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Kouse <3
Kouse <3
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Kouse & salzem training session  - Page 3 Empty Re: Kouse & salzem training session

Sat Jul 11, 2015 1:14 pm
As salzem spoke, kouse listened intently and said everything over again so he wouldn't forget.. "it's a technique called Body  fluctuate  you chakra  throughout your chakra all over your body, causing it to become temporarily enhanced, therefor making you move faster.
 He was shocked when salzem had used the body flicker though, it was like though he had vanished for an instant, that was incredible, kouse widened his eyes in attempts to try to find salzem. 
He was still looking when salzem waved at him and walked over to him. 
"that was my average speed salzem said"
Show off.. kouse thought with a smirk. 
"alright let me try that, he said to salzem as he walked to him"
Kouse closed his eyes, this was becoming a norm any time he want to learn a new jutsu and needed his utmost concentration. 
Kouse made sure he had his chakra well controlled then started fluctuating his chakra, he started slowly moving from body part to body part until all over his body his chakra were fluctuating.. With eyes still closed.. He slowly formed the single hand sign 'ram'. 
With the sign locked down, kouse opened his eyes and attempted running. 
He fell flat on his face... He was highly embarrassed, salzem was watching! And little did kouse know that someone else who's opinion he valued far more than salzems own was also watching. 
He stood up quickly trying to keep his pride intact.. He knew he blew it by falling at all. 
Saori laughed out loud as she watched him fall down on his first try on the body flicker jutsu and she immediately covered her mouth with her hands, no need to get discovered foolishly.. She planned for a grand entrance. 
Kouse heard a distant laughter but ignored it due to his concentration on getting this tech right,there would be nothing he could do to hope to redeem his pride if he fell twice. 
Kouse stood up, dusted himself and attempted to do the body flicker jutsu again yet again,successfully this time he hoped. 
Kouse stood still as the wind howling around him blew everything away.. His black long hair partially covering his face, given him a weird look. 
It wasn't joke time, it was getting this jutsu locked down as fast as possible. 
He stretched, flexed his knuckles, cracking dem. 
Kouse closed his eyes yet again and concentrated with all his might..he felt his chakra slowly build up within him, he willed them carefully to begin fluctuating.. Little by little until his entire body's chakra did so... He put his hands together and efficiently did the ram hand sign.. He opened his eyes.. And he ran.
With a pleasant surprise he noticed he had 'body flickered'  for the first time.. Kouse was elated, he kept on practicing this jutsu until he had learnt it and become well adept to it and could do it like a reflex.
Some distance away saori smiled, yeah he was coming up and developing to be a very promising ninja.. She knew it was upto her to pull out the best from him, and make him work harder.. That was the request his father had given her and she would do her best to fulfill his request..seeing no point in showing up. She turned and left

Word count {533}.. Training topic word count (1256) claiming yet training might continue.

Kouse & salzem training session  - Page 3 Empty Re: Kouse & salzem training session

Sat Jul 11, 2015 3:51 pm
Salzem's head snapped around when he heard the laughter. Who was that? Who was watching them. He squinted his eyes, probing the brush for any sign of a person. Deciding that Kouse's training was more important than finding and punishing a spy. Having seen Kouse's aptitude for the body flicker technique, Salzem stepped up behind him and clapped him on the shoulder.

"Well done." Salzem said before finding a seat in the shade of a nice oak tree.

"If you wish, we can attempt one more technique. This one is called Chakra Sensory."
Kouse <3
Kouse <3
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Kouse & salzem training session  - Page 3 Empty Re: Kouse & salzem training session

Sat Jul 11, 2015 5:22 pm
Kouse uchiha suddenly felt his body shiver, that was a sign that something bad and unpredictable could happen to him.. He knew he could lose everything in an instant,nothing lasts forever not even life. 
But kouse smiled at salzems proposal pushing his thoughts away. 
"yea, that would be a nice idea" kouse replied.

Kouse & salzem training session  - Page 3 Empty Re: Kouse & salzem training session

Sat Jul 11, 2015 6:05 pm
Salzem observed Kouse's sudden shiver. Was it something Salzem said? What was the deal? Salzem motioned for Kouse to join him. If he came over and sat next to him, Salzem would turn to face him, eyes probing him for any hint of disseat.

"Kouse, I saw that shiver. Are you well?" Salzem would raise a hand to Kouse's forehead to see if he had a fever.

"Perhaps some rest is necessary?"
Kouse <3
Kouse <3
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Kouse & salzem training session  - Page 3 Empty Re: Kouse & salzem training session

Sat Jul 11, 2015 6:15 pm
Kouse noticed the attention salzem showed him when he shivered.. He checked his temperature but kouse pulled away. 
He didn't need that..he knew what he wanted.. To get ready for the chunin exams.. He knew exactly what that shiver meant.. A sign that bad things would soon befall him.. It had nothing to do with exhaustion. 
Kouse smiled "I'm okay.. I don't need rest in the least.. Tanx for ur concern though"  he said

Kouse & salzem training session  - Page 3 Empty Re: Kouse & salzem training session

Sat Jul 11, 2015 6:36 pm
Salzem's eyes showed genuine concern. He was on his last legs as well and his lack of sleep wasn't helping. No... Kouse wasn't fine. Salzem was the same way a while ago, back when he was a student. He hid his fears and pain from others. Maybe he can help Kouse... Salzem thought he owed it to Kouse to try.

