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Loser Attracts Empty Re: Loser Attracts

Mon Aug 03, 2015 8:54 pm
Yet alas, the monstrous entity known by many names, but for this case 'Xyxer' would do, entered the area. You see, Xyxer had had an awful lot of thinking to do when he had became Kage. In fact, perhaps too much for a man that had only served loyally with no second thoughts on the executions of innocents. After all, you can lead a dog and teach it to attack and ravage your opponents, but what happens when the dog is abandoned by it's leaders? Forced to hold the lead in it's own blood soaked snout? Well, for this ravenous hound, it was the development of another entity. Xyxer was a ravenous sociopath; he had no qualms in the suffering of others and often found delight in the infliction of it upon others. He was the executioner for some, the guard for others, but his role remained constant throughout the entirety of his life. Xyxer was the dog released when someone wanted to ensure a murder went through, a loyal soldier. He could be likened to the small blade in the night, but quiet assassinations had never been the way of the psychopath.. no, perhaps he was not the tongue of metal coated in the blanket of darkness.. Perhaps, in all honesty, Xyxer was a more cruel weapon.. Perhaps he was not a war hammer in essence, nor a simple greatsword.. A dagger, of course not.. A bow? He'd take that as an insult. In all honesty, he could be a spear, confident, strong blows constantly that kept the opponent at a distance.. but he was more like a Sica. Even when his shots came towards you, the weapon would simply go around the shield or into the openings of armour, creating light lacerations.. The lacerations would slowly overcome the foe, perhaps he would eventually hamstring them in order to delight in knowing his prey could no longer resist his superior fury.. and, if they had fought well, they would receive the death of a warrior; honourable, no desecration to the bodies as a reward. Yet, if the cowards begged for life and did not fight.. there'd be suffering, as many had discovered in their time with the Demon of Kirigakure. The male wandered around the area, drifting from Atlas to Xyxer and Xyxer to Atlas, the personalities still merged with one another and very little differences between the two were notable, but soon.. they'd become essentially two people; that was the strength leadership would have on the bloodied dog of war.

Atlas drifted towards the village gates, he was unsure on what exactly called him there.. There was a tug from his inner self.. a pulling from the force that was Xyxer. He longed to adventure the world and travel it like he had done all those years before. He had had a friend from Konohagakure.. Nero. What would Nero be up to at this point in time, Xyxer wondered. That thought brought a smile to Atlas' lips, absence the knowledge of the male's untimely death. Upon reaching his destination, Atlas caught sight of a boy who had talked recently to Xyxer and had been promoted to the rank of Chuunin within Kirigakure.. Kozata was the young boy's name, and Shinkou was his clan. If his intel was to be correct, they hailed from a special place.. had it been the Abyss? He was unsure, but he had smirked at the likeness of his nickname and their actual traveling grounds. Perhaps he would have to visit their village one day himself. He looked towards the boy briefly before jumping simply towards the top of the wall that was there, or rather, the village gates. Naturally, due to the boy's exceptional speed it'd appear much like a teleport most likely with mere dust being left in the spot Xyxer previously was. Here, he gazed out over the kingdom outside of Kirigakure.. Most of it was water, of course, since this was Shimagakure.. Perhaps he would build a bridge to the mainland soon. That'd be a funny notion, a lot of ryo though. Perhaps he could hire some child slaves to do the heavy lifting for him!

"Beautiful weather, isn't it?"

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Loser Attracts Empty Re: Loser Attracts

Tue Aug 04, 2015 7:24 pm
The words ushered from the lips of Kozata fell upon the ears of Atlas.. what was he doing here? Staring out into the horizon, he pondered the question in his own mind, wondering about it himself. To most it would appear to be an innocent question that required a simple reply, and perhaps a simple reply would be delivered, but to Xyxer, a male who has been wondering that exact question for a lot of his kageship, it was deeper. He missed the freedom a dog has when it was allowed off of the lead. Now, he had to care for a village and it's people, in order to protect his own interests. No longer could he simply execute and be done with it.. despite being a leader, the mentality of a prime ANBU of Kirigakure was still fixed firmly inside of him. It always had been, it was difficult to rub away when you were born within the halls of Kirigakure. When you had been the beast the Mizukage had wanted to release upon the world, who had in all senses been a demon himself. Would Xyxer end up just like Suzaku? Seen by his own people how Xyxer and the civilians saw him? He had seemed weak.. requiring others to do his bidding.. He had even defeated Suzaku in combat despite the male harnessing the power of a true breathing demon.. Would Xyxer be seen as weak if he did not execute the enemies of the village if they enter? Would he be seen as cowardly? These notions he did not appreciate within the sancitity of his mind, a place where he should reign supreme and feel comfortable.. Yet, alas, Xyxer's mind never truly had been his own; when he was in Kirigakure there had been a break in his mentality, a crack which had decimated a great portion of his emotional depth. He could fake emotions now, he could pretend that he could feel.. but inside, he was hollow and he knew it. He had harboured perhaps true emotions whilst Sameonna was alive.. he could not put a finger to the emotion as it had ran amock inside of him, but when her life essence had been extinguished, so had the emotions of Xyxer which had barely seen the light of day. Perhaps Atlas could revive the ancient relics, who would know?

