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Ryugia Uchiha
Ryugia Uchiha
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Clone Jutsu! Empty Clone Jutsu!

Mon Apr 13, 2015 11:29 am
I stood in the practice yard behind the ninja academy. I am so close to graduating. I just need to master the clone jutsu. I hold the scroll that I have read hundreds of times now in my hands. I had taken the information in and memorized it ages ago, but I couldn't help one last look. "alright, I think i got this." I weave 3 hand signs in quick succession. Ram, Tiger, Snake. "Clone jutsu!" A clone appears next to me. A nearly perfect replica of me. Spiked brown hair and all. " Too bad you have no mass to you. I could spar." Well I guess I'll just have to learn the shadow clone technique. I release the technique, and the clone disappears instantly. "This jutsu is so useless though it's a distraction at best. I need to learn some lightning style jutsu. I need to hurry up and graduate. I wouldn't even bother learning this if the technique wasn't required to graduate. Well I guess I should try it again just to make sure I have it down. Maybe I'll increase the number." Ram, Tiger, Snake. My hands go as fast as I can make them. I concentrate my chakra, and then imagine it leaving me and forming three identical clones of me. I can picture it, but  suddenly I feel tired an I strain to stay up. I open my eyes and see 2 good clones, but the 3rd seems to barely be holding form, and is far from convincing. "Release!" All three clones disappear. as they go a wave of exhaustion envelopes me, and I sink to the ground, sprawling out and looking up towards the sky. "Well, perhaps  this jutsu isn't as easy as I originally thought." My eyes start to close. My thoughts drifting into dreams. "no. What are you doing? You're giving up?"

"No. I'm not giving up. I'll try again when I wake up."
"That is still giving up."
"Who are you, and why are you telling me what to do? This is my head."
"You haven't met me yet, and you won't for a while, but just know I'm looking out for you. Now... Get up!"
My eyes are ripped open, and a new energy flows through me. I feel powerful, like I've pushed past a barrier that had been holding me back. Without thinking I weave the hand signs, while still laying on the ground. I don't think about splitting my chakra that all just comes as a second thought, I only focus on the desire to have 3 perfect clones in in front of me, and I want them now! "Clone Jutsu!" There are 3 consecutive explosions of smoke. I come to my feet, now that the feeling of purpose is draining, and watch intently as the smoke clears. Before me stands 3 perfect clones. I may not have been able to tell the difference if I didn't know myself. "Finally! 3 perfect clones! I also feel different. I feel stronger, like I broke through a wall that was holding me back. I am fit, and have plenty of physical strength, but perhaps I lacked the will ,and mental strength to infuse to make more chakra. Either way I accomplished my goal, and I feel  like I have become stronger in more ways than one. I can't wait for the genin exam. I am going to ace it!" I release the jutsu, gathering my things. "I think I'm gonna go get some pan noodles from Ichiraku. I could sure use some food." Maybe I'll go see if some of the other students want to come. Who knows they might end up being my team mates. I should atleast make an effort to hang out with them. 
Word count:627
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Clone Jutsu! Empty Re: Clone Jutsu!

Mon Apr 13, 2015 4:20 pm
You should always list your claims at the end of your posts. Just something simple like "627 words, claiming 3 stats and clone jutsu" will do. <3
Ryugia Uchiha
Ryugia Uchiha
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Clone Jutsu! Empty Re: Clone Jutsu!

Mon Apr 13, 2015 4:24 pm
Akihana Akari wrote:You should always list your claims at the end of your posts. Just something simple like "627 words, claiming 3 stats and clone jutsu" will do. <3
Alrighty will do. I get those things though right?
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Clone Jutsu! Empty Re: Clone Jutsu!

Mon Apr 13, 2015 4:53 pm
First you claim the stuff, then a mod approves it and then you can get it and add it to your stat page. This hasnt been approved yet because you haven't claimed anything yet. So claim and I can approve. <3
Ryugia Uchiha
Ryugia Uchiha
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Clone Jutsu! Empty Re: Clone Jutsu!

Mon Apr 13, 2015 11:30 pm
Akihana Akari wrote:First you claim the stuff, then a mod approves it and then you can get it and add it to your stat page. This hasnt been approved yet because you haven't claimed anything yet. So claim and I can approve. <3
3 stats
clone jutsu
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Clone Jutsu! Empty Re: Clone Jutsu!

Tue Apr 14, 2015 5:30 am
Approved <3
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