeah, he also had a man made of metal trailing behind him, there was that. Lucian had taken to bringing Delito with him wherever he went, not so much for protection, but more so to avoid having his one possession stolen from him. Unfortunately he did not, as of yet, have a way to store the puppet itself. Plus, honestly, Delito prevented any unwanted harassment from getting too close. A bladed man will do that.

All the same, Lucian walked through Hoshigakure with his puppet following about three meter behind him thanks to the chakra strings extending from the genin's left hand. As of late the palace district of Hoshigakure had been of interest to the young monk. The architecture was different, older and more grand. Lucian was unfamiliar with seeing such care put into simple buildings. A foreign concept to him.

For the most part the street was deserted. A few merchants and holy man scurried this way and that, but otherwise Lucian was alone on the streets. Well, he thought he was until he heard a shout, "Who are you and what do you want?" That did not sound good in the slightest. Lengthening his stride considerably he hastened towards the shout. It took naught but a minute or so to find the source.

Two men, one he recognized and the other, more creepy of the two, he did not. The more creepy of the two had just finished speaking when Lucian approached and stopped five meters the left of the pair. To his left a wall and to his right the maze gardens. From the gardens the vague sound of a party could be heard, but that was a different world than out in the streets. Anything could happen.

"I heard yelling, is everything alright here?" Lucian questioned loud enough for both men to hear. As he spoke Delito caught up and stood two meters to Lucian's right towering over all present with a vacant gaze. Surely, Wuark had not gotten himself in trouble. He seemed like a decent guy. The masked man however? Lucian could not be too sure about him.

This will be fun.
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu) Empty Re: Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu)

Tue Sep 01, 2015 1:48 pm
(You don't have your sensory technique in this topic, nor do you have any evidence to prove I'm a ninja, saying that my posture is an indication that I am a ninja is like me saying that I know you have EGF by the way you speak. Also seeing that your kidney topic didn't end until after this topic began those stats cannot be applied. Your speed is 7)

It was about night now when the young ninja responded. The man, so calm, so intentional, yet somehow not totally aware of the situation in Hoshigakure. It was an interesting time for both Wuark and Kyofu to be sure.

"careful ninja..." kyofu would tell Wuark. Those two words had such meaning and power; but this man, this arrogant man was oblivious to how they should be used in a city like that, especially when using them against a citizen of the village. When Wuark heard those words coming out of the thick grin of Kyofu the situation took a very unpleasant turn. Komi, the owl who did not want a fight just moments ago began flying as fast as she could extremely close to Wuark; the owl would protect her friend from anyone that she deemed as a threat.

Wuark cared none about the offer of the food this man offered. Instead he tensed up and looked the sinister man straight in the eyes.

The man would start walking again towards Wuark. The closer he would get the more gripped in fear he would become. His reply would be more than a shout; this time it would be retort to one of the most offensive accusations a person could say to a citizen of Hoshigakure.

"Not another step you maniac!" Wuark would shout as loud as he could when he was about 2 feet in front of him, as he said that he would sidestep to the left so that he was still facing Kyofu 2 feet away from him; however now they would be parallel with the street. If the ninja would stop then he would continue to shout in a defensive tone the rest of his reply.

"How dare you accuse me of being a ninja?! I have no equipment, no weapons, nothing but my owl and you DARE say that I should be careful? Go back to where you came from and don't you EVER come back." He would say. Wuark meant every word he said; he gave up being a ninja long ago. When his brother past he decided that life was not for him. He did everything he had to do not to be a ninja and this fool tries to bring him back into that life.

If Wuark is stopped anytime by kyofu during his reply or if Kyofu advances before, during, or after his reply then Wuark will see it not only as an act of aggression but as reason for himself and komi to defend himself.
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Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu) Empty Re: Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu)

Tue Sep 01, 2015 4:55 pm
As Kyofu leaned down and whispered to Wuwu, the kid seemed to freak out and scream " How dare you accuse me of being a ninja ". Kyo was kind of shocked by the kid's out burst. He continued to stare at the kid he guess he was not a ninja after all. He looked around and saw that only the two of them was still in the castle's front. If they were not the knights would have surely been mad. Kyo was smirking after the kid said " come back to where you came from ". As he was about to speak another male's voice spoke in stead, he whipped around to see a man dressed as a Nomad." I heard yelling is everything alright here " the man asked. Kyo stared at him he seemed like a nice guy but he could tell behind that personality he was regal. Kyo smirked of course no one could see his face with his mask being on." No problem here, I just thought this kid over here was someone else " said Kyo as he pointed to the kid. He turned his head around and stared at the kid " Like I said there is a party going on behind the castle in the Maze Garden everyone is welcomed you should calm down your owl as well " said Kyo. If he was not a good person he would have already sent a tendril of threads to the abdomen of the bird.

Kyo turned back around his back facing the boy and his face looking at the new comer " As for you my good Sir, if you want you could follow me through the castle towards the party. I am sure you will like it " said Kyo. He walked towards the giant doors of the castle and through the single hallway out of the back door to the gardens. He could see that the formal party was still going on. He buttoned up the middle button of his vest and brushed off his pants legs. As he walked through the various amounts of guests some people greeted him. He went back to the table he was sitting before he met the kid. Sitting down thoughts came upon his head. What was with children these days they show no respect for the adults. Kyo looked down at the silver watch on his left wrist it was nearing midnight. He would call the party off but he wanted to see if the Nomad like man would come and sit at the table with him and talk.

