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Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Ah man titles are hard (Haven) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ah man titles are hard (Haven)

Sun Jul 26, 2015 8:26 pm
The blonde had to ponder when he asked her of her thoughts on religion. It was odd really that every time she found herself alone with Maku, the kunoichi was forced to think of her own world views and how they might reflect on someone. Before him, her opinion had always been unimportant, too busy listening to those of others. She hadn't had much of a voice let alone a say and she had mostly grown comfortable with that. She had convinced herself she had no views to give until someone had asked, and then Akihana had discovered that she did indeed think o lot about a great many things. Not all of them she was comfortable admitting. The security in silence seemed to lift from her person whenever he was around, and she still couldn't quite figure out if this was a good or bad thing.

"I think people spend entirely too much time convincing themselves of their beliefs," she tried, not giving a direct answer. "In a place where different colored hair are an omen and people continue to display wondrous acts of courage and kindness despite the city's current state, something good must be at work." She listened in silence as he postulated as to why the crime rate had gone down, trying to ignore the feeling that he wasn't telling her something. She could believe many things in her naivete but that Maku had been idle and doing "a bit of this, a bit of that" was not one of them. Still, she wouldn't pry unless he decided to include her in his plans. So instead of questioning him further, she merely moved on.

"I'm afraid I didn't know the princess," she admitted honestly as she watched him add the finishing touched to their meal. From her position on the stool, she could make out that he was attempting a pasta based dish, and by the scents wafting of his cooking and snaking their way to her, he was doing so very successfully too. Akihana was genuinely surprised when her stomach didn't rumble in anticipation, her senses calmed in all the ways only home cooked meals could.

As the meal was served, Akihana felt silent, taking a moment to simply breathe in the delicious orama of the food before opening her eyes once more. "I had no idea you were so talented," she'd compliment before taking the first bite, the flavor unfolding gently across her tongue as opposed to exploding all over her senses. Akihana was no chef but she always preferred food without pretense. And a perfect balance of spices resulting in a milder taste than an access of one leading to a sensation of being overwhelmed was always more her style.

It seemed Maku's cooking was exactly her style.

"Okay, I take that back," she laughed, putting down her fork. "I had no idea you were the best cook in the world," she amended, reaching for her fork once more. "Well, the second best, that takeaway pizza place down the street from my apartment was pretty good too." The joke was probably one he wouldn't get since Akihana had no idea how familiar the young man was with eateries of Kumo. The pizza had been infamous for being cold, under cooked, late and the outlet itself violated several health code regulations. It had taken Akihana a year to find out the restaurant doubled as the headquarters for an underground shinobi faction. No wonder their pizza was always terrible.

Holding up quiet decently against her plate full of food, Akihana listened in amusement as Maku recounted his time as a morale booster in Iwa, laughing along with him as he told the tale with such fondness, his blue eyes bright at the memory. She caught the name he uttered, surprised that it held no anger or sorrow unlike the first time she had heard him say it. Any other time, she would have questioned the nature of his relationship with the demon that had destroyed her home, but not this time. Of one thing she was absolutely sure, they had a lot of time. And if more of it could be spend with him laughing and smiling the way he was doing now, then it was wrong to interrupt him just to ask what were sure to be inconsequential and unimportant questions.

"I think I will take part," she answered with a hint of mischief in her own gold gaze. "I'm very talented with a lance, you know," she managed before her face gave her away, breaking out into soft laughter at the idea. "In all seriousness though, I think I'll take Her Grace out to watch if you two put on a show. She's not going to get any better locked up in here with all her memories. I can easily push her wheelchair out the gates and I really think it would be good for the people to see her out and about again."

Just as she had uttered the last word, they were interrupted by the appearance of a man who seemed vaguely familiar, though Akihana expected that was where his talents lay, in looking vaguely familiar wherever he went. The way he addressed Maku with his cryptic message made Akihana certain of her earlier conclusion. One didn't simply gather a following by sitting idle in a city magically rid of crime nearly overnight.

"Who was that," she asked conversationally once Tanvir had disappeared back into the woodwork, an interesting skill, she noted not without appreciation. If Maku provided an answer, seh would listen and if he tried to divert her query than she would allow it to be diverted. There was a time to press for secrets and now was not it.

"I can put in a good word for you," she offered with a laugh as he decided he liked this kitchen. "Though I can't promise it will be worth much, but I'll try. And if there already is a royal chef, you'll have to work together with them. We have to be nice, after all." With that said, she began on her ice cream, thoroughly impressed by the concoction he had managed to cook up in so little time. "We might have to do soemthing about the uniform though," she added, putting down her utensils for a moment to reach out and touch the chef's hat on Maku's head. Extending her bloodline's ability ever so slightly, the kunoichi changed the light particles around the hat very slightly so that instead of appearing as it would naturally, the hat now glowed a nice deep pink.

"There we are, now you look the part perfectly."
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Ah man titles are hard (Haven) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ah man titles are hard (Haven)

Sun Jul 26, 2015 10:45 pm
"Did you think 'twas a jest?" He would say at her exclamation of his skills. After all, if there was one constant in the world it was this sole ability of his. It was a source of vanity perhaps, but what was a little vanity after all. Or a lot perhaps.....well best not to think on it to much and just accept I the way things are.

