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Loser Marvels

Naoki Gekou
Altar Shinkou
Kozue Senju
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Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Loser Marvels Empty Re: Loser Marvels

Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:00 pm
Altar was stood at the gate, bored out of his mind. He had nothing better to do, so he had opted to watch the gates of Tengakure and ensure no one...unsavory came by and dropped into the fair village. However, he soon saw a young boy approaching the gates, seemingly looking for entrance into the village. He seemed quite cautious, and didn't look like much of a threat. So, Altar would loom on from the wall, and call out to the boy.

"Stop there. I need your name and purpose here." Altar would say, getting a decent look at the boy. He seemed young, and his eyes were a glaring crimson. An Uchiha, possibly?
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Loser Marvels Empty Re: Loser Marvels

Wed Nov 26, 2014 9:16 pm
Free time, something Takeo had taken for granted a long time ago. During his time being the Tenkage though, he had longed for it. Now with Xyxer taking control of the village actively, it left Takeo with all the time in the world. And he was loving it. So here he was wandering the village during the early hours of the morning, drinking. A strange concoction was in the bottle he currently held in his hand. It had taken some light persuading to the boy's in the research labs to make an alcoholic drink from apples, but they had done wonders. Little did Takeo know that such a drink already existed, but he wasn't exactly the type to frequent bars. Taking a swig of the drink that he had named Redic examined the village for the first time in around a month. His Byakugan ever active he observed that now much had changed at all, this surprised him.

His travels brought him to the gates, by happy coincidence around the time Altar was confronting a foreign visitor. "Greetings friends!" He called our cheerfully, raising the hand he held the bottle in in greeting as he sauntered up. Takeo recognised one of the boys from a previous meeting that occurred not long after he became Tenkage. His memory was hazy, but he also believed the boy had been a participant in Tengakure's New Age. The other bloke on the other hand, Takeo had not seen before. From his appearance it was fairly obvious he was a foreigner. Now that Takeo thought about it, perhaps it was not wise for him to greet foreigners while drinking. Too late now, but he'd have to remember it in the future.

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Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Loser Marvels Empty Re: Loser Marvels

Mon Dec 01, 2014 6:21 pm
Apparantly the boy was named Kozata...Shinkou? Another Shinkou? Altar would need to investigate this further, but later. He was eager to meet another of his kind. He was an emissary from Shimagakure, and had a message from the Kage. Figuring it was probably okay, Altar would escort the boy through the gates, after ensuring he was no threat.

And then Tak came up, bottle in hand. Well. Shit. Deciding to ignore him, albeit a small wave, Altar would shove Kozata along to the Tenkage towers.

~Possible Exit with Kozata~
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Loser Marvels Empty Re: Loser Marvels

Mon Dec 01, 2014 6:28 pm
Takeo paused, frowning as Altar made a hasty exit along with the foreigner. With a shrug he would take a swig from the bottle, making his way back into the village to go get something to eat. He'd make a note to demote the boy for being rude and not saying hello back at a later date. That is if he remembered the incident, and judging from how fast he was drinking that was fairly unlikely.

Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Loser Marvels Empty Re: Loser Marvels

Thu Dec 04, 2014 12:11 pm
A single point in space would blur not too far from the two Shinkous and from it a chakra bubble would emerge. The three passengers would see the light of day again as the field around them collapsed. The one appearing the youngest of the three would glare around at the sky-slicing buildings and not that it was not as sunny here and slightly less warm, than in his home village. One of the older ones would instead turn to find Kozata also noticing a black haired boy next to him, who radiated considerable chakra, though nowhere near his own or Den's. From the looks of it, his messenger had only just arrived and was probably being taken to see Tenkage.

Not to alarm, Naoki would spread his arms a bit, gesturing he is not a threat. Of course that was completely not true and he would absolutely defend himself if need be, but his intention was genuine. With that he would smile at the black haired boy. "Hail. I am the leader of Shimagakure, would you show me the way to your Kage?"
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

Loser Marvels Empty Re: Loser Marvels

Thu Dec 04, 2014 12:20 pm
(I'm assuming since we stop Alt's exit we stop Tak's as well)

Den was in tenga, for the first time in..... well due to timeline issues he really wasn't sure how long it had been. Quite some time though, he was sure of that. He looked at the black haired boy who radiated chakra, wondering how he would react to seeing Den, an S-ranked missing ninja of the village, appearing in front of the village gates. He had honestly hoped the boy hadn't reached the destination yet, but it seemed to have been to much to ask for.

Den didn't make any aggressive moves, but his chakra senses were probing to make sure that there wasn't a Tenga shinobi nearby. That was when he sensed him. He quickly turned his gaze to look at Takeo, his former student and the man who overthrew him. Would he attack Den, or would he ask why Den had been gone for so long? Den did not like the current situation, as Takeo was close enough that if he wanted to fight Den would have to oblige, he wouldn't be able to just escape like he had originally planned.
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Loser Marvels Empty Re: Loser Marvels

Thu Dec 04, 2014 12:57 pm
Of course, when one has nothing more to do than meander around in their office burdened by the former appearances of Tenkages, one can become quite.. bored. That was why, when a sudden influx of chakra came into his senses, the overwhelming chakra pressure.. Xyxer knew something queer had happened, but what, he was unsure of. Perhaps a sudden invasion? Pushing himself from the chair and opening the window to the office, he jumped out from the room and put some chakra into his feet so he could down the side of the building, flipping to another building and so on and so forth. It was about now that Denkiteki would be able to see, or more so, sense, another chakra signature beelining directly towards them. Xyxer made a single gesture with his arm, calling off the ANBU that were following him.. This was his right, his birth right for homicide. It was now as he sprinted across the buildings that he noticed.. Denkiteki was there. He couldn't ignore that face anywhere, the one that had stolen his glory.. But he would have it once more, even if it was drawn from the insides of the males organs.  Moving across the buildings which were 10 metres high at this point, Xyxer would be 5 meters away from the quadro and he would simply.. leap off of the building, garnished in his Abysswalker armour with Tidebreaker lusting for their blood in his right hand. However, his strategy to kill them was somewhat different than what he would normally do. Before he had jumped, his ferocity was signalled by the throwing of three shuriken towards the body of Naoki, towards his gut and legs to be more precise to force a movement. Meanwhile the red eyed demon held the sword against his body, one foot pressed against the back of the blade that was not sharp, the sharp end, of course, facing Denkiteki. Since Kozai is a pedantic little bastard, he's moving towards Denkiteki and if he lands his position will be where he lands for fuck sake.

[EMS Active -5 AP and shit]
Throwing speed = 130 Speed
Passive bonus to health, all 25 points of it yo
75 Sharpness shuriken
120 Speed due to EMS and shit]

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