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Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Welcome...home? (Entry) Empty Welcome...home? (Entry)

Tue Feb 17, 2015 8:44 pm
Altar stood at the gates of Shimagakure. It had been one helluva long boat ride over, but it seemed well worth it. The place was most certainly different than Tenga. Whereas Tenga's sky had been blotted and blocked with skyscrapers and other buildings, this village was open, the sky incredibly visible...and it was incredibly warm. Under his coat, Altar was sweating like a pig on a damn rotisserie. Eager for shade and something to quench his every growing thirst, Altar would wait at the gates of the island village. It was supposed to be his home now, yes, but that didn't change much. He was still a stranger here, and he wouldn't feel quite right about just walking in.
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Welcome...home? (Entry) Empty Re: Welcome...home? (Entry)

Tue Feb 17, 2015 9:28 pm
Kaede became aware of the arrival of yet another refugee while out grocery shopping. It was for that reason the man arrived within a minute or two of being informed, grocery bag still in hand. From the position a top the gates that he so loved to be on he gazed at the new comer, taking the time to examine them. "Yet another refugee wanders into the islands, no doubt sent by the man who believes he has authority over these lands. State your name boy, and tell me when the one known as Xyxer will finally make an appearance. The islands of Shimagakure are open to all, except for those who seek to use them for personal gain." Honestly he should write a notice or something. Itd make this job easier.
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Welcome...home? (Entry) Empty Re: Welcome...home? (Entry)

Tue Feb 17, 2015 10:21 pm
Altar would look to the gates to see a man standing atop them with...was that a bag of groceries? Well, that was unexpected, but with that kind of item with him, Altar suspected the man was in some sort of hurry. Though he couldn't blame him. The islands he would now call home seemed to beckon to him, and Altar wanted to explore this place. So, he'd need to make introductions quick and get inside.

"My name is Altar Shinkou, and yes I am...was...a resident of Tengakure. All I know is that i'm supposed to come here to reside for the time being. As for Xyxer, I have not a clue where he is or where he went off to if he's not already here. you seem to be in a hurry or preoccupied," Altar would say, motioning to the bag in the man's hand "and you yourself said the islands are open to all, am I free to come in and explore?"

If the man atop the gates had no more questions for him and he was allowed entry, then Altar would make his way through the gates, keeping a hand raised to keep the sun from blinding him.

~Possible Exit~
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Welcome...home? (Entry) Empty Re: Welcome...home? (Entry)

Wed Feb 18, 2015 8:23 am
It seemed Xyxer was content with hiding away for now. Kaede hopped down from the gates, landing with such grace the guards simply stared in awe. He truly was magnificent. A lazy wave of the hand and the gates were opened. At this rate there was honestly no reason to even have them, but whatever. Back to grocery shopping.

[Exit, topic closed]
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