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Mitako Raicho
Mitako Raicho
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New Arrival Empty New Arrival

Sun Jan 25, 2015 7:08 am

Mitako, being one of the new arrivals to the village he was, decided to go for a little tour. His eyes scanned the village, noticing it lacked a training ground. This village just seemed so much smaller than Tengakure with its skyscraping towers and and towering skyscrapers. On the map, the village had ten islands, but he could only see four. Maybe that's why it seemed so small.... 

The boy had been standing at the docks for an hour waiting on some of the Tengakure nin to show up, but he may have jumped the gun on leaving. If that was the case, then the Tenkage might very well punish him. A shiver went down his spine at that thought, and he seriously doubted his Jinchuriki status would buy him any leeway. Maybe the Tenkage didn't even know about it, as Mitako had just found out himself that he housed a great beast. Mitako wasn't allowed much time before a gruff, wrinkled fisherman came and picked him up by the collar, dragging Mitako as he spoke. "Come on, you know what the genin do around here boy!" Mitako was kicking and screaming all the while, but his cries were ignored.

The old man seemed to have a strong grip, as despite Mitako's retaliation he managed to throw him on a medium sized boat stocked with barrels of fish. Mitako drew his sword and rushed the man after he hit the deck of the boat, attempting to put him in his place. The fisherman had to have been a ninja, because in one motion he pretty much tossed Mitako off the side of the dock. Mitako flopped around once he hit the water, grabbed his katana, and eventually made his way back onto the dock, where he found his new arch enemy waiting for him. 

As Mitako coughed up water, the old man told him what was gonna happen, "Try somethin' like that again and you won't be able ta swim! Ya get me!?" Mitako nodded, "Good! Now help unload the ship!" Mitako hated this man's voice with a passion, and wanted nothing more than to fill his lungs with sand. Revenge would have to wait, as the fisherman held a level of skill over Mitako. Fearing the consequences, he began following orders. With a deep "Hup" He picked up the first barrel. Weighing at least fifty pounds, the genin decided that this place couldn't be that small. Ferrying the barrel of fish as fast as he could, Mitako made his way to other edge of the docks rather quickly, placing the barrel front of another fisherman. The old fisherman (We'll call him Ganta from here on out.) followed close behind him, setting the barrel next to his. Sprinting back to the ship, he noticed that the only two working were him and Ganta. The rest of the crew just sat there, they did look rather exhausted, and Mitako began to understand why the man was so harsh with him. 

A half hour later, Ganta patted Mitako on the back, "Thanks boy!" handed him three hundred and fifty ryo, and went on his way back to his ship. The flash of hatred Mitako held was gone, replaced with a sort of respect. 

[542/450 claiming mission rewards, and 2 stats
Also, 542 words toward quickdraw if that's ok.]
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New Arrival Empty Re: New Arrival

Sun Jan 25, 2015 7:24 am
WC for stats is doubled in missions so you get one stat. 400words=1stat for missions.

Other than that approved. Though next time if your gonna claim training for a jutsu, include it a bit more. I realize you did once, but I would prefer you do more of it to get the words. But this time ok.

So approved
Mitako Raicho
Mitako Raicho
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New Arrival Empty Re: New Arrival

Sun Jan 25, 2015 7:26 am
Thanks! I'll work a little harder next time.
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

New Arrival Empty Re: New Arrival

Sun Jan 25, 2015 8:12 am
Sorry bro I done goofed. Only B rank and above missions give stats. So no stat point I apologize for my mistake
Mitako Raicho
Mitako Raicho
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New Arrival Empty Re: New Arrival

Sun Jan 25, 2015 3:12 pm
That's cool, it's only one stat. (I'm not the only one that says I done goofed!)
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