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A New Ninja (P,NK,Maku,IO) Empty A New Ninja (P,NK,Maku,IO)

Tue Aug 18, 2015 10:34 pm
Walking through the gates of the castle Kyo felt something telling him like he was not meant to be here. The air around the castle felt so tense as if everything was done neatly and in order, which they probably were seeing as this was the home of the royal family. He himself had decided to explore the lower parts of the castle seeing as everyone who was apart of the village could. But to explore the upper parts of the magnificent palace he needed permission from a higher upper, which would be unlikely to happen. As he walked through the lower parts of the castle he could see the royal guards walking around as well their swords tucked in there holder." Would you like to go to the Maze Garden  young Sir " said one of the guards who patrolled the area. The guard seemed so polite, he expected him to be more tense. Kyo being the person he was stared at the man his mask covering his face." Sure my good Sir, would you please escort me to it if you may " asked Kyo trying to sound intelligent. The Royal Guard nodded and motioned his had to the side of him so he could escort Kyo.

As Kyo walked towards the gaurd he caught a glimpse of a overly large portrait that hung on the wall to the far right. It was of a women with golden blonde hair that fell into curls. He himself felt like he should have knew the woman, that she was so important." Please my good Sir could you inform me of who that woman is hanging on the portrait " Kyo said as he asked the guard." That woman is our beautiful Lady Queen she run's this Land of Haven as good as she can. She is quite the Queen " said the guard. Kyo nodded toward the guard and they had begun to walk forward to a set of Golden double doors that screamed open me." Young sir through those doors is the Maze Garden. Please enjoy your self as much as you like " said the Guard as he bowed at Kyo then walked away back to his former position. Kyo stood a couple feet in front of the doors not sure if he wanted to touch them. Afraid that his " Tainted " heads may break something." Why couldn't he open them himself " Kyo laughed to himself as he stared eye to eye at the doors.

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A New Ninja (P,NK,Maku,IO) Empty Re: A New Ninja (P,NK,Maku,IO)

Wed Aug 19, 2015 10:24 pm
The gardens, well maze gardens. Whatever they called them it was almost nothing but hedge and a few sparse flowers. The effort to maintain the greenery was surely great as Maku looked around. Here on the outskirts of the maze was where he had staked his claim. A large table lay in front of him, elaborately decorated with a variety of food stuffs. From deserts to fine dinners each plate was decorated in gold filigree, their beauty only out shone by the delicacies that rested upon them.

Maku himself had his hair swept back with a pink head band, preventing his blonde hair from getting in his face. His outfit was standard chef whites, the hat resting on a prep table behind him. There was also a mobile stove top with black flame eating up the charcoal, not that thy needed it. But still, he didn't want things to be to strange. It took some what f a constant effort to prevent the fire from eating the stove as well, but he was up to the task.

His cutting boards where placed dirty each displaying the innards of fine meats, or exotic vegetables. The knives glinted in the sun. Maku wasn't alone, there was no less than 4 or 5 other Chefs with tables set up. Today was a tasting, a challenge he had made to the royal chef a day ago. The position was now up in the air, and Maku intended for it to be his. Not because he needed it, but because it seemed like a fun time.

The gardens where littered with aristicrats and commoners combines. All set to be the judges. The contest had only just begun, so not to much had occurred yet. The sun was high, the clouds strangers. The noon day sun left little in the way of shadows, but the breeze kept the worse of the heat from the participants. Maku's own head glistened slightly from percperation a result of the close proximity to the oven behind him.

As a bell rang the people began their sampling. Maku would begin to smile and with a fluency of language would describe all before him.
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A New Ninja (P,NK,Maku,IO) Empty Re: A New Ninja (P,NK,Maku,IO)

Wed Aug 19, 2015 10:42 pm
Here goes nothing Kyo thought as he pushed opened the golden doors seeing a good quality of greenery covering the huge garden in the front of him. Kyo did not come to the palace looking dirty of course. He had on a lime green suit that brought out the color of his eyes, with a single black tie that stopped above his navel. He wore black shades that were held on his for head to stop his untamed hair from getting into his eyes. On his feet he wore black lofers with lime green lining. He was surprised the suit was not teared to threads by the threads within his body. He had finally gotten his ability under control to wear decent cloths. He pulled his black shades over his eyes to block the sun letting his hair fall, then began to walk forward. He saw families hosting picnics on the Garden's ground as well as small children playing a friendly game of tag. He put his hands within his pockets as he sniffed the air. The smell of roses invaded the privacy of his nose." Good Evening my good sir may I escort you around the garden since you seem quite new " said a man that was walking up the steps in a simple grey suit. Kyo stared at the man, he did not want to seem like a person without manners so he nodded his head." Very well follow me then " said the escorted.