"I'm merely gazing out at my kingdom." Atlas decided to reply simply after all, "You've been venturing around lately if I recall correctly. I believe I may do the same myself, although perhaps with less of the blood shed as you seem to have encountered upon your journeys. I have not ventured into most of the lands you know today.. In fact, geographically I am quite at a disadvantage in knowledge. Perhaps I will journey to Konohagakure and taste their ramen.. I hear it's delicious. How about you, Kozata, where have you ventured in your bloody journeys?"

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Loser Attracts Empty Re: Loser Attracts

Thu Aug 06, 2015 8:41 pm
Perhaps, it was time that these memories be pushed aside or stored purely for Xyxer. Perhaps, Atlas could forge an identity of his own, one more compassionate.. perhaps one that could fake emotion to an even better level than the psychopath. That did sound interesting indeed, he could finally play at being human.. The feeling he had for Sameonna could perhaps be diluted and spread to everyone, a sense of respect and compassion for all. That would truly make a human, Atlas knew. Xyxer, however, did not think such a thing would be optimal.. If he maintained the mentality he had developed already, he would never have to fear about his emotions getting involved in what was best for his village. This mentality he had honed since his days in Old Kirigakure.. it had shaped him into a perfect killer, one without capability of remorse.. did he even understand remorse truly? Sitting down on the edge of the fall, he folded his legs over the wall and continued to gaze out into the vast ocean.. He would be a god if he was to fight on there, and he knew it. He could be a malevolent god that all feared.. or a righteous god that all were aweinspired by. Was there an inbetween? He did not know for certain, but he felt that with the intrusion of Atlas, there very well may need to be. Yes.. a personality capable of feeling for others.. that'd be.. refreshing.

His eyebrow perked up from behind the chicken mask that Xyxer had decided to note at a late time in the thread, so obviously that sentence was not needed but it was being added in order to further bolster his word count. "Why have you been to Konohgakure No Sato? Furthermore, what was it like there? I hear there has recently been a new Kage election, that tickles my fancy. Politics is a fickle thing, I hear." Atlas spoke to the boy. He was anticipating the growls and snarls of his puppies that were on the way here, he had requested one of the ANBU take his dogs for a brief walk to try and get rid of some of the energy they had bountiful amounts of, in fact, perhaps a little too much. Regardless, he would not be saying that when they got rid of their energy on the form of a chewy shinobi that dared irritate him.

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Loser Attracts Empty Re: Loser Attracts

Sat Aug 08, 2015 10:11 am
As Xyxer was not looking behind himself and was instead looking out into the horizon, he had assumed his shinobi would have enough collective wits to not expect him to be able to see what they're doing. Perhaps rumours of his demonic nature had been twisted and elongated? Who knows, and Xyxer truly didn't. Kozata had asked him a question about the new Hokage and said he had visited the forest.. Well, if he had visited the forest and killed one of their shinobi, it would not be a dangerous task in the slightest. What had happened to the men of old? The guardians of Konohagakure? Missing Shinobi strife in their village.. Some gods can be cruel, he noted to himself. "I sent a letter regarding my Hunter Ninja, perhaps I ought to visit and negotiate the terms of such an offer before he finds himself parted from his windpipe by an ambitious shinobi." He chuckled as the idea came into his mind, a bloodied hand slapping against the parchment still unrolled on his neat desk, struggling to find a solid foundation to hold itself up under it's quaking muscles, the essence of life spurting out in erratic bursts that a synchronized swimmer could only dream about matching. He allowed a sensible chuckle to escape at the idea of that, but Atlas soon threw it from his mind. Now was not the time to dwell on delirious thoughts, especially not when you were trying to tame the demon that had infected the body. In order to isolate the demon, he would need to find different purposes to tame it.. Sameonna had tamed it last, was it respect? Love? Admiration? He was unsure on what he would have called the bond between the two, perhaps a mixture of all, perhaps one sided, but he would not be able to find that out given her death. Hearing the barks of his dogs nearby, he allowed a small smirk to form upon his lips as he turned around and dropped from the wall, only now seeing that Kozata was still kneeling before the boy. He was, of course, amused by this event and simply waved with one hand in a simple gesture, "You may rise. I will be parting ways for now, but I am sure we will meet once more in the future. Good day." Nodding his head once to the boy, he'd take the metallic chains from the ANBU walking the trio of rascals and begin walking them himself, perhaps even throwing a smaller dog in to fight against the trio later that night, although, mysteriously, a part of him was condemning that thought.


2040 WC
+10 stats to Xyxer's Bitches [2000/2000]
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Loser Attracts Empty Re: Loser Attracts

Sun Aug 09, 2015 11:22 am
Approved @ Xyxer <3

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