His quizzical look at her inside joke of which he was stranded on the out, would be interrupted as she began to say she would indeed take part, only to have her own stoic line crumble with a laugh. Bringing the queen was no doubt some kind of honor, and she did like helping people, but it seemed a waste of time to him. Though, he wouldn't say anything, sometimes it was fun to challenge others, and sometimes it was best to just eat. Taking a bite he would appreciate his own skills.

"Mmmm that?" He would say gesturing to where Tanvir had stood. "Just someone I met, he has a nice family. I did them a favor so he gives me news from time to time." He would say. It was true, he did have a nice family. He had seen them well cared for, moved away from the slums and placed in a lofty new home. It was of little consequence to him, but large to the family involved. This loyalties had been bought and solidified without much effort on his part. After all the former district bosses no longer needed their homes.

"No doubt I could win on merit, though a kind word is always appreciated." He would say as she turned his hat pink. Taking it off and examining it, he simply replaced it on his head. It clashed magnificently with the purple of his jacket of the white shirt. Or perhaps it made it standout, one kf the two. Either way, it was alright.

"Any plans for tomarow? I think after I secure my position as head chef, I'll like to inspect a couple buildings I have purchased. If you'd like to come along." He would say taking a bite of the dessert. It was true, he had taken control of several inns and hotels and had plans for them. Removing the.....ladies of the night from the streets and making actual establishments for them was one of his next plans.

Maybe not the most honest of professions, but it was part of his own schemes. Taking all forms of debauchery and sin from the street and instead truly organizing it. Thus giving him control, after all he could use the income, and the city could use its perceived chastity, even if he had seen past the belt. Of course Alihana would be spared the colorful life, as none of the buildings would be occupied as of yet.

As an after thought he would return his thoughts back to the jousting tournament. "Mmm you know maybe me and Den could put on a real show." He would say contemplating the subject. "I mean, I don't think we've even begin to bring out the people we are looking for. Maybe a true display would....speed things up a bit." He would finish with the spoon in his mouth of one last bite and clearly thinking long about what they could do to really make a splash.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Ryo : 223500

Ah man titles are hard (Haven) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ah man titles are hard (Haven)

Thu Jul 30, 2015 8:06 pm
Almost halfway through her dessert, Akihana paused as he questioned her of her plans for the next day. Truth be told she had thought of venturing into the city outside the palace walls once more, but then again, her main reason for going outside was no longer a worry. But no, that couldn't have been her only reason, it wasn't like her to display such acts of selfishness. There was a hospital to build, an academy to inaugurate, a holiday to plan and possibly a new princess to welcome. Life had a lot more in store in these changing times. And yet as she sat across from Maku, the blonde was content for the moment.

"Sure," she agreed with a grin, not entirely certain how he had come in ownership of whole buildings in such a short time but taking it as a given. She supposed that was the burden of truly talented people. When they made the impossible an every day occurrence, people stopped seeing it as the impossible and just expected it of them. "I meant to go out into the city anyway, I was planning on visiting some of the temples. I heard talk in the city that Den's display of transporting food through Sanctuary got a lot of them frightened." It was true, of the droves of people who rushed towards Den and his assistants for nourishment, there was an equal number that avoided the area of the academy like the plague. Oddly enough these same people had no issue taking food from Akihana but she suspected her food was more acceptable because it came out of a picnic basket than through "magic".

"Just tell me what time and I'll be ready, given how kind the scullery maid is feeling in the morning," she added. "She's going to get quite sick of me asking to borrow her cloaks, but I can't go out dressed like this," she gestured to her narrow frame sheathed in lavender with her utensil, averting her eyes as she spoke. It wasn't that Akihana wasn't used to fine clothing, the Akari had been far from stingy in that regard. She supposed she had just given that part of her up when she left Konoha. And the gowns that might have enthralled a little girl living under her sister's shadow didn't quite work on the woman who didn't carry herself with quite as much confidence.

His plan of a display to draw out the rest of the rogue nin had merit, she had to admit. It did cause a frown line to appear on her forehead. "You won't be putting yourself or Denkiteki in danger, will you?" seh asked, the concern clear in her gaze. "I mean, the plan is good but not really worth it if it means... " The kunoichi paused to think fo the right words. "Haven needs you both, we still have a lot of work to do."