Kyo followed the man down the steps hands still in his pockets as he observed the scenery. What caught his attention however was a single long oak wood table that was covered with various amounts of foods and desserts. A single man with chef white cloths sat at the table while he seemed to be holding a conversation with various chefs." Excuse me sir do you know of that man over there he seems quite important " asked Kyo. The escorted turned his head around with a smile and said " Yes that man is one of the ninja first arrived in the village in the past. He may be kind enough to let you dine with him " said the escorter. Kyo grinned and said " No I do not want to interrupt the man feast a simple talk would be nice " said Kyo. He himself had the intelligence of a adult however being only 15 years old himself. The escorted stopped and motioned his hands in front of him towards the table.

Kyo guessed he wanted him to go over to the man. He not wanting to seem unpleasant followed to orders and begun to walk towards the table taking his hands out of his picket and grabbing his shades with his right hand, folding them up and putting them in his handkerchief pocket. As he got within 5 feet of the table he said " Hello my good sir may you enjoy a talk " asked Kyo as he held out his right hand toward the man raking 2 steps to give the space between them 3 ft. 

Kyo would study the man while smiling to see what he qas like. Maybe because then he himself could have cared less about anyone. Stopping his stare Kyo said " My name is Kyofu Ishi but most call me Kyo "

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A New Ninja (P,NK,Maku,IO) Empty Re: A New Ninja (P,NK,Maku,IO)

Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:35 pm
"Well Mr. Kyo it's a pleasure to meet you." Maku would say. His hands would move with blurring speed and within half a second a plate was offered to the new comer. The pink of the salmon would be captured in the sun, a gleam catching the eyes. Herbs rested upon the flesh of the fish, a wafting smell of herbs and melted cheeses would assail the nostrils. If sampled it would flake off perfectly, the tiny silver fork immaculate.

Maku would smile and wait for the man to take the plate. Maku's own eyes were blood red, black streaks running through the iris. This was one aspect he had not hidden. Everything Maku did had a reason, and this was no exception. He hoped to spy some of the missing nin that had infiltrated the city prior to the arrival of Den and himself, as well as Akihana. Initially there had been a rush of activity. However since he had grabbed the cities underworld, any signs of the group had vanished. A grouping such as this could possibly bring them out, but so far no good.

Maku's chakra senses quickly assessed the man who stood infront of him. It was odd that he had sunglasses and a mask on. This was.....well it was a bit off putting. While he had and continued to be polite internally he was wondering what to do. A chakra signature plus a mask meant missing ninja in his mind, but alas one couldn't jump to conclusions. He had only had limited contact with Denkitiki, but he knew enough that his brother had eradicated much of the shinobi threat on the boarders, and allowed several past. If this was one of them, it wouldn't do well to kill him. So for now, why not have dinner?

"What brings you to the gardens today?" Maku would meet Kyo's gaze.
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A New Ninja (P,NK,Maku,IO) Empty Re: A New Ninja (P,NK,Maku,IO)

Thu Aug 20, 2015 8:24 pm
As Kyo stood with his hands out the man named Maku said " Well Mr.Kyo it's a pleasure to meet you ". Ignoring his hand the man would in a instant knock a plate of fish filet or salmon to all the way to the other side of the table. With was a rectangle table 5 meters long. The man named Maku will smile up to Kyofu, Kyo took that as a meaning to go sit down and taste the fish. Kyo walked down the long side of the table to the end of it taking a seat in front of the plate. He would see Maku's eyes gleam red and black which looked like the eyes of the werewolves of the old legends. Kyo took a fork to the left of his plate and stuck it inside the fish that was decorated with various herbs and cheese. As he pulled a peliece of the cooked flesh onto the fork he put it in his mouth and tasted a exquisite taste. He chewed the filet and swallowed it then looked up to Maku." Such a exquisite taste if I do say so my self ".