He liked meeting new people regardless who they were, most of the time he was tempted to put Mark Seals on them so incsse they were in trouble he could help them. He took his handkerchief out of his vest pocket and wiped the beads of sweat pooling over his top lip. That happened when he thought hard on something. Leaning back in his chair and crossing his left leg over his right he picked up a glass of Red Wine and took a sip of it as he stared at the many guests.

520 WC
Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu) Empty Re: Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu)

Wed Sep 02, 2015 11:07 am
All Lucian could muster at the strangeness of what he witness was a single raised eyebrow. He felt as if he had stumbled upon something he was not supposed to see. Yet, here he was seeing it. Refraining from pressing the matter further Lucian heard the strange masked man out. The genin was, like many in his clan, bound by a code of manners. Listening to others was close to number one on the aforementioned list, so listen he did. 

Now, Lucian had never been much of a partier. Hell, he had never been to a party. Growing up near Funkgakure did not offer any such opportunities. After all, partying with a bunch of cannibals and psychopaths did not ever end well. So, upon receiving the invitation the little voice in his head told him to go. So, against his better judgement perhaps he decided he would attend the gala the strange masked man had mentioned. Plus it would give him a chance to see inside the maze garden.

A win-win situation, no?

"Fancy seeing you here Wuark, I think I'll join the party if only to learn more about that odd masked man." Lucian told Wuark once Kyofu was out of earshot. Sure, the masked man seemed like a creep, but he was a interesting creep, a riddle and a half. Regardless of Wuark's response, Lucian would nod once and make his way into the party.

In an instant he knew he was out of his depth. The genin left his puppet at the door next to a few suits of armor where it seemed to fit right in. Though, in an instant he knew he was in a different world, a weird one. People spoke of frivolous things and wore ridiculously impractical clothing. This was a world unfamiliar and foreign to the Funkagakure native. Bumbling about and drawing a few incredulous gazes, Lucian finally spotted the odd masked man.

Making a beeline for him, the young monk took a seat across from the masked oddity. Examining the person across from him for a second he found he could not glean much. Well, save for the fact that the man had a liking for masks.

"Lucian Nazar, pleasant to meet you." The Nazar spoke cleanly with a poise beyond his age. Such poise was courtesy of speaking classes he had to sit through from his fellow clansmen. Go figure, it wasn't useless.

Lets see who you are Mr.Masked Man.
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu) Empty Re: Maze Gardens (P,IO,Wuwu)

Thu Sep 03, 2015 1:04 pm
This was definitely an unusually dramatic time for Wuark. Who had finally stopped the man with mask from coming any closer. Wuark was furious with rage, full of anger, but knowing of the ever watching eye of the palace.

Even though there were no other ninja to be seen that didn't mean that they were not watching just beyond the gates of the palace. There they would listen, wonder, and intervene when ever they seemed fit. Wuark saw these ninjas not as traitors but as detached from the village as a whole. He saw the same thing in Kyofu.

He saw a man that was bound only to the privilege that being a ninja gave him. He clearly had no respect for the citizenry and their feelings. Many of the ninja here were not interested and surely not wanting any interference from ninja. For the most part Wuark had seen little difference in his day to day life here in Hoshigakure; but this incident had proved him wrong. Hoshi was turning more and more into a state of war than ever before. There was chakra everywhere now much like it was back in Konoha. Wuark wanted nothing to do with any of it. He wished to live his days out in peace away from the all the corruption that chakra can bring to a village, to a family, and to a man.
Kyofu wrote:
" Like I said there is a party going on behind the castle in the Maze Garden everyone is welcomed you should calm down your owl as well "

Wuark's strict concentration on Kyofu and the current situation was thwarted by Lucians interference. Was this the work of fate that he too had wandered here? or was it the work of his loud shouting that caught his attention.

Wuark would of course move no further to the ninja or the party that he was showing; instead he appreciated that Kyofu had respect for Wuarks personal space and he began to calm down. Komi herself would perch herself back on Wuark's shoulder and face Lucian.

Wuark was shocked, utterly shocked by what he had just heard coming out of Kyofu's mouth. So shocked that he just stood there trying to understand what exactly just happened: Wuark has been shouting at him and this ninja still would allow him into a party inside the palace gates? Then on top of that he had the nerve to order his owl to calm down after accusing Wuark of being a ninja?

It took everything in his power, the reality that there were people silently watching out of eyes view, and lucain standing there not to attack this man. Instead he would just let him walk back into his party.

When the ninja was well back into his party and watched lucian come closer to Wuark he would let out a short sigh of relief. He would then confide deeply into lucian about what just happened.

"This man, he just assumed that I was a ninja for no reason...."Wuark would calmly, but with anger, say to the puppet ninja. He would pause for a moment and then continue. "Is this what this village has come to, people of status just assuming that the citizenry are all ninjas or helping them in some way? Change has certainly come to this city, Lucian, and from what I just encountered, I am pretty sure that it isnt going to lead to a bright future." Wuark would say. he would speak so low and with such passion that only lucian and those who might be just next to him could hear.

"Find out who that ninja is for me. I think it is time that I have a word with the people in charge of this ninja operation. Meet me back at my place when you are done. Im going to go work out to get my mind of this." He would say to Lucian. It was time for him and Komi to leave this area before he gets into any more trouble. HE would nod in farewell to Lucian and run at his fastest pace to the closest gym that was open at this time. He would ask simply to use the equipment there for a little for one night.

Wuark would then be allowed to do so for a bit and then head back home. Once he got home he would make him a pot of tea and wait for lucian to come home. If he didn't then eventually he would go to sleep.

[feel free to skip me until its time for me to rejoin the topic.]
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