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Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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His Poet, Confidante (Kasai) - Page 3 Empty Re: His Poet, Confidante (Kasai)

Sun Nov 16, 2014 10:11 pm
(yup yup, thought it would be more obvious)

Well it seems that Kasai didn't know he wasn't the only one who could manipulate attacks. The spear sailed beneath the fireballs as guided by his chakra, now headed towards Kasai's legs instead. If stood there he would be pierced through the leg and if he were to jump he probably would get a nice squelching sound from the low health stat verses the high strength, although hopefully he would find some way to dodge. However if Kasai were unable to dodge he would stop the spear mid-flight and it would disperse as a signal of the match being ended. Meanwhile, Navi was whining like a little girl in the background now that the two ninja were successfully distracted. " beak hurts..."

(Makussu at 130/300 and Navi at 80/100
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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His Poet, Confidante (Kasai) - Page 3 Empty Re: His Poet, Confidante (Kasai)

Mon Nov 17, 2014 8:09 pm
Kasai too could manipulate this jutsu mid air, however, he felt that it would not be fast enough. As he forced the fireballs down just like the spear did, Kasai began to brace himself, waiting till the last second. 
If the fireballs would still miss, which he believed they would, Kasai would leap as far upwards and forwards as possible. Hopefully, due to the spear flying at him, and him jumping at it, he would be able to jump clear over it without Makussu having time to switch its direction. 
Not being as fast as the spear, Kasai did not want to cut it too close, and jumped sooner rather than later in order to avoid being hurt. If all went according to plan, the spear would be flying too close to the ground due to his fire balls, and would not be able to swerve back upwards in time to hit him as he jumped over it. 
Kasai knew Makussu would not hit him with the attack, but he guessed that it would truly devastating to anyone whom he did hit with it. The spear looked very dangerous if it came in contact with something.
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
Survived 2021
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His Poet, Confidante (Kasai) - Page 3 Empty Re: His Poet, Confidante (Kasai)

Mon Nov 17, 2014 9:12 pm
Alright, time to pull some YOLO rag doll shit. The spear wouldn't be able to hit Kasai yes, but he hadn't anticipated the danger of another, now had he? Another would form and he would shunshin forward at a speed of 116 to allow the second spear to head towards Kasai at a much closer distance than before, limiting Kasai's options on what to do. Meanwhile, he would grab the other spear and redirect it from behind Kasai so that he would have two A-ranks flying at him. It was so excessive it was insane, but why not? Either way Kasai was in no real danger, seeing that he would be caught not only in the stabbing but the implosion that would occur right afterward in the spears. Meanwhile, Navi had stopping her moaning and settled herself in a closer tree branch to watch the show. What would Kasai do? "Hey! Hey listen, listen! You better move!"

(70/300 Makussu and 90/100)

Last edited by Makussu Koutaishi on Tue Nov 18, 2014 5:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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His Poet, Confidante (Kasai) - Page 3 Empty Re: His Poet, Confidante (Kasai)

Mon Nov 17, 2014 10:59 pm
Kasai saw the spear fly past him, and then heard Makussu form a second one. Kasai sighed. He doubted he would be able to dodge the second spear, and then, as he heard Makussu flew past him, the first again. No, Kasai felt this was the end of the spar, but hopefully not his life if Makussu stopped the spears. 
Kasai only had one chance at dodging the on coming attack. Quickly, as Kasai began to make a dash for the side, he began to form the hand signs for body flicker. 
He knew it was just slim chance that he would be able to dodge, moving at his speed of 40 until the body flicker kicked in, causing him to get boosted up to 68. Not much compared to the speed of his friend, but it was something. 
If unable to avoid the spears that flew at him, Kasai would halt immediately, signaling his defeat in this spar. 
He knew he would lose eventually; his friend was simply too fast for him to keep up. 
( 200 - 10 body flicker = 190 ap)
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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His Poet, Confidante (Kasai) - Page 3 Empty Re: His Poet, Confidante (Kasai)

Tue Nov 18, 2014 5:54 pm
Alright, time to finish this once and for all! His shunshin would flare again to keep him at his previous 116 speed so that he was right if front of Kasai and yet ANOTHER spear would be created in his hands, with the intention to throw if he didn't surrender. Meanwhile, the two spears while they wouldn't be able to make the angle would smash into each other and cause a shockwave of paper if they hit, of course this would only happen if Kasai didn't surrender. Makussu hoped he did, seeing as he was running insanely low on chakra with cornering his masked friend. Of course it  didn't show, he was too good for that to happen! Meanwhile, Navi had gathered some seeds from the foliage of the clearing and was munching on them like popcorn while watching the fight.

(Makussu at 10/300 and Navi at 100/100)
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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His Poet, Confidante (Kasai) - Page 3 Empty Re: His Poet, Confidante (Kasai)

Tue Nov 18, 2014 7:10 pm
As Makussu stepped in front of him, Kasai knew he had two options, and already decided which of the two to do. 
He knew that, moving at the speed he was at, he could simply slam himself into Makussu. He knew this would be dangerous, most likely toppling over both of them. With the explosion that would happen behind him, and the spear that Makussu now held, both of them would likely take a fair amount of damage.
No, Kasai knew when a fight was over.
Stopping as abruptly as possible, Kasai stopped all his movement at once. Seeing how Makussu would not hit him, and the spears behind him stopped, Kasai would bow to his friend. 
"It seems friend, that you have been training much more than I, and have gotten faster than I will be for quite some time. It is very impressive, and I am afraid that, currently, I cannot compete with you. Thank you for the spar, though," Kasai said, before bowing his head at the bird next.
"Thank you as well, feathered one."
He was very impressed with Makussu's speed, and this new, very powerful jutsu that he had just learned. His friend was very powerful, and would go far in the future of Shinobi, whatever that future may be. 
(I'll exit after you, if this is an exit)
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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His Poet, Confidante (Kasai) - Page 3 Empty Re: His Poet, Confidante (Kasai)

Tue Nov 18, 2014 7:39 pm
At last! It was over! As if it were all a dream his form would revert and he would become flesh once more, the spears that had been haunting Kasai all but scattered in the wind, they no longer being needed for any purpose. “Well, I can say that I had a very good match Kasai. To be honest, you almost had me there.” He would then smile before abruptedly dispelling Navi with a poof of smoke. Turning around to exit the clearing he would yell over his shoulder, “I’ll see you soon, I got to do something important first!” He would then leave the ashen clearing behind, all thoughts gone but for finding Aoi.

total word count 2523

+12 stats

+ realised that I had claimed words for a V5 tech (Spiralling Wind Ball) so can I get Gale Palm instead? (same word count)

+using the remaining 1581 towards Rasengan
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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His Poet, Confidante (Kasai) - Page 3 Empty Re: His Poet, Confidante (Kasai)

Tue Nov 18, 2014 7:51 pm
Kasai bowed once more, watching his friend run off with his companion.
He knew what he had to search out now. 
"Until next time, my friend."
[2815 total word count. Requesting 14 stats, 1,00 words towards Great Dragon Fire (2,000/3,000) and 1,500 towards chakra sensing (500/1k)]
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His Poet, Confidante (Kasai) - Page 3 Empty Re: His Poet, Confidante (Kasai)

Tue Nov 18, 2014 9:03 pm
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