Finishing the rest of her dessert in which she would give him time to respond or pose more questions, Akihana would wait to see that played out before she spoke once more, this time a slight hint of uncertainty in her voice. "Maku," she began seriously, trying to pose her question so it didn't sound as absurd out loud as it did in her head. "I was thinking, though the queen nor her advisers really trust shinobi, should we try to enlist other major villages for help? Suna seems to the closest, Konoha is not far beyond. It's not that I'm positive they would offer support of any kind but... If a new village springs up here in Haven without their knowledge, it might do us more harm than good. What do you think?" Diplomacy was a delicate path, once she had often been forced to tread many while Yaju saw little benefit of it. It was a necessary courtesy that, more than asking for aid, would imply that this new village was not hostile like the Bloody Mist.
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Takeshiyama
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Ah man titles are hard (Haven) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ah man titles are hard (Haven)

Thu Jul 30, 2015 10:26 pm
Having accepted his proposal of a day of surveying he smiled and finished his meal.  "Well I plan to start my rounds around 4 or 5 tomarow morning I think.  Shouldn't be many on the street then, and can finish before the heat of the day gets to strong, acceptable?"  He would ask.  It was early, but he truly did want to get things settled as early as possible.  He had set up a final meeting with some of the higher ranked people he had recently taken over.  A final display, diplomacy even to cement what he had begun to create.  Most would be examples, leaders didn't need leaders.  No, it was the thirds and fourths in command that he would take.  They would want it more, they who had power within sight but more likely never to reach it,  give them a little and keep them forever.

"I don't know, it seems fitting to me.  One should always look their best.  It's just polite, Aftwe all, who are we to deny the world such fineness and beauty?"  He would say gesturing to himself and to her, his vanity on full display and with no bashfulness.  

"Danger Akihanna?  That is what we do here.  That's why we are here, that's why we became shinobi.  Not to tread on fluff and flowers, but to dance with what certainly be danger.  I'm not worried and neither should Den be.  Nor you for that matter."  He would say off handedly.  "Worry is for those without absolute conviction.  And my dear, conviction is an important attribute."  He would stab and begin to stretch.  

"If you wish to ask other villages for aid that is between you and Den.  I guess the queen as well, though her oppinion means next to nothing to me.  Akihanna, I'm here for Den.  I promised him on the beaches of Shimagakure I'd be here for him.  Before I knew he was my brother, before we had a bond, and I made the promise for my own selfish reasons.  Those reasons have dissolved and mean nothing now, but a promise is a promise so here I am."

Turning and walking towards the door he would finish.  "I already proved to myself and everyone around me that I am not cut out to be a leader.  Those decisions are above me at present time.  I will perhaps given time after this mission be more inclined to offer my opinions, but right now I just think it best that kind of decision is left to others.  I hope you think that's not rude."

Making the rest of the way to the doorway he would stop just as he was about to step through it. "I'm sorry to eat and run darling, but I have one more meeting before I sleep and we have an early go of it. Akihanna......we'll never mind actually." He would say letting the thought go. "I'll see you in the morning". And with that he left.

Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Ah man titles are hard (Haven) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ah man titles are hard (Haven)

Thu Jul 30, 2015 10:58 pm
"Acceptable," thw blonde acquiesced as they both finished their meal. The'd be leaving before sunrise and Akihana had yet to see the city under the cover of darkness. The thought made her more curious than frightened. She did let out a laugh good naturedly though when Maku painted himself as an example if fine fashion. Akihana could never get used to his ability to diffuse light into any situation through oddly narcissistic humor. "And I'll dress down regardless, you deserve to shine more," she joked, trying to disguise her own discomfort at her formal wear. the queen was of the opinion that clothes were symbols, though why she wanted her chief healer bedecked in so many was a mystery to the kunoichi.

The good humor vanished from her face however when he mentioned that there will be danger. He didn't say anything she hadn't heard before, that there was always danger in a shinobi's career. And she didn't feel the need to explain that she did not become a shinobi for the danger, she became one to keep her loved ones safe. And while that did involve danger from time to time, it was not something to look forwards to or be so casually flirted with. but her worries were of her own, and nothing he said would prevent her from offering up a quick prayer of her own to the Goddess. It only seemed right given they were in the religious capital fo the world.

"Well, take care nonetheless," she warned, trying to relax and not begin the worrying process she knew would come soon. Soon but hopefully not tonight. "For.. Den, and... your promise," she added hastily because those were the words that made sense. He was here for his brother, for his promises, to see if he wanted to regain a sense of self perhaps. And it was vain and foolish of her to even presume anything outside of those boundaries.

The Kunoichi silently pondered his advice on getting other villages involved. While it was true the decision could never be made in the absence of their third friend, she noticed he had actually not commuted either way, a very diplomatically savvy move or he genuinely believed himself to be a bad leader and decision maker. the idea of the latter made her wish she could do something to unconvince him of that notion, but as he'd said, conviction was an important attribute.

The blonde only looked up when his cheerful farewell rang through the kitchen, Maku already on his feet with her still seated on her stool, deep in thought. "It's quite alright," she spoke hurriedly, more out of habit than anything else. "I'll see you tomorrow. Get a good night's sleep if you can."

Did he sense her earlier hesitation? Was he sensing it now? Akihana didn't have the answer to those questions as she watched him leave, getting to her feet and gathering the plates and cutlery they had used, piling them up neatly in the kitchen sink. On a normal day, she would have washed them to, but she knew that doing so now would give her hands just enough to do so her mind would be free to wander, and that was not a good idea.

'Sweet dreams," she whispered belatedly even though seh knew he had no way of hearing her. It was just as well, not everything needed to be heard.

(Exit Akihana)

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