Wiping his mouth with the cloth that was up under the plate he played it down and looked his eyes at Maku's to see that the man was in deep thought." What brings you to the garden today " said Maku his eyes meeting Kyo's own eyes. Kyo thought about it, there was not really anything special just a visit to the castle." Not anything special just a visit to the castle as I have never been before since I have recently came to this holy land. Please excuse me if I do not look up to the requirements. This is actually my first time dressing up " said Kyo as he looked at Maku.

Staring at Maku he would begin to think if this man was a ninja like himself or just a high ranking Royal Guard." So Mr.Maku are you a ninja or just a high ranking guard " asked Kyo politely not wanting to anger someone he had just met recently. The man himself looked like a important person by only his looks. Even if Kyo did not master chakra sensory he could still basically feel some of the chakra rolling off the man and it was quite more powerful than his own. At the while Kyo wondered, could this man be friend or foe. If friend was he from this village or just a traveler. If for was he a missing ninja that had snuck into the village or worse. Unknown to Kyo the man in his front was thinking the same thing.

450 WC
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A New Ninja (P,NK,Maku,IO) Empty Re: A New Ninja (P,NK,Maku,IO)

Thu Aug 20, 2015 11:13 pm
"Of course it's excellent I made it didn't I?"  Maku would say with a very matter of fact voice.  As if stating something so obvious was borderline offensive.  Of course the poor child never could have known that Maku was clearly the greatest Chef in the land, but he would soon learn.  As Maku watched him eat he was confused why he had a mask on, and hadn't just removed it to eat.  All in all, with the suit plus a mask it was just plain wierd.  Once again he didn't judge he just kept smiling and serving a variety of other individuals that came to his table.  After all, just because one person wanted to talk didn't mean the event needed to pause.

In between guest Maku would do his best to keep up the conversation.  "Why do you think I am either?"  Maku would say with a puzzled look.  He was wearing his chef whites still, and such a random question made him raise his eye brows.  Though to be honest, he had to admit he doubted this kid was an assassin.  Surely they wouldn't be this obvious.

He would wait for him to answer as he continued to hand out the remainder of his plates.  Shaking hands with several dignitaries he would finally have a chance to sit for the first time all morning....well now that he looked around evening as well.
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A New Ninja (P,NK,Maku,IO) Empty Title

Sat Aug 22, 2015 8:57 am
As Kyo looked on at the man, the man had said " Of course it is excellent I made it didn't ". Kyo was amazed that this man could cook like this. However Kyo has not realized it before but this man did look like one of those chefs in the most fanciest of restaurants. As the man Maku stared at Kyo he himself raised his hands to his face and pulled down his mask. The threads that connected the ended of his mouth stayed together as he had finally for his power under control." Why do you think I am either " the man asked Kyo. Kyo had almost forgot that he had asked the man was he a great ninja or a high ranking gaurd." Oh well if you were in my shows figuratively speaking. You could see that you have a aura of leadership and power Sir. And please if you feel wierd about my eyes and mouth just say it no hard feelings " laughed Kyo. Looking at the man he would speak some more words saying " I have the ability of the Immortal Ninja Kakuzu before the great Volcano exploded. It is called the Earth Grudge Fear as what to the books in the library say. Allow me to demonstrate " said Kyp not wanting to be weirded out by the man anymore.

Putting both of his hands several inches off of the table he unleashed his abilities. His hands stretched forward 5 meters with threads deep black threads in between. He proceeded in by picking up a glass of white wine he failed to notice was on the table and poured the Chef Maku a half of glass of it and retracted his arms to pour himself some. Putting the wine back where it was his hands fully returned to his arm." So what do you think. I can do more than just stretch my arm out but I can not figure out how to unleash the second part of this power yet " said Kyo


Last edited by Kyofu on Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
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A New Ninja (P,NK,Maku,IO) Empty Re: A New Ninja (P,NK,Maku,IO)

Sat Aug 22, 2015 10:23 pm
"Don't you dare..." Maku would hiss. Immediately, to anyone who had any notion of chakra sensory would feel te atmosphere shift. Maku had been giving off nothing but good vibes to speak. However, now and mostly towards Kyo. Maku knew exactly what earth grudge fear was, seeing as his best friend was a master of it. Let alone the fact Maku had went as far to give him a corpse to harvest a heart from within.