"Before we continue, let me tell you a story." Salzem said, clearing his throat and coughing lightly, the taste of blood on his tongue.

"There was a child, no more than 8. He was happy, he had a mother and father, and was playing with them in the woods. He came across a flower. He thought 'Wow! This is the prettiest flower in all the lands! I'm going to give this to mother!' Well, as he bent down to pick it, it sprayed a gas in his face. Turns out that gas was poisonous, and was confined to a breathing mask that added restorative enzymes to his air to counter the poison eating his lungs. The kid became a ninja out of spite, to prove he was capable, even with a handicap, and he did. He became vary successful. He made friends, his father was proud, his reputation, golden."

Salzem paused, eyes locked onto Kouse.

"His father was nowhere to be seen one day. The child, now freshly genin, looked about for him around the house only to find a note. It was his father's will. The child's mother was no where to be found. She stopped visiting after a while, soon falling out of contact all together. One of his friends was killed in front of him. His first friend. This streak of misfortune would not end there, however."

Salzem entered a coughing fit, wet, hacking. Something was coming up his throat. Not bile but just as hot. Salzem lowered his breathing mask, turned away and spat it into the ground. Red...

"Anyway...." Salzem continued, voice hoarse. "No one knows what happened, but the poison had either moved on or maybe it adapted to the enzymes but his lungs started to collapse again. To this day, that child is dying, and he knows it. He tried to deny it, to hide it. But he knows. And it hurts. Kouse, you are more like this child than you know. And I know this child."

Salzem would place a hand on Kouse's shoulder.

"What ails you?"
Kouse <3
Kouse <3
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Kouse & salzem training session  - Page 3 Empty Re: Kouse & salzem training session

Sun Jul 12, 2015 5:34 am
Kouse was surprised at the concern shown to him by salzem.. His past thought of him were changing.. He thought salzem was a ninja who was so proud of his Rank that he looked at other ninjas lower in Rank as scum. 
But as he told a story about a boy who at just the age of 8 gotten a lung disease and who overcame that to become a successful ninja.
Unfortunately that wasn't to be the end of his suffering.. The boy had lost his father, mother and his first friend.. And if that wasn't all.. The said boy was still dying due to the disease he had contacted awhile ago. 
Kouse's eyes widened when he noticed salzem cough out blood.. Could it be that this story was salzems story?.. Was this all that happened to him? 
'Kouse, you are more like this child than you know. And I know this child." salzem had said... "and I know this child" 
Kouse thought or did dat really mean and I Am this child? 
Kouse's thoughts vanished when salzem placed his hands on his shoulder and asked "what ails you". 
Kouse was surprised that salzem would care so much, and was even more surprised at himself when he felt the urge to say to salzem what was troubling him. 
Kouse looked at salzem and decided to tell him.
"I've been having dreams recently of my entire family dying off one by one and me following, at first I thought it was just a one off thing but it has since happened more than once... Three times to be exact..its a mental ailment salzem that troubles me"
Kouse smiled "All I can do now is try to achieve my goals to become a chunin, having to lose them over and over again takes its toll.. But I know with time this fear would subside."
Kouse turned..."so let's continue our training "

Kouse & salzem training session  - Page 3 Empty Re: Kouse & salzem training session

Sun Jul 12, 2015 6:04 am
Salzem listened as Kouse named off his plight. Mental? Were his family already dead? What has happened to him? This kid sounded just like Salzem if he were older and an uchiha. Deciding that if they allied to long they would be here all day, Salzem motioned fro Kouse to sit next to him.

"As you wish. We will be learning Chakra sensory. It requires immense concentration for beginners and that's why we are beginning sitting down."

If Kouse followed Salzem's instructions, he would move on to the next step, all the while trying to ignore the fact that he was looking into a mirror every time he  saw Kouse.
Kouse <3
Kouse <3
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Kouse & salzem training session  - Page 3 Empty Re: Kouse & salzem training session

Sun Jul 12, 2015 7:17 am
Kouse uchiha nodded and say down beside salzem, he was more than ready to get started. 
"so how is it done salzem? " kouse asked

Kouse & salzem training session  - Page 3 Empty Re: Kouse & salzem training session

Sun Jul 12, 2015 7:38 am
(Prepare for a 1000 words of writing. Best to divide it between 2 posts if you ask me.)

Salzem slipped his hands into the tiger sign to maximize the flow of chakra. He closed his eyes and let out a deep breath, letting his body relax.

"Let your chakra run through you." Salzem said. "Once your chakra reaches it's climax of fluctuation, send it out around you like a ripple in a flat surface lake. "
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