"Look around, do you think it appropriate?" He would say, just a hint of the danger leaving his voice. He had spoke low, so only Kyo would hear him, leaving the guests to their ignorance. "Best out that mask back on to." He would add as an after thought. "Wait here, do not move, or....well it's a bit cliche to say or else, but seriously stay sitting." He would then move away and finish mingling with the other guests.

It would take around 15 minutes before he was finished. The announcement for who won the contest would be announced at the celebration only a couple days away. Returning to where Kyo was, he would snap his fingers and with a smile add "come with me." He would lead Kyo out of the garden and down into the palace. Every so often a guard would look their way only to look past them. As if they had never seen them. At one point a younger guard clearly a rookie would move to stop the pair, only to be shoved and quoted by a more senior officer.

A long silent walk would follow, if asked questions Maku would merely shush the boy. Once they had descended countless steps into the dungeons, Maku would finally turn and look at the boy. "Listen boy, yes boy, because that is how you acted up there. This suit, offering to show off that power? Are you serious? Do you know where you are? This is not a shinobi village, this is not some haven where monsters walk in the light. I ought to kill you right now and be done with it. You wouldn't be the first shinobi to fall in this village...."

He had begun his own genicide through the village already. Laying waist to the remaining shinobi forces that had hidden when the trio had arrived. He took no chances, and if it wasn't for his brother the shinobi before him would probably already be dead. "Anyway, keep a low profile kid, if you'd acted and not spoke you'd be dead. Now, I am no shinobi. I am no guard. I do not fit into this preconceived notions of rank or duty. I am Maku, I am a simple sinner, and I don't want to have to go over this with you again, ok?"

After he finished he would return to the bright smile, not even giving Kyo a chance to respond. "Great glad we have that cleared up. Now since your here and clearly have powers, yes I know exactly what earth grudge fear is I've seen it before, I hope you will do the village a service in protecting it." H wanted to hear his answer, this was all still a test, still judging on what to do. It wasn't often he was approached so in a place such as this.
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A New Ninja (P,NK,Maku,IO) Empty Re: A New Ninja (P,NK,Maku,IO)

Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:25 pm
As Kyo was moving his hand up to u leash the threads the man hissed " Don't you dare ". Being scared by the man's sudden outburst and threat Kyo quickly pulled his hand down and put both of them in his lap, looking around to see if anyone had noticed the sudden out burst of the man. Fortently no one had seemed to notice and kept on with there buisness. To say Kyo was scared was a under statement, he was scared shitless. The man was also looking around to see if anyone had noticed anything. Kyo did not know he could not use his abilities in public.maybe that was what was torn out of the book. That the abilities are dangerous and not to be revealed to society. Staring up at the man Kyo wondered if this man actually did know of his ability and was trying to save his hind from being cut to pieces. Kyo felt as if he was the deer on the target board now. How could he be so careless. Of course anything this powerful would draw attention." Look around do you think it is appropriate " asked the man as he gave Kyo a gesture to look around.

Not wanting to get another outburst Kyo looked around to see that children were still playing and the food party was still going on. He glanced at the royal gaurds , would they have attacked him if they had saw him use his ability. Did this single man in front of him save him from being castrated. Kyo looked back at the man and whispered " Sorry it was ill of me to do such a thing ". Of course it was ill Kyo thought to himself. This was not the home of Shinobi they barely liked any of them here, this was there home and they still had the iron fist to kick any of them out.

As Kyo looked at the man the figure said " Best put that mask hack on to ". Kyo forgetting that he had tooken his mask off put it back on sliding it up his throat and over his mouth he looked to his arm and saw that his wrist was safely concealed with the arm sleeve of his suit jacket so no one would see the threads that took up the skin in that place." Wait here do not move, or well it's a bit cliche to say or else but seriously stay sitting " said the man. Kyo would nod and dare not ignore the hidden threat. Kyo would stare at the man as he gotten up from his seat in the chair, and went to mingle with the other guests. He himself felt empty inside as he looked around. For the millionth time he felt as if he did not belong here or anywhere but that laboratory where he was experimented on. 15 minutes or so had passed since the man went to mingle with the other guests. Kyo looked around once again wondering if any of these people were hidden ninja who were ready to attack the party or simply find a place to live."

As Kyo had his head turned he heard someone snap there fingers and quickly turned around to see the man say " Come with me ". Kyo would arise from his seat in the chair and button up the middle button on his suit jacket. The lime green suit now made him stand out even more if not before. The man began walking not waiting for Kyo already knowing that Kyo would follow him. As they walked the gardens to the unknown place where they were going Kyo 2 ft behind the man on his right would whisper " Where are we going. Is it a dungeon " said Kyofu knowing he was testing his luck the more he spoke. He saw a small guard walk up to the man to stop him but was simply shoved away by a larger guard. 

As the man took a sharp turn and a quick stop in the middle of a hallway in the castle he would speak and say" Listen boy, yes boy, because that is how you acted up there. This suit, offering to show off that power? Are you serious? Do you know where you are? This is not a shinobi village, this is not some haven where monsters walk in the light. I ought to kill you right now and be done with it. You wouldn't be the first shinobi to fall in this village ". Kyo was dumbfounded by what the man said. He understood why the man called him a boy h had acted rashly back there. He already knew this was notba village for Shinobi but still tryed to use the ability. The man should have killed Kyo for what he was about to do but the man had not chosen to. But why, did this man see some kind of faith in him that Kyo himself did not see. The man had also said that Kyofu would not be the first to die in the village. So could that mean there were missing ninja here who were eradicated. Or worse the knights of the village itself were killed. Kyo stared at the man trying to see the motives of the figure. 

"Anyway, keep a low profile kid, if you'd acted and not spoke you'd be dead. Now, I am no shinobi. I am no guard. I do not fit into this preconceived notions of rank or duty. I am Maku, I am a simple sinner, and I don't want to have to go over this with you again, ok " said the man ad he revealed himself as Maku the sinner. Apparently he was not a Shinobi, or faued. If so what was he the defender of sin no matter how ironic that sound. "Great glad we have that cleared up. Now since your here and clearly have powers, yes I know exactly what earth grudge fear is I've seen it before, I hope you will do the village a service in protecting it." said Maku. So this man Maku did know of the Earth Grudge Fear if so. Was his knowledge versed in it. Kyo needed answers even if the man was someone who would kill him." Sorry for that stunt at the tasting. But Maku you yourself said you know of the Earth Grudge Fear. If so can you please tell me of it. I tryed looking it up at the Library. I found a book about it but it only had one page in it all the others were either ripped or worn out to the point beyond recognition. So please if you can, can you tell me of this ability Maku. I promise that I will never pull a stunt like that again " said Kyo his pupiless eyes gleaming in the darkness of the hallway they stood in.

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A New Ninja (P,NK,Maku,IO) Empty Re: A New Ninja (P,NK,Maku,IO)

Sun Aug 23, 2015 12:24 am
"I only know a little. My business associate of past had the same skills, though I dare say he was well above you in its use. A master of it if you wanted to call him that. From what I know it's power lies in stealing the hearts of shinobi. Hearts of those who posses the affinity for elements that you do not." Maku would quickly say. He had never gone into detail with Youka so he could only say very little on the subject.

"It isn't a very nice power, but I guarantee taking a few hearts is nothing on me, so I won't judge you for it." He would say. The act of murder wasn't new, and to someone who didn't have empathy the way normal people did it didn't mean much. "It would be advised to keep it hidden at all times, except when needed. It isn't something many would be understanding about." He hoped he had made himself clear. He didn't know how else to say it really. It had never mattered for Youka, he was a high ranking missing ninja, a little murder was in a day's work. This kid though, well he didn't know as much about him.

Pulling out a peace of parchment he would make a note with his signature at the end. "Show this to the guards. You'll be allowed down here to practice. We are deep in the dungeons, they are rarely used anymore, so you should be left alone." Maku would point behind him at a cell. "Should be a fine place to camp out if you have no where to stay in the village. My rexomindation to you though is join the one known as Denkitki at the new shinobi school. Learn a thing or two, protect this village. Then, well you'll be fairly safe." He would say with a smile.

That was the only safe place for a shinobi within this place. As one of its new students. "Now if you'll excuse me." He would say as a figure appeared from the shadows. "I have business to attend. If you need more assistance, seek me in the south business district. I'll be having an opening soon." He would then walk past the boy, and leave with the figure that had appeared. He would let him mull things over in the dark, figure out where he was going. Maku hoped he would take his advice to heart, or hearts if he became stronger. He'd hate to kill such a nice boy for not listening, besides he had a nice suit, shame to scuff